Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 # Copyright 2014 Open Source Robotics Foundation, Inc.
00002 #
00003 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00004 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00005 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
00006 #
00007 #
00008 #
00009 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00010 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00011 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00012 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00013 # limitations under the License.
00015 """
00016 This module implements a ROS node which profiles the resource usage of each node
00017 process being run on the machine, as well as the resources of the host itself.
00018 This information is published on the topics /node_statistics and /host_statistics.
00020 """
00022 import hashlib
00023 import os
00024 import re
00025 import threading
00026 import xmlrpclib
00028 import rospy
00029 import rosgraph
00030 import rosnode
00031 from rosgraph.names import is_legal_name
00033 from ros_statistics_msgs.msg import NodeStatistics
00034 from ros_statistics_msgs.msg import HostStatistics
00036 from host_monitor import HostMonitor
00037 from node_monitor import NodeMonitor
00040 def get_ros_hostname():
00041     """ Try to get ROS_HOSTNAME environment variable.
00042     returns: a ROS compatible hostname, or None.
00043     """
00044     ros_hostname = os.environ.get('ROS_HOSTNAME')
00045     return ros_hostname if is_legal_name(ros_hostname) else None
00048 def get_ros_ip():
00049     """ Try to get the ROS_IP environment variable as a valid name.
00050     Returns: an ip address with '.' replaced with '_', or None if not set.
00051     """
00052     ros_ip = os.environ.get('ROS_IP')
00053     if isinstance(ros_ip, str):
00054         ros_ip = re.sub('\.', '_', ros_ip)
00055     return ros_ip
00058 def get_sys_hostname():
00059     """ If the system hostname is also a valid ROS name, return the hostname.
00060     Otherwise, return the first 6 digits of the md5sum of the hostname
00061     """
00062     hostname =
00063     return hostname if is_legal_name(hostname) else hashlib.md5(hostname).hexdigest()[:6]
00066 class Profiler(object):
00067     """ """
00068     def __init__(self, sample_rate=None, update_rate=None):
00069         self.sample_rate = sample_rate or rospy.Duration(0.1)
00070         self.update_rate = update_rate or rospy.Duration(2)
00072         # Generate a ROS compatible node name using the following options.
00073         # Preference Order: 1) ROS_HOSTNAME, 2) ROS_IP w/ underscores (10_0_0_5)
00074         # 3) hostname (if it is ROS naming compatible), 4) hashed hostname
00075         nodename = get_ros_hostname() or get_ros_ip() or get_sys_hostname()
00077         rospy.init_node('rosprofiler_%s' % nodename)
00078         self._master = rosgraph.Master(rospy.names.get_name()[1:])
00080         self._lock = threading.Lock()
00081         self._monitor_timer = None
00082         self._publisher_timer = None
00083         self._graphupdate_timer = None
00085         # Data Structure for collecting information about the host
00086         self._host_monitor = HostMonitor()
00088         self._node_publisher = rospy.Publisher('node_statistics', NodeStatistics, queue_size=10)
00089         self._host_publisher = rospy.Publisher('host_statistics', HostStatistics, queue_size=10)
00091         # Processes we are watching
00092         self._nodes = dict()
00094     def start(self):
00095         """ Starts the Profiler
00096         :raises: ROSInitException when /enable_statistics has not been set to True
00097         """
00098         # Make sure that /enable_statistics is set
00099         if not rospy.get_param('/enable_statistics', False):
00100             raise rospy.ROSInitException("Rosparam '/enable_statistics' has not been set to true. Aborting")
00102         if self._monitor_timer is not None:
00103             raise Exception("Monitor Timer already started!")
00104         if self._graphupdate_timer is not None:
00105             raise Exception("Graph Update Timer already started!")
00106         if self._publisher_timer is not None:
00107             raise Exception("Publisher Timer already started!")
00109         # Initialize process list
00110         self._update_node_list()
00111         # Make sure all nodes are starting out blank
00112         for node in self._nodes.values():
00113             node.reset()
00114         # Start Timers
00115         self._monitor_timer = rospy.Timer(self.sample_rate, self._collect_data)
00116         self._publisher_timer = rospy.Timer(self.update_rate, self._publish_data)
00117         self._graphupdate_timer = rospy.Timer(self.update_rate, self._update_node_list)
00119     def stop(self):
00120         timers = [self._monitor_timer, self._publisher_timer, self._graphupdate_timer]
00121         timers = [timer for timer in timers if timer is not None]
00122         for timer in timers:
00123             timer.shutdown()
00124         for timer in timers:
00125             timer.join()
00127     def _update_node_list(self, event=None):
00128         """ Contacts the master using xmlrpc to determine what processes to watch """
00129         nodenames = rosnode.get_nodes_by_machine(
00130         # Lock data structures while making changes
00131         with self._lock:
00132             # Remove Node monitors for processes that no longer exist
00133             for name in self._nodes.keys():
00134                 if not self._nodes[name].is_running():
00135                     rospy.loginfo("Removing Monitor for '%s'" % name)
00136                     self._nodes.pop(name)
00137             # Add node monitors for nodes on this machine we are not already monitoring
00138             for name in nodenames:
00139                 if name not in self._nodes:
00140                     rospy.loginfo("Adding Monitor for '%s'" % name)
00141                     try:
00142                         uri = self._master.lookupNode(name)
00143                         code, msg, pid = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(uri).getPid('/NODEINFO')
00144                         node = NodeMonitor(name, uri, pid)
00145                     except rosgraph.masterapi.MasterError:
00146                         rospy.logerr("WARNING: MasterAPI Error trying to contact '%s', skipping" % name)
00147                         continue
00148                     except xmlrpclib.socket.error:
00149                         rospy.logerr("WANRING: XML RPC ERROR contacting '%s', skipping" % name)
00150                         continue
00151                     self._nodes[name] = node
00153     def _collect_data(self, event=None):
00154         """ Collects data about the host and nodes """
00155         with self._lock:
00156             # Collect data about the host
00157             self._host_monitor.update()
00158             # Collect data about the processes
00159             for node in self._nodes.values():
00160                 if node.is_running():
00161                     node.update()
00163     def _publish_data(self, event=None):
00164         """ Publishes data about the host and processing running on it. """
00165         with self._lock:
00166             rospy.logdebug("Publish data")
00167             # Publish the Hosts Statistics
00168             self._host_publisher.publish(self._host_monitor.get_statistics())
00169             self._host_monitor.reset()
00171             # Publish Each Node's statistics
00172             for node in self._nodes.values():
00173                 self._node_publisher.publish(node.get_statistics())
00174                 node.reset()

Author(s): Dan Brooks
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 18:15:05