Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00002 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
00005 import wave
00006 import StringIO
00007 from functools import wraps
00008 from exceptions import ParameterException
00009 from exceptions import UnsupportedLanguageException
00010 from exceptions import InvalidAudioDataException
00013 def accepts(**types):
00014     """ check function argument types
00016     @param types: parameter types (kwdict)
00017     @type  types: dict
00018     @raise ParameterException: parameter type exception
00019     """
00020     def check_accepts(f):
00021         @wraps(f)
00022         def wrapper(*args, **kwds):
00023             for cnt, val in enumerate(args):
00024                 value_type = f.func_code.co_varnames[cnt]
00025                 if value_type in types and \
00026                         not isinstance(val, types[value_type]):
00027                     raise ParameterException(
00028                         "argument '%s'=%r does not match %s" % (
00029                             value_type,
00030                             val,
00031                             types[value_type]
00032                         )
00033                     )
00034                     del types[f.func_code.co_varnames[cnt]]
00036             for key, val in kwds.iteritems():
00037                 if key in types and not isinstance(val, types[key]):
00038                     raise ParameterException(
00039                         "argument '%s'=%r does not match %s" % (
00040                             key,
00041                             val,
00042                             types[key]
00043                         )
00044                     )
00045             return f(*args, **kwds)
00046         return wrapper
00047     return check_accepts
00050 def check_wave_data(data, framerate, nchannel, sampwidth, maxlength):
00051     """ check wave file error.
00053     @param data: parameter data
00054     @type  data: str
00055     @param framerate: wave file framerate
00056     @type  framerate: int
00057     @param nchannel: wave file channel
00058     @type  nchannel: int
00059     @param sampwidth: sampling width (1=>8bit, 2=>16bit, 4=>32bit)
00060     @type  sampwidth: int
00061     @param maxlength: max wave length [ms]
00062     @type  maxlength: int
00063     @raises InvalidAudioDataException
00064     """
00065     try:
00066         wav_buffer = StringIO.StringIO(data)
00067         wav_file =, 'rb')
00068         framerate_ = wav_file.getframerate()
00069         sampwidth_ = wav_file.getsampwidth()
00070         channels_ = wav_file.getnchannels()
00071         nframes_ = wav_file.getnframes()
00073         read_data = wav_file.readframes(nframes_)
00074         read_data_size = len(read_data)
00075         header_data_size = sampwidth_ * channels_ * nframes_
00076         wave_length_ = int(
00077             float(wav_file.getnframes()) / wav_file.getframerate() * 1000.0
00078         )
00080         if framerate_ != framerate:
00081             msg = 'the wav file frame rate MUST be %d. curr: %d' % (
00082                 framerate,
00083                 framerate_
00084             )
00085             raise InvalidAudioDataException(msg)
00087         if sampwidth_ != sampwidth:
00088             msg = 'the wav file samplewidth MUST be %dbit. curr: %d' % (
00089                 sampwidth*8,
00090                 sampwidth_*8
00091             )
00092             raise InvalidAudioDataException(msg)
00094         if channels_ != nchannel:
00095             msg = 'the wav file channels MUST be %d. curr: %d' % (
00096                 nchannel,
00097                 channels_
00098             )
00099             raise InvalidAudioDataException(msg)
00101         if header_data_size != read_data_size:
00102             msg = 'the wav file is broken. data_size(by header): '\
00103                   '%d data_size(by data): %d' % (
00104                         header_data_size,
00105                         read_data_size
00106                     )
00107             raise InvalidAudioDataException(msg)
00109         if wave_length_ > maxlength:
00110             msg = 'the playing time of the wav file is too long. '\
00111                   'max %d[ms] curr: %d[ms]' % (
00112                         maxlength,
00113                         wave_length_
00114                     )
00115             raise InvalidAudioDataException(msg)
00117         if wave_length_ == 0:
00118             msg = 'the playing time of the wav file is zero.'
00119             raise InvalidAudioDataException(msg)
00121     except wave.Error as err:
00122         msg = 'the input audio data MUST be wav format. '\
00123               'Exception: %s' % str(err)
00124         raise InvalidAudioDataException(msg)
00127 def check_language(language, supported_languages):
00128     """ check supported language
00130     @param param_name: check parameter name
00131     @type  param_name: str
00132     @param languages: supported languages in the client
00133     @type  languages: list
00134     @raises UnsupportedLanguageException
00135     """
00136     # check supported language
00137     if language not in supported_languages:
00138         msg = '%s is unsupported language. supported languages are %s' % (
00139             language,
00140             supported_languages
00141         )
00142         raise UnsupportedLanguageException(msg)

Author(s): Komei Sugiura
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 18:53:10