Source code for rocon_python_comms.topics

# License: BSD
# Description

.. module:: topics
   :platform: Unix
   :synopsis: Useful methods relating to ros topics.

This module contains anything relating to introspection or manipulation
of ros topics.


# Imports

import rospy
import time
import rostopic

from .exceptions import NotFoundException

# Find topics/services

[docs]def find_topic(topic_type, timeout=rospy.rostime.Duration(5.0), unique=False): ''' Do a lookup to find topics of the type specified. It can apply the additional logic of whether this should return a single unique result, or a list. Under the hood this calls out to the ros master for a list of registered topics and it parses that to determine the result. If nothing is found, it loops around internally on a 100ms loop until the result is found or the specified timeout is reached. This will raise exceptions if it times out or returns multiple values. Usage: .. code-block:: python from rocon_python_comms import find_topic try: pairing_topic_name = find_topic('rocon_interaction_msgs/Pair', timeout=rospy.rostime.Duration(0.5), unique=True) except rocon_python_comms.NotFoundException as e: rospy.logwarn("support for interactions disabled") :param str topic_type: topic type specification, e.g. rocon_std_msgs/MasterInfo :param rospy.rostime.Duration timeout: raise an exception if nothing is found before this timeout occurs. :param bool unique: flag to select the lookup behaviour (single/multiple results) :returns: the fully resolved name of the topic (unique) or list of names (non-unique) :rtype: str :raises: :exc:`.NotFoundException` if no topic is found within the timeout ''' topic_name = None topic_names = [] timeout_time = time.time() + timeout.to_sec() while not rospy.is_shutdown() and time.time() < timeout_time and not topic_names: try: topic_names = rostopic.find_by_type(topic_type) except rostopic.ROSTopicException: raise NotFoundException("ros shutdown") if unique: if len(topic_names) > 1: raise NotFoundException("multiple topics found %s." % topic_names) elif len(topic_names) == 1: topic_name = topic_names[0] if not topic_names: rospy.rostime.wallsleep(0.1) if not topic_names: raise NotFoundException("timed out") return topic_name if topic_name else topic_names