Source code for rocon_python_comms.service_pair_client

# License: BSD
# Description

.. module:: service_pair_client
   :platform: Unix
   :synopsis: Client side api for communicating across a rocon service pair.

This module contains the client side api for communicating across a rocon
service pair. A `facade pattern`_ is used here to simplify the interaction with
the client side publisher and subscriber.

.. include:: weblinks.rst


# Imports

import threading
import time
import rospy
import uuid
import unique_id
import functools

# Local imports
from .exceptions import ServicePairException

# Request Handlers

class RequestHandlerBase(object):

    def __init__(self, key):
        self.key = key  # uuid hexstring key (the request_handlers key)
        self.response = None

class BlockingRequestHandler(RequestHandlerBase):

    def __init__(self, key):
        super(BlockingRequestHandler, self).__init__(key)
        self.event = threading.Event()

class NonBlockingRequestHandler(RequestHandlerBase):

    def __init__(self, key, callback, error_callback):
        super(NonBlockingRequestHandler, self).__init__(key)
        self.timer = None
        self.callback = callback
        self.error_callback = error_callback

    def copy(self):
          The deepcopy function has some issues (related to threads),
          so using this independant copy method here. Note that this only
          ever gets used for non-blocking calls to help handle the
          race conditions between timeout handling and normal callback
        new_copy = NonBlockingRequestHandler(self.key, self.callback, self.error_callback)
        new_copy.timer = self.timer
        return new_copy

# Client Class

[docs]class ServicePairClient(object): ''' The client side of a pubsub service pair.This class provides a simplified api for handling requests/responses on the pubsub pair (client side). Although the development of this class was for non-blocking request-response behaviour, it does support legacy style blocking behavious as well. **Usage (Non-Blocking):** .. code-block:: python #!/usr/bin/env python import rospy from chatter.msg import ChatterRequest, ChatterResponse, ChatterPair from rocon_python_comms import ServicePairClient import unique_id class ChatterClient(object): def __init__(self): self.response = None self.client = ServicePairClient('chatter', ChatterPair) self.client.wait_for_service(rospy.Duration(3.0)) # should catch some exceptions here in case of timeouts self.request_id = self.client(ChatterRequest("Hello dude"), timeout=rospy.Duration(3.0), callback=self.callback) rospy.loginfo("Request id %s" % unique_id.toHexString(self.request_id)) if self.response is not None: print("Response %s" % self.response) def callback(self, request_id, msg): # ideally you'd check request_id against self.request_id self.response = msg rospy.loginfo("Got the response: %s" % msg) if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('chatter_client', anonymous=True) chatter_client = ChatterClient() rospy.spin() **Usage (Blocking):** .. code-block:: python #!/usr/bin/env python import rospy from chatter.msg import ChatterRequest, ChatterResponse, ChatterPair from rocon_python_comms import ServicePairClient import unique_id class ChatterClient(object): def __init__(self): self.response = None self.client = ServicePairClient('chatter', ChatterPair) self.client.wait_for_service(rospy.Duration(3.0)) # should catch some exceptions here in case of timeouts self.response = self.client(ChatterRequest("Hello dude"), timeout=rospy.Duration(3.0)) if self.response is not None: print("Response %s" % self.response) if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('chatter_client', anonymous=True) chatter_client = ChatterClient() rospy.spin() ''' __slots__ = [ '_publisher', '_subscriber', '_request_handlers', # initiate, track and execute requests with these { hex string ids : dic of RequestHandler objects (Blocking/NonBlocking) } 'ServicePairSpec', 'ServicePairRequest', 'ServicePairResponse', '_lock' # prevent race conditions in handling of non-blocking callbacks and timeouts. ] ########################################################################## # Initialisation ##########################################################################
[docs] def __init__(self, name, ServicePairSpec): ''' :param str name: resource name of service pair (e.g. testies for pair topics testies/request, testies/response) :param str ServicePairSpec: the pair type (e.g. rocon_service_pair_msgs.msg.TestiesPair) ''' try: p = ServicePairSpec() self.ServicePairSpec = ServicePairSpec """Base message type for this pair.""" self.ServicePairRequest = type(p.pair_request) """Request msg type for this pair <ServicePairSpec>Request.""" self.ServicePairResponse = type(p.pair_response) """Response msg type for this pair <ServicePairSpec>Response.""" except AttributeError: raise ServicePairException("Type is not an pair spec: %s" % str(ServicePairSpec)) self._lock = threading.Lock() self._subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(name + "/response", self.ServicePairResponse, self._internal_callback) self._publisher = rospy.Publisher(name + "/request", self.ServicePairRequest, queue_size=5) self._request_handlers = {} # [uuid_msgs/UniqueId]
[docs] def wait_for_service(self, timeout): ''' Waits for the service pair server to appear. :param rospy.Duration timeout: time to wait for data :raises: rospy.ROSException if specified timeout is exceeded :raises: rospy.ROSInterruptException if shutdown interrupts wait ''' timeout_time = time.time() + timeout.to_sec() while not rospy.is_shutdown() and time.time() < timeout_time: if self._subscriber.get_num_connections() > 0 and self._publisher.get_num_connections() > 0: return rospy.rostime.wallsleep(0.1) if rospy.is_shutdown(): raise rospy.ROSInterruptException("rospy shutdown") else: raise rospy.ROSException("timeout exceeded while waiting for service pair server %s" % self._subscriber.resolved_name[:-len('/response')]) ########################################################################## # Execute Blocking/NonBlocking ##########################################################################
[docs] def __call__(self, msg, timeout=None, callback=None, error_callback=None): ''' Initiates and executes the client request to the server. The type of arguments supplied determines whether to apply blocking or non-blocking behaviour. If no callback is supplied, the mode is blocking, otherwise non-blocking. If no timeout is specified, then a return of None indicates that the operation timed out. :param msg: the request message :type msg: <name>Request :param rospy.Duration timeout: time to wait for data :param callback: user callback invoked for responses of non-blocking calls :type callback: method with arguments (uuid_msgs.UniqueID, <name>Response) :returns: msg/id for blocking calls it is the response message, for non-blocking it is the unique id :rtype: <name>Response/uuid_msgs.UniqueID or None (if timed out) ''' pair_request_msg = self.ServicePairRequest() = unique_id.toMsg(unique_id.fromRandom()) pair_request_msg.request = msg key = unique_id.toHexString( if callback == None and error_callback == None: self._request_handlers[key] = BlockingRequestHandler(key) return self._make_blocking_call(self._request_handlers[key], pair_request_msg, timeout) else: request_handler = NonBlockingRequestHandler(key, callback, error_callback) self._request_handlers[key] = request_handler.copy() self._make_non_blocking_call(request_handler, pair_request_msg, timeout) return ########################################################################## # Private Support Methods ##########################################################################
def _make_blocking_call(self, request_handler, msg, timeout): ''' :param request_handler: information and event handler for the request :type request_handler: :class:`.RequestHandler` :param msg: the request pair message structure :type msg: ServicePairRequest ''' self._publisher.publish(msg) if timeout is None: request_handler.event.wait() else: request_handler.event.wait(timeout.to_sec()) if request_handler.response is not None: response = request_handler.response else: response = None del self._request_handlers[request_handler.key] return response def _make_non_blocking_call(self, request_handler, msg, timeout): ''' :param request_handler: a copy of information and event handler for the request (used for the timer) :type request_handler: :class:`.RequestHandler` :param msg: the request pair message structure :type msg: ServicePairRequest ''' self._publisher.publish(msg) if timeout is not None: # bind the key so the timer callback knows which request to handle. delete_request_handler = functools.partial(self._timer_callback, request_handler=request_handler) request_handler.timer = rospy.Timer(timeout, delete_request_handler, oneshot=True) def _timer_callback(self, unused_event, request_handler): ''' Handle a timeout for non-blocking requests. This will call the user's defined error callback function (with args: (uuid_msgs.UniqueID, str)). :param event: regular rospy timer event object (not used) :param request_handler: a copy of the handler that gets bound when this callback is passed into the timer :type request_handler: :class:`.NonBlockingRequestHandler` :todo: respond on the error callback. ''' already_handled = False self._lock.acquire() try: del self._request_handlers[request_handler.key] except KeyError: already_handled = True self._lock.release() if not already_handled: if request_handler.error_callback is not None: request_handler.error_callback(unique_id.toMsg(uuid.UUID(request_handler.key)), "timeout") def _internal_callback(self, msg): ''' :param msg: message returned from the server (with pair id etc) :type msg: ServicePairResponse ''' # Check if it is a blocking call that has requested it. key = unique_id.toHexString( already_handled = False non_blocking_request_handler = None self._lock.acquire() try: request_handler = self._request_handlers[key] request_handler.response = msg.response if isinstance(request_handler, BlockingRequestHandler): request_handler.event.set() already_handled = True else: # NonBlocking # make a copy and delete so we can release the lock. Process after. non_blocking_request_handler = request_handler.copy() del self._request_handlers[key] except KeyError: already_handled = True # it's either a blocking, or a non-blocking call handled by the timeout self._lock.release() if not already_handled: # Could use EAFP approach here since they will almost never be None, but this is more readable if non_blocking_request_handler.callback is not None: request_handler.callback(, msg.response)