File: roch_msgs/SensorState.msg
Raw Message Definition
# roch Sensor Data Messages
# For more direct simple interactions (buttons, leds, gyro, motor velocity
# etc) use the other topics. This provides detailed information about the
# entire state package that is transmitted at 50Hz from the robot.
###### CONSTANTS ######
# Wheel drop sensor states (states are combined, when both wheel drop sensors are triggered)
uint8 RAISED = 0
uint8 DROPPED = 1
# Cliff sensor states (states are combined, when multiple cliff sensors are triggered)
uint8 FLOOR = 0
uint8 CLIFF = 1
# Ult/psd sensor states (states are combined, when multiple ult sensors are triggered)
uint8 NORMAL = 0
uint8 NEAR = 1
###### MESSAGE ######
Header header
# Core Packet
uint8 leftwheel_drop # see wheel drop sensor states
uint8 rightwheel_drop # see wheel drop sensor states
uint8 leftcliff # see cliff sensor states
uint8 rightcliff # see cliff sensor states
uint8 leftult # see ult sensor states
uint8 centerult # see ult sensor states
uint8 rightult # see ult sensor states
uint8 leftpsd # see psd sensor states
uint8 centerpsd # see psd sensor states
uint8 rightpsd # see psd sensor states
# Cliff Packet
float64[] cliffbottom # ADC output of the right, centre, left cliff PSD sensor (0 - 0.2(meter), distance measure is non-linear)
# Ult Packet
float64[] ultbottom # ADC output of the right, centre, left Ult sensor (0 - 0.6(meter), distance measure is non-linear)
# PSD Packet
float64[] psdbottom # ADC output of the right, centre, left PSD sensor (0 - 0.2(meter), distance measure is non-linear)
Compact Message Definition
uint8 RAISED=0
uint8 DROPPED=1
uint8 FLOOR=0
uint8 CLIFF=1
uint8 NORMAL=0
uint8 NEAR=1
std_msgs/Header header
uint8 leftwheel_drop
uint8 rightwheel_drop
uint8 leftcliff
uint8 rightcliff
uint8 leftult
uint8 centerult
uint8 rightult
uint8 leftpsd
uint8 centerpsd
uint8 rightpsd
float64[] cliffbottom
float64[] ultbottom
float64[] psdbottom