rl_env Documentation


rl_env is is a package containing reinforcement learning (RL) environments.

rl_env is is a package containing reinforcement learning (RL) environments.

These environments include gridworlds, taxi, mountain car, cart-pole, and a simulation of the texas ART car. There are some options to change variables of these environments:

Call env --env type [options]

Env types: taxi tworooms fourrooms energy fuelworld mcar cartpole car2to7 car7to2 carrandom stocks


--seed value (integer seed for random number generator)

--deterministic (deterministic version of domain)

--stochastic (stochastic version of domain)

--delay value (# steps of action delay (for mcar and tworooms)

--lag (turn on brake lag for car driving domain)

--highvar (have variation fuel costs in Fuel World)

--nsectors value (# sectors for stocks domain)

--nstocks value (# stocks for stocks domain)

--prints (turn on debug printing of actions/rewards)


There are a variety of domains provided in this package. Here are a few examples:

CartPole provides source for the CartPole balancing task.

FuelRooms provides code for the Fuel World task.

RobotCarVel provides code for the car velocity control simulation.

autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 22:00:24