Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //$$ hholder.cpp                                   QR decomposition
00003 // Copyright (C) 1991,2,3,4: R B Davies
00005 #define WANT_MATH
00007 #include "include.h"
00009 #include "newmatap.h"
00011 #ifdef use_namespace
00012 namespace NEWMAT {
00013 #endif
00015 #ifdef DO_REPORT
00016 #define REPORT { static ExeCounter ExeCount(__LINE__,16); ++ExeCount; }
00017 #else
00018 #define REPORT {}
00019 #endif
00022 /*************************** QR decompositions ***************************/
00024 inline Real square(Real x) { return x*x; }
00026 void QRZT(Matrix& X, LowerTriangularMatrix& L)
00027 {
00028    REPORT
00029         Tracer et("QZT(1)");
00030    int n = X.Ncols(); int s = X.Nrows(); L.ReSize(s);
00031    Real* xi = X.Store(); int k;
00032    for (int i=0; i<s; i++)
00033    {
00034       Real sum = 0.0;
00035       Real* xi0=xi; k=n; while(k--) { sum += square(*xi++); }
00036       sum = sqrt(sum);
00037       L.element(i,i) = sum;
00038       if (sum==0.0) Throw(SingularException(L));
00039       Real* xj0=xi0; k=n; while(k--) { *xj0++ /= sum; }
00040       for (int j=i+1; j<s; j++)
00041       {
00042          sum=0.0;
00043          xi=xi0; Real* xj=xj0; k=n; while(k--) { sum += *xi++ * *xj++; }
00044          xi=xi0; k=n; while(k--) { *xj0++ -= sum * *xi++; }
00045          L.element(j,i) = sum;
00046       }
00047    }
00048 }
00050 void QRZT(const Matrix& X, Matrix& Y, Matrix& M)
00051 {
00052    REPORT
00053    Tracer et("QRZT(2)");
00054    int n = X.Ncols(); int s = X.Nrows(); int t = Y.Nrows();
00055    if (Y.Ncols() != n)
00056       { Throw(ProgramException("Unequal row lengths",X,Y)); }
00057    M.ReSize(t,s);
00058    Real* xi = X.Store(); int k;
00059    for (int i=0; i<s; i++)
00060    {
00061       Real* xj0 = Y.Store(); Real* xi0 = xi;
00062       for (int j=0; j<t; j++)
00063       {
00064          Real sum=0.0;
00065          xi=xi0; Real* xj=xj0; k=n; while(k--) { sum += *xi++ * *xj++; }
00066          xi=xi0; k=n; while(k--) { *xj0++ -= sum * *xi++; }
00067          M.element(j,i) = sum;
00068       }
00069    }
00070 }
00072 /*
00073 void QRZ(Matrix& X, UpperTriangularMatrix& U)
00074 {
00075         Tracer et("QRZ(1)");
00076         int n = X.Nrows(); int s = X.Ncols(); U.ReSize(s);
00077         Real* xi0 = X.Store(); int k;
00078         for (int i=0; i<s; i++)
00079         {
00080                 Real sum = 0.0;
00081                 Real* xi = xi0; k=n; while(k--) { sum += square(*xi); xi+=s; }
00082                 sum = sqrt(sum);
00083                 U.element(i,i) = sum;
00084                 if (sum==0.0) Throw(SingularException(U));
00085                 Real* xj0=xi0; k=n; while(k--) { *xj0 /= sum; xj0+=s; }
00086                 xj0 = xi0;
00087                 for (int j=i+1; j<s; j++)
00088                 {
00089                         sum=0.0;
00090                         xi=xi0; k=n; xj0++; Real* xj=xj0;
00091                         while(k--) { sum += *xi * *xj; xi+=s; xj+=s; }
00092                         xi=xi0; k=n; xj=xj0;
00093                         while(k--) { *xj -= sum * *xi; xj+=s; xi+=s; }
00094                         U.element(i,j) = sum;
00095                 }
00096                 xi0++;
00097         }
00098 }
00099 */
00101 void QRZ(Matrix& X, UpperTriangularMatrix& U)
00102 {
00103    REPORT
00104    Tracer et("QRZ(1)");
00105    int n = X.Nrows(); int s = X.Ncols(); U.ReSize(s); U = 0.0;
00106    Real* xi0 = X.Store(); Real* u0 = U.Store(); Real* u;
00107    int j, k; int J = s; int i = s;
00108    while (i--)
00109    {
00110       Real* xj0 = xi0; Real* xi = xi0; k = n;
00111       if (k) for (;;)
00112       {
00113          u = u0; Real Xi = *xi; Real* xj = xj0;
00114          j = J; while(j--) *u++ += Xi * *xj++;
00115          if (!(--k)) break;
00116          xi += s; xj0 += s;
00117       }
00119       Real sum = sqrt(*u0); *u0 = sum; u = u0+1;
00120       if (sum == 0.0) Throw(SingularException(U));
00121       int J1 = J-1; j = J1; while(j--) *u++ /= sum;
00123       xj0 = xi0; xi = xi0++; k = n;
00124       if (k) for (;;)
00125       {
00126          u = u0+1; Real Xi = *xi; Real* xj = xj0;
00127          Xi /= sum; *xj++ = Xi;
00128          j = J1; while(j--) *xj++ -= *u++ * Xi;
00129          if (!(--k)) break;
00130               xi += s; xj0 += s;
00131       }
00132       u0 += J--;
00133    }
00134 }
00136 void QRZ(const Matrix& X, Matrix& Y, Matrix& M)
00137 {
00138    REPORT
00139    Tracer et("QRZ(2)");
00140    int n = X.Nrows(); int s = X.Ncols(); int t = Y.Ncols();
00141    if (Y.Nrows() != n)
00142       { Throw(ProgramException("Unequal column lengths",X,Y)); }
00143    M.ReSize(s,t); M = 0;Real* m0 = M.Store(); Real* m;
00144    Real* xi0 = X.Store();
00145    int j, k; int i = s;
00146    while (i--)
00147    {
00148       Real* xj0 = Y.Store(); Real* xi = xi0; k = n;
00149       if (k) for (;;)
00150       {
00151          m = m0; Real Xi = *xi; Real* xj = xj0;
00152          j = t; while(j--) *m++ += Xi * *xj++;
00153          if (!(--k)) break;
00154          xi += s; xj0 += t;
00155       }
00157       xj0 = Y.Store(); xi = xi0++; k = n;
00158       if (k) for (;;)
00159       {
00160          m = m0; Real Xi = *xi; Real* xj = xj0;
00161          j = t; while(j--) *xj++ -= *m++ * Xi;
00162          if (!(--k)) break;
00163          xi += s; xj0 += t;
00164       }
00165       m0 += t;
00166    }
00167 }
00169 /*
00171 void QRZ(const Matrix& X, Matrix& Y, Matrix& M)
00172 {
00173         Tracer et("QRZ(2)");
00174         int n = X.Nrows(); int s = X.Ncols(); int t = Y.Ncols();
00175         if (Y.Nrows() != n)
00176         { Throw(ProgramException("Unequal column lengths",X,Y)); }
00177         M.ReSize(s,t);
00178         Real* xi0 = X.Store(); int k;
00179         for (int i=0; i<s; i++)
00180         {
00181                 Real* xj0 = Y.Store();
00182                 for (int j=0; j<t; j++)
00183                 {
00184                         Real sum=0.0;
00185                         Real* xi=xi0; Real* xj=xj0; k=n;
00186                         while(k--) { sum += *xi * *xj; xi+=s; xj+=t; }
00187                         xi=xi0; k=n; xj=xj0++;
00188                         while(k--) { *xj -= sum * *xi; xj+=t; xi+=s; }
00189                         M.element(i,j) = sum;
00190                 }
00191                 xi0++;
00192         }
00193 }
00194 */
00196 #ifdef use_namespace
00197 }
00198 #endif

Author(s): Todd Hester
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 22:00:13