File: r2_msgs/PriorityArray.msg
Raw Message Definition
# axis_priorities must be 0, 1, or 6 elements
# empty defaults to high, 1 sets all axes equal priority, 6 sets each axis (x, y, z, r, p, y)
uint8[] axis_priorities
uint8 IGNORE = 0 # Exclude from trajectory
uint8 CRITICAL = 1 # Most important priority in trajectory
uint8 HIGH = 2 # Second most important priority in trajectory
uint8 MEDIUM = 3 # Medium prioirty in trajectory
uint8 LOW = 4 # Low priority in trajectory
uint8 OPT = 5 # Optimize trajectory (solve for, but do not iterate to achieve)
#uint8 IGNORE = 0
#uint8 LOW = 1
#uint8 MEDIUM = 128
#uint8 HIGH = 254
#uint8 CRITICAL = 255
Compact Message Definition
uint8 IGNORE=0
uint8 CRITICAL=1
uint8 HIGH=2
uint8 MEDIUM=3
uint8 LOW=4
uint8 OPT=5
uint8[] axis_priorities