Go to the documentation of this file.00001
00002 import roslib
00003 import rospy
00004 import os
00006 import actionlib
00007 import pddl_msgs
00008 from pddl_msgs.msg import *
00010 import sys
00011 import unittest
00013 class TestPddlPlanner(unittest.TestCase):
00015 def test_pddl_planner(self):
00016 client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('pddl_planner',
00017 PDDLPlannerAction)
00018 client.wait_for_server()
00019 goal = PDDLPlannerGoal()
00020 goal.domain.name = "manip"
00021 goal.domain.requirements = ":typing"
00022 goal.domain.types = "object"
00023 goal.domain.predicates = ["(on ?obj0 ?obj1 - object)",
00024 "(clear ?obj - object)",
00025 "(ontable ?obj - object)",
00026 "(holding ?obj - object)",
00027 "(handempty)"]
00028 pickup = PDDLAction()
00029 pickup.name = "pickup"
00030 pickup.parameters = "(?obj - object)"
00031 pickup.precondition = "(and (ontable ?obj) (clear ?obj) (handempty))"
00032 pickup.effect = """(and (not (ontable ?obj)) (not (clear ?obj)) (not (handempty)) (holding ?obj))"""
00033 putdown = PDDLAction()
00034 putdown.name = "putdown"
00035 putdown.parameters = "(?obj - object)"
00036 putdown.precondition = "(and (holding ?obj))"
00037 putdown.effect = """(and
00038 (not (holding ?obj))
00039 (ontable ?obj)
00040 (clear ?obj)
00041 (handempty))"""
00042 stack = PDDLAction()
00043 stack.name = "stack"
00044 stack.parameters = "(?obj0 ?obj1 - object)"
00045 stack.precondition = """(and
00046 (holding ?obj0)
00047 (clear ?obj1))"""
00048 stack.effect = """(and
00049 (not (holding ?obj0))
00050 (not (clear ?obj1))
00051 (handempty)
00052 (on ?obj0 ?obj1)
00053 (clear ?obj0))"""
00054 unstack = PDDLAction()
00055 unstack.name = "unstack"
00056 unstack.parameters = "(?obj0 ?obj1 - object)"
00057 unstack.precondition = """(and
00058 (handempty)
00059 (on ?obj0 ?obj1)
00060 (clear ?obj0))"""
00061 unstack.effect = """(and
00062 (not (handempty))
00063 (not (on ?obj0 ?obj1))
00064 (not (clear ?obj0))
00065 (holding ?obj0)
00066 (clear ?obj1))"""
00067 goal.domain.actions = [pickup, unstack, stack, putdown]
00068 goal.problem.name = "sample"
00069 goal.problem.domain = "manip"
00070 goal.problem.objects = [PDDLObject(name="a", type="object"),
00071 PDDLObject(name="b", type="object"),
00072 PDDLObject(name="c", type="object")]
00073 goal.problem.initial = ["(on c a)",
00074 "(ontable a)",
00075 "(ontable b)",
00076 "(clear b)",
00077 "(clear c)",
00078 "(handempty)"]
00079 goal.problem.goal = "(and (on a b) (on b c))"
00080 rospy.loginfo(str(goal))
00081 client.send_goal(goal)
00082 client.wait_for_result()
00083 result = client.get_result()
00084 rospy.logdebug(str(result))
00085 rospy.loginfo(str(result.sequence))
00086 self.assertEquals(len(result.sequence), 6, "result sequence is 6")
00088 if __name__ == '__main__':
00089 import rosunit
00090 rospy.init_node('pddl_planner_client', anonymous=True)
00091 rosunit.unitrun('pddl_planner', 'test_pddl_planner', TestPddlPlanner)