Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * feature_utils.cpp
00003  *
00004  *  Created on: Oct 17, 2010
00005  *      Author: ethan
00006  */
00008 #include <pano_core/feature_utils.h>
00009 #include <iostream>
00010 using namespace cv;
00011 using namespace std;
00012 namespace pano
00013 {
00016 void GriddedDynamicDetectorAdaptor::detectImpl(const Mat &image, vector<KeyPoint> &keypoints, const Mat &mask) const
00017 {
00018   keypoints.clear();
00019   keypoints.reserve(maxTotalKeypoints);
00021   for (int i = 0; i < gridRows; ++i)
00022   {
00023     Range row_range((i * image.rows) / gridRows, ((i + 1) * image.rows) / gridRows);
00024     for (int j = 0; j < gridCols; ++j)
00025     {
00026       Range col_range((j * image.cols) / gridCols, ((j + 1) * image.cols) / gridCols);
00027       Mat sub_image = image(row_range, col_range);
00028       Mat sub_mask;
00029       if (!mask.empty())
00030         sub_mask = mask(row_range, col_range);
00032       vector<KeyPoint> sub_keypoints;
00033       detectors_[i * gridCols + j]->detect(sub_image, sub_keypoints, sub_mask);
00035       for (std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>::iterator it = sub_keypoints.begin(), end = sub_keypoints.end(); it != end; ++it)
00036       {
00037         it->pt.x += col_range.start;
00038         it->pt.y += row_range.start;
00039       }
00041       keypoints.insert(keypoints.end(), sub_keypoints.begin(), sub_keypoints.end());
00042     }
00043   }
00044 }
00046 void KeyPointsToPoints(const KeypointVector& keypts, std::vector<cv::Point2f>& pts)
00047 {
00048   pts.clear();
00049   pts.reserve(keypts.size());
00050   for (size_t i = 0; i < keypts.size(); i++)
00051   {
00052     pts.push_back(keypts[i].pt);
00053   }
00054 }
00056 void PointsToKeyPoints(const std::vector<cv::Point2f>& pts, KeypointVector& kpts)
00057 {
00058   kpts.clear();
00059   kpts.reserve(pts.size());
00060   for (size_t i = 0; i < pts.size(); i++)
00061   {
00062     kpts.push_back(KeyPoint(pts[i], 6.0));
00063   }
00064 }
00066 void matches2points(const KeypointVector& train, const KeypointVector& query, const MatchesVector& matches,
00067                     std::vector<cv::Point2f>& pts_train, std::vector<Point2f>& pts_query)
00068 {
00070   pts_train.clear();
00071   pts_query.clear();
00072   pts_train.reserve(matches.size());
00073   pts_query.reserve(matches.size());
00075   size_t i = 0;
00077   for (; i < matches.size(); i++)
00078   {
00080     const DMatch & dmatch = matches[i];
00082     if(dmatch.queryIdx > int( query.size()) || dmatch.trainIdx < 0){
00083       std::cerr << "bad index , query:" << dmatch.queryIdx << std::endl;
00084       continue;
00085     }
00086     if(dmatch.trainIdx > int( train.size()) || dmatch.trainIdx < 0){
00087       std::cerr << "bad index ,train:" << dmatch.trainIdx << std::endl;
00088       continue;
00089     }
00090     pts_query.push_back(query[dmatch.queryIdx].pt);
00091     pts_train.push_back(train[dmatch.trainIdx].pt);
00093   }
00095 }
00097 }
00101 // * shift params to get desired number of features
00102 // */
00103 //template<typename Adjuster>
00104 //class DynamicDetectorAdaptor: public cv::FeatureDetector {
00105 //public:
00106 //
00107 //      DynamicDetectorAdaptor(int min_features = 400, int max_features = 600,
00108 //                      int max_iters = 4, const Adjuster& a = Adjuster()) :
00109 //              escape_iters_(max_iters), min_features_(min_features), max_features_(
00110 //                              max_features), adjuster_(a) {
00111 //      }
00112 //protected:
00113 //      virtual void detectImpl(const cv::Mat& image,
00114 //                      std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>& keypoints, const cv::Mat& mask =
00115 //                                      cv::Mat()) const {
00116 //              //for oscillation testing
00117 //              bool down = false;
00118 //              bool up = false;
00119 //
00120 //              //flag for whether the correct threshhold has been reached
00121 //              bool thresh_good = false;
00122 //
00123 //              //this is bad but adjuster should persist from detection to detection
00124 //              Adjuster& adjuster = const_cast<Adjuster&> (adjuster_);
00125 //
00126 //              //break if the desired number hasn't been reached.
00127 //              int iter_count = escape_iters_;
00128 //
00129 //              do {
00130 //                      keypoints.clear();
00131 //
00132 //                      //the adjuster takes care of calling the detector with updated parameters
00133 //                      adjuster.detect(image, mask, keypoints);
00134 //
00135 //                      if (int(keypoints.size()) < min_features_) {
00136 //                              down = true;
00137 //                              adjuster.tooFew(min_features_, keypoints.size());
00138 //                      } else if (int(keypoints.size()) > max_features_) {
00139 //                              up = true;
00140 //                              adjuster.tooMany(max_features_, keypoints.size());
00141 //                      } else
00142 //                              thresh_good = true;
00143 //              } while (--iter_count >= 0 && !(down && up) && !thresh_good
00144 //                              && adjuster.good());
00145 //      }
00146 //
00147 //private:
00148 //      int escape_iters_;
00149 //      int min_features_, max_features_;
00150 //      Adjuster adjuster_;
00151 //};
00152 //
00153 //struct FastAdjuster {
00154 //      FastAdjuster() :
00155 //              thresh_(20) {
00156 //      }
00157 //      void detect(const cv::Mat& img, const cv::Mat& mask, std::vector<
00158 //                      cv::KeyPoint>& keypoints) const {
00159 //              cv::FastFeatureDetector(thresh_, true).detect(img, keypoints, mask);
00160 //      }
00161 //      void tooFew(int min, int n_detected) {
00162 //              //fast is easy to adjust
00163 //              thresh_--;
00164 //      }
00165 //      void tooMany(int max, int n_detected) {
00166 //              //fast is easy to adjust
00167 //              thresh_++;
00168 //      }
00169 //
00170 //      //return whether or not the threshhold is beyond
00171 //      //a useful point
00172 //      bool good() const {
00173 //              return (thresh_ > 1) && (thresh_ < 200);
00174 //      }
00175 //      int thresh_;
00176 //};
00177 //
00178 //struct StarAdjuster {
00179 //      StarAdjuster() :
00180 //              thresh_(30) {
00181 //      }
00182 //      void detect(const cv::Mat& img, const cv::Mat& mask, std::vector<
00183 //                      cv::KeyPoint>& keypoints) const {
00184 //              cv::StarFeatureDetector detector_tmp(16, thresh_, 10, 8, 3);
00185 //              detector_tmp.detect(img, keypoints, mask);
00186 //      }
00187 //      void tooFew(int min, int n_detected) {
00188 //              thresh_ *= 0.9;
00189 //              if (thresh_ < 1.1)
00190 //                      thresh_ = 1.1;
00191 //      }
00192 //      void tooMany(int max, int n_detected) {
00193 //              thresh_ *= 1.1;
00194 //      }
00195 //
00196 //      //return whether or not the threshhold is beyond
00197 //      //a useful point
00198 //      bool good() const {
00199 //              return (thresh_ > 2) && (thresh_ < 200);
00200 //      }
00201 //      double thresh_;
00202 //};
00203 //
00204 //struct SurfAdjuster {
00205 //      SurfAdjuster() :
00206 //              thresh_(400.0) {
00207 //      }
00208 //      void detect(const cv::Mat& img, const cv::Mat& mask, std::vector<
00209 //                      cv::KeyPoint>& keypoints) const {
00210 //              cv::SurfFeatureDetector detector_tmp(thresh_);
00211 //              detector_tmp.detect(img, keypoints, mask);
00212 //      }
00213 //      void tooFew(int min, int n_detected) {
00214 //              thresh_ *= 0.9;
00215 //              if (thresh_ < 1.1)
00216 //                      thresh_ = 1.1;
00217 //      }
00218 //      void tooMany(int max, int n_detected) {
00219 //              thresh_ *= 1.1;
00220 //      }
00221 //
00222 //      //return whether or not the threshhold is beyond
00223 //      //a useful point
00224 //      bool good() const {
00225 //              return (thresh_ > 2) && (thresh_ < 1000);
00226 //      }
00227 //      double thresh_;
00228 //};
00229 //
00230 //typedef DynamicDetectorAdaptor<FastAdjuster> FASTDynamicDetector;
00231 //typedef DynamicDetectorAdaptor<StarAdjuster> StarDynamicDetector;
00232 //typedef DynamicDetectorAdaptor<SurfAdjuster> SurfDynamicDetector;

Author(s): Ethan Rublee
autogenerated on Mon Mar 14 2016 10:56:54