Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /************************************************************************************
00003 PublicHeader:   OVR.h
00004 Filename    :   OVR_Device.h
00005 Content     :   Definition of HMD-related Device interfaces
00006 Created     :   September 21, 2012
00007 Authors     :   Michael Antonov
00009 Copyright   :   Copyright 2012 Oculus VR, Inc. All Rights reserved.
00011 Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Oculus license
00012 agreement provided at the time of installation or download, or which
00013 otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
00015 *************************************************************************************/
00017 #ifndef OVR_Device_h
00018 #define OVR_Device_h
00020 #include "OVR_DeviceConstants.h"
00021 #include "OVR_DeviceHandle.h"
00022 #include "OVR_DeviceMessages.h"
00023 #include "OVR_HIDDeviceBase.h"
00025 #include "Kernel/OVR_Atomic.h"
00026 #include "Kernel/OVR_RefCount.h"
00027 #include "Kernel/OVR_String.h"
00029 namespace OVR {
00031 // Declared externally
00032 class Profile;
00033 class ProfileManager; // << Should be renamed for consistency
00035 // Forward declarations
00036 class SensorDevice;
00037 class DeviceCommon;
00038 class DeviceManager;
00040 // MessageHandler is a base class from which users derive to receive messages,
00041 // its OnMessage handler will be called for messages once it is installed on
00042 // a device. Same message handler can be installed on multiple devices.
00043 class MessageHandler
00044 {
00045     friend class MessageHandlerImpl;
00046 public:
00047     MessageHandler();
00048     virtual ~MessageHandler();
00050     // Returns 'true' if handler is currently installed on any devices.
00051     bool        IsHandlerInstalled() const;
00053     // Should be called from derived class destructor to avoid handler
00054     // being called after it exits.
00055     void        RemoveHandlerFromDevices();
00057     // Returns a pointer to the internal lock object that is locked by a
00058     // background thread while OnMessage() is called.
00059     // This lock guaranteed to survive until ~MessageHandler.
00060     Lock*       GetHandlerLock() const;
00063     virtual void OnMessage(const Message&) { }
00065     // Determines if handler supports a specific message type. Can
00066     // be used to filter out entire message groups. The result
00067     // returned by this function shouldn't change after handler creation.
00068     virtual bool SupportsMessageType(MessageType) const { return true; }    
00070 private:    
00071     UPInt Internal[4];
00072 };
00075 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00076 // ***** DeviceBase
00078 // DeviceBase is the base class for all OVR Devices. It provides the following basic
00079 // functionality:
00080 //   - Reports device type, manager, and associated parent (if any).
00081 //   - Supports installable message handlers, which are notified of device events.
00082 //   - Device objects are created through DeviceHandle::CreateDevice or more commonly
00083 //     through DeviceEnumerator<>::CreateDevice.
00084 //   - Created devices are reference counted, starting with RefCount of 1.
00085 //   - Device is resources are cleaned up when it is Released, although its handles
00086 //     may survive longer if referenced.
00088 class DeviceBase : public NewOverrideBase
00089 {    
00090     friend class DeviceHandle;  
00091     friend class DeviceManagerImpl;
00092 public:
00094     // Enumerating DeviceBase enumerates all devices.
00095     enum { EnumDeviceType = Device_All };
00097     virtual ~DeviceBase() { }
00098     virtual void            AddRef();
00099     virtual void            Release();
00101     virtual DeviceBase*     GetParent() const;
00102     virtual DeviceManager*  GetManager() const;  
00104     virtual void            SetMessageHandler(MessageHandler* handler);
00105     virtual MessageHandler* GetMessageHandler() const;
00107     virtual DeviceType      GetType() const;
00108     virtual bool            GetDeviceInfo(DeviceInfo* info) const;
00110     // returns the MessageHandler's lock
00111     Lock*                   GetHandlerLock() const;
00112 protected:
00113     // Internal
00114     virtual DeviceCommon*   getDeviceCommon() const = 0;
00115 };
00118 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00119 // ***** DeviceInfo
00121 // DeviceInfo describes a device and its capabilities, obtained by calling
00122 // GetDeviceInfo. This base class only contains device-independent functionality;
00123 // users will normally use a derived HMDInfo or SensorInfo classes for more
00124 // extensive device info.
00126 class DeviceInfo
00127 {
00128 public:
00129     DeviceInfo() : InfoClassType(Device_None), Type(Device_None), Version(0)
00130     {  ProductName[0] = Manufacturer[0] = 0; }
00132     enum { MaxNameLength = 32 };
00134     // Type of device for which DeviceInfo is intended.
00135     // This will be set to Device_HMD for HMDInfo structure, note that this may be
00136     // different form the actual device type since (Device_None) is valid.
00137     const DeviceType InfoClassType;
00138     // Type of device this describes. This must be the same as InfoClassType when
00139     // InfoClassType != Device_None.
00140     DeviceType       Type;
00141     // Name string describing the product: "Oculus Rift DK1", etc.
00142     char             ProductName[MaxNameLength];    
00143     char             Manufacturer[MaxNameLength];
00144     unsigned         Version;
00146 protected:
00147     DeviceInfo(DeviceType type) : InfoClassType(type), Type(type), Version(0)
00148     { ProductName[0] = Manufacturer[0] = 0; }
00149     void operator = (const DeviceInfo&) { OVR_ASSERT(0); } // Assignment not allowed.
00150 };
00153 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00154 // DeviceEnumerationArgs provides device enumeration argumenrs for DeviceManager::EnumerateDevicesEx.
00155 class DeviceEnumerationArgs
00156 {
00157 public:
00158     DeviceEnumerationArgs(DeviceType enumType, bool availableOnly)
00159         : EnumType(enumType), AvailableOnly(availableOnly)
00160     { }
00162     // Helper; returns true if args match our enumeration criteria.
00163     bool         MatchRule(DeviceType type, bool available) const
00164     {
00165         return ((EnumType == type) || (EnumType == Device_All)) &&
00166                 (available || !AvailableOnly);
00167     }
00169 protected:    
00170     DeviceType   EnumType;
00171     bool         AvailableOnly;
00172 };
00175 // DeviceEnumerator<> is used to enumerate and create devices of specified class,
00176 // it is returned by calling MeviceManager::EnumerateDevices. Initially, the enumerator will
00177 // refer to the first device of specified type. Additional devices can be accessed by
00178 // calling Next().
00180 template<class T = DeviceBase>
00181 class DeviceEnumerator : public DeviceHandle
00182 {
00183     friend class DeviceManager;
00184     friend class DeviceManagerImpl;
00185 public:
00186     DeviceEnumerator()
00187         : DeviceHandle(), EnumArgs(Device_None, true) { }
00189     // Next advances enumeration to the next device that first criteria.
00190     // Returns false if no more devices exist that match enumeration criteria.
00191     bool    Next()          { return enumerateNext(EnumArgs); }
00193     // Creates an instance of the device referenced by enumerator; returns null
00194     // if enumerator does not refer to a valid device or device is unavailable.
00195     // If device was already created, the same object with incremented ref-count is returned.
00196     T*      CreateDevice()  { return static_cast<T*>(DeviceHandle::CreateDevice()); }
00198 protected:
00199     DeviceEnumerator(const DeviceHandle &dev, const DeviceEnumerationArgs& args)
00200         : DeviceHandle(dev), EnumArgs(args)
00201     { }
00203     DeviceEnumerationArgs EnumArgs;
00204 };
00206 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00207 // ***** DeviceManager
00209 // DeviceManager maintains and provides access to devices supported by OVR, such as
00210 // HMDs and sensors. A single instance of DeviceManager is normally created at
00211 // program startup, allowing devices to be enumerated and created. DeviceManager is
00212 // reference counted and is AddRefed by its created child devices, causing it to
00213 // always be the last object that is released.
00214 //
00215 // Install MessageHandler on DeviceManager to detect when devices are inserted or removed.
00216 //
00217 // The following code will create the manager and its first available HMDDevice,
00218 // and then release it when not needed:
00219 //
00220 //  DeviceManager* manager = DeviceManager::Create();
00221 //  HMDDevice*     hmd = manager->EnumerateDevices<HMDDevice>().CreateDevice();
00222 //
00223 //  if (hmd) hmd->Release();
00224 //  if (manager) manager->Release();
00227 class DeviceManager : public DeviceBase
00228 {
00229 public:
00231     DeviceManager()
00232     { }
00234     // DeviceBase implementation.
00235     virtual DeviceType      GetType() const     { return Device_Manager; }
00236     virtual DeviceManager*  GetManager() const  { return const_cast<DeviceManager*>(this); }
00238     // Every DeviceManager has an associated profile manager, which us used to store
00239     // user settings that may affect device behavior. 
00240     virtual ProfileManager* GetProfileManager() const = 0;
00243     // EnumerateDevices enumerates all of the available devices of the specified class,
00244     // returning an enumerator that references the first device. An empty enumerator is
00245     // returned if no devices are available. The following APIs are exposed through
00246     // DeviceEnumerator:
00247     //   DeviceEnumerator::GetType()        - Check device type. Returns Device_None 
00248     //                                        if no device was found/pointed to.
00249     //   DeviceEnumerator::GetDeviceInfo()  - Get more information on device.
00250     //   DeviceEnumerator::CreateDevice()   - Create an instance of device.
00251     //   DeviceEnumerator::Next()           - Move onto next device.
00252     template<class D>
00253     DeviceEnumerator<D>     EnumerateDevices(bool availableOnly = true)
00254     {
00255         // TBD: A cleaner (but less efficient) alternative is though enumeratorFromHandle.
00256         DeviceEnumerator<> e = EnumerateDevicesEx(DeviceEnumerationArgs((DeviceType)D::EnumDeviceType, availableOnly));
00257         return *reinterpret_cast<DeviceEnumerator<D>*>(&e);
00258     }
00260     // EnumerateDevicesEx provides internal implementation for device enumeration, enumerating
00261     // devices based on dynamically specified DeviceType in DeviceEnumerationArgs.
00262     // End users should call DeumerateDevices<>() instead.
00263     virtual DeviceEnumerator<> EnumerateDevicesEx(const DeviceEnumerationArgs& args) = 0;
00265     // Creates a new DeviceManager. Only one instance of DeviceManager should be created at a time.
00266     static   DeviceManager* Create();
00268     // Static constant for this device type, used in template cast type checks.
00269     enum { EnumDeviceType = Device_Manager };
00273     // Adds a device (DeviceCreateDesc*) into Devices. Returns NULL, 
00274     // if unsuccessful or device is already in the list.
00275     virtual Ptr<DeviceCreateDesc> AddDevice_NeedsLock(const DeviceCreateDesc& createDesc) = 0;
00277 protected:
00278     DeviceEnumerator<> enumeratorFromHandle(const DeviceHandle& h, const DeviceEnumerationArgs& args)
00279     { return DeviceEnumerator<>(h, args); }
00281     DeviceManager* getThis() { return this; }
00282 };
00286 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00287 // ***** HMDInfo 
00289 // This structure describes various aspects of the HMD allowing us to configure rendering.
00290 //
00291 //  Currently included data:
00292 //   - Physical screen dimensions, resolution, and eye distances.
00293 //     (some of these will be configurable with a tool in the future).
00294 //     These arguments allow us to properly setup projection across HMDs.
00295 //   - DisplayDeviceName for identifying HMD screen; system-specific interpretation.
00296 //
00297 // TBD:
00298 //  - Power on/ off?
00299 //  - Sensor rates and capabilities
00300 //  - Distortion radius/variables    
00301 //  - Screen update frequency
00302 //  - Distortion needed flag
00303 //  - Update modes:
00304 //      Set update mode: Stereo (both sides together), mono (same in both eyes),
00305 //                       Alternating, Alternating scan-lines.
00307 class HMDInfo : public DeviceInfo
00308 {
00309 public:
00310     // Size of the entire screen, in pixels.
00311     unsigned  HResolution, VResolution; 
00312     // Physical dimensions of the active screen in meters. Can be used to calculate
00313     // projection center while considering IPD.
00314     float     HScreenSize, VScreenSize;
00315     // Physical offset from the top of the screen to the eye center, in meters.
00316     // This will usually, but not necessarily be half of VScreenSize.
00317     float     VScreenCenter;
00318     // Distance from the eye to screen surface, in meters.
00319     // Useful for calculating FOV and projection.
00320     float     EyeToScreenDistance;
00321     // Distance between physical lens centers useful for calculating distortion center.
00322     float     LensSeparationDistance;
00323     // Configured distance between the user's eye centers, in meters. Defaults to 0.064.
00324     float     InterpupillaryDistance;
00326     // Radial distortion correction coefficients.
00327     // The distortion assumes that the input texture coordinates will be scaled
00328     // by the following equation:    
00329     //   uvResult = uvInput * (K0 + K1 * uvLength^2 + K2 * uvLength^4)
00330     // Where uvInput is the UV vector from the center of distortion in direction
00331     // of the mapped pixel, uvLength is the magnitude of that vector, and uvResult
00332     // the corresponding location after distortion.
00333     float     DistortionK[4];
00335     float     ChromaAbCorrection[4];
00337     // Desktop coordinate position of the screen (can be negative; may not be present on all platforms)
00338     int       DesktopX, DesktopY;
00340     // Windows:
00341     // "\\\\.\\DISPLAY3", etc. Can be used in EnumDisplaySettings/CreateDC.
00342     char      DisplayDeviceName[32];
00344     // MacOS:
00345     long      DisplayId;
00348     HMDInfo()
00349         : DeviceInfo(Device_HMD),          
00350           HResolution(0), VResolution(0), HScreenSize(0), VScreenSize(0),
00351           VScreenCenter(0), EyeToScreenDistance(0),
00352           LensSeparationDistance(0), InterpupillaryDistance(0),
00353           DesktopX(0), DesktopY(0), DisplayId(0)
00354     {
00355         DisplayDeviceName[0] = 0;
00356         memset(DistortionK, 0, sizeof(DistortionK));
00357         DistortionK[0] = 1;
00358         ChromaAbCorrection[0] = ChromaAbCorrection[2] = 1;
00359         ChromaAbCorrection[1] = ChromaAbCorrection[3] = 0;
00360     }
00362     // Operator = copies local fields only (base class must be correct already)
00363     void operator = (const HMDInfo& src)
00364     {        
00365         HResolution             = src.HResolution;
00366         VResolution             = src.VResolution;
00367         HScreenSize             = src.HScreenSize;
00368         VScreenSize             = src.VScreenSize;
00369         VScreenCenter           = src.VScreenCenter;
00370         EyeToScreenDistance     = src.EyeToScreenDistance;
00371         LensSeparationDistance  = src.LensSeparationDistance;
00372         InterpupillaryDistance  = src.InterpupillaryDistance;
00373         DistortionK[0]          = src.DistortionK[0];
00374         DistortionK[1]          = src.DistortionK[1];
00375         DistortionK[2]          = src.DistortionK[2];
00376         DistortionK[3]          = src.DistortionK[3];
00377         ChromaAbCorrection[0]   = src.ChromaAbCorrection[0];
00378         ChromaAbCorrection[1]   = src.ChromaAbCorrection[1];
00379         ChromaAbCorrection[2]   = src.ChromaAbCorrection[2];
00380         ChromaAbCorrection[3]   = src.ChromaAbCorrection[3];
00381         DesktopX                = src.DesktopX;
00382         DesktopY                = src.DesktopY;
00383         memcpy(DisplayDeviceName, src.DisplayDeviceName, sizeof(DisplayDeviceName));
00384         DisplayId               = src.DisplayId;
00385     }
00387     bool IsSameDisplay(const HMDInfo& o) const
00388     {
00389         return DisplayId == o.DisplayId &&
00390                String::CompareNoCase(DisplayDeviceName, 
00391                                      o.DisplayDeviceName) == 0;
00392     }
00394 };
00397 // HMDDevice represents an Oculus HMD device unit. An instance of this class
00398 // is typically created from the DeviceManager.
00399 //  After HMD device is created, we its sensor data can be obtained by 
00400 //  first creating a Sensor object and then.
00402 //  TBD:
00403 //  - Configure Sensor
00404 //  - APIs to set On-Screen message, other states?
00406 class HMDDevice : public DeviceBase
00407 {
00408 public:
00409     HMDDevice()
00410     { }
00412     // Static constant for this device type, used in template cast type checks.
00413     enum { EnumDeviceType = Device_HMD };
00415     virtual DeviceType      GetType() const   { return Device_HMD; }  
00417     // Creates a sensor associated with this HMD.
00418     virtual SensorDevice*   GetSensor() = 0;
00421     // Requests the currently used profile. This profile affects the
00422     // settings reported by HMDInfo. 
00423     virtual Profile*    GetProfile() const = 0;
00424     // Obtains the currently used profile name. This is initialized to the default
00425     // profile name, if any; it can then be changed per-device by SetProfileName.    
00426     virtual const char* GetProfileName() const = 0;
00427     // Sets the profile user name, changing the data returned by GetProfileInfo.
00428     virtual bool        SetProfileName(const char* name) = 0;
00431     // Disconnects from real HMD device. This HMDDevice remains as 'fake' HMD.
00432     // SensorDevice ptr is used to restore the 'fake' HMD (can be NULL).
00433     HMDDevice*  Disconnect(SensorDevice*);
00435     // Returns 'true' if HMD device is a 'fake' HMD (was created this way or 
00436     // 'Disconnect' method was called).
00437     bool        IsDisconnected() const;
00438 };
00441 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00442 // ***** SensorRange & SensorInfo
00444 // SensorRange specifies maximum value ranges that SensorDevice hardware is configured
00445 // to detect. Although this range doesn't affect the scale of MessageBodyFrame values,
00446 // physical motions whose positive or negative magnitude is outside the specified range
00447 // may get clamped or misreported. Setting lower values may result in higher precision
00448 // tracking.
00449 struct SensorRange
00450 {
00451     SensorRange(float maxAcceleration = 0.0f, float maxRotationRate = 0.0f,
00452                 float maxMagneticField = 0.0f)
00453         : MaxAcceleration(maxAcceleration), MaxRotationRate(maxRotationRate),
00454           MaxMagneticField(maxMagneticField)
00455     { }
00457     // Maximum detected acceleration in m/s^2. Up to 8*G equivalent support guaranteed,
00458     // where G is ~9.81 m/s^2.
00459     // Oculus DK1 HW has thresholds near: 2, 4 (default), 8, 16 G.
00460     float   MaxAcceleration;  
00461     // Maximum detected angular velocity in rad/s. Up to 8*Pi support guaranteed.
00462     // Oculus DK1 HW thresholds near: 1, 2, 4, 8 Pi (default).
00463     float   MaxRotationRate;
00464     // Maximum detectable Magnetic field strength in Gauss. Up to 2.5 Gauss support guaranteed.
00465     // Oculus DK1 HW thresholds near: 0.88, 1.3, 1.9, 2.5 gauss.
00466     float   MaxMagneticField;
00467 };
00469 // SensorInfo describes capabilities of the sensor device.
00470 class SensorInfo : public DeviceInfo
00471 {
00472 public:
00473     SensorInfo() : DeviceInfo(Device_Sensor), VendorId(0), ProductId(0)
00474     {
00475         SerialNumber[0] = 0;
00476     }
00478     // HID Vendor and ProductId of the device.
00479     UInt16      VendorId;
00480     UInt16      ProductId;
00481     // MaxRanges report maximum sensor range values supported by HW.
00482     SensorRange MaxRanges;
00483     // Sensor (and display) serial number.
00484     char        SerialNumber[20];
00486 private:
00487     void operator = (const SensorInfo&) { OVR_ASSERT(0); } // Assignment not allowed.
00488 };
00491 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00492 // ***** SensorDevice
00494 // SensorDevice is an interface to sensor data.
00495 // Install a MessageHandler of SensorDevice instance to receive MessageBodyFrame
00496 // notifications.
00497 //
00498 // TBD: Add Polling API? More HID interfaces?
00500 class SensorDevice : public HIDDeviceBase, public DeviceBase
00501 {
00502 public:
00503     SensorDevice() 
00504     { }
00506     // Static constant for this device type, used in template cast type checks.
00507     enum { EnumDeviceType = Device_Sensor };
00509     virtual DeviceType GetType() const   { return Device_Sensor; }
00512     // CoordinateFrame defines whether messages come in the coordinate frame
00513     // of the sensor device or HMD, which has a different internal sensor.
00514     // Sensors obtained form the HMD will automatically use HMD coordinates.
00515     enum CoordinateFrame
00516     {
00517         Coord_Sensor = 0,
00518         Coord_HMD    = 1
00519     };
00521     virtual void            SetCoordinateFrame(CoordinateFrame coordframe) = 0;
00522     virtual CoordinateFrame GetCoordinateFrame() const = 0;
00524     // Sets report rate (in Hz) of MessageBodyFrame messages (delivered through MessageHandler::OnMessage call). 
00525     // Currently supported maximum rate is 1000Hz. If the rate is set to 500 or 333 Hz then OnMessage will be 
00526     // called twice or thrice at the same 'tick'. 
00527     // If the rate is  < 333 then the OnMessage / MessageBodyFrame will be called three
00528     // times for each 'tick': the first call will contain averaged values, the second
00529     // and third calls will provide with most recent two recorded samples.
00530     virtual void        SetReportRate(unsigned rateHz) = 0;
00531     // Returns currently set report rate, in Hz. If 0 - error occurred.
00532     // Note, this value may be different from the one provided for SetReportRate. The return
00533     // value will contain the actual rate.
00534     virtual unsigned    GetReportRate() const = 0;
00536     // Sets maximum range settings for the sensor described by SensorRange.    
00537     // The function will fail if you try to pass values outside Maximum supported
00538     // by the HW, as described by SensorInfo.
00539     // Pass waitFlag == true to wait for command completion. For waitFlag == true,
00540     // returns true if the range was applied successfully (no HW error).
00541     // For waitFlag = false, return 'true' means that command was enqueued successfully.
00542     virtual bool       SetRange(const SensorRange& range, bool waitFlag = false) = 0;
00544     // Return the current sensor range settings for the device. These may not exactly
00545     // match the values applied through SetRange.
00546     virtual void       GetRange(SensorRange* range) const = 0;
00547 };
00549 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00550 // ***** LatencyTestConfiguration
00551 // LatencyTestConfiguration specifies configuration information for the Oculus Latency Tester device.
00552 struct LatencyTestConfiguration
00553 {
00554     LatencyTestConfiguration(const Color& threshold, bool sendSamples = false)
00555         : Threshold(threshold), SendSamples(sendSamples) 
00556     {
00557     }
00559     // The color threshold for triggering a detected display change.
00560     Color    Threshold;
00561     // Flag specifying whether we wish to receive a stream of color values from the sensor.
00562     bool        SendSamples;
00563 };
00565 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00566 // ***** LatencyTestDisplay
00567 // LatencyTestDisplay sets the mode and contents of the Latency Tester LED display.
00568 // See the 'Latency Tester Specification' document for more details.
00569 struct LatencyTestDisplay
00570 {
00571     LatencyTestDisplay(UByte mode, UInt32 value)
00572         : Mode(mode), Value(value)
00573     {
00574     }
00576     UByte       Mode;       // The display mode that we wish to select.
00577     UInt32      Value;      // The value to display.
00578 };
00580 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00581 // ***** LatencyTestDevice
00583 // LatencyTestDevice provides an interface to the Oculus Latency Tester which is used to test 'motion to photon' latency.
00584 class LatencyTestDevice : public HIDDeviceBase, public DeviceBase
00585 {
00586 public:
00587     LatencyTestDevice()
00588     { }
00590     // Static constant for this device type, used in template cast type checks.
00591     enum { EnumDeviceType = Device_LatencyTester };
00593     virtual DeviceType GetType() const { return Device_LatencyTester; }
00595     // Specifies configuration information including the threshold for triggering a detected color change,
00596     // and a flag to enable a stream of sensor values (typically used for debugging).
00597     virtual bool SetConfiguration(const LatencyTestConfiguration& configuration, bool waitFlag = false) = 0;
00599     // Get configuration information from device.
00600     virtual bool GetConfiguration(LatencyTestConfiguration* configuration) = 0;
00602     // Used to calibrate the latency tester at the start of a test. Display the specified color on the screen
00603     // beneath the latency tester and then call this method. Calibration information is lost
00604     // when power is removed from the device.
00605     virtual bool SetCalibrate(const Color& calibrationColor, bool waitFlag = false) = 0;
00607     // Triggers the start of a measurement. This starts the millisecond timer on the device and 
00608     // causes it to respond with the 'MessageLatencyTestStarted' message.
00609     virtual bool SetStartTest(const Color& targetColor, bool waitFlag = false) = 0;
00611     // Used to set the value displayed on the LED display panel.
00612     virtual bool SetDisplay(const LatencyTestDisplay& display, bool waitFlag = false) = 0;
00614     virtual DeviceBase* GetDevice() { return this; }
00615 };
00617 } // namespace OVR
00619 #endif

Author(s): Tully Foote
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 20:13:48