Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef MRP2_SERIAL_H
00002 #define MRP2_SERIAL_H
00004 #include "serial_comm.h"
00005 #include "usb_comm.h"
00006 #include "time.h"
00007 #include <sys/time.h>
00008 #include <string>
00009 #include <stdint.h>
00010 #include <unistd.h>
00011 #include <vector>
00013 using std::string;
00015 typedef enum {
00016                 DIAG_CLEAR_CMD = 0,
00017                 DIAG_MOTOR_STALL_L = 1,
00018                 DIAG_MOTOR_STALL_R = 2,
00019                 DIAG_BATT_LOW = 3,
00020                 DIAG_BATT_HIGH = 4,
00021                 DIAG_MOTOR_DRVR_ERR = 5,
00022                 DIAG_AUX_LIGHTS_ERR = 6
00023         }diag_t;
00025 class MRP2_Serial
00026 {
00027         public:
00028                 MRP2_Serial(std::string port_name, uint32_t baudrate = 38400, std::string mode = "8N1", bool simple = true);
00029                 MRP2_Serial(uint16_t vendor_id, uint16_t product_id, int ep_in_addr, int ep_out_addr, bool simple = true);
00030                 virtual ~MRP2_Serial ();
00031                 void set_speeds(int32_t left_speed, int32_t right_speed);
00032                 void set_speed_l(int32_t left_speed);
00033                 void set_speed_r(int32_t right_speed);
00034                 void set_param_pid(char side, char param, float value);
00035                 void set_param_imax(char side, uint32_t value);
00036                 void set_maxspeed_fwd(uint32_t value);
00037                 void set_maxspeed_rev(uint32_t value);
00038                 void set_max_accel(uint32_t value);
00039                 //BATT SET FUNCTIONS WILL BE HERE
00040                 void set_estop(bool value);
00041                 void clear_diag(int diag);
00042                 std::vector<int> get_speeds(bool update=false);
00043                 int get_speed_l(bool update=false);
00044                 int get_speed_r(bool update=false);
00045                 float get_param_pid(char side, char param, bool update=false);
00046                 std::vector<int> get_param_imax(char side, bool update=false);
00047                 int get_maxspeed_fwd(bool update=false);
00048                 int get_maxspeed_rev(bool update=false);
00049                 int get_maxaccel(bool update=false);
00050                 //BATT GET FUNCTIONS WILL BE HERE
00051                 int get_batt_volt(bool update=false);
00052                 int get_batt_current(bool update=false);
00053                 int get_batt_soc(bool update=false);
00054                 std::vector<int> get_positions(bool update=false);
00055                 int get_position_l(bool update=false);
00056                 int get_position_r(bool update=false);
00057                 std::vector<int> get_bumpers(bool update=false);
00058                 void reset_positions();
00059                 void reset_position_l();
00060                 void reset_position_r();
00061                 bool get_estop(bool update=false);
00062                 bool get_diag(int diag);
00063                 void update_diag();
00064                 int get_batt_cell_capacity(bool update=false);
00065                 void set_bumper_estop(bool value);
00066                 bool get_bumper_estop(bool update=false);
00067                 bool get_estop_button(bool update=false);
00068                 std::vector<int> get_sonars(bool update=false);
00069                 bool is_available();
00070                 void set_read_timeout(double timeout);
00071                 double get_read_timeout(void);
00073                 void update();
00075                 typedef enum {
00076                 setSPEEDS   = 1,
00077                 setSPEED_L = 2,
00078                 setSPEED_R = 3,
00079                 setPARAM_KP_L = 4,
00080                 setPARAM_KP_R = 5,
00081                 setPARAM_KI_L = 6,
00082                 setPARAM_KI_R = 7,
00083                 setPARAM_KD_L = 8,
00084                 setPARAM_KD_R = 9,
00085                 setPARAM_IMAX_L = 10,
00086                 setPARAM_IMAX_R = 11,
00087                 setMAXSPEED_FWD = 12,
00088                 setMAXSPEED_REV = 13,
00089                 setMAXACCEL = 14,
00090                 setBATT_CELL_V = 15,
00091                 setBATT_PARALLEL_COUNT = 16,
00092                 setBATT_SERIES_COUNT = 17,
00093                 setBATT_CELL_NOMINAL_V = 18,
00094                 setESTOP = 19,
00095                 clearDIAG = 20,
00096                 getSPEEDS = 21,
00097                 getSPEED_L = 22,
00098                 getSPEED_R = 23,
00099                 getPARAM_KP_L = 24,
00100                 getPARAM_KP_R = 25,
00101                 getPARAM_KI_L = 26,
00102                 getPARAM_KI_R = 27,
00103                 getPARAM_KD_L = 28,
00104                 getPARAM_KD_R = 29,
00105                 getPARAM_IMAX_L = 30,
00106                 getPARAM_IMAX_R = 31,
00107                 getMAXSPEED_FWD = 32,
00108                 getMAXSPEED_REV = 33,
00109                 getMAXACCEL = 34,
00110                 getBATT_CELL_V = 35,
00111                 getBATT_PARALLEL_COUNT = 37,
00112                 getBATT_SERIES_COUNT = 38,
00113                 getBATT_CELL_NOMINAL_V = 39,
00114                 getBATT_VOLT = 40,
00115                 getBATT_CURRENT = 41,
00116                 getBATT_SOC = 42,
00117                 getPOSITIONS = 43,
00118                 getPOSITION_L = 44,
00119                 getPOSITION_R = 45,
00120                 getBUMPERS = 46,
00121                 resetPOSITIONS = 47,
00122                 resetPOSITION_L = 48,
00123                 resetPOSITION_R = 49,
00124                 getESTOP = 50,
00125                 getDIAG = 51,
00126                 ACK = 52,
00127                 getBATT_CELL_CAPACITY=53,
00128                 setBUMPER_ESTOP=54,
00129                 getBUMPER_ESTOP=55,
00130                 getESTOP_BTN=56,
00131                 getSONARS=83
00132         }serial_t;
00134         private:
00135                 void array_chopper(uint8_t *buf, int start, int end);
00136                 unsigned char checksum(int size);
00137                 bool checksum_match(uint8_t *buf, int size);
00138                 unsigned char checksum_check_array(uint8_t *arr, int size);
00139                 int first_validator(uint8_t *buf);
00140                 int second_validator(uint8_t *buf, int data_len);
00141                 int find_message_start(uint8_t *buf,  int lastIndex);
00142                 int execute_command(uint8_t *buf);
00143                 void print_array(uint8_t *buf, int length);
00144                 int send_and_get_reply(uint8_t _command, uint8_t *send_array, int send_size, bool is_ack);
00145                 int read_serial(uint8_t _command_to_read);
00146                 int process(uint8_t *inData, int recievedData, uint8_t _command_to_read);
00147                 int process_simple (uint8_t *inData, int recievedData, uint8_t _command_to_read);
00148                 bool _get_ack(serial_t command);
00150                 int _speed_l, _speed_r, _imax_l, _imax_r, _maxspeed_fwd, _maxspeed_rev, _maxaccel, _batt_volt, _batt_current, _batt_soc, _batt_cell_capacity, _bumper_estop, _estop_btn;
00151                 bool _estop, _diag_motor_stall_l, _diag_motor_stall_r, _diag_batt_low, _diag_batt_high, _diag_motor_drvr_err, _diag_aux_lights_err;
00152                 double _Kp_l, _Ki_l, _Kd_l, _Kp_r, _Ki_r, _Kd_r;
00153                 int _position_l, _position_r;
00154                 std::vector<int> _bumpers, _positions, _speeds, _imax, _sonars;
00156                 int speeds[2];
00157                 char sendArray[20];
00158                 bool e_stop;
00159                 bool dir_left;
00160                 bool dir_right;
00162                 int _port_nr;
00163                 int _baudrate;
00164                 std::string _port_name, _mode;
00165                 //char _mode[3];
00167                 uint8_t tempData[10000];
00168                 uint8_t tempDataIndex;
00170                 bool seekForChar;
00171                 char startChar;
00172                 uint8_t _ack_data;
00174                 double Kp,Ki,Kd,Kol;
00175                 double read_timeout_;
00177                 milvus::SerialComm serial_port;
00178                 milvus::UsbComm usb_port;
00180                 uint16_t vendor_id_, product_id_; 
00181                 int ep_in_addr_, ep_out_addr_;
00183                 bool use_usb_;
00185                 bool line_ok_;
00187                 bool simple_;
00188 };
00190 #endif

Author(s): Akif Hacinecipoglu
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 21:43:37