
Goal builder for MoveIt’s MoveGroup action.

This is useful for when you want to use the MoveGroup actionlib interface directly, instead of using the MoveGroup class. This allows you to poll when the action is done, which the normal MoveGroup interface does not allow you to do.


To move to a current robot pose with a few options changed.

import actionlib
import moveit_msgs
from moveit_goal_builder import MoveItGoalBuilder

builder = MoveItGoalBuilder()
builder.replan = True
builder.replan_attempts = 10
goal =

move_group_action = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('move_group', moveit_msgs.msg.MoveGroupAction)

Note that the pose goal is transformed into the builder’s fixed_frame once you call build(). See moveit_goal_builder module for full API documentation.

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