Go to the documentation of this file.
00023 #ifndef BLACKBOARD_H_
00024 #define BLACKBOARD_H_
00026 #include <iostream>
00027 #include <ros/ros.h>
00029 #include "micros_swarm/singleton.h"
00030 #include "micros_swarm/packet_type.h"
00031 #include "micros_swarm/serialize.h"
00032 #include "micros_swarm/runtime_handle.h"
00033 #include "micros_swarm/msg_queue_manager.h"
00034 #include "gsdf_msgs/CommPacket.h"
00035 #include "gsdf_msgs/BlackBoardPut.h"
00036 #include "gsdf_msgs/BlackBoardQuery.h"
00037 #include "gsdf_msgs/BlackBoardAck.h"
00039 namespace micros_swarm{
00041     template<class Type>
00042     class BlackBoard{
00043         public:
00044             BlackBoard()
00045             {
00046                 bb_id_ = -1;
00047                 on_robot_id_ = -1;
00048                 robot_id_ = -1;
00049                 is_local_ = false;
00050             }
00052             BlackBoard(int bb_id, int on_robot_id)
00053             {
00054                 bb_id_ = bb_id;
00055                 on_robot_id_ = on_robot_id;
00056                 rth_ = Singleton<RuntimeHandle>::getSingleton();
00057                 robot_id_ = rth_->getRobotID();
00058                 mqm_ = Singleton<MsgQueueManager>::getSingleton();
00059                 is_local_ = false;
00060                 if(on_robot_id_ == robot_id_) {
00061                     rth_->createBlackBoard(bb_id_);
00062                     is_local_ = true;
00063                 }
00064             }
00066             BlackBoard(const BlackBoard& bb)
00067             {
00068                 rth_ = Singleton<RuntimeHandle>::getSingleton();
00069                 mqm_ = Singleton<MsgQueueManager>::getSingleton();
00070                 bb_id_ = bb.bb_id_;
00071                 on_robot_id_ = bb.on_robot_id_;
00072                 robot_id_ = bb.robot_id_;
00073                 is_local_ = bb.is_local_;
00074             }
00076             BlackBoard& operator=(const BlackBoard& bb)
00077             {
00078                 if(this == &bb) {
00079                     return *this;
00080                 }
00081                 rth_ = Singleton<RuntimeHandle>::getSingleton();
00082                 mqm_ = Singleton<MsgQueueManager>::getSingleton();
00083                 bb_id_ = bb.bb_id_;
00084                 on_robot_id_ = bb.on_robot_id_;
00085                 robot_id_ = bb.robot_id_;
00086                 is_local_ = bb.is_local_;
00087                 return *this;
00088             }
00090             ~BlackBoard()
00091             {
00092                 rth_.reset();
00093                 mqm_.reset();
00094             }
00096             void put(const std::string& key, const Type& data)
00097             {
00098                 std::vector<uint8_t> s = serialize_ros(data);
00099                 ros::Time timestamp = ros::Time::now();
00100                 if(is_local_) {
00101                     rth_->insertOrUpdateBlackBoard(bb_id_, key, s, timestamp, rth_->getRobotID());
00102                 }
00103                 else {
00104                     gsdf_msgs::BlackBoardPut bbp;
00105                     bbp.bb_id = bb_id_;
00106                     bbp.on_robot_id = on_robot_id_;
00107                     bbp.key = key;
00108                     bbp.value = s;
00109                     bbp.timestamp = timestamp;
00110                     bbp.robot_id = rth_->getRobotID();
00111                     std::vector<uint8_t> bbp_vec = serialize_ros(bbp);
00113                     gsdf_msgs::CommPacket p;
00114                     p.header.source = rth_->getRobotID();
00115                     p.header.type = BLACKBOARD_PUT;
00116                     p.header.data_len = bbp_vec.size();
00117                     p.header.version = 1;
00118                     p.header.checksum = 0;
00119                     p.content.buf = bbp_vec;
00120                     std::vector<uint8_t> msg_data = serialize_ros(p);
00121                     mqm_->getOutMsgQueue("bb")->push(msg_data);
00122                 }
00123             }
00125             Type get(const std::string& key)
00126             {
00127                 if(is_local_) {
00128                     BlackBoardTuple bb;
00129                     rth_->getBlackBoardTuple(bb_id_, key, bb);
00131                     if ((bb.timestamp.sec == 0) && (bb.timestamp.nsec == 0)) {
00132                         std::cout << "ID " << bb_id_ << " blackboard, " << key << " is not exist." << std::endl;
00133                         exit(-1);
00134                     }
00136                     Type data = deserialize_ros<Type>(bb.bb_value);
00137                     return data;
00138                 }
00139                 else {
00140                     gsdf_msgs::BlackBoardQuery bbq;
00141                     bbq.bb_id = bb_id_;
00142                     bbq.on_robot_id = on_robot_id_;
00143                     bbq.key = key;
00144                     bbq.timestamp = ros::Time::now();
00145                     bbq.robot_id = robot_id_;
00146                     std::vector<uint8_t> bbq_vec = serialize_ros(bbq);
00148                     gsdf_msgs::CommPacket p;
00149                     p.header.source = rth_->getRobotID();
00150                     p.header.type = BLACKBOARD_QUERY;
00151                     p.header.data_len = bbq_vec.size();
00152                     p.header.version = 1;
00153                     p.header.checksum = 0;
00154                     p.content.buf = bbq_vec;
00155                     rth_->createBlackBoard(bb_id_);
00156                     ros::Time timestamp;
00157                     timestamp.sec = 0;
00158                     timestamp.nsec = 0;
00159                     std::vector<uint8_t> empty_vec;
00160                     empty_vec.clear();
00161                     rth_->insertOrUpdateBlackBoard(bb_id_, key, empty_vec, timestamp, -1);
00162                     std::vector<uint8_t> msg_data = serialize_ros(p);
00163                     mqm_->getOutMsgQueue("bb")->push(msg_data);
00165                     Type data;
00166                     BlackBoardTuple bbt;
00167                     ros::Rate loop_rate(100);
00168                     int count = 0;
00169                     while(count < 500) {
00170                         rth_->getBlackBoardTuple(bb_id_, key, bbt);
00171                         if(bbt.bb_value.size() != 0) {
00172                             data = deserialize_ros<Type>(bbt.bb_value);
00173                             rth_->deleteBlackBoardValue(bb_id_, key);
00174                             break;
00175                         }
00176                         loop_rate.sleep();
00177                         ros::spinOnce();
00178                     }
00180                     return data;
00181                 }
00182             }
00184             int size()
00185             {
00186                 if(is_local_) {
00187                     return rth_->getBlackBoardSize(bb_id_);
00188                 }
00189                 else {
00191                 }
00192             }
00193         private:
00194             int robot_id_;
00195             int bb_id_;
00196             int on_robot_id_;
00197             bool is_local_;
00198             boost::shared_ptr<RuntimeHandle> rth_;
00199             boost::shared_ptr<micros_swarm::MsgQueueManager> mqm_;
00200     };
00201 }
00202 #endif

autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 18:52:14