Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00003 '''
00004 search a set of log files for bad accel values
00005 '''
00007 import sys, time, os, glob
00008 import zipfile
00010 from pymavlink import mavutil
00012 # extra imports for pyinstaller
00013 import json
00014 from pymavlink.dialects.v10 import ardupilotmega
00016 search_dirs = ['c:\Program Files\APM Planner',
00017                'c:\Program Files\Mission Planner',
00018                'c:\Program Files (x86)\APM Planner',
00019                'c:\Program Files (x86)\Mission Planner']
00020 results = ''
00021 email = 'Craig Elder <>'
00023 from argparse import ArgumentParser
00024 parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
00025 parser.add_argument("--directory", action='append', default=search_dirs, help="directories to search")
00026 parser.add_argument("--post-boot", action='store_true', help="post boot only")
00027 parser.add_argument("--init-only", action='store_true', help="init only")
00028 parser.add_argument("--single-axis", action='store_true', help="single axis only")
00030 args = parser.parse_args()
00032 logcount = 0
00034 def AccelSearch(filename):
00035     global logcount
00036     mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename)
00037     badcount = 0
00038     badval = None
00039     have_ok = False
00040     last_t = 0
00041     while True:
00042         m = mlog.recv_match(type=['PARAM_VALUE','RAW_IMU'])
00043         if m is None:
00044             if last_t != 0:
00045                 logcount += 1
00046             return False
00047         if m.get_type() == 'PARAM_VALUE':
00048             if m.param_id.startswith('INS_PRODUCT_ID'):
00049                 if m.param_value not in [0.0, 5.0]:
00050                     return False
00051         if m.get_type() == 'RAW_IMU':
00052             if m.time_usec < last_t:
00053                 have_ok = False
00054             last_t = m.time_usec
00055             if abs(m.xacc) >= 3000 and abs(m.yacc) > 3000 and abs(m.zacc) > 3000 and not args.single_axis:
00056                 if args.post_boot and not have_ok:
00057                     continue
00058                 if args.init_only and have_ok:
00059                     continue
00060                 print(have_ok, last_t, m)
00061                 break
00062             # also look for a single axis that stays nearly constant at a large value
00063             for axes in ['xacc', 'yacc', 'zacc']:
00064                 value1 = getattr(m, axes)
00065                 if abs(value1) > 2000:
00066                     if badval is None:
00067                         badcount = 1
00068                         badval = m
00069                         continue
00070                     value2 = getattr(badval, axes)
00071                     if abs(value1 - value2) < 30:
00072                         badcount += 1
00073                         badval = m
00074                         if badcount > 5:
00075                             logcount += 1
00076                             if args.init_only and have_ok:
00077                                 continue
00078                             print(have_ok, badcount, badval, m)
00079                             return True
00080                     else:
00081                         badcount = 1
00082                         badval = m
00083             if badcount == 0:
00084                 have_ok = True
00085     if last_t != 0:
00086         logcount += 1
00087     return True
00089 found = []
00090 directories =
00092 # allow drag and drop
00093 if len(sys.argv) > 1:
00094     directories = sys.argv[1:]
00096 filelist = []
00098 for d in directories:
00099     if not os.path.exists(d):
00100         continue
00101     if os.path.isdir(d):
00102         print("Searching in %s" % d)
00103         for (root, dirs, files) in os.walk(d):
00104             for f in files:
00105                 if not f.endswith('.tlog'):
00106                     continue
00107                 path = os.path.join(root, f)
00108                 filelist.append(path)
00109     elif d.endswith('.tlog'):
00110         filelist.append(d)
00112 for i in range(len(filelist)):
00113     f = filelist[i]
00114     print("Checking %s ... [found=%u logcount=%u i=%u/%u]" % (f, len(found), logcount, i, len(filelist)))
00115     if AccelSearch(f):
00116         found.append(f)
00119 if len(found) == 0:
00120     print("No matching files found - all OK!")
00121     raw_input('Press enter to close')
00122     sys.exit(0)
00124 print("Creating zip file %s" % results)
00125 try:
00126     zip = zipfile.ZipFile(results, 'w')
00127 except Exception:
00128     print("Unable to create zip file %s" % results)
00129     print("Please send matching files manually")
00130     for f in found:
00131         print('MATCHED: %s' % f)
00132     raw_input('Press enter to close')
00133     sys.exit(1)
00135 for f in found:
00136     zip.write(f, arcname=os.path.basename(f))
00137 zip.close()
00139 print('==============================================')
00140 print("Created %s with %u of %u matching logs" % (results, len(found), logcount))
00141 print("Please send this file to %s" % email)
00142 print('==============================================')
00144 raw_input('Press enter to close')
00145 sys.exit(0)

Author(s): Lorenz Meier
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 19:01:57