Localizing Jockey based on local costmap (costmap position is relative to the sensor but orientation is absolute).
The role of this jockey is to get the dissimilarity of the PlaceProfile descriptors of all vertices with the current PlaceProfile. The action is done when the dissimilarities are computed. Implemented actions:
- GET_VERTEX_DESCRIPTOR: return the PlaceProfile and the computed Crossing
- GET_SIMILARITY: return the dissimilarity based on PlaceProfile
Interaction with the map (created by this jockey):
- [Getter][/][Setter], message type, interface default name
- Getter/Setter: PlaceProfile, jockey_name + "_place_profile"
- Setter: Crossing, jockey_name + "_crossing"
Interaction with the map (created by other jockeys):
- [Getter][/][Setter], message type, interface default name
Subscribers (other than map-related):
- message type, topic default name, description
- nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid, "~/local_costmap", local cost map which orientation is global
Publishers (other than map-related):
- message type, topic default name, description
Services used (other than map-related):
- service type, server default name, description
- place_matcher_msgs::PolygonDissimilarity, "~/compute_dissimilarity", used to compare all known places (as polygons) with the current place
- name, type, default name, description
- ~/costmap_interface_name, String, jockey_name + "_place_profile", name of the map interface for place profiles.
- ~/crossing_interface_name, String, jockey_name + "_crossing", name of the map interface for crossing.
- ~/localize_service, String, "localize_in_vertex", name of the dissimilarity service for LOCALIZE_IN_VERTEX (only the pose is considered).
- ~/dissimilarity_server_name, String, "compute_dissimilarity", name of the dissimilarity service (only the dissimilarity is considered).
- ~/range_cutoff, Float, 0, points farther than this are considered to be free of obstacle and frontiers may exist. 0 means ignore.