Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "kdlTypekit.hpp"
00003 template class RTT::internal::DataSource< ::KDL::JntArray >;
00004 template class RTT::internal::AssignableDataSource< ::KDL::JntArray >;
00005 template class RTT::internal::ValueDataSource< ::KDL::JntArray >;
00006 template class RTT::internal::ConstantDataSource< ::KDL::JntArray >;
00007 template class RTT::internal::ReferenceDataSource< ::KDL::JntArray >;
00008 template class RTT::base::ChannelElement< ::KDL::JntArray >;
00009 template class RTT::OutputPort< ::KDL::JntArray >;
00010 template class RTT::InputPort< ::KDL::JntArray >;
00011 template class RTT::Property< ::KDL::JntArray >;
00012 template class RTT::Attribute< ::KDL::JntArray >;
00015 namespace KDL{
00016   using namespace std;
00017   using namespace RTT;
00020     double& get_item(JntArray& v, int index)
00021     {
00022         if (index >= (int) (v.rows()) || index < 0)
00023             return RTT::internal::NA<double&>::na();
00024         return v(index);
00025     }
00027     double get_item_copy(const JntArray& v, int index)
00028     {
00029         if (index >= (int) (v.rows()) || index < 0)
00030             return RTT::internal::NA<double>::na();
00031         return v(index);
00032     }
00035     int get_size(const JntArray& v)
00036     {
00037         return v.rows();
00038     }
00040     struct JntArrayTypeInfo : public types::TemplateTypeInfo<JntArray,true>
00042                             , public MemberFactory
00043 #endif
00044     {
00045         JntArrayTypeInfo():TemplateTypeInfo<JntArray, true >("KDL.JntArray")
00046         {
00047         }
00050             bool installTypeInfoObject(TypeInfo* ti) {
00051                 // aquire a shared reference to the this object
00052                 boost::shared_ptr< JntArrayTypeInfo > mthis = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<JntArrayTypeInfo >( this->getSharedPtr() );
00053                 assert(mthis);
00054                 // Allow base to install first
00055                 TemplateTypeInfo<JntArray,true>::installTypeInfoObject(ti);
00056                 // Install the factories for primitive types
00057                 ti->setMemberFactory( mthis );
00058                 // Don't delete us, we're memory-managed.
00059                 return false;
00060             }
00061 #endif
00066             bool composeType( base::DataSourceBase::shared_ptr dssource, base::DataSourceBase::shared_ptr dsresult) const {
00067                 const internal::DataSource<PropertyBag>* pb = dynamic_cast< const internal::DataSource<PropertyBag>* > (dssource.get() );
00068                 if ( !pb )
00069                     return false;
00070                 internal::AssignableDataSource<JntArray>::shared_ptr ads = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast< internal::AssignableDataSource<JntArray> >( dsresult );
00071                 if ( !ads )
00072                     return false;
00074                 PropertyBag const& source = pb->rvalue();
00075                 internal::AssignableDataSource<JntArray>::reference_t result = ads->set();
00077                 // take into account sequences:
00078                 base::PropertyBase* sz = source.find("Size");
00079                 if (!sz)
00080                     sz = source.find("size");
00081                 if (sz)
00082                 {
00083                     internal::DataSource<int>::shared_ptr sz_ds = internal::DataSource<int>::narrow(sz->getDataSource().get());
00084                     if (sz_ds)
00085                         result.resize( sz_ds->get() );
00086                 }
00087                 else
00088                 {
00089                     // no size found, inform parent of number of elements to come:
00090                     result.resize( source.size() );
00091                 }
00092                 // recurse into items of this sequence:
00093                 PropertyBag target( source.getType() );
00094                 PropertyBag decomp;
00095                 internal::ReferenceDataSource<JntArray> rds(result);
00096                 rds.ref(); // prevent dealloc.
00097                 // we compose each item in this sequence and then update result with target's result.
00098                 // 1. each child is composed into target (this is a recursive thing)
00099                 // 2. we decompose result one-level deep and 'refresh' it with the composed children of step 1.
00100                 if ( composePropertyBag(source, target) && typeDecomposition( &rds, decomp, false) && ( decomp.getType() == target.getType() ) && refreshProperties(decomp, target, true) ) {
00101                     assert(result.rows() == source.size());
00102                     assert(source.size() == target.size());
00103                     assert(source.size() == decomp.size());
00104                     ads->updated();
00105                     Logger::log() <<Logger::Debug<<"Successfuly composed type from "<< source.getType() <<Logger::endl;
00106                     return true;
00107                 }
00108                 return false;
00109             }
00114             base::DataSourceBase::shared_ptr decomposeType(base::DataSourceBase::shared_ptr source) const
00115             {
00116                 return base::DataSourceBase::shared_ptr();
00117             }
00120         bool resize(base::DataSourceBase::shared_ptr arg, int size) const
00121         {
00122             if (arg->isAssignable()) {
00123                  RTT::internal::AssignableDataSource<JntArray>::shared_ptr asarg = RTT::internal::AssignableDataSource<JntArray>::narrow( arg.get() );
00124                 asarg->set().resize( size );
00125                 asarg->updated();
00126                 return true;
00127             }
00128             return false;
00129         }
00131         virtual std::vector<std::string> getMemberNames() const {
00132             // only discover the parts of this struct:
00133             std::vector<std::string> result;
00134             result.push_back("size");
00135             result.push_back("capacity");
00136             return result;
00137         }
00139         base::DataSourceBase::shared_ptr getMember(base::DataSourceBase::shared_ptr item, const std::string& name) const {
00140             // the only thing we do is to check for an integer in name, otherwise, assume a part (size) is accessed:
00141             try {
00142                 unsigned int indx = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned int>(name);
00143                 // @todo could also return a direct reference to item indx using another DS type that respects updated().
00144                 return getMember( item, new RTT::internal::ConstantDataSource<int>(indx));
00145             } catch(...) {}
00147             return getMember( item, new RTT::internal::ConstantDataSource<std::string>(name) );
00148         }
00150         base::DataSourceBase::shared_ptr getMember(base::DataSourceBase::shared_ptr item,
00151                                                    base::DataSourceBase::shared_ptr id) const {
00152             // discover if user gave us a part name or index:
00153              RTT::internal::DataSource<int>::shared_ptr id_indx = RTT::internal::DataSource<int>::narrow( RTT::internal::DataSourceTypeInfo<int>::getTypeInfo()->convert(id).get() );
00154              RTT::internal::DataSource<string>::shared_ptr id_name = RTT::internal::DataSource<string>::narrow( id.get() );
00155             if ( id_name ) {
00156                 if ( id_name->get() == "size" || id_name->get() == "capacity") {
00157                     try {
00158                         return RTT::internal::newFunctorDataSource(&get_size, RTT::internal::GenerateDataSource()(item.get()) );
00159                     } catch(...) {}
00160                 }
00161             }
00163             if ( id_indx ) {
00164                 try {
00165                     if ( item->isAssignable() )
00166                         return RTT::internal::newFunctorDataSource(&get_item, RTT::internal::GenerateDataSource()(item.get(), id_indx.get() ) );
00167                     else
00168                         return RTT::internal::newFunctorDataSource(&get_item_copy, RTT::internal::GenerateDataSource()(item.get(), id_indx.get() ) );
00169                 } catch(...) {}
00170             }
00171             if (id_name) {
00172                 log(Error) << "JntArrayTypeInfo: No such member : " << id_name->get() << endlog();
00173             }
00174             if (id_indx) {
00175                 log(Error) << "JntArrayTypeInfo: Invalid index : " << id_indx->get() <<":"<< id_indx->getTypeName() << endlog();
00176             }
00177             if ( !id_name && ! id_indx)
00178                 log(Error) << "JntArrayTypeInfo: Not a member or index : " << id <<":"<< id->getTypeName() << endlog();
00179             return base::DataSourceBase::shared_ptr();
00180         }
00182     };
00184     void loadJntArrayTypes(){
00185         RTT::types::Types()->addType( new JntArrayTypeInfo() );
00186         RTT::types::Types()->addType( new SequenceTypeInfo<std::vector< JntArray > >("KDL.JntArray[]") );
00187         RTT::types::Types()->addType( new CArrayTypeInfo<RTT::types::carray< JntArray > >("KDL.cJntArray[]") );
00188     }
00189 }  

Author(s): Steven Bellens, Ruben Smits
autogenerated on Fri May 17 2019 02:37:38