Go to the documentation of this file.00001 from jsk_teleop_joy.camera_view import CameraView
00003 import imp
00004 try:
00005 imp.find_module("view_controller_msgs")
00006 except:
00007 import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('jsk_teleop_joy')
00009 from view_controller_msgs.msg import CameraPlacement
00011 import tf
00012 import rospy
00014 import numpy
00015 import math
00017 import time
00019 def signedSquare(val):
00020 if val > 0:
00021 sign = 1
00022 else:
00023 sign = -1
00024 return val * val * sign
00027 class RVizViewControllerManager():
00028 '''
00029 Description:
00030 This class is used as a singleton instance named RVizViewControllerManagerSingleton.
00031 Plugin class using this class is RVizViewController.
00032 Use TabletViewController(jsk_rviz_plugin) in rviz (selected at 'Views' Panel)
00033 '''
00034 def __init__(self):
00035 self.camera_pub = rospy.Publisher('/rviz/camera_placement', CameraPlacement, queue_size = 1)
00036 self.camera_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/rviz/current_camera_placement', CameraPlacement,
00037 self.cameraCB, queue_size = 1)
00038 self.pre_view = CameraView()
00039 self.follow_view = False
00040 self.counter = 0
00041 self.prev_time = rospy.Time.from_sec(time.time())
00042 def cameraCB(self, msg):
00043 self.pre_view = CameraView.createFromCameraPlacement(msg)
00044 def joyCB(self, status, history, pre_pose):
00045 self.counter = self.counter + 1
00046 if self.counter > 1024:
00047 self.counter = 0
00048 pre_view = self.pre_view
00049 view = CameraView()
00050 view.focus = numpy.copy(pre_view.focus)
00051 view.yaw = pre_view.yaw
00052 view.pitch = pre_view.pitch
00053 view.distance = pre_view.distance
00054 view_updated = False
00055 if status.R3:
00056 if status.L3:
00058 v = CameraView()
00059 self.publishView(v)
00060 return
00061 if status.L1:
00063 view.focus = numpy.array((pre_pose.pose.position.x,
00064 pre_pose.pose.position.y,
00065 pre_pose.pose.position.z))
00066 self.publishView(view)
00067 return
00069 if not status.left_analog_y == 0.0:
00070 view.distance = view.distance - signedSquare(status.left_analog_y) * 0.05
00071 view_updated = True
00073 if status.left:
00074 view_updated = True
00075 view_x = 1.0
00076 elif status.right:
00077 view_updated = True
00078 view_x = -1.0
00079 else:
00080 view_x = 0.0
00082 if status.up:
00083 view_updated = True
00084 view_y = 1.0
00085 elif status.down:
00086 view_updated = True
00087 view_y = -1.0
00088 else:
00089 view_y = 0.0
00091 if not status.left_analog_x == 0.0:
00092 view_updated = True
00094 focus_diff = numpy.dot(view.cameraOrientation(),
00095 numpy.array((view_x / 7.0 / view.distance,
00096 view_y / 7.0 / view.distance,
00097 - status.left_analog_x / 7.0 / view.distance)))
00098 view.focus = view.focus + focus_diff
00099 else:
00100 if status.right_analog_x != 0.0:
00101 view_updated = True
00102 if status.right_analog_y != 0.0:
00103 view_updated = True
00105 view.yaw = view.yaw - 0.05 * signedSquare(status.right_analog_x)
00106 view.pitch = view.pitch + 0.05 * signedSquare(status.right_analog_y)
00108 if (int(math.floor((2 * math.fabs(view.pitch))/math.pi)) + 1) % 4 > 1:
00109 view.z_up[2] = -1
00112 if self.follow_view and self.support_follow_view:
00113 view_updated = True
00114 view.focus = numpy.array((pre_pose.pose.position.x,
00115 pre_pose.pose.position.y,
00116 pre_pose.pose.position.z))
00118 q = numpy.array((pre_pose.pose.orientation.x,
00119 pre_pose.pose.orientation.y,
00120 pre_pose.pose.orientation.z,
00121 pre_pose.pose.orientation.w))
00122 mat = tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix(q)
00123 camera_local_pos = numpy.dot(mat, numpy.array((0, 0, 1, 1)))[:3]
00124 pitch = math.asin(camera_local_pos[2])
00126 if camera_local_pos[1] < 0:
00127 pitch = math.pi - pitch
00128 if math.fabs(math.cos(pitch)) < 0.01:
00129 yaw = 0.0
00130 else:
00131 cos_value = camera_local_pos[0] / math.cos(pitch)
00132 if cos_value > 1.0:
00133 cos_value = 1.0
00134 elif cos_value < -1.0:
00135 cos_value = -1.0
00136 yaw = math.acos(cos_value)
00137 view.pitch = pitch
00138 view.yaw = yaw
00139 z_up = numpy.dot(mat, numpy.array((1, 0, 0, 1)))
00140 view.z_up = z_up[:3]
00141 if view_updated:
00142 self.publishView(view)
00144 def publishView(self, view):
00145 now = rospy.Time.from_sec(time.time())
00146 placement = view.cameraPlacement()
00147 placement.time_from_start = now - self.prev_time
00148 if (now - self.prev_time).to_sec() > 1 / 10.0:
00149 self.camera_pub.publish(placement)
00150 self.prev_time = now
00151 self.pre_view = view
00153 RVizViewControllerManagerSingleton = RVizViewControllerManager()