Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 from __future__ import absolute_import
00002 from __future__ import division
00003 from __future__ import print_function
00005 from chainer import Parameter
00006 from chainer import Variable
00007 import chainer
00008 import chainer.functions as F
00009 import numpy as np
00012 def batch_global_rigid_transformation(Rs, Js, parent, rotate_base=False):
00013     """
00014     Computes absolute joint locations given pose.
00016     rotate_base: if True, rotates the global rotation by 90 deg in x axis.
00017     if False, this is the original SMPL coordinate.
00019     Args:
00020       Rs: N x 24 x 3 x 3 rotation vector of K joints
00021       Js: N x 24 x 3, joint locations before posing
00022       parent: 24 holding the parent id for each index
00024     Returns
00025       new_J : `Tensor`: N x 24 x 3 location of absolute joints
00026       A     : `Tensor`: N x 24 4 x 4 relative joint transformations for LBS.
00027     """
00028     xp = Rs.xp
00029     N = Rs.shape[0]
00030     if rotate_base:
00031         print('Flipping the SMPL coordinate frame!!!!')
00032         rot_x = Variable(
00033             [[1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, -1]], dtype=Rs.dtype)
00034         rot_x = F.reshape(F.tile(rot_x, [N, 1]), [N, 3, 3])
00035         root_rotation = F.matmul(Rs[:, 0, :, :], rot_x)
00036     else:
00037         root_rotation = Rs[:, 0, :, :]
00039     # Now Js is N x 24 x 3 x 1
00040     Js = F.expand_dims(Js, -1)
00042     def make_A(R, t, name=None):
00043         # Rs is N x 3 x 3, ts is N x 3 x 1
00044         R_homo = F.pad(R, [[0, 0], [0, 1], [0, 0]], 'constant')
00045         t_homo = F.concat([t, xp.ones([N, 1, 1], 'f')], 1)
00046         return F.concat([R_homo, t_homo], 2)
00048     A0 = make_A(root_rotation, Js[:, 0])
00049     results = [A0]
00050     for i in range(1, parent.shape[0]):
00051         j_here = Js[:, i] - Js[:, parent[i]]
00052         A_here = make_A(Rs[:, i], j_here)
00053         res_here = F.matmul(
00054             results[parent[i]], A_here)
00055         results.append(res_here)
00057     # 10 x 24 x 4 x 4
00058     results = F.stack(results, axis=1)
00060     new_J = results[:, :, :3, 3]
00062     # --- Compute relative A: Skinning is based on
00063     # how much the bone moved (not the final location of the bone)
00064     # but (final_bone - init_bone)
00065     # ---
00066     Js_w0 = F.concat([Js, xp.zeros([N, 24, 1, 1], 'f')], 2)
00067     init_bone = F.matmul(results, Js_w0)
00068     # Append empty 4 x 3:
00069     init_bone = F.pad(init_bone, [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [3, 0]], 'constant')
00070     A = results - init_bone
00072     return new_J, results
00075 def batch_skew(vec, batch_size=None):
00076     """
00077     vec is N x 3, batch_size is int
00079     returns N x 3 x 3. Skew_sym version of each matrix.
00080     """
00081     xp = vec.xp
00082     if batch_size is None:
00083         batch_size = vec.shape[0]
00084     col_inds = xp.array([1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7])
00085     indices = F.reshape(
00086         F.repeat(col_inds.reshape(1, -1), batch_size, axis=0) +
00087         F.repeat(F.reshape(xp.arange(0, batch_size) * 9, [-1, 1]), 6, axis=1),
00088         [-1, 1])
00089     updates = F.reshape(
00090         F.stack(
00091             [-vec[:, 2], vec[:, 1], vec[:, 2], -vec[:, 0], -vec[:, 1],
00092              vec[:, 0]], axis=1), [-1])
00093     res = Variable(xp.zeros((batch_size * 3 * 3), 'f'))
00094[indices.reshape(-1).data] =
00095     res = F.reshape(res, [batch_size, 3, 3])
00096     return res
00099 def batch_rodrigues(theta):
00100     """
00101     Theta is N x 3
00102     """
00103     batch_size = theta.shape[0]
00104     xp = theta.xp
00106     angle = F.expand_dims(F.sqrt(F.batch_l2_norm_squared(theta + 1e-8)), -1)
00107     r = F.expand_dims(theta / F.tile(angle, 3), -1)
00109     angle = F.expand_dims(angle, -1)
00110     cos = F.cos(angle)
00111     sin = F.sin(angle)
00112     cos = F.tile(cos, (3, 3))
00113     sin = F.tile(sin, (3, 3))
00115     outer = F.matmul(r, r, transb=True)
00117     eyes = F.tile(F.expand_dims(
00118         Variable(xp.array(xp.eye(3), 'f')), 0), (batch_size, 1, 1))
00119     R = cos * eyes + (1 - cos) * outer + sin * batch_skew(r, batch_size)
00120     return R
00123 class SMPL(chainer.Chain):
00125     def __init__(self):
00126         super(SMPL, self).__init__()
00127         self.parents = np.array([
00128             4294967295, 0, 0, 0, 1,
00129             2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 9,
00130             12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21], 'i')
00132         with self.init_scope():
00133             self.v_template = Parameter(0, (6890, 3))
00134             self.size = [self.v_template.shape[0], 3]
00135             self.shapedirs = Parameter(0, (10, 20670))
00136             self.J_regressor = Parameter(0, (6890, 24))
00137             self.posedirs = Parameter(0, (207, 20670))
00138             self.weights = Parameter(0, (6890, 24))
00139             self.joint_regressor = Parameter(0, (6890, 19))
00141     def __call__(self, beta, theta, get_skin=False, with_a=False):
00142         batch_size = beta.shape[0]
00144         # 1. Add shape blend shapes
00145         # (N x 10) x (10 x 6890*3) = N x 6890 x 3
00146         self.beta_shapedirs = F.matmul(beta, self.shapedirs)
00147         v_shaped = F.reshape(
00148             F.matmul(beta, self.shapedirs),
00149             [-1, self.size[0], self.size[1]]) + \
00150             F.repeat(self.v_template[None, ], batch_size, axis=0)
00151         self.v_shaped = v_shaped
00153         # 2. Infer shape-dependent joint locations.
00154         Jx = F.matmul(v_shaped[:, :, 0], self.J_regressor)
00155         Jy = F.matmul(v_shaped[:, :, 1], self.J_regressor)
00156         Jz = F.matmul(v_shaped[:, :, 2], self.J_regressor)
00157         J = F.stack([Jx, Jy, Jz], axis=2)
00159         self.J = J
00161         # 3. Add pose blend shapes
00162         # N x 24 x 3 x 3
00163         Rs = F.reshape(
00164             batch_rodrigues(F.reshape(theta, [-1, 3])), [-1, 24, 3, 3])
00165         self.Rs = Rs
00166         # Ignore global rotation.
00167         pose_feature = F.reshape(Rs[:, 1:, :, :] -
00168                                  F.repeat(F.repeat(Variable(self.xp.array(self.xp.eye(3), 'f'))[
00169                                           None, ], 23, axis=0)[None, ], batch_size, axis=0),
00170                                  [-1, 207])
00171         self.pose_feature = pose_feature
00173         # (N x 207) x (207, 20670) -> N x 6890 x 3
00174         v_posed = F.reshape(
00175             F.matmul(pose_feature, self.posedirs),
00176             [-1, self.size[0], self.size[1]]) + v_shaped
00178         # 4. Get the global joint location
00179         self.J_transformed, A = batch_global_rigid_transformation(
00180             Rs, J, self.parents)
00182         # 5. Do skinning:
00183         # W is N x 6890 x 24
00184         W = F.reshape(
00185             F.tile(self.weights, (batch_size, 1)), [batch_size, -1, 24])
00186         # (N x 6890 x 24) x (N x 24 x 16)
00187         T = F.reshape(
00188             F.matmul(W, F.reshape(A, [batch_size, 24, 16])),
00189             [batch_size, -1, 4, 4])
00190         v_posed_homo = F.concat(
00191             [v_posed, self.xp.ones([batch_size, v_posed.shape[1], 1], 'f')], 2)
00192         v_homo = F.matmul(T, F.expand_dims(v_posed_homo, -1))
00194         verts = v_homo[:, :, :3, 0]
00196         # Get cocoplus or lsp joints:
00197         joint_x = F.matmul(verts[:, :, 0], self.joint_regressor)
00198         joint_y = F.matmul(verts[:, :, 1], self.joint_regressor)
00199         joint_z = F.matmul(verts[:, :, 2], self.joint_regressor)
00200         joints = F.stack([joint_x, joint_y, joint_z], axis=2)
00202         return verts, joints, Rs, A

Author(s): Manabu Saito, Ryohei Ueda
autogenerated on Tue Jul 2 2019 19:41:07