This is the complete list of members for
UPlot, including all inherited members.
_aAddHorizontalLine | UPlot | [private] |
_aAddVerticalLine | UPlot | [private] |
_aAutoScreenCapture | UPlot | [private] |
_aChangeTitle | UPlot | [private] |
_aChangeXLabel | UPlot | [private] |
_aChangeYLabel | UPlot | [private] |
_aClearData | UPlot | [private] |
_aGraphicsView | UPlot | [private] |
_aKeepAllData | UPlot | [private] |
_aLimit0 | UPlot | [private] |
_aLimit10 | UPlot | [private] |
_aLimit100 | UPlot | [private] |
_aLimit1000 | UPlot | [private] |
_aLimit50 | UPlot | [private] |
_aLimit500 | UPlot | [private] |
_aLimitCustom | UPlot | [private] |
_aSaveFigure | UPlot | [private] |
_aShowGrid | UPlot | [private] |
_aShowLegend | UPlot | [private] |
_aShowRefreshRate | UPlot | [private] |
_autoScreenCaptureFormat | UPlot | [private] |
_axisMaximums | UPlot | [private] |
_axisMaximumsSet | UPlot | [private] |
_aYLabelVertical | UPlot | [private] |
_curves | UPlot | [private] |
_fixedAxis | UPlot | [private] |
_graphicsViewHolder | UPlot | [private] |
_horizontalAxis | UPlot | [private] |
_legend | UPlot | [private] |
_lowestRefreshRate | UPlot | [private] |
_maxVisibleItems | UPlot | [private] |
_menu | UPlot | [private] |
_penStyleCount | UPlot | [private] |
_refreshIntervalTime | UPlot | [private] |
_refreshRate | UPlot | [private] |
_refreshStartTime | UPlot | [private] |
_sceneRoot | UPlot | [private] |
_title | UPlot | [private] |
_verticalAxis | UPlot | [private] |
_view | UPlot | [private] |
_workingDirectory | UPlot | [private] |
_xLabel | UPlot | [private] |
_yLabel | UPlot | [private] |
addCurve(const QString &curveName, const QColor &color=QColor()) | UPlot | |
addCurve(UPlotCurve *curve, bool ownershipTransferred=true) | UPlot | |
addItem(QGraphicsItem *item) | UPlot | [private] |
addThreshold(const QString &name, float value, Qt::Orientation orientation=Qt::Horizontal) | UPlot | |
captureScreen() | UPlot | [private, slot] |
clearData() | UPlot | [slot] |
contains(const QString &curveName) | UPlot | |
contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *event) | UPlot | [protected, virtual] |
createActions() | UPlot | [private] |
createMenus() | UPlot | [private] |
curveNames() | UPlot | |
getRandomPenColored() | UPlot | |
hGridLines | UPlot | [private] |
keepAllData(bool kept) | UPlot | |
paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) | UPlot | [protected, virtual] |
removeCurve(const UPlotCurve *curve) | UPlot | [slot] |
removeCurves() | UPlot | |
replot(QPainter *painter) | UPlot | [private] |
resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) | UPlot | [protected, virtual] |
sceneRect() const | UPlot | |
selectScreenCaptureFormat() | UPlot | [private] |
setFixedXAxis(float x1, float x2) | UPlot | |
setFixedYAxis(float y1, float y2) | UPlot | |
setGraphicsView(bool on) | UPlot | |
setMaxVisibleItems(int maxVisibleItems) | UPlot | |
setTitle(const QString &text) | UPlot | |
setupUi() | UPlot | [private] |
setVariableXAxis() | UPlot | [inline] |
setVariableYAxis() | UPlot | [inline] |
setWorkingDirectory(const QString &workingDirectory) | UPlot | |
setXLabel(const QString &text) | UPlot | |
setYLabel(const QString &text, Qt::Orientation orientation=Qt::Vertical) | UPlot | |
showCurve(const UPlotCurve *curve, bool shown) | UPlot | [slot] |
showGrid(bool shown) | UPlot | |
showLegend(bool shown) | UPlot | |
showRefreshRate(bool shown) | UPlot | |
showXAxis(bool shown) | UPlot | [inline] |
showYAxis(bool shown) | UPlot | [inline] |
title() const | UPlot | [inline] |
updateAxis() | UPlot | [slot] |
updateAxis(const UPlotCurve *curve) | UPlot | [private, slot] |
updateAxis(float x, float y) | UPlot | [private] |
updateAxis(float x1, float x2, float y1, float y2) | UPlot | [private] |
UPlot(QWidget *parent=0) | UPlot | |
UPlotCurve class | UPlot | [friend] |
vGridLines | UPlot | [private] |
~UPlot() | UPlot | [virtual] |