Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #if !defined(HFILE_libutils) && ANDROID_VER>=400
00002 #define HFILE_libutils
00004 #include "libinline.h"
00005 #include "libcutils.h"
00007 typedef uint16_t char16_t;
00009 extern "C" {
00010     int strzcmp16(const char16_t *s1, size_t n1, const char16_t *s2, size_t n2);
00011     enum {
00012         SYSTEM_TIME_REALTIME = 0,  // system-wide realtime clock
00013         SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC = 1, // monotonic time since unspecified starting point
00014         SYSTEM_TIME_PROCESS = 2,   // high-resolution per-process clock
00015         SYSTEM_TIME_THREAD = 3,    // high-resolution per-thread clock
00016         SYSTEM_TIME_BOOTTIME = 4   // same as SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC, but including CPU suspend time
00017     };
00018     #ifdef __cplusplus
00019         int64_t systemTime(int clock = SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC);
00020     #else
00021         int64_t systemTime(int clock);
00022     #endif // def __cplusplus
00023 }
00025 namespace android {
00027 class RefBase {
00028 public:
00029     void incStrong(const void* id) const;
00030     void decStrong(const void* id) const;
00031     class weakref_type {
00032     public:
00033         void decWeak(const void* id);
00034         bool attemptIncStrong(const void* id);
00035     };
00036     weakref_type* createWeak(const void* id) const;
00037 protected:
00038                  RefBase();
00039     virtual      ~RefBase();
00040     virtual void onFirstRef();
00041     virtual void onLastStrongRef(const void* id);
00042     virtual bool onIncStrongAttempted(uint32_t flags, const void* id);
00043     virtual void onLastWeakRef(const void* id);
00044 private:
00045     void* const mRefs;
00046 };
00048 template <class T> class LightRefBase {
00049 public:
00050     inline LightRefBase() : mCount(0) {}
00051     inline void incStrong(const void* id) const {
00052         android_atomic_inc(&mCount);
00053     }
00054     inline void decStrong(const void* id) const {
00055         if (android_atomic_dec(&mCount) == 1) {
00056             delete static_cast<const T*>(this);
00057         }
00058     }
00059 protected:
00060     inline ~LightRefBase() {}
00061 private:
00062     mutable volatile int32_t mCount;
00063 };
00065 template <typename T> class wp {
00066 public:
00067     inline        wp()                { m_ptr = 0; m_refs = 0; }
00068     inline        wp(T* other)        { m_ptr = other; if (other) m_refs = other->createWeak(this); }
00069     inline        ~wp()               { if (m_ptr) m_refs->decWeak(this); }
00070     inline wp<T>& operator=(T* other) { RefBase::weakref_type* newRefs = other ? other->createWeak(this) : 0; if (m_ptr) m_refs->decWeak(this); m_ptr = other; m_refs = newRefs; return *this; }
00071     inline sp<T>  promote() const     { sp<T> result; if (m_ptr && m_refs->attemptIncStrong(&result)) result.m_ptr = m_ptr; return result; }
00072 private:
00073     T* m_ptr;
00074     RefBase::weakref_type* m_refs;
00075 };
00077 class SharedBuffer {
00078 public:
00079     static inline size_t sizeFromData(const void* data) { return data ? (static_cast<const SharedBuffer *>(data)-1)->mSize : 0; }
00080 private:
00081     int32_t  mRefs;
00082     size_t   mSize;
00083     uint32_t mReserved[2];
00084 };
00086 class String8 {
00087 public:
00088     String8();
00089     String8(const char *s);
00090     ~String8();
00091     inline const char* string() const   { return mString; }
00092     inline operator const char*() const { return mString; }
00093     inline size_t size() const          { return SharedBuffer::sizeFromData(mString) - 1; }
00094 private:
00095     const char* mString;
00096 };
00098 class String16 {
00099 public:
00100     String16();
00101     String16(const char16_t *s);
00102     String16(const char *s);
00103     ~String16();
00104     inline const char16_t* string() const   { return mString; }
00105     inline operator const char16_t*() const { return mString; }
00106     inline size_t size() const              { return SharedBuffer::sizeFromData(mString)/sizeof(char16_t) - 1; }
00107     inline bool operator==(const String16& other) const { return strzcmp16(mString, size(), other.mString, other.size()) == 0; }
00108 private:
00109     const char16_t* mString;
00110 };
00112 #if (ANDROID_VER<440)
00113     class Flattenable {
00114     public:
00115         virtual size_t getFlattenedSize() const = 0;
00116         virtual size_t getFdCount() const = 0;
00117         virtual status_t flatten(void* buffer, size_t size, int fds[], size_t count) const = 0;
00118         virtual status_t unflatten(void const* buffer, size_t size, int fds[], size_t count) = 0;
00119     protected:
00120         virtual ~Flattenable() = 0;
00121     };
00122 #endif
00124 } //end of namespace android
00126 #endif //end of lib

autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 20:15:31