Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifdef __clang__
00002 #pragma clang diagnostic push
00003 #pragma ide diagnostic ignored "OCUnusedGlobalDeclarationInspection"
00004 #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas"
00005 #pragma ide diagnostic ignored "modernize-loop-convert"
00006 #pragma ide diagnostic ignored "modernize-use-auto"
00007 #endif
00008 //
00009 // Created by Noam Dori on 20/06/18.
00010 //
00012 #include <ddynamic_reconfigure/param/dd_enum_param.h>
00014 #include "ddynamic_reconfigure/param/dd_enum_param.h"
00016 map<string,pair<int,string> > fillGaps(map<string,int> old_map) {
00017     map<string,pair<int,string> > ret;
00018     for(map<string,int>::const_iterator it = old_map.begin(); it != old_map.end(); it++) {
00019         ret[it->first] = pair<int,string>(it->second,"");
00020     };
00021     return ret;
00022 };
00024 namespace ddynamic_reconfigure {
00026     void DDEnum::prepGroup(Group &group) {
00027         ParamDescription desc;
00028         desc.name  = name_;
00029         desc.level = level_;
00030         desc.description = desc_;
00031         desc.type = "int";
00032         desc.edit_method = makeEditMethod();
00033         group.parameters.push_back(desc);
00034     }
00036     bool DDEnum::sameType(Value val) {
00037         return val.getType() == "int" || val.getType() == "string";
00038     }
00040     bool DDEnum::sameValue(Value val) {
00041         if(val.getType() == "string" && dict_.find(val.toString())->second.first == val_) {
00042             return true;
00043         } else {
00044             return val.toInt() == val_;
00045         }
00046     }
00048     void DDEnum::setValue(Value val) {
00049         if(val.getType() == "string" && dict_.find(val.toString()) != dict_.end()) {
00050             val_ = lookup(val);
00051         } else {
00052             val_ = val.toInt();
00053         }
00054     }
00056     int DDEnum::lookup(Value val) {
00057         if(val.getType() == "string" && dict_.find(val.toString()) != dict_.end()) {
00058             return dict_.find(val.toString())->second.first;
00059         } else {
00060             return val.toInt();
00061         }
00062     }
00064     DDEnum::DDEnum(const string &name, unsigned int level, const string &description,
00065                      int def, const map<string, int> &dictionary) :
00066             DDInt(name,level,description,def),
00067             dict_(fillGaps(dictionary)) {
00068         max_ = def;
00069         min_ = def;
00070         for(map<string,int>::const_iterator it = dictionary.begin(); it != dictionary.end(); it++) {
00071             if(it->second > max_) {max_ = it->second;}
00072             if(it->second < min_) {min_ = it->second;}
00073         };
00074     }
00076     DDEnum::DDEnum(const string &name, unsigned int level, const string &description,
00077                      const string &def, const map<string, int> &dictionary) :
00078             DDInt(name,level,description,dictionary.find(def)->second),
00079             dict_(fillGaps(dictionary)) {
00080         max_ = def_;
00081         min_ = def_;
00082         for(map<string,int>::const_iterator it = dictionary.begin(); it != dictionary.end(); it++) {
00083             if(it->second > max_) {max_ = it->second;}
00084             if(it->second < min_) {min_ = it->second;}
00085         };
00086     }
00088     DDEnum::DDEnum(const string &name, unsigned int level, const string &description, int def,
00089                      const pair<EnumMap, string> &dictionary) :
00090             DDInt(name,level,description,def),
00091             dict_(dictionary.first) {
00092         max_ = def;
00093         min_ = def;
00094         for(EnumMap::const_iterator it = dict_.begin(); it != dict_.end(); it++) {
00095             if(it->second.first > max_) {max_ = it->second.first;}
00096             if(it->second.first < min_) {min_ = it->second.first;}
00097         };
00098         enum_description_ = dictionary.second;
00099     }
00101     DDEnum::DDEnum(const string &name, unsigned int level, const string &description, const string &def,
00102                      const pair<EnumMap,string> &dictionary) :
00103             DDInt(name,level,description,dictionary.first.find(def)->second.first),
00104             dict_(dictionary.first) {
00105         max_ = def_;
00106         min_ = def_;
00107         for(EnumMap::const_iterator it = dict_.begin(); it != dict_.end(); it++) {
00108             if(it->second.first > max_) {max_ = it->second.first;}
00109             if(it->second.first < min_) {min_ = it->second.first;}
00110         };
00111         enum_description_ = dictionary.second;
00112     }
00114     string DDEnum::makeEditMethod() {
00115         stringstream ret;
00116         ret << "{";
00117         {
00118             ret << "'enum_description': '" << enum_description_ << "', ";
00119             ret << "'enum': [";
00120             {
00121                 EnumMap::const_iterator it = dict_.begin();
00122                 ret << makeConst(it->first, it->second.first, it->second.second);
00123                 for(it++; it != dict_.end(); it++) {
00124                     ret << ", " << makeConst(it->first, it->second.first, it->second.second);
00125                 };
00126             }
00127             ret << "]";
00128         }
00129         ret << "}";
00130         return ret.str();
00131     }
00133     string DDEnum::makeConst(string name, int value, string desc) {
00134         stringstream ret;
00135         ret << "{";
00136         {
00137             ret << "'srcline': 0, "; // the sole reason this is here is because dynamic placed it in its enum JSON.
00138             ret << "'description': '" << desc << "', ";
00139             ret << "'srcfile': '/does/this/really/matter.cfg', "; // the answer is no. This is useless.
00140             ret << "'cconsttype': 'const int', ";
00141             ret << "'value': " << value << ", ";
00142             ret << "'ctype': 'int', ";
00143             ret << "'type': 'int', ";
00144             ret << "'name': '" << name << "'";
00145         }
00146         ret << "}";
00147         return ret.str();
00148     }
00149 }
00150 #ifdef __clang__
00151 #pragma clang diagnostic pop
00152 #endif

Author(s): Noam Dori
autogenerated on Wed May 15 2019 04:39:27