Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/python
00003 import rospy
00004 from std_srvs.srv import *
00005 from std_msgs.msg import Bool, Float32MultiArray
00006 from schunk_sdh.msg import TactileMatrix, TactileSensor
00008 class TactileFilters():
00009     def __init__(self):
00010         mean_value_publisher = 0
00011         grabbed_publisher = 0
00012         cylindric_grabbed_publisher = 0
00013         touched_treshold = 0
00014         self.is_grasped = False
00015         self.is_cylindric_grasped = False
00016         self.one_pad_contact = False
00018     def getMean(self, tarray):
00019         sum = 0
00020         for i in tarray:
00021             sum += i
00022         return sum/len(tarray)
00025     def roscb(self, data):
00026         matrices = data.tactile_matrix
00027         meanvalues = Float32MultiArray()
00028         touched = 0
00029         touched_finger = 0
00030         touched_thumb = 0
00031         meanvalues.data = []
00032         for m in matrices:
00033             meanvalues.data.insert(m.matrix_id, self.getMean(m.tactile_array))
00034             if(meanvalues.data[m.matrix_id] > self.touched_treshold):
00035                 touched += 1
00036                 if((m.matrix_id == 2) or (m.matrix_id == 3)):
00037                     touched_thumb += 1
00038                 else:
00039                     touched_finger += 1
00040         self.mean_value_publisher.publish(meanvalues)
00041         if(touched >= 2):
00042             self.is_grasped = True
00043             self.grabbed_publisher.publish(Bool(True))
00044         else:
00045             self.is_grasped = False
00046             self.grabbed_publisher.publish(Bool(False))
00047         if((touched_thumb >= 1) and (touched_finger >= 1)):
00048             self.is_cylindric_grasped = True
00049             self.cylindric_grabbed_publisher.publish(Bool(True))
00050         else:
00051             self.is_cylindric_grasped = False
00052             self.cylindric_grabbed_publisher.publish(Bool(False))
00053         if(touched >= 1):
00054                 self.one_pad_contact = True
00055                 self.one_pad_contact_publisher.publish(Bool(True))
00056         else:
00057                 self.one_pad_contact = False
00058                 self.one_pad_contact_publisher.publish(Bool(False))
00060     def handle_is_grasped(self, req):
00061         res = TriggerResponse()
00062         if self.is_grasped == True:
00063             res.success = True
00064             res.message = "grasped object"
00065         else:
00066             res.success = False
00067             res.message = "object not grasped"
00068         # print "status: is_grasped = ",self.is_grasped,", success = ",res.success
00069         return res
00071     def handle_is_cylindric_grasped(self, req):
00072         res = TriggerResponse()
00073         if self.is_cylindric_grasped == True:
00074             res.success = True
00075             res.message = "grasped object"
00076         else:
00077             res.success = False
00078             res.message = "object not grasped"
00079         # print "status: is_cylindric_grasped = ",self.is_cylindric_grasped,", success = ",res.success
00080         return res
00082     def handle_one_pad_contact(self, req):
00083         res = TriggerResponse()
00084         res.success = self.one_pad_contact
00085         return res
00087 if (__name__ == "__main__"):
00088     TF = TactileFilters()
00089     rospy.init_node('TactileSensorView', anonymous=True)
00090     rospy.Subscriber("/gripper_controller/tactile_data", TactileSensor, TF.roscb)
00091     TF.mean_value_publisher = rospy.Publisher("/gripper_controller/mean_values", Float32MultiArray)
00092     TF.one_pad_contact_publisher = rospy.Publisher("/gripper_controller/one_pad_contact", Bool)
00093     TF.grabbed_publisher = rospy.Publisher("/gripper_controller/grabbed", Bool)
00094     service_is_grasped = rospy.Service('/gripper_controller/is_grasped', Trigger, TF.handle_is_grasped)
00095     TF.cylindric_grabbed_publisher = rospy.Publisher("/gripper_controller/cylindric_grabbed", Bool)
00096     service_is_cylindric_grasped = rospy.Service('/gripper_controller/is_cylindric_grasped', Trigger, TF.handle_is_cylindric_grasped)
00097     service_one_pad_contact = rospy.Service('/gripper_controller/one_pad_contact', Trigger, TF.handle_one_pad_contact)
00098     treshold = rospy.get_param('TouchedTreshold', '10')
00099     TF.touched_treshold = treshold
00100     print "Setting touched treshold to ", treshold
00101     while not rospy.is_shutdown():
00102         rospy.sleep(1.0)

Author(s): Alexander Bubeck
autogenerated on Mon Apr 4 2016 12:02:03