Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
00003  *
00004  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00005  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00006  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00007  *
00008  *
00009  *
00010  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00011  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00012  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00013  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00014  * limitations under the License.
00015  */
00020 // clang-format off
00022 #include <string>
00023 #include <type_traits>
00024 #include <vector>
00025 #include <memory>
00026 #include <limits>
00028 #if defined(_STLPORT_VERSION) && !defined(FLATBUFFERS_CPP98_STL)
00029   #define FLATBUFFERS_CPP98_STL
00030 #endif  // defined(_STLPORT_VERSION) && !defined(FLATBUFFERS_CPP98_STL)
00032 #if defined(FLATBUFFERS_CPP98_STL)
00033   #include <cctype>
00034 #endif  // defined(FLATBUFFERS_CPP98_STL)
00036 // Check if we can use template aliases
00037 // Not possible if Microsoft Compiler before 2012
00038 // Possible is the language feature __cpp_alias_templates is defined well
00039 // Or possible if the C++ std is C+11 or newer
00040 #if (defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER > 1700 /* MSVC2012 */) \
00041     || (defined(__cpp_alias_templates) && __cpp_alias_templates >= 200704) \
00042     || (defined(__cplusplus) && __cplusplus >= 201103L)
00044 #endif
00046 // This header provides backwards compatibility for C++98 STLs like stlport.
00047 namespace flatbuffers {
00049 // Retrieve ::back() from a string in a way that is compatible with pre C++11
00050 // STLs (e.g stlport).
00051 inline char& string_back(std::string &value) {
00052   return value[value.length() - 1];
00053 }
00055 inline char string_back(const std::string &value) {
00056   return value[value.length() - 1];
00057 }
00059 // Helper method that retrieves ::data() from a vector in a way that is
00060 // compatible with pre C++11 STLs (e.g stlport).
00061 template <typename T> inline T *vector_data(std::vector<T> &vector) {
00062   // In some debug environments, operator[] does bounds checking, so &vector[0]
00063   // can't be used.
00064   return vector.empty() ? nullptr : &vector[0];
00065 }
00067 template <typename T> inline const T *vector_data(
00068     const std::vector<T> &vector) {
00069   return vector.empty() ? nullptr : &vector[0];
00070 }
00072 template <typename T, typename V>
00073 inline void vector_emplace_back(std::vector<T> *vector, V &&data) {
00074   #if defined(FLATBUFFERS_CPP98_STL)
00075     vector->push_back(data);
00076   #else
00077     vector->emplace_back(std::forward<V>(data));
00078   #endif  // defined(FLATBUFFERS_CPP98_STL)
00079 }
00081 #ifndef FLATBUFFERS_CPP98_STL
00083     template <typename T>
00084     using numeric_limits = std::numeric_limits<T>;
00085   #else
00086     template <typename T> class numeric_limits :
00087       public std::numeric_limits<T> {};
00088   #endif  // defined(FLATBUFFERS_TEMPLATES_ALIASES)
00089 #else
00090   template <typename T> class numeric_limits :
00091       public std::numeric_limits<T> {
00092     public:
00093       // Android NDK fix.
00094       static T lowest() {
00095         return std::numeric_limits<T>::min();
00096       }
00097   };
00099   template <> class numeric_limits<float> : 
00100       public std::numeric_limits<float> {
00101     public:
00102       static float lowest() { return -FLT_MAX; }
00103   };
00105   template <> class numeric_limits<double> : 
00106       public std::numeric_limits<double> {
00107     public:
00108       static double lowest() { return -DBL_MAX; }
00109   };
00111   template <> class numeric_limits<unsigned long long> {
00112    public:
00113     static unsigned long long min() { return 0ULL; }
00114     static unsigned long long max() { return ~0ULL; }
00115     static unsigned long long lowest() {
00116       return numeric_limits<unsigned long long>::min();
00117     }
00118   };
00120   template <> class numeric_limits<long long> {
00121    public:
00122     static long long min() {
00123       return static_cast<long long>(1ULL << ((sizeof(long long) << 3) - 1));
00124     }
00125     static long long max() {
00126       return static_cast<long long>(
00127           (1ULL << ((sizeof(long long) << 3) - 1)) - 1);
00128     }
00129     static long long lowest() {
00130       return numeric_limits<long long>::min();
00131     }
00132   };
00133 #endif  // FLATBUFFERS_CPP98_STL
00136   #ifndef FLATBUFFERS_CPP98_STL
00137     template <typename T> using is_scalar = std::is_scalar<T>;
00138     template <typename T, typename U> using is_same = std::is_same<T,U>;
00139     template <typename T> using is_floating_point = std::is_floating_point<T>;
00140     template <typename T> using is_unsigned = std::is_unsigned<T>;
00141     template <typename T> using make_unsigned = std::make_unsigned<T>;
00142   #else
00143     // Map C++ TR1 templates defined by stlport.
00144     template <typename T> using is_scalar = std::tr1::is_scalar<T>;
00145     template <typename T, typename U> using is_same = std::tr1::is_same<T,U>;
00146     template <typename T> using is_floating_point =
00147         std::tr1::is_floating_point<T>;
00148     template <typename T> using is_unsigned = std::tr1::is_unsigned<T>;
00149     // Android NDK doesn't have std::make_unsigned or std::tr1::make_unsigned.
00150     template<typename T> struct make_unsigned {
00151       static_assert(is_unsigned<T>::value, "Specialization not implemented!");
00152       using type = T;
00153     };
00154     template<> struct make_unsigned<char> { using type = unsigned char; };
00155     template<> struct make_unsigned<short> { using type = unsigned short; };
00156     template<> struct make_unsigned<int> { using type = unsigned int; };
00157     template<> struct make_unsigned<long> { using type = unsigned long; };
00158     template<>
00159     struct make_unsigned<long long> { using type = unsigned long long; };
00160   #endif  // !FLATBUFFERS_CPP98_STL
00161 #else
00162   // MSVC 2010 doesn't support C++11 aliases.
00163   template <typename T> struct is_scalar : public std::is_scalar<T> {};
00164   template <typename T, typename U> struct is_same : public std::is_same<T,U> {};
00165   template <typename T> struct is_floating_point :
00166         public std::is_floating_point<T> {};
00167   template <typename T> struct is_unsigned : public std::is_unsigned<T> {};
00168   template <typename T> struct make_unsigned : public std::make_unsigned<T> {};
00169 #endif  // defined(FLATBUFFERS_TEMPLATES_ALIASES)
00171 #ifndef FLATBUFFERS_CPP98_STL
00173     template <class T> using unique_ptr = std::unique_ptr<T>;
00174   #else
00175     // MSVC 2010 doesn't support C++11 aliases.
00176     // We're manually "aliasing" the class here as we want to bring unique_ptr
00177     // into the flatbuffers namespace.  We have unique_ptr in the flatbuffers
00178     // namespace we have a completely independent implemenation (see below)
00179     // for C++98 STL implementations.
00180     template <class T> class unique_ptr : public std::unique_ptr<T> {
00181      public:
00182       unique_ptr() {}
00183       explicit unique_ptr(T* p) : std::unique_ptr<T>(p) {}
00184       unique_ptr(std::unique_ptr<T>&& u) { *this = std::move(u); }
00185       unique_ptr(unique_ptr&& u) { *this = std::move(u); }
00186       unique_ptr& operator=(std::unique_ptr<T>&& u) {
00187         std::unique_ptr<T>::reset(u.release());
00188         return *this;
00189       }
00190       unique_ptr& operator=(unique_ptr&& u) {
00191         std::unique_ptr<T>::reset(u.release());
00192         return *this;
00193       }
00194       unique_ptr& operator=(T* p) {
00195         return std::unique_ptr<T>::operator=(p);
00196       }
00197     };
00198   #endif  // defined(FLATBUFFERS_TEMPLATES_ALIASES)
00199 #else
00200   // Very limited implementation of unique_ptr.
00201   // This is provided simply to allow the C++ code generated from the default
00202   // settings to function in C++98 environments with no modifications.
00203   template <class T> class unique_ptr {
00204    public:
00205     typedef T element_type;
00207     unique_ptr() : ptr_(nullptr) {}
00208     explicit unique_ptr(T* p) : ptr_(p) {}
00209     unique_ptr(unique_ptr&& u) : ptr_(nullptr) { reset(u.release()); }
00210     unique_ptr(const unique_ptr& u) : ptr_(nullptr) {
00211       reset(const_cast<unique_ptr*>(&u)->release());
00212     }
00213     ~unique_ptr() { reset(); }
00215     unique_ptr& operator=(const unique_ptr& u) {
00216       reset(const_cast<unique_ptr*>(&u)->release());
00217       return *this;
00218     }
00220     unique_ptr& operator=(unique_ptr&& u) {
00221       reset(u.release());
00222       return *this;
00223     }
00225     unique_ptr& operator=(T* p) {
00226       reset(p);
00227       return *this;
00228     }
00230     const T& operator*() const { return *ptr_; }
00231     T* operator->() const { return ptr_; }
00232     T* get() const noexcept { return ptr_; }
00233     explicit operator bool() const { return ptr_ != nullptr; }
00235     // modifiers
00236     T* release() {
00237       T* value = ptr_;
00238       ptr_ = nullptr;
00239       return value;
00240     }
00242     void reset(T* p = nullptr) {
00243       T* value = ptr_;
00244       ptr_ = p;
00245       if (value) delete value;
00246     }
00248     void swap(unique_ptr& u) {
00249       T* temp_ptr = ptr_;
00250       ptr_ = u.ptr_;
00251       u.ptr_ = temp_ptr;
00252     }
00254    private:
00255     T* ptr_;
00256   };
00258   template <class T> bool operator==(const unique_ptr<T>& x,
00259                                      const unique_ptr<T>& y) {
00260     return x.get() == y.get();
00261   }
00263   template <class T, class D> bool operator==(const unique_ptr<T>& x,
00264                                               const D* y) {
00265     return static_cast<D*>(x.get()) == y;
00266   }
00268   template <class T> bool operator==(const unique_ptr<T>& x, intptr_t y) {
00269     return reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(x.get()) == y;
00270   }
00271 #endif  // !FLATBUFFERS_CPP98_STL
00273 }  // namespace flatbuffers

Author(s): Michele Colledanchise, Davide Faconti
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 20:17:15