File: bebop_msgs/Ardrone3AntiflickeringStateelectricFrequencyChanged.msg
Raw Message Definition
# Ardrone3AntiflickeringStateelectricFrequencyChanged
# auto-generated from up stream XML files at
# To check upstream commit hash, refer to last_build_info file
# Do not modify this file by hand. Check scripts/meta folder for generator files.
# SDK Comment: Electric frequency.\n This piece of information is used for the antiflickering when the [AntiflickeringMode](#1-30-1) is set to *auto*.
Header header
# Type of the electric frequency
uint8 frequency_fiftyHertz=0 # Electric frequency of the country is 50hz
uint8 frequency_sixtyHertz=1 # Electric frequency of the country is 60hz
uint8 frequency
Compact Message Definition
uint8 frequency_fiftyHertz=0
uint8 frequency_sixtyHertz=1
std_msgs/Header header
uint8 frequency