Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*****************************************************************************
00002 *                                                                            *
00003 *  OpenNI 2.x Alpha                                                          *
00004 *  Copyright (C) 2012 PrimeSense Ltd.                                        *
00005 *                                                                            *
00006 *  This file is part of OpenNI.                                              *
00007 *                                                                            *
00008 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");           *
00009 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.          *
00010 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at                                   *
00011 *                                                                            *
00012 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0                            *
00013 *                                                                            *
00014 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software       *
00015 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,         *
00016 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  *
00017 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and       *
00018 *  limitations under the License.                                            *
00019 *                                                                            *
00020 *****************************************************************************/
00021 #ifndef ONIPLATFORM_H
00022 #define ONIPLATFORM_H
00024 // Supported platforms
00025 #define ONI_PLATFORM_WIN32 1
00026 #define ONI_PLATFORM_LINUX_X86 2
00027 #define ONI_PLATFORM_LINUX_ARM 3
00028 #define ONI_PLATFORM_MACOSX 4
00031 #if (defined _WIN32)
00032 #       ifndef RC_INVOKED
00033 #               if _MSC_VER < 1300
00034 #                       error OpenNI Platform Abstraction Layer - Win32 - Microsoft Visual Studio version below 2003 (7.0) are not supported!
00035 #               endif
00036 #       endif
00037 #       include "Win32/OniPlatformWin32.h"
00038 #elif defined (ANDROID) && (__arm__|| __aarch64__)
00039 #       include "Android-Arm/OniPlatformAndroid-Arm.h"
00040 #elif (__linux__ && (__i386__ || __x86_64__))
00041 #       include "Linux-x86/OniPlatformLinux-x86.h"
00042 #elif (__linux__ && (__arm__ || __aarch64__))
00043 #       include "Linux-Arm/OniPlatformLinux-Arm.h"
00044 #elif _ARC
00045 #       include "ARC/OniPlaformARC.h"
00046 #elif (__APPLE__)
00047 #       include "MacOSX/OniPlatformMacOSX.h"
00048 #else
00049 #       error Xiron Platform Abstraction Layer - Unsupported Platform!
00050 #endif
00052 #ifdef __cplusplus
00053 #       define ONI_C extern "C"
00054 #       define ONI_C_API_EXPORT ONI_C ONI_API_EXPORT
00055 #       define ONI_C_API_IMPORT ONI_C ONI_API_IMPORT
00056 #       define ONI_CPP_API_EXPORT ONI_API_EXPORT
00057 #       define ONI_CPP_API_IMPORT ONI_API_IMPORT
00058 #else // __cplusplus
00059 #       define ONI_C_API_EXPORT ONI_API_EXPORT
00060 #       define ONI_C_API_IMPORT ONI_API_IMPORT
00061 #endif  // __cplusplus
00063 #ifdef OPENNI2_EXPORT
00064 #       define ONI_C_API ONI_C_API_EXPORT
00065 #       define ONI_CPP_API ONI_CPP_API_EXPORT
00066 #else // OPENNI2_EXPORT
00067 #       define ONI_C_API ONI_C_API_IMPORT
00068 #       define ONI_CPP_API ONI_CPP_API_IMPORT
00069 #endif // OPENNI2_EXPORT
00072 #endif // ONIPLATFORM_H

Author(s): Tim Liu
autogenerated on Wed Jul 10 2019 03:18:54