Go to the documentation of this file.
00018 #ifndef __POLYNOMIAL_H
00019 #define __POLYNOMIAL_H
00020 #include "math.h"
00021 #include "complex.h"
00022 double cbrt(double x){//Kubikwurzel
00023         if (x<0) return -pow(-x,1.0/3.0);
00024         return pow(x,1.0/3.0);
00025 }
00027 //      double epsilon=0.0000001;
00029 //x1/2=(-b+-sqrt(b^2-4ac))/(2a)
00030 int solve_quadratic(double a,double b,double c,double* x1,double* x2)
00031 {
00032         if (a==0)//Lineares Gleichungssystem
00033         {
00034                 if (b==0) return 0;//c ist konstant
00035                 *x1=-c/b;
00036                 return 1;
00037         }
00038         double d=b*b-4*a*c;
00039         if (d<0) return 0;
00040         *x1=(-b+sqrt(d))/2*a;
00041         *x2=(-b-sqrt(d))/2*a;
00042         return 2;
00045 }
00047 //Solve cubic nach http://www.montgelas-gymnasium.de/mathe/kubfa/leitkubgleich.html
00048 int solve_cubic(double a,double b,double c,double d,double* x1,double* x2,double* x3)
00049 {       if (a==0) return solve_quadratic(b,c,d,x1,x2);
00050         double pi=3.141592653589793;
00051         double p=(3*a*c-b*b)/(3*a*a);
00052         double q=(2*b*b*b)/(27*a*a*a)-(b*c)/(3*a*a)+d/a;
00053         double D=(q*q/4)+(p*p*p/27);
00054         if (D>epsilon) 
00055         { //Nur eine reelle L�ung
00056                 *x1=cbrt(-q/2+sqrt(D))+cbrt(-q/2-sqrt(D))-b/(3*a);
00057                 *x2=HUGE_VAL;
00058                 *x3=HUGE_VAL;
00059                 return 1;
00060         }
00061         else if (D<-epsilon)
00062         {
00063                 double alpha=acos(-q/(2*sqrt(-p*p*p/27)));
00064                 *x1=2*sqrt(-p/3)*cos(alpha/3+0.0/3.0*pi)-b/(3*a);
00065                 *x2=2*sqrt(-p/3)*cos(alpha/3+2.0/3.0*pi)-b/(3*a);
00066                 *x3=2*sqrt(-p/3)*cos(alpha/3+4.0/3.0*pi)-b/(3*a);
00067                 return 3;
00068         }
00069         else //D is nearby zero
00070         {
00071                 if (abs(p)<epsilon)
00072                 {
00073                         *x1=*x2=*x3=-b/(3*a);
00074                         return 3;
00075                 } else
00076                 {       *x1=cbrt(-4*q)-b/(3*a);
00077                         *x2=*x3=cbrt(q/2)-b/(3*a);
00078                         return 3;
00079                 }
00080         }
00081 }
00083 double sqrt2(double x)
00084 {
00085         return sqrt(abs(x));
00086 }
00089 void setpos(int p,complex a,double* x1,double* x2,double* x3,double* x4)
00090 {
00091 switch (p)
00092 {
00093 case 1:*x1=a.r;break;
00094 case 2:*x2=a.r;break;
00095 case 3:*x3=a.r;break;
00096 case 4:*x4=a.r;
00097 }
00098 }
00100 //Nach http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biquadratische_Gleichung
00101 int solve_biquadratic(double a4,double a3,double a2,double a1,double a0,double* x1,double* x2,double* x3,double* x4)
00102 {
00103         if (a4==0) return solve_cubic(a3,a2,a1,a0,x1,x2,x3);
00104         if ((a3==0) && (a1==0))
00105         {
00106                 if (solve_quadratic(a4,a2,a0,x1,x3)==0) return 0;
00107                 int s=0;
00108                 if (*x1>=0)
00109                 {
00110                         *x1=sqrt(*x1);
00111                         *x2=-*x1;
00112                         s+=2;
00113                 }
00114                 if (*x3>=0)
00115                 {
00116                         if (s==0)
00117                         {
00118                         *x1=sqrt(*x3);
00119                         *x2=-*x1;
00120                         s+=2;
00121                         } else
00122                         {
00123                         *x3=sqrt(*x3);
00124                         *x4=-*x3;
00125                         s+=2;
00126                         }
00127                 }
00128                 return s;
00129         }
00130         complex A=r2c(a4);
00131         complex B=r2c(a3);
00132         complex C=r2c(a2);
00133         complex D=r2c(a1);
00134         complex E=r2c(a0);
00135         complex a = cadd(cdiv (cmul(cmul(r2c(-3),B),B) , cmul(cmul(r2c(8),A),A)) , cdiv(C,A));
00137         complex b = cadd(csub(cdiv(cpow(B,3),cmul(r2c(8),cpow(A,3))),
00138                                   cdiv(cmul(B,C),cmul(cmul(r2c(2),A),A))),
00139                                   cdiv(D,A));
00141         complex c = cadd(csub(cadd(cdiv(cmul(r2c(-3),cpow(B,4)),cmul(r2c(256),cpow(A,4))),
00142                         cdiv(cmul(C,cmul(B,B)),cmul(r2c(16),cpow(A,3)))),
00143                                 cdiv(cmul(B,D),cmul(cmul(r2c(4),A),A))),
00144                                 cdiv(E,A));
00146         if (isEqualE(b,czero))
00147         {   if (solve_quadratic(1,a.r,c.r,x1,x3)==0) return 0;
00148                 int s=0;
00149                 if (*x1>=0)
00150                 {
00151                         *x1=sqrt(*x1);
00152                         *x2=-*x1-a3/(4*a4);
00153                         *x1-=a3/(4*a4);
00154                         s+=2;
00155                 }
00156                 if (*x3>=0)
00157                 {
00158                         if (s==0)
00159                         {
00160                         *x1=sqrt(*x3);
00161                         *x2=-*x1-a3/(4*a4);
00162                         *x1-=a3/(4*a4);
00163                         s+=2;
00164                         } else
00165                         {
00166                         *x3=sqrt(*x3);
00167                         *x4=-*x3-a3/(4*a4);
00168                         *x3-=a3/(4*a4);
00169                         s+=2;
00170                         }
00171                 }
00172                 return s;
00173         }
00174         complex P = csub(cdiv(cmul(a,a),r2c(-12)),c);
00175         complex Q = csub(cadd(cdiv(cpow(a,3),r2c(-108)),cdiv(cmul(a,c),r2c(3))),cdiv(cmul(b,b),r2c(8)));
00176         complex R = cadd(cdiv(Q,r2c(2)),csqrt( cadd(cdiv(cmul(Q,Q),r2c(4)),cdiv(cpow(P,3),r2c(27))) ));
00177         complex U = czero;
00178         if (isEqualE(R,czero))
00179         {
00180                 U=czero;
00181         } else
00182         {
00183                  U = cexp(cdiv(cln(R),r2c(3)));
00184         }
00185         complex y=csub(cmul(r2c(-5.0/6.0),a),U);
00186         if (!isEqualE(U,czero))
00187         {
00188                 y=cadd(y,cdiv(P,cmul(r2c(3),U)));
00189         }
00190         //          -B/(4*A) + (sqrt(a+2*y) + sqrt(-(a+2*y) - 2*(a + b/sqrt(a+2*y) )))/2;
00191         //            L1            L2       L5/L7   L3      |        L4/L6
00192         complex a2y = cadd(a,cmul(r2c(2),y));
00193         complex L1 = cneg(cdiv(B,cmul(r2c(4),A)));
00194         complex L2 = csqrt(a2y);
00195         complex L3 = cneg(a2y);
00196         complex L4 = cmul(r2c(2),cadd(a,cdiv(b,L2)));
00197         complex L5 = csqrt(csub(L3,L4));
00198         complex L6 = cmul(r2c(2),csub(a,cdiv(b,L2)));
00199         complex L7 = csqrt(csub(L3,L6));
00200         complex X1 = cadd(L1,cdiv(cadd(     L2 ,     L5),r2c(2)));
00201         complex X2 = cadd(L1,cdiv(cadd(cneg(L2),     L7),r2c(2)));
00202         complex X3 = cadd(L1,cdiv(cadd(     L2 ,cneg(L5)),r2c(2)));
00203         complex X4 = cadd(L1,cdiv(cadd(cneg(L2),cneg(L7)),r2c(2)));
00204         int s=0;
00205         if (isReal(X1)) {s++;setpos(s,X1,x1,x2,x3,x4);}
00206         if (isReal(X2)) {s++;setpos(s,X2,x1,x2,x3,x4);}
00207         if (isReal(X3)) {s++;setpos(s,X3,x1,x2,x3,x4);}
00208         if (isReal(X4)) {s++;setpos(s,X4,x1,x2,x3,x4);}
00209         return s;
00210 }
00211 #endif

Author(s): Bernhardt Andre, Engelmann Stephan, Giesler Björn, Heller Florian, Jäkel Rainer, Nguyen Trung, Pardowitz Michael, Weckesser Peter, Yi Xie, Zöllner Raoul
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 19:36:21