EllipsoidalIntegrator Member List
This is the complete list of members for EllipsoidalIntegrator, including all inherited members.
addLogRecord(LogRecord &_record)AlgorithmicBase [inline]
addOption(OptionsName name, int value)AlgorithmicBase [inline]
addOption(OptionsName name, double value)AlgorithmicBase [inline]
addOption(uint idx, OptionsName name, int value)AlgorithmicBase [inline]
addOption(uint idx, OptionsName name, double value)AlgorithmicBase [inline]
AlgorithmicBase(UserInteraction *_userInteraction)AlgorithmicBase
AlgorithmicBase(const AlgorithmicBase &rhs)AlgorithmicBase
bound(const Tmatrix< T > &x) const EllipsoidalIntegrator [private]
boundQ() const EllipsoidalIntegrator
center(Tmatrix< T > &x) const EllipsoidalIntegrator [private]
copy(const EllipsoidalIntegrator &arg)EllipsoidalIntegrator [private]
ddgEllipsoidalIntegrator [private]
dgEllipsoidalIntegrator [private]
EllipsoidalIntegrator(const DifferentialEquation &rhs_, const int &N_=3)EllipsoidalIntegrator
EllipsoidalIntegrator(const EllipsoidalIntegrator &arg)EllipsoidalIntegrator
evalC(const Tmatrix< double > &C, double h) const EllipsoidalIntegrator [private]
evalC2(const Tmatrix< double > &C, double h) const EllipsoidalIntegrator [private]
evaluate(Function &f, double t, Tmatrix< T > *x, Tmatrix< T > *p, Tmatrix< T > *w) const EllipsoidalIntegrator [private]
evaluate(Function &f, Interval t, Tmatrix< T > *x, Tmatrix< T > *p, Tmatrix< T > *w) const EllipsoidalIntegrator [private]
gEllipsoidalIntegrator [private]
get(OptionsName name, int &value) const AlgorithmicBase [inline]
get(OptionsName name, double &value) const AlgorithmicBase [inline]
get(OptionsName name, std::string &value) const AlgorithmicBase [inline]
get(uint idx, OptionsName name, int &value) const AlgorithmicBase [inline]
get(uint idx, OptionsName name, double &value) const AlgorithmicBase [inline]
getAll(LogName _name, MatrixVariablesGrid &values) const AlgorithmicBase [inline]
getFirst(LogName _name, DMatrix &firstValue) const AlgorithmicBase [inline]
getFirst(LogName _name, VariablesGrid &firstValue) const AlgorithmicBase [inline]
getLast(LogName _name, DMatrix &lastValue) const AlgorithmicBase [inline]
getLast(LogName _name, VariablesGrid &lastValue) const AlgorithmicBase [inline]
getOptions(uint idx) const AlgorithmicBase
getPolynomial(const Tmatrix< T > &x) const EllipsoidalIntegrator [private]
getRemainder(const Tmatrix< T > &x) const EllipsoidalIntegrator [private]
getStateBound(const Tmatrix< T > &x) const EllipsoidalIntegrator
grEllipsoidalIntegrator [private]
hat(const Tmatrix< T > &x) const EllipsoidalIntegrator [private]
haveOptionsChanged() const AlgorithmicBase [inline]
haveOptionsChanged(uint idx) const AlgorithmicBase [inline]
init(const DifferentialEquation &rhs_, const int &N_=3)EllipsoidalIntegrator
integrate(double t0, double tf, int M, const Tmatrix< Interval > &x)EllipsoidalIntegrator
integrate(double t0, double tf, int M, const Tmatrix< Interval > &x, const Tmatrix< Interval > &p)EllipsoidalIntegrator
integrate(double t0, double tf, int M, const Tmatrix< Interval > &x, const Tmatrix< Interval > &p, const Tmatrix< Interval > &w)EllipsoidalIntegrator
integrate(double t0, double tf, Tmatrix< T > *x, Tmatrix< T > *p=0, Tmatrix< T > *w=0)EllipsoidalIntegrator
isIncluded(const Tmatrix< Interval > &A, const Tmatrix< Interval > &B) const EllipsoidalIntegrator [private]
NEllipsoidalIntegrator [private]
norm(const Tmatrix< Interval > &E, Tmatrix< Interval > &X) const EllipsoidalIntegrator [private]
nxEllipsoidalIntegrator [private]
operator=(const EllipsoidalIntegrator &arg)EllipsoidalIntegrator [virtual]
AlgorithmicBase::operator=(const AlgorithmicBase &rhs)AlgorithmicBase
outputLoggingIdxAlgorithmicBase [protected]
phase0(double t, Tmatrix< T > *x, Tmatrix< T > *p, Tmatrix< T > *w, Tmatrix< T > &coeff, Tmatrix< double > &C)EllipsoidalIntegrator [private]
Phase0TimeEllipsoidalIntegrator [private]
phase1(double t, double tf, Tmatrix< T > *x, Tmatrix< T > *p, Tmatrix< T > *w, Tmatrix< T > &coeff, Tmatrix< double > &C)EllipsoidalIntegrator [private]
Phase1TimeEllipsoidalIntegrator [private]
phase2(double t, double h, Tmatrix< T > *x, Tmatrix< T > *p, Tmatrix< T > *w, Tmatrix< T > &coeff, Tmatrix< double > &C)EllipsoidalIntegrator [private]
phi(const Tmatrix< T > &coeff, const double &h) const EllipsoidalIntegrator [private]
plot(PlotFrequency _frequency=PLOT_IN_ANY_CASE)AlgorithmicBase [inline]
printLogRecord(std::ostream &_stream, int idx, LogPrintMode _mode=PRINT_ITEM_BY_ITEM) const AlgorithmicBase [inline]
QEllipsoidalIntegrator [private]
replot(PlotFrequency _frequency=PLOT_IN_ANY_CASE)AlgorithmicBase [inline]
scale(const Interval &E, const Interval &X) const EllipsoidalIntegrator [private]
set(OptionsName name, int value)AlgorithmicBase
set(OptionsName name, double value)AlgorithmicBase
set(OptionsName name, const std::string &value)AlgorithmicBase
set(uint idx, OptionsName name, int value)AlgorithmicBase
set(uint idx, OptionsName name, double value)AlgorithmicBase
setAll(LogName _name, const MatrixVariablesGrid &values)AlgorithmicBase [inline]
setInfinity()EllipsoidalIntegrator [private]
setLast(LogName _name, int lastValue, double time=-INFTY)AlgorithmicBase [inline]
setLast(LogName _name, double lastValue, double time=-INFTY)AlgorithmicBase [inline]
setLast(LogName _name, const DVector &lastValue, double time=-INFTY)AlgorithmicBase [inline]
setLast(LogName _name, const DMatrix &lastValue, double time=-INFTY)AlgorithmicBase [inline]
setLast(LogName _name, const VariablesGrid &lastValue, double time=-INFTY)AlgorithmicBase [inline]
setOptions(const Options &arg)AlgorithmicBase
setOptions(uint idx, const Options &arg)AlgorithmicBase
setupOptions()EllipsoidalIntegrator [private, virtual]
step(const double &t, const double &tf, Tmatrix< T > *x, Tmatrix< T > *p=0, Tmatrix< T > *w=0)EllipsoidalIntegrator
totalTimeEllipsoidalIntegrator [private]
updateQ(Tmatrix< double > C, Tmatrix< Interval > R)EllipsoidalIntegrator [private]
useModuleStandaloneAlgorithmicBase [protected]
userInteractionAlgorithmicBase [protected]
~AlgorithmicBase()AlgorithmicBase [virtual]
~EllipsoidalIntegrator()EllipsoidalIntegrator [virtual]

Author(s): Milan Vukov, Rien Quirynen
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 19:40:23