rospkg.distro Python library

This submodule provides the Distro class, which provides an API for processing rosdistro files.

Data model

The top level representation is a Distro instance, which contains Variant and DistroStack instances. DistroStack instances have a VcsConfig (SvnConfig, GitConfig, BzrConfig, HgConfig), which represents the source control information for the stack.:

  - Variant
  - DistroStack
     - VcsConfig


class rospkg.distro.InvalidDistro[source]

Distro file data does not match specification.

Utility functions


Get distro URI of main ROS distribution files.

Parameters:distro_name – name of distro, e.g. ‘diamondback’
Returns:the SVN/HTTP URL of the specified distro. This function should only be used with the main distros.
rospkg.distro.load_distro(source_uri) → Distro[source]

Load Distro instance from source_uri.


from rospkg.distro import load_distro, distro_uri
d = load_distro(distro_uri('electric'))
Parameters:source_uri – source URI of distro file, or path to distro file. Filename has precedence in resolution.
Raises:InvalidDistro if distro file is invalid
Raises:rospkg.ResourceNotFound if file at source_uri is not found
rospkg.distro.expand_rule(rule, stack_name, stack_ver, release_name) → str[source]

Replace variables in VCS config rule value with specified values

rospkg.distro.distro_to_rosinstall(distro, branch[, variant_name=None[, implicit=True[, released_only=True[, anonymous=True]]]])[source]
  • branch – branch to convert for
  • variant_name – if not None, only include stacks in the specified variant.
  • implicit – if variant_name is provided, include full (recursive) dependencies of variant, default True
  • released_only – only included released stacks, default True.
  • anonymous – create for anonymous access rules

KeyError if branch is invalid or if distro is mis-configured

rospkg.distro.current_distro_codename([env=None]) → str[source]

Get the currently active ROS distribution codename, e.g. ‘fuerte’

Parameters:env – override os.environ, dict


class rospkg.distro.DistroStack(stack_name, stack_version, release_name, rules)[source]

Stores information about a stack release

  • stack_name – Name of stack
  • stack_version – Version number of stack.
  • release_name – name of distribution release. Necessary for rule expansion.
  • rules – raw _rules data. Will be converted into appropriate vcs config instance.

Name of stack.


Version number of stack.


Name of distribution release. Necessary for rule expansion.


VcsConfig instance representing the _rules for this stack.

class rospkg.distro.Variant(variant_name, extends, stack_names, stack_names_implicit)[source]

A variant defines a specific set of stacks (“metapackage”, in Debian parlance). For example, “base”, “pr2”. These variants can extend another variant.

  • variant_name – name of variant to load from distro file, str
  • stack_names_implicit – full list of stacks implicitly included in this variant, [str]
  • raw_data – raw rosdistro data for this variant
get_stack_names([implicit=True]) → [str][source]

Get list of all stack names in this variant.

Parameters:implicit – If True, includes names of stacks in parent variants. Otherwise, include only stacks explicitly named in this variant. (default True).

List of all stack names in this variant, including implicit stacks.

class rospkg.distro.Distro(stacks, variants, release_name, version, raw_data)[source]

Store information in a rosdistro file.

  • stacks – dictionary mapping stack names to DistroStack instances
  • variants – dictionary mapping variant names to Variant instances
  • release_name – name of release, e.g. ‘diamondback’
  • version – version number of release
  • raw_data – raw dictionary representation of a distro
get_stacks([released=False]) → {str: DistroStack}[source]
Parameters:released – only included released stacks
Returns:dictionary of stack names to DistroStack instances in this distro.

Dictionary of stack names mapped to DistroStack instances in this distro.


Dictionary of released stack names mapped to DistroStack instances in this distro.


Dictionary of variant names mapped to Variant instances in this distro.

Source control information

class rospkg.distro.VcsConfig(type_)[source]

Base representation of a rosdistro VCS rules configuration.

get_branch(branch, anonymous)[source]
Raises:ValueError If branch is invalid
load(rules, rule_eval)[source]

Initialize fields of this class based on the raw rosdistro rules data after applying rule_eval function (e.g. to replace variables in rules).

  • rules – raw rosdistro rules entry, dict
  • rule_eval – function to evaluate rule values, fn(str) -> str
class rospkg.distro.DvcsConfig(type_)[source]

Configuration information for a distributed VCS-style repository.

Configuration fields:

  • repo_uri: base URI of repo
  • dev_branch: git branch the code is developed
  • distro_tag: a tag of the latest released code for a specific ROS distribution
  • release_tag: a tag of the code for a specific release
get_branch(branch, anonymous)[source]
Raises:KeyError Invalid branch parameter
load(rules, rule_eval)[source]

Initialize fields of this class based on the raw rosdistro rules data after applying rule_eval function (e.g. to replace variables in rules).

  • rules – raw rosdistro rules entry, dict
  • rule_eval – function to evaluate rule values, fn(str) -> str
class rospkg.distro.GitConfig[source]

Configuration information about an GIT repository. See parent class DvcsConfig for more API information.

class rospkg.distro.HgConfig[source]

Configuration information about a Mercurial repository. See parent class DvcsConfig for more API information.

class rospkg.distro.BzrConfig[source]

Configuration information about an BZR repository. See parent class DvcsConfig for more API information.

class rospkg.distro.SvnConfig[source]

Configuration information about an SVN repository.

Configuration fields:

  • dev: where the code is developed
  • distro_tag: a tag of the code for a specific ROS distribution
  • release_tag: a tag of the code for a specific release
rospkg.distro.get_vcs_configs() → {str: VcsConfig}[source]
Returns:Dictionary of supported VcsConfig instances. Key is the VCS type name, e.g. ‘svn’.
rospkg.distro.load_vcs_config(rules, rule_eval) → VcsConfig[source]

Factory for creating VcsConfig subclass based on rosdistro _rules data.

  • rules – rosdistro rules data
  • rules_eval – Function to apply to rule values, e.g. to convert variables. fn(str)->str

VcsConfig subclass instance with interpreted rules data.