Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00002 #
00003 # Copyright 2012 Shadow Robot Company Ltd.
00004 #
00005 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
00006 # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
00007 # Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
00008 # any later version.
00009 #
00010 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
00011 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
00012 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
00013 # more details.
00014 #
00015 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
00016 # with this program.  If not, see <>.
00017 #
00019 import os, sys, rospkg, rospy
00021 from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
00023 from qt_gui.plugin import Plugin
00024 from python_qt_binding import loadUi
00026 from QtCore import QEvent, QObject, Qt, QTimer, Slot
00027 from QtGui import QWidget, QShortcut, QMessageBox, QFrame
00028 from pr2_mechanism_msgs.srv import ListControllers, SwitchController, LoadController
00030 from sr_gui_joint_slider.jointSlider import JointController, Joint, CANHandSlider, EtherCATHandSlider, ArmSlider, CANHandSelectionSlider, EtherCATSelectionSlider, ArmSelectionSlider
00031 from sr_robot_lib.etherCAT_hand_lib import EtherCAT_Hand_Lib
00032 from sr_hand.shadowhand_ros import ShadowHand_ROS
00034 class SrGuiJointSlider(Plugin):
00035     """
00036     A rosgui plugin to change the position of the different joints
00037     """
00038     def __init__(self, context):
00039         super(SrGuiJointSlider, self).__init__(context)
00040         self.setObjectName('SrGuiJointSlider')
00042         self._widget = QWidget()
00044         ui_file = os.path.join(rospkg.RosPack().get_path('sr_gui_joint_slider'), 'uis', 'SrJointSlider.ui')
00045         loadUi(ui_file, self._widget)
00047         self._widget.setObjectName('SrJointSliderUi')
00048         context.add_widget(self._widget)
00050         #read the xml configuration file
00051         config_file = os.path.join(rospkg.RosPack().get_path('sr_gui_joint_slider'), 'model', 'slide_joints.xml')
00052         self.tree = ET.ElementTree()
00053         self.tree.parse(config_file)
00054         self.robots = None
00056         self.sliders = list()
00057         self.selection_slider = None
00059         robot_types = self.get_robot_types(self.tree)
00060         self._widget.comboBox.addItems(robot_types)
00061         self._widget.comboBox.setCurrentIndex(-1)
00063         self.is_active = True
00064         self.robot_lib_CAN = None
00065         self.robot_lib_eth = None
00067         self._widget.comboBox.activated.connect(self.on_robot_type_changed_)
00068         self._widget.reloadButton.pressed.connect(self.on_reload_button_cicked_)
00069         self._widget.refreshButton.pressed.connect(self.on_refresh_button_cicked_)
00070         self._widget.sliderReleaseCheckBox.stateChanged.connect(self.on_slider_release_checkbox_clicked_)
00072         # Default to ethercat hand sliders
00073         if "EtherCAT Hand" in robot_types:
00074             self._widget.comboBox.setCurrentIndex(robot_types.index("EtherCAT Hand"))
00075             self.on_robot_type_changed_()
00077     def _unregister(self):
00078         if self.robot_lib_eth is not None:
00079             self.robot_lib_eth.on_close()
00081     def shutdown_plugin(self):
00082         self._unregister()
00084     def save_settings(self, global_settings, perspective_settings):
00085         pass
00087     def restore_settings(self, global_settings, perspective_settings):
00088         pass
00090     def get_robot_types(self, config):
00091         if sys.version_info < (2, 7):
00092             self.robots = list(config.getiterator("robot"))
00093         else:
00094             self.robots = list(config.iter("robot"))
00095         robot_types = list()
00096         for element in self.robots:
00097             robot_types.append(element.attrib["name"])
00098         return robot_types
00100     def on_robot_type_changed_(self):
00101         """
00102         Read joints configuration the config from the file
00103         Clear existing slider widgets from layout
00104         Load the correct robot library
00105         Create and load the new slider widgets
00106         """
00108         #We first read the config from the file into a joints list
00109         j = self.robots[self._widget.comboBox.currentIndex()].find("joints")
00110         if sys.version_info < (2, 7):
00111             config_joints = list(j.getiterator("joint"))
00112         else:
00113             #For Python version 2.7 and later
00114             config_joints = list(j.iter("joint"))
00116         #Read the joints configuration
00117         self.joints = list()
00118         for config_joint in config_joints:
00119             if sys.version_info < (2, 7):
00120                 config_joint_controllers = list(config_joint.getiterator("controller"))
00121             else:
00122                 config_joint_controllers = list(config_joint.iter("controller"))
00123             joint_controllers = list()
00124             for config_controller in config_joint_controllers:
00125                 name = config_controller.attrib["name"]
00126                 command_topic = config_controller.findtext("command_topic")
00127                 msg_type = config_controller.findtext("msg_type")
00128                 min = int(config_controller.findtext("min"))
00129                 max = int(config_controller.findtext("max"))
00130                 controller = JointController(name, command_topic, msg_type, min, max)
00131                 joint_controllers.append(controller)
00132             name = config_joint.attrib["name"]
00133             joint = Joint(name, joint_controllers)
00134             self.joints.append(joint)
00136         #Clear existing slider widgets from layout
00137         self.delete_old_sliders_()
00139         #Load the correct robot library
00140         self.load_robot_library_()
00142         self._widget.sliderReleaseCheckBox.setCheckState(Qt.Unchecked)
00144         if self.is_active:
00145             #Create and load the new slider widgets
00146             self.load_new_sliders_()
00148         self._widget.reloadButton.setEnabled(True)
00150     def on_reload_button_cicked_(self):
00151         """
00152         Clear existing slider widgets from layout
00153         Load the correct robot library
00154         Create and load the new slider widgets
00155         """
00157         self.delete_old_sliders_()
00159         self.load_robot_library_()
00161         self._widget.sliderReleaseCheckBox.setCheckState(Qt.Unchecked)
00163         if self.is_active:
00164             self.load_new_sliders_()
00166     def on_refresh_button_cicked_(self):
00167         """
00168         Call refresh for every slider
00169         """
00170         for slider in self.sliders:
00171             slider.refresh()
00173     def on_slider_release_checkbox_clicked_(self, state):
00174         """
00175         Set tracking behaviour of each slider to false if checkbox is checked, true otherwise 
00176         """
00178         if state == Qt.Checked:
00179             for slider in self.sliders:
00180                 slider.set_new_slider_behaviour(False)
00181         else:
00182             for slider in self.sliders:
00183                 slider.set_new_slider_behaviour(True)
00187     def delete_old_sliders_(self):
00188         """
00189         Clear existing slider widgets from layout
00190         Empty the slider list
00191         """
00192         for old_slider in self.sliders:
00193             self._widget.horizontalLayout.removeWidget(old_slider)
00194             old_slider.close()
00195             old_slider.deleteLater()
00197         self.sliders = list()
00199         if(self.selection_slider is not None):
00200             self._widget.horizontalLayout.removeWidget(self.selection_slider)
00201             self.selection_slider.close()
00202             self.selection_slider.deleteLater()
00203             self.selection_slider = None
00205     def load_robot_library_(self):
00206         """
00207         Load the correct robot library
00208         """
00209         if self._widget.comboBox.currentText() in ["CAN Hand", "Arm"]:
00210             self.is_active = True
00211             if self.robot_lib_CAN is None:
00212                 self.robot_lib_CAN = ShadowHand_ROS()
00213         elif self._widget.comboBox.currentText() == "EtherCAT Hand":
00214             self.is_active = True
00215             if self.robot_lib_eth is not None:
00216                 self.robot_lib_eth.on_close()
00217                 self.robot_lib_eth = None
00218             if self.robot_lib_eth is None:
00219                 self.robot_lib_eth = EtherCAT_Hand_Lib()
00220                 if not self.robot_lib_eth.activate_joint_states():
00221                     btn_pressed = QMessageBox.warning(self._widget, "Warning", "The EtherCAT Hand node doesn't seem to be running. Try reloading the sliders when it is.")
00222                     self.is_active = False
00223                     if self.robot_lib_eth is not None:
00224                         self.robot_lib_eth.on_close()
00225                         self.robot_lib_eth = None
00226         else:
00227             rospy.logwarn("Unknown robot name: " + self._widget.comboBox.currentText())
00229     def load_new_sliders_(self):
00230         """
00231         Create the new slider widgets
00232         Load the new slider
00233         Put the slider in the list
00234         """
00235         self.sliders = list()
00236         for joint in self.joints:
00237             slider = None
00238             slider_ui_file = os.path.join(rospkg.RosPack().get_path('sr_gui_joint_slider'), 'uis', 'Slider.ui')
00239             if self._widget.comboBox.currentText() == "CAN Hand":
00240                 slider = CANHandSlider(joint, slider_ui_file, self.robot_lib_CAN, self, self._widget.scrollAreaWidgetContents)
00241             elif self._widget.comboBox.currentText() == "EtherCAT Hand":
00242                 try:
00243                     slider = EtherCATHandSlider(joint, slider_ui_file, self.robot_lib_eth, self, self._widget.scrollAreaWidgetContents)
00244                 except Exception, e:
00245                     rospy.loginfo(e)
00246             elif self._widget.comboBox.currentText() == "Arm":
00247                 slider = ArmSlider(joint, slider_ui_file, self.robot_lib_CAN, self, self._widget.scrollAreaWidgetContents)
00248             else:
00249                 rospy.logwarn("Unknown robot name: " + self._widget.comboBox.currentText())
00251             if slider != None:
00252                 slider.setMaximumWidth(100)
00253                 #Load the new slider
00254                 self._widget.horizontalLayout.addWidget(slider)
00255                 #Put the slider in the list
00256                 self.sliders.append(slider)
00258         #Create the slider to move all the selected joint sliders
00259         selection_slider_ui_file = os.path.join(rospkg.RosPack().get_path('sr_gui_joint_slider'), 'uis', 'SelectionSlider.ui')
00260         if self._widget.comboBox.currentText() == "CAN Hand":
00261             self.selection_slider = CANHandSelectionSlider("Change sel.", 0, 100, selection_slider_ui_file, self.robot_lib_CAN, self, self._widget.scrollAreaWidgetContents)
00262         elif self._widget.comboBox.currentText() == "EtherCAT Hand":
00263             self.selection_slider = EtherCATSelectionSlider("Change sel.", 0, 100, selection_slider_ui_file, self, self._widget.scrollAreaWidgetContents)
00264         elif self._widget.comboBox.currentText() == "Arm":
00265             self.selection_slider = ArmSelectionSlider("Change sel.", 0, 100, selection_slider_ui_file, self.robot_lib_CAN, self, self._widget.scrollAreaWidgetContents)
00266         else:
00267             rospy.logwarn("Unknown robot name: " + self._widget.comboBox.currentText())
00269         self.selection_slider.setMaximumWidth(100)
00270         self._widget.horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.selection_slider)

Author(s): Ugo Cupcic
autogenerated on Fri Aug 28 2015 13:17:13