File: scheduler_msgs/Request.msg
Raw Message Definition
### Resource request description
# This tracks the progress of a single requested resource group.
# All these resources will be granted, preempted or canceled
# together as a unit.
# Resource Identification
uuid_msgs/UniqueID id # Requester-assigned universally unique identifier
Resource[] resources # List of requested rapps and platforms
# State
uint8 status # Current status of this request
uint8 reason # Reason for this status
# Status value labels:
uint8 NEW = 0 # New request for the scheduler
uint8 RESERVED = 1 # Request for a reservation at some future time
uint8 WAITING = 2 # Request has been queued by the scheduler
uint8 GRANTED = 3 # Request was granted by the scheduler
uint8 PREEMPTING = 4 # The scheduler wants to preempt this
# previously-granted request, but the
# requester has not yet canceled it
uint8 CANCELING = 5 # The requester wishes to cancel this
# request, but the scheduler has not yet
# confirmed that it is closed
uint8 CLOSED = 6 # Request is now closed (terminal state)
# Reason labels:
uint8 NONE = 0 # No reason provided
uint8 PREEMPTED = 1 # Preempted for higher-priority task
uint8 BUSY = 2 # Requested resource busy elsewhere
uint8 UNAVAILABLE = 3 # Requested resource not available
uint8 TIMEOUT = 4 # Lost contact with requester
# Scheduling Variables
time availability # Estimated time of availability (zero if unknown)
duration hold_time # Estimated hold time once allocated (zero if unknown)
int16 priority # Current priority of this request
# Priority labels:
int16 BACKGROUND_PRIORITY = -20000 # When nothing else to do
int16 LOW_PRIORITY = -10000 # Low-priority task
int16 DEFAULT_PRIORITY = 0 # Sane default priority
int16 HIGH_PRIORITY = 10000 # High-priority task
int16 CRITICAL_PRIORITY = 20000 # Mission-critical task
Compact Message Definition
uint8 NEW=0
uint8 RESERVED=1
uint8 WAITING=2
uint8 GRANTED=3
uint8 CLOSED=6
uint8 NONE=0
uint8 BUSY=2
uint8 TIMEOUT=4
int16 LOW_PRIORITY=-10000
int16 HIGH_PRIORITY=10000
uuid_msgs/UniqueID id
scheduler_msgs/Resource[] resources
uint8 status
uint8 reason
time availability
duration hold_time
int16 priority