Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 # -*- Python -*-
00002 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
00004 '''rtctree
00006 Copyright (C) 2009-2014
00007     Geoffrey Biggs
00008     RT-Synthesis Research Group
00009     Intelligent Systems Research Institute,
00010     National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST),
00011     Japan
00012     All rights reserved.
00013 Licensed under the Eclipse Public License -v 1.0 (EPL)
00014 http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.txt
00016 File: ports.py
00018 Objects representing ports and connections.
00020 Do not create port objects directly. Call the parse_port function, which will
00021 create the correct type of port object automatically.
00023 '''
00026 import RTC
00027 import threading
00029 from rtctree.exceptions import *
00030 from rtctree.utils import build_attr_string, dict_to_nvlist, nvlist_to_dict
00033 ##############################################################################
00034 ## API functions
00036 def parse_port(port_obj, owner):
00037     '''Create a port object of the correct type.
00039     The correct port object type is chosen based on the port.port_type
00040     property of port_obj.
00042     @param port_obj The CORBA PortService object to wrap.
00043     @param owner The owner of this port. Should be a Component object or None.
00044     @return The created port object.
00046     '''
00047     profile = port_obj.get_port_profile()
00048     props = nvlist_to_dict(profile.properties)
00049     if props['port.port_type'] == 'DataInPort':
00050         return DataInPort(port_obj, owner)
00051     elif props['port.port_type'] == 'DataOutPort':
00052         return DataOutPort(port_obj, owner)
00053     elif props['port.port_type'] == 'CorbaPort':
00054         return CorbaPort(port_obj, owner)
00055     else:
00056         return Port(port_obj, owner)
00059 ##############################################################################
00060 ## Base port object
00062 class Port(object):
00063     '''Base class representing a port of a component.
00065     Do not create Port objects directly. Call parse_port().
00067     '''
00068     def __init__(self, port_obj=None, owner=None, *args, **kwargs):
00069         '''Base port constructor.
00071         @param port_obj The CORBA PortService object to wrap.
00072         @param owner The owner of this port. Should be a Component object or
00073                      None.
00075         '''
00076         super(Port, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
00077         self._obj = port_obj
00078         self._connections = None
00079         self._owner = owner
00080         self._mutex = threading.RLock()
00081         self._parse()
00083     def connect(self, dests=[], name=None, id='', props={}):
00084         '''Connect this port to other ports.
00086         After the connection has been made, a delayed reparse of the
00087         connections for this and the destination port will be triggered.
00089         @param dests A list of the destination Port objects. Must be provided.
00090         @param name The name of the connection. If None, a suitable default
00091                     will be created based on the names of the two ports.
00092         @param id The ID of this connection. If None, one will be generated by
00093                the RTC implementation.
00094         @param props Properties of the connection. Required values depend on
00095                      the type of the two ports being connected.
00096         @raises IncompatibleDataPortConnectionPropsError, FailedToConnectError
00098         '''
00099         with self._mutex:
00100             if self.porttype == 'DataInPort' or self.porttype == 'DataOutPort':
00101                 for prop in props:
00102                     if prop in self.properties:
00103                         if props[prop] not in self.properties[prop] and \
00104                                 'Any' not in self.properties[prop]:
00105                             # Invalid property selected
00106                             raise IncompatibleDataPortConnectionPropsError
00107                     for d in dests:
00108                         if prop in d.properties:
00109                             if props[prop] not in d.properties[prop] and \
00110                                     'Any' not in d.properties[prop]:
00111                                 # Invalid property selected
00112                                 raise IncompatibleDataPortConnectionPropsError
00113             if not name:
00114                 name = self.name + '_'.join([d.name for d in dests])
00115             props = dict_to_nvlist(props)
00116             profile = RTC.ConnectorProfile(name, id,
00117                     [self._obj] + [d._obj for d in dests], props)
00118             return_code, profile = self._obj.connect(profile)
00119             if return_code != RTC.RTC_OK:
00120                 raise FailedToConnectError(return_code)
00121             self.reparse_connections()
00122             for d in dests:
00123                 d.reparse_connections()
00125     def disconnect_all(self):
00126         '''Disconnect all connections to this port.'''
00127         with self._mutex:
00128             for conn in self.connections:
00129                 self.object.disconnect(conn.id)
00130             self.reparse_connections()
00132     def get_connection_by_dest(self, dest):
00133         '''DEPRECATED. Search for a connection between this and another port.'''
00134         with self._mutex:
00135             for conn in self.connections:
00136                 if conn.has_port(self) and conn.has_port(dest):
00137                     return conn
00138             return None
00140     def get_connections_by_dest(self, dest):
00141         '''Search for all connections between this and another port.'''
00142         with self._mutex:
00143             res = []
00144             for c in self.connections:
00145                 if c.has_port(self) and c.has_port(dest):
00146                     res.append(c)
00147             return res
00149     def get_connections_by_dests(self, dests):
00150         '''Search for all connections involving this and all other ports.'''
00151         with self._mutex:
00152             res = []
00153             for c in self.connections:
00154                 if not c.has_port(self):
00155                     continue
00156                 for d in dests:
00157                     if not c.has_port(d):
00158                         continue
00159                 res.append(c)
00160             return res
00162     def get_connection_by_id(self, id):
00163         '''Search for a connection on this port by its ID.'''
00164         with self._mutex:
00165             for conn in self.connections:
00166                 if conn.id == id:
00167                     return conn
00168             return None
00170     def get_connection_by_name(self, name):
00171         '''Search for a connection to or from this port by name.'''
00172         with self._mutex:
00173             for conn in self.connections:
00174                 if conn.name == name:
00175                     return conn
00176             return None
00178     def reparse(self):
00179         '''Reparse the port.'''
00180         self._parse()
00181         self.reparse_connections()
00183     def reparse_connections(self):
00184         '''Reparse the connections this port is involved in.'''
00185         with self._mutex:
00186             self._connections = None
00188     @property
00189     def connections(self):
00190         '''A list of connections to or from this port.
00192         This list will be created at the first reference to this property.
00193         This means that the first reference may be delayed by CORBA calls,
00194         but others will return quickly (unless a delayed reparse has been
00195         triggered).
00197         '''
00198         with self._mutex:
00199             if not self._connections:
00200                 self._connections = [Connection(cp, self) \
00201                                      for cp in self._obj.get_connector_profiles()]
00202         return self._connections
00204     @property
00205     def is_connected(self):
00206         '''Check if this port is connected to any other ports.'''
00207         with self._mutex:
00208             if self.connections:
00209                 return True
00210             return False
00212     @property
00213     def name(self):
00214         '''The name of this port.'''
00215         with self._mutex:
00216             return self._name
00218     @property
00219     def object(self):
00220         '''The PortService object that represents the port.'''
00221         with self._mutex:
00222             return self._obj
00224     @property
00225     def owner(self):
00226         '''This port's owner (usually a Component object).'''
00227         with self._mutex:
00228             return self._owner
00230     @property
00231     def porttype(self):
00232         '''The type of port this is.
00234         Valid values are any class that @ref parse_port can create.
00236         '''
00237         return self.__class__.__name__
00239     @property
00240     def properties(self):
00241         '''Properties of the port.'''
00242         with self._mutex:
00243             return self._properties
00245     def _parse(self):
00246         # Parse the PortService object to build a port profile.
00247         with self._mutex:
00248             profile = self._obj.get_port_profile()
00249             self._name = profile.name
00250             self._properties = nvlist_to_dict(profile.properties)
00251             if self.owner:
00252                 prefix = self.owner.instance_name + '.'
00253                 if self._name.startswith(prefix):
00254                     self._name = self._name[len(prefix):]
00257 ##############################################################################
00258 ## Data port objects
00260 class DataPort(Port):
00261     '''Specialisation of the Port class for data ports.
00263     Do not create DataPort objects directly. Call parse_port().
00265     '''
00266     def __init__(self, port_obj=None, owner=None, *args, **kwargs):
00267         '''DataPort constructor.
00269         @param port_obj The CORBA PortService object to wrap.
00270         @param owner The owner of this port. Should be a Component object or
00271                      None.
00273         '''
00274         super(DataPort, self).__init__(port_obj=port_obj, owner=owner, *args,
00275                                        **kwargs)
00277     def connect(self, dests=[], name=None, id='', props={}):
00278         '''Connect this port to other DataPorts.
00280         After the connection has been made, a delayed reparse of the
00281         connections for this and the destination port will be triggered.
00283         @param dests A list of the destination Port objects. Must be provided.
00284         @param name The name of the connection. If None, a suitable default
00285                     will be created based on the names of the two ports.
00286         @param id The ID of this connection. If None, one will be generated by
00287                the RTC implementation.
00288         @param props Properties of the connection. Suitable defaults will be
00289                      set for required values if they are not already present.
00290         @raises WrongPortTypeError
00292         '''
00293         # Data ports can only connect to opposite data ports
00294         with self._mutex:
00295             new_props = props.copy()
00296             ptypes = [d.porttype for d in dests]
00297             if self.porttype == 'DataInPort':
00298                 if 'DataOutPort' not in ptypes:
00299                     raise WrongPortTypeError
00300             if self.porttype == 'DataOutPort':
00301                 if 'DataInPort' not in ptypes:
00302                     raise WrongPortTypeError
00303             if 'dataport.dataflow_type' not in new_props:
00304                 new_props['dataport.dataflow_type'] = 'push'
00305             if 'dataport.interface_type' not in new_props:
00306                 new_props['dataport.interface_type'] = 'corba_cdr'
00307             if 'dataport.subscription_type' not in new_props:
00308                 new_props['dataport.subscription_type'] = 'new'
00309             if 'dataport.data_type' not in new_props:
00310                 new_props['dataport.data_type'] = \
00311                         self.properties['dataport.data_type']
00312             super(DataPort, self).connect(dests=dests, name=name, id=id,
00313                                           props=new_props)
00316 class DataInPort(DataPort):
00317     '''Specialisation of the DataPort class for input ports.
00319     Do not create DataInPort objects directly. Call parse_port().
00321     '''
00322     pass
00325 class DataOutPort(DataPort):
00326     '''Specialisation of the DataPort class for output ports.
00328     Do not create DataOutPort objects directly. Call parse_port().
00330     '''
00331     pass
00334 ##############################################################################
00335 ## CORBA port objects
00337 class CorbaPort(Port):
00338     '''Specialisation of the Port class for service ports.
00340     Do not create CorbaPort objects directly. Call parse_port().
00342     '''
00343     def __init__(self, port_obj=None, owner=None, *args, **kwargs):
00344         '''CorbaPort constructor.
00346         @param port_obj The CORBA PortService object to wrap.
00347         @param owner The owner of this port. Should be a Component object or
00348                      None.
00350         '''
00351         super(CorbaPort, self).__init__(port_obj=port_obj, owner=owner,
00352                                         *args, **kwargs)
00353         self._interfaces = None
00355     def connect(self, dests=None, name=None, id='', props={}):
00356         '''Connect this port to other CorbaPorts.
00358         After the connection has been made, a delayed reparse of the
00359         connections for this and the destination port will be triggered.
00361         @param dests A list of the destination Port objects. Must be provided.
00362         @param name The name of the connection. If None, a suitable default
00363                     will be created based on the names of the two ports.
00364         @param id The ID of this connection. If None, one will be generated by
00365                the RTC implementation.
00366         @param props Properties of the connection. Suitable defaults will be
00367                      set for required values if they are not already present.
00368         @raises WrongPortTypeError, MismatchedInterfacesError,
00369                 MismatchedPolarityError
00371         '''
00372         with self._mutex:
00373             # Corba ports can only connect to corba ports of the opposite
00374             # polarity
00375             for d in dests:
00376                 if not d.porttype == 'CorbaPort':
00377                     raise WrongPortTypeError
00378             # Check the interfaces and their respective polarities match
00379             if self.interfaces:
00380                 for d in dests:
00381                     if not d.interfaces:
00382                         raise MismatchedInterfacesError
00383                 for intf in self.interfaces:
00384                     for d in dests:
00385                         match = d.get_interface_by_instance_name(
00386                                     intf.instance_name)
00387                         if not match:
00388                             raise MismatchedInterfacesError
00389                         if intf.polarity == match.polarity:
00390                             # Polarity should be opposite
00391                             raise MismatchedPolarityError
00392             else:
00393                 for d in dests:
00394                     if d.interfaces:
00395                         raise MismatchedInterfacesError
00396             # Make the connection
00397             new_props = props.copy()
00398             if 'port.port_type' not in new_props:
00399                 new_props['port.port_type'] = 'CorbaPort'
00400             super(CorbaPort, self).connect(dests=dests, name=name, id=id,
00401                                            props=new_props)
00403     def get_interface_by_instance_name(self, name):
00404         '''Get an interface of this port by instance name.'''
00405         with self._mutex:
00406             for intf in self.interfaces:
00407                 if intf.instance_name == name:
00408                     return intf
00409             return None
00411     @property
00412     def interfaces(self):
00413         '''The list of interfaces this port provides or uses.
00415         This list will be created at the first reference to this property.
00416         This means that the first reference may be delayed by CORBA calls,
00417         but others will return quickly (unless a delayed reparse has been
00418         triggered).
00420         '''
00421         with self._mutex:
00422             if not self._interfaces:
00423                 profile = self._obj.get_port_profile()
00424                 self._interfaces = [SvcInterface(intf) \
00425                                     for intf in profile.interfaces]
00426         return self._interfaces
00429 ##############################################################################
00430 ## Service port interface object
00432 class SvcInterface(object):
00433     '''Object representing the interface used by a service port.'''
00434     def __init__(self, intf_obj=None, *args, **kwargs):
00435         '''Constructor.
00437         @param intf_obj The CORBA PortInterfaceProfile object to wrap.
00439         '''
00440         super(SvcInterface, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
00441         self._obj = intf_obj
00442         self._mutex = threading.RLock()
00443         self._parse()
00445     def polarity_as_string(self, add_colour=True):
00446         '''Get the polarity of this interface as a string.
00448         @param add_colour If True, ANSI colour codes will be added to the
00449                           string.
00450         @return A string describing the polarity of this interface.
00452         '''
00453         with self._mutex:
00454             if self.polarity == self.PROVIDED:
00455                 result = 'Provided', ['reset']
00456             elif self.polarity == self.REQUIRED:
00457                 result = 'Required', ['reset']
00458             if add_colour:
00459                 return build_attr_string(result[1], supported=add_colour) + \
00460                         result[0] + build_attr_string('reset',
00461                                 supported=add_colour)
00462             else:
00463                 return result[0]
00465     def reparse(self):
00466         '''Reparse the interface object.'''
00467         self._parse()
00469     @property
00470     def instance_name(self):
00471         '''Instance name of the interface.'''
00472         with self._mutex:
00473             return self._instance_name
00475     @property
00476     def polarity(self):
00477         '''Polarity of this interface.'''
00478         with self._mutex:
00479             return self._polarity
00481     @property
00482     def polarity_string(self):
00483         '''The polarity of this interface as a coloured string.'''
00484         with self._mutex:
00485             return self.polarity_as_string()
00487     @property
00488     def type_name(self):
00489         '''Type name of the interface.'''
00490         with self._mutex:
00491             return self._type_name
00493     def _parse(self):
00494         # Parse the PortInterfaceProfile object.
00495         with self._mutex:
00496             self._instance_name = self._obj.instance_name
00497             self._type_name = self._obj.type_name
00498             if self._obj.polarity == RTC.PROVIDED:
00499                 self._polarity = self.PROVIDED
00500             else:
00501                 self._polarity = self.REQUIRED
00503     ## Constant for provided interface polarity.
00504     PROVIDED = 1
00505     ## Constant for required interface polarity.
00506     REQUIRED = 2
00509 ##############################################################################
00510 ## Connection object
00512 class Connection(object):
00513     '''An object representing a connection between two or more ports.'''
00514     def __init__(self, conn_profile_obj=None, owner=None, *args, **kwargs):
00515         '''Constructor.
00517         @param conn_profile_obj The CORBA ConnectorProfile object to wrap.
00518         @param owner The owner of this connection. If the creator of this
00519                      object is not a Port object (or derivative thereof), this
00520                      value should be set to None.
00522         '''
00523         super(Connection, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
00524         self._obj = conn_profile_obj
00525         self._owner = owner
00526         self._mutex = threading.RLock()
00527         self._parse()
00529     def __str__(self):
00530         return 'Connection {0} (ID: {1}), properties {2}, with ports '\
00531             '{3}'.format(self._name, self._id, self._properties, self._ports)
00533     def disconnect(self):
00534         '''Disconnect this connection.'''
00535         with self._mutex:
00536             if not self.ports:
00537                 raise NotConnectedError
00538             # Some of the connection participants may not be in the tree,
00539             # causing the port search in self.ports to return ('Unknown', None)
00540             # for those participants. Search the list to find the first
00541             # participant that is in the tree (there must be at least one).
00542             p = self.ports[0][1]
00543             ii = 1
00544             while not p and ii < len(self.ports):
00545                 p = self.ports[ii][1]
00546                 ii += 1
00547             if not p:
00548                 raise UnknownConnectionOwnerError
00549             p.object.disconnect(self.id)
00551     def has_port(self, port):
00552         '''Return True if this connection involves the given Port object.
00554         @param port The Port object to search for in this connection's ports.
00556         '''
00557         with self._mutex:
00558             for p in self.ports:
00559                 if not p[1]:
00560                     # Port owner not in tree, so unknown
00561                     continue
00562                 if port.object._is_equivalent(p[1].object):
00563                     return True
00564             return False
00566     def reparse(self):
00567         '''Reparse the connection.'''
00568         self._parse()
00570     @property
00571     def id(self):
00572         '''The ID of the connection.'''
00573         with self._mutex:
00574             return self._id
00576     @property
00577     def name(self):
00578         '''The name of the connection.'''
00579         with self._mutex:
00580             return self._name
00582     @property
00583     def owner(self):
00584         '''This connection's owner, if created by a Port object.'''
00585         with self._mutex:
00586             return self._owner
00588     @property
00589     def ports(self):
00590         '''The list of ports involved in this connection.
00592         The result is a list of tuples, (port name, port object). Each port
00593         name is a full path to the port (e.g. /localhost/Comp0.rtc:in) if
00594         this Connection object is owned by a Port, which is in turn owned by
00595         a Component in the tree. Otherwise, only the port's name will be used
00596         (in which case it will be the full port name, which will include the
00597         component name, e.g. 'ConsoleIn0.in'). The full path can be used to
00598         find ports in the tree.
00600         If, for some reason, the owner node of a port cannot be found, that
00601         entry in the list will contain ('Unknown', None). This typically means
00602         that a component's name has been clobbered on the name server.
00604         This list will be created at the first reference to this property.
00605         This means that the first reference may be delayed by CORBA calls,
00606         but others will return quickly (unless a delayed reparse has been
00607         triggered).
00609         '''
00610         def has_port(node, args):
00611             if node.get_port_by_ref(args):
00612                 return node
00613             return None
00615         with self._mutex:
00616             if not self._ports:
00617                 self._ports = []
00618                 for p in self._obj.ports:
00619                     # My owner's owner is a component node in the tree
00620                     if self.owner and self.owner.owner:
00621                         root = self.owner.owner.root
00622                         owner_nodes = [n for n in root.iterate(has_port,
00623                                 args=p, filter=['is_component']) if n]
00624                         if not owner_nodes:
00625                             self._ports.append(('Unknown', None))
00626                         else:
00627                             port_owner = owner_nodes[0]
00628                             port_owner_path = port_owner.full_path_str
00629                             port_name = p.get_port_profile().name
00630                             prefix = port_owner.instance_name + '.'
00631                             if port_name.startswith(prefix):
00632                                 port_name = port_name[len(prefix):]
00633                             self._ports.append((port_owner_path + ':' + \
00634                                 port_name, parse_port(p, self.owner.owner)))
00635                     else:
00636                         self._ports.append((p.get_port_profile().name,
00637                                             parse_port(p, None)))
00638         return self._ports
00640     @property
00641     def properties(self):
00642         '''The connection's properties dictionary.'''
00643         with self._mutex:
00644             return self._properties
00646     def _parse(self):
00647         # Parse the ConnectorProfile object.
00648         with self._mutex:
00649             self._name = self._obj.name
00650             self._id = self._obj.connector_id
00651             self._ports = None
00652             self._properties = nvlist_to_dict(self._obj.properties)
00655 # vim: tw=79

Author(s): Geoffrey Biggs
autogenerated on Wed Aug 26 2015 16:13:08