Go to the documentation of this file.
00024 #include "gmock/gmock.h"
00025 #include "rfid_driver_interface.h"
00027 class MockRfidWrapper : public RfidDriverInterface {
00028     public:
00029         MOCK_METHOD0(close_device, int());
00030         MOCK_METHOD0(get_uid_label, std::string());
00031         MOCK_METHOD0(get_tags, std::string*());
00032         MOCK_METHOD0(get_type_reader, std::string());
00033         MOCK_METHOD0(get_num_labels, int());
00034         MOCK_METHOD0(inventory, int());
00035         MOCK_METHOD1(open_device, int(long num_device));
00036         MOCK_METHOD1(set_num_labels, void(int num_labels));
00037         MOCK_METHOD2(read_hf, void(unsigned char data[BLOCK_SIZE_HF], unsigned char uc_db_address));
00038         MOCK_METHOD3(write_hf, void(unsigned char data[BLOCK_SIZE_HF], unsigned char uc_db_address, std::string uid));
00039         MOCK_METHOD5(write_tag_epc, int(unsigned char* data, std::string epc, unsigned int mem_bank, unsigned int address, unsigned int num_blocks));
00040     };

Author(s): Raul Perula-Martinez
autogenerated on Thu Apr 2 2015 03:06:14