.. currentmodule:: trep.forces :class:`ConfigForce` -- Apply forces to a configuration variable. ================================================================= :class:`ConfigForce` creates an input variable that applies a force directly to a configuration variable: .. math:: F_{q_i} = u(t) where the :math:`u(t)` is a :class:`Input` variable. .. table:: **Implemented Calculations** =========== =========== Calculation Implemented =========== =========== f Y f_dq Y f_ddq Y f_du Y f_dqdq Y f_ddqdq Y f_ddqddq Y f_dudq Y f_duddq Y f_dudu Y =========== =========== .. admonition:: Examples ``forced-pendulum-inverse-dynamics.py``, ``initial-conditions.py``, ``pend-on-cart-optimization.py`` .. class:: ConfigForce(system, config, finput, name=None) Create a new input to apply a force on a configuration variable. *config* should be an existing configuration variable (a name, index, or object). *finput* should be a string to name the new input variable. .. attribute:: ConfigForce.finput The input variable (:class:`Input`) that controls this force. .. attribute:: ConfigForce.config The configuration variable (:class:`Config`) that this force is applied to.