Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* $NoKeywords: $ */
00002 /*
00003 //
00004 // Copyright (c) 1993-2012 Robert McNeel & Associates. All rights reserved.
00005 // OpenNURBS, Rhinoceros, and Rhino3D are registered trademarks of Robert
00006 // McNeel & Associates.
00007 //
00011 //                              
00012 // For complete openNURBS copyright information see <>.
00013 //
00015 */
00018 //
00019 //   Definition of surface proxy object
00020 //
00026 class ON_Curve;
00027 class ON_NurbsSurface;
00028 class ON_CLASS ON_SurfaceProxy : public ON_Surface
00029 {
00030 public:
00031   // virtual ON_Object::DestroyRuntimeCache override
00032   void DestroyRuntimeCache( bool bDelete = true );
00034 public:
00035   ON_SurfaceProxy();
00036   ON_SurfaceProxy(const ON_Surface*);
00037   ON_SurfaceProxy(const ON_SurfaceProxy&);
00038   ON_SurfaceProxy& operator=(const ON_SurfaceProxy&);
00040   virtual ~ON_SurfaceProxy();
00042   void SetProxySurface( const ON_Surface* proxy_surface );
00043   const ON_Surface* ProxySurface() const;
00044   bool ProxySurfaceIsTransposed() const;
00046 private:
00047   const ON_Surface* m_surface;
00048   bool m_bTransposed; // proxy surface parameterization is transpose of m_surface
00050 public:
00051   /*
00052   Description:
00053     Get a duplicate of the surface.
00054   Returns:
00055     A duplicate of the surface.  
00056   Remarks:
00057     The caller must delete the returned surface.
00058     For non-ON_SurfaceProxy objects, this simply duplicates the surface using
00059     ON_Object::Duplicate.
00060     For ON_SurfaceProxy objects, this duplicates the actual proxy surface 
00061     geometry and, if necessary, transposes the result to that
00062     the returned surfaces's parameterization and locus match the proxy surface's.
00063   */
00064   virtual
00065   ON_Surface* DuplicateSurface() const;
00068   // ON_Object overrides
00070   // virtual ON_Object::SizeOf override
00071   unsigned int SizeOf() const;
00073   // virtual ON_Object::DataCRC override
00074   ON__UINT32 DataCRC(ON__UINT32 current_remainder) const;
00076   /*
00077   Description:
00078     Tests an object to see if its data members are correctly
00079     initialized.
00080   Parameters:
00081     text_log - [in] if the object is not valid and text_log
00082         is not NULL, then a brief englis description of the
00083         reason the object is not valid is appened to the log.
00084         The information appended to text_log is suitable for 
00085         low-level debugging purposes by programmers and is 
00086         not intended to be useful as a high level user 
00087         interface tool.
00088   Returns:
00089     @untitled table
00090     true     object is valid
00091     false    object is invalid, uninitialized, etc.
00092   Remarks:
00093     Overrides virtual ON_Object::IsValid
00094   */
00095   ON_BOOL32 IsValid( ON_TextLog* text_log = NULL ) const;
00097   void Dump( ON_TextLog& ) const; // for debugging
00099   ON_BOOL32 Write(
00100          ON_BinaryArchive&  // open binary file
00101        ) const;
00103   ON_BOOL32 Read(
00104          ON_BinaryArchive&  // open binary file
00105        );
00108   // ON_Geometry overrides
00110   int Dimension() const;
00112   ON_BOOL32 GetBBox( // returns true if successful
00113          double*,    // minimum
00114          double*,    // maximum
00115          ON_BOOL32 = false  // true means grow box
00116          ) const;
00118   ON_BOOL32 Transform( 
00119          const ON_Xform&
00120          );
00123   // ON_Surface overrides
00125   ON_Interval Domain(
00126     int // 0 gets first parameter's domain, 1 gets second parameter's domain
00127     ) const;
00130   /*
00131   Description:
00132     Get an estimate of the size of the rectangle that would
00133     be created if the 3d surface where flattened into a rectangle.
00134   Parameters:
00135     width - [out]  (corresponds to the first surface parameter)
00136     height - [out] (corresponds to the first surface parameter)
00137   Remarks:
00138     overrides virtual ON_Surface::GetSurfaceSize
00139   Returns:
00140     true if successful.
00141   */
00142   ON_BOOL32 GetSurfaceSize( 
00143       double* width, 
00144       double* height 
00145       ) const;
00147   int SpanCount(
00148     int // 0 gets first parameter's domain, 1 gets second parameter's domain
00149     ) const; // number of smooth spans in curve
00151   ON_BOOL32 GetSpanVector( // span "knots" 
00152     int, // 0 gets first parameter's domain, 1 gets second parameter's domain
00153     double* // array of length SpanCount() + 1 
00154     ) const; // 
00156   int Degree( // returns maximum algebraic degree of any span 
00157                   // ( or a good estimate if curve spans are not algebraic )
00158     int // 0 gets first parameter's domain, 1 gets second parameter's domain
00159     ) const; 
00162   ON_BOOL32 GetParameterTolerance( // returns tminus < tplus: parameters tminus <= s <= tplus
00163          int,     // 0 gets first parameter, 1 gets second parameter
00164          double,  // t = parameter in domain
00165          double*, // tminus
00166          double*  // tplus
00167          ) const;
00169   // override virtual ON_Surface::IsIsoparametric
00170   ISO IsIsoparametric(
00171         const ON_Curve& curve,
00172         const ON_Interval* curve_domain = NULL
00173         ) const;
00175   // override virtual ON_Surface::IsIsoparametric
00176   ISO IsIsoparametric(
00177         const ON_BoundingBox& bbox
00178         ) const;
00180   /*
00181   Description:
00182     Test a surface to see if it is planar.
00183   Parameters:
00184     plane - [out] if not NULL and true is returned,
00185                   the plane parameters are filled in.
00186     tolerance - [in] tolerance to use when checking
00187   Returns:
00188     true if there is a plane such that the maximum distance from
00189     the surface to the plane is <= tolerance.
00190   Remarks:
00191     Overrides virtual ON_Surface::IsPlanar.
00192   */
00193   ON_BOOL32 IsPlanar(
00194         ON_Plane* plane = NULL,
00195         double tolerance = ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE
00196         ) const;
00198   ON_BOOL32 IsClosed(   // true if surface is closed in direction
00199         int        // dir  0 = "s", 1 = "t"
00200         ) const;
00202   ON_BOOL32 IsPeriodic( // true if surface is periodic in direction
00203         int        // dir  0 = "s", 1 = "t"
00204         ) const;
00206   ON_BOOL32 IsSingular( // true if surface side is collapsed to a point
00207         int        // side of parameter space to test
00208                    // 0 = south, 1 = east, 2 = north, 3 = west
00209         ) const;
00211   /*
00212   Description:
00213     Search for a derivatitive, tangent, or curvature 
00214     discontinuity.
00215   Parameters:
00216     dir - [in] If 0, then "u" parameter is checked.  If 1, then
00217                the "v" parameter is checked.
00218     c - [in] type of continity to test for.
00219     t0 - [in] Search begins at t0. If there is a discontinuity
00220               at t0, it will be ignored.  This makes it 
00221               possible to repeatedly call GetNextDiscontinuity
00222               and step through the discontinuities.
00223     t1 - [in] (t0 != t1)  If there is a discontinuity at t1 is 
00224               will be ingored unless c is a locus discontinuity
00225               type and t1 is at the start or end of the curve.
00226     t - [out] if a discontinuity is found, then *t reports the
00227           parameter at the discontinuity.
00228     hint - [in/out] if GetNextDiscontinuity will be called 
00229        repeatedly, passing a "hint" with initial value *hint=0
00230        will increase the speed of the search.       
00231     dtype - [out] if not NULL, *dtype reports the kind of 
00232         discontinuity found at *t.  A value of 1 means the first 
00233         derivative or unit tangent was discontinuous.  A value 
00234         of 2 means the second derivative or curvature was 
00235         discontinuous.  A value of 0 means teh curve is not
00236         closed, a locus discontinuity test was applied, and
00237         t1 is at the start of end of the curve.
00238     cos_angle_tolerance - [in] default = cos(1 degree) Used only
00239         when c is ON::G1_continuous or ON::G2_continuous.  If the
00240         cosine of the angle between two tangent vectors is 
00241         <= cos_angle_tolerance, then a G1 discontinuity is reported.
00242     curvature_tolerance - [in] (default = ON_SQRT_EPSILON) Used 
00243         only when c is ON::G2_continuous.  If K0 and K1 are 
00244         curvatures evaluated from above and below and 
00245         |K0 - K1| > curvature_tolerance, then a curvature 
00246         discontinuity is reported.
00247   Returns:
00248     Parametric continuity tests c = (C0_continuous, ..., G2_continuous):
00250       true if a parametric discontinuity was found strictly 
00251       between t0 and t1. Note well that all curves are 
00252       parametrically continuous at the ends of their domains.
00254     Locus continuity tests c = (C0_locus_continuous, ...,G2_locus_continuous):
00256       true if a locus discontinuity was found strictly between
00257       t0 and t1 or at t1 is the at the end of a curve.
00258       Note well that all open curves (IsClosed()=false) are locus
00259       discontinuous at the ends of their domains.  All closed 
00260       curves (IsClosed()=true) are at least C0_locus_continuous at 
00261       the ends of their domains.
00262   */
00263   bool GetNextDiscontinuity( 
00264                   int dir,
00265                   ON::continuity c,
00266                   double t0,
00267                   double t1,
00268                   double* t,
00269                   int* hint=NULL,
00270                   int* dtype=NULL,
00271                   double cos_angle_tolerance=ON_DEFAULT_ANGLE_TOLERANCE_COSINE,
00272                   double curvature_tolerance=ON_SQRT_EPSILON
00273                   ) const;
00275   /*
00276   Description:
00277     Test continuity at a surface parameter value.
00278   Parameters:
00279     c - [in] continuity to test for
00280     s - [in] surface parameter to test
00281     t - [in] surface parameter to test
00282     hint - [in] evaluation hint
00283     point_tolerance - [in] if the distance between two points is
00284         greater than point_tolerance, then the surface is not C0.
00285     d1_tolerance - [in] if the difference between two first derivatives is
00286         greater than d1_tolerance, then the surface is not C1.
00287     d2_tolerance - [in] if the difference between two second derivatives is
00288         greater than d2_tolerance, then the surface is not C2.
00289     cos_angle_tolerance - [in] default = cos(1 degree) Used only when
00290         c is ON::G1_continuous or ON::G2_continuous.  If the cosine
00291         of the angle between two normal vectors 
00292         is <= cos_angle_tolerance, then a G1 discontinuity is reported.
00293     curvature_tolerance - [in] (default = ON_SQRT_EPSILON) Used only when
00294         c is ON::G2_continuous.  If K0 and K1 are curvatures evaluated
00295         from above and below and |K0 - K1| > curvature_tolerance,
00296         then a curvature discontinuity is reported.
00297   Returns:
00298     true if the surface has at least the c type continuity at the parameter t.
00299   Remarks:
00300     Overrides virtual ON_Surface::IsContinuous
00301   */
00302   bool IsContinuous(
00303     ON::continuity c,
00304     double s, 
00305     double t, 
00306     int* hint = NULL,
00307     double point_tolerance=ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE,
00308     double d1_tolerance=ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE,
00309     double d2_tolerance=ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE,
00310     double cos_angle_tolerance=ON_DEFAULT_ANGLE_TOLERANCE_COSINE,
00311     double curvature_tolerance=ON_SQRT_EPSILON
00312     ) const;
00314   ON_BOOL32 Reverse(  // reverse parameterizatrion, Domain changes from [a,b] to [-b,-a]
00315     int // dir  0 = "s", 1 = "t"
00316     );
00318   ON_BOOL32 Transpose(); // transpose surface parameterization (swap "s" and "t")
00320   // work horse evaluator
00321   ON_BOOL32 Evaluate( // returns false if unable to evaluate
00322          double, double, // evaluation parameters
00323          int,            // number of derivatives (>=0)
00324          int,            // array stride (>=Dimension())
00325          double*,        // array of length stride*(ndir+1)*(ndir+2)/2
00326          int = 0,        // optional - determines which quadrant to evaluate from
00327                          //         0 = default
00328                          //         1 from NE quadrant
00329                          //         2 from NW quadrant
00330                          //         3 from SW quadrant
00331                          //         4 from SE quadrant
00332          int* = 0        // optional - evaluation hint (int[2]) used to speed
00333                          //            repeated evaluations
00334          ) const;
00337   ON_Curve* IsoCurve(
00338          int dir,
00339          double c
00340          ) const;
00342   int GetNurbForm( // returns 0: unable to create NURBS representation
00343                    //            with desired accuracy.
00344                    //         1: success - returned NURBS parameterization
00345                    //            matches the surface's to wthe desired accuracy
00346                    //         2: success - returned NURBS point locus matches
00347                    //            the surfaces's to the desired accuracy but, on
00348                    //            the interior of the surface's domain, the 
00349                    //            surface's parameterization and the NURBS
00350                    //            parameterization may not match to the 
00351                    //            desired accuracy.
00352         ON_NurbsSurface&,
00353         double = 0.0
00354         ) const;
00356   int HasNurbForm( // returns 0: unable to create NURBS representation
00357                    //            with desired accuracy.
00358                    //         1: success - returned NURBS parameterization
00359                    //            matches the surface's to wthe desired accuracy
00360                    //         2: success - returned NURBS point locus matches
00361                    //            the surfaces's to the desired accuracy but, on
00362                    //            the interior of the surface's domain, the 
00363                    //            surface's parameterization and the NURBS
00364                    //            parameterization may not match to the 
00365                    //            desired accuracy.
00366         ) const;
00368   bool GetSurfaceParameterFromNurbFormParameter(
00369         double nurbs_s, double nurbs_t,
00370         double* surface_s, double* surface_t
00371         ) const;
00373   bool GetNurbFormParameterFromSurfaceParameter(
00374         double surface_s, double surface_t,
00375         double* nurbs_s,  double* nurbs_t
00376         ) const;
00378 private:
00380   ON_OBJECT_DECLARE(ON_SurfaceProxy);
00381 };
00383 #endif

Author(s): Open Perception
autogenerated on Wed Aug 26 2015 15:27:03