Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* $NoKeywords: $ */
00002 /*
00003 //
00004 // Copyright (c) 1993-2012 Robert McNeel & Associates. All rights reserved.
00005 // OpenNURBS, Rhinoceros, and Rhino3D are registered trademarks of Robert
00006 // McNeel & Associates.
00007 //
00011 //                              
00012 // For complete openNURBS copyright information see <>.
00013 //
00015 */
00018 //
00019 //   Definition of poly curve (composite curve)
00020 //
00023 #if !defined(OPENNURBS_POLYCURVE_INC_)
00026 /*
00027  Description: 
00028                 An ON_PolyCurve is an ON_Curve represented by a sequence of 
00029         contiguous ON_Curve segments.    A valid polycurve is represented 
00030         by an array m_segment of Count()>=1 curve objects       and a strictly
00031         increasing array m_t of Count()+1 parameter values.  The i-th 
00032         curve segment,  when considered as part of the polycurve, is affinely 
00033         reparamaterized from m_t[i] to m_t[i+1], i.e., m_segment[i].Domain()[0] 
00034         is mapped to    m_t[i] and m_segment[i].Domain()[1] is mapped to m_t[i+1]. 
00035 */
00036 class ON_PolyCurve;
00037 class ON_CLASS ON_PolyCurve : public ON_Curve
00038 {
00039   ON_OBJECT_DECLARE(ON_PolyCurve);
00041 public:
00042   // virtual ON_Object::DestroyRuntimeCache override
00043   void DestroyRuntimeCache( bool bDelete = true );
00045 public:
00046   ON_PolyCurve();
00047   ON_PolyCurve( int ); // int = initial capacity - use when a good estimate
00048                         // of the number of segments is known.
00049   ON_PolyCurve(const ON_PolyCurve&);
00051   void Destroy();
00053   virtual ~ON_PolyCurve();
00055   void EmergencyDestroy(); // call if memory used by ON_PolyCurve becomes invalid
00057         ON_PolyCurve& operator=(const ON_PolyCurve&);
00060   // ON_Object overrides
00062   // virtual ON_Object::SizeOf override
00063   unsigned int SizeOf() const;
00065   // virtual ON_Object::DataCRC override
00066   ON__UINT32 DataCRC(ON__UINT32 current_remainder) const;
00068   /*
00069   Description:
00070     Tests an object to see if its data members are correctly
00071     initialized.
00072   Parameters:
00073     text_log - [in] if the object is not valid and text_log
00074         is not NULL, then a brief englis description of the
00075         reason the object is not valid is appened to the log.
00076         The information appended to text_log is suitable for 
00077         low-level debugging purposes by programmers and is 
00078         not intended to be useful as a high level user 
00079         interface tool.
00080   Returns:
00081     @untitled table
00082     true     object is valid
00083     false    object is invalid, uninitialized, etc.
00084   Remarks:
00085     Overrides virtual ON_Object::IsValid
00086   */
00087   ON_BOOL32 IsValid( ON_TextLog* text_log = NULL ) const;
00089   /*
00090   Description:
00091     Tests an object to see if its data members are correctly
00092     initialized.
00093   Parameters:
00094     bAllowGaps - [in]
00095       If true, gaps are allowed between polycurve segments.
00096       If false, gaps are not allowed between polycurve segments.
00097     text_log - [in] if the object is not valid and text_log
00098         is not NULL, then a brief englis description of the
00099         reason the object is not valid is appened to the log.
00100         The information appended to text_log is suitable for 
00101         low-level debugging purposes by programmers and is 
00102         not intended to be useful as a high level user 
00103         interface tool.
00104   Returns:
00105     @untitled table
00106     true     object is valid
00107     false    object is invalid, uninitialized, etc.
00108   Remarks:
00109     Overrides virtual ON_Object::IsValid
00110   */
00111   bool IsValid( bool bAllowGaps, ON_TextLog* text_log ) const;
00114   void Dump( ON_TextLog& ) const; // for debugging
00116   ON_BOOL32 Write(
00117          ON_BinaryArchive&  // open binary file
00118        ) const;
00120   ON_BOOL32 Read(
00121          ON_BinaryArchive&  // open binary file
00122        );
00125   // ON_Geometry overrides
00127   int Dimension() const;
00129   ON_BOOL32 GetBBox( // returns true if successful
00130          double*,    // minimum
00131          double*,    // maximum
00132          ON_BOOL32 = false  // true means grow box
00133          ) const;
00135   /*
00136         Description:
00137     Get tight bounding box.
00138         Parameters:
00139                 tight_bbox - [in/out] tight bounding box
00140                 bGrowBox -[in]  (default=false)                 
00141       If true and the input tight_bbox is valid, then returned
00142       tight_bbox is the union of the input tight_bbox and the 
00143       curve's tight bounding box.
00144                 xform -[in] (default=NULL)
00145       If not NULL, the tight bounding box of the transformed
00146       curve is calculated.  The curve is not modified.
00147         Returns:
00148     True if a valid tight_bbox is returned.
00149   */
00150         bool GetTightBoundingBox( 
00151                         ON_BoundingBox& tight_bbox, 
00152       int bGrowBox = false,
00153                         const ON_Xform* xform = 0
00154       ) const;
00156   ON_BOOL32 Transform( 
00157          const ON_Xform&
00158          );
00160   // virtual ON_Geometry::IsDeformable() override
00161   bool IsDeformable() const;
00163   // virtual ON_Geometry::MakeDeformable() override
00164   bool MakeDeformable();
00166   ON_BOOL32 SwapCoordinates(
00167         int, int        // indices of coords to swap
00168         );
00170   // virtual ON_Geometry override
00171   bool EvaluatePoint( const class ON_ObjRef& objref, ON_3dPoint& P ) const;
00174   // ON_Curve overrides
00176   ON_Curve* DuplicateCurve() const;
00178   ON_Interval Domain() const;
00180   // Description:
00181   //   virtual ON_Curve::SetDomain override.
00182   //   Set the domain of the curve
00183   // Parameters:
00184   //   t0 - [in]
00185   //   t1 - [in] new domain will be [t0,t1]
00186   // Returns:
00187   //   true if successful.
00188   ON_BOOL32 SetDomain(
00189         double t0, 
00190         double t1 
00191         );
00193   bool ChangeDimension(
00194           int desired_dimension
00195           );
00197   /*
00198   Description:
00199     If this curve is closed, then modify it so that
00200     the start/end point is at curve parameter t.
00201   Parameters:
00202     t - [in] curve parameter of new start/end point.  The
00203              returned curves domain will start at t.
00204   Returns:
00205     true if successful.
00206   Remarks:
00207     Overrides virtual ON_Curve::ChangeClosedCurveSeam
00208   */
00209   ON_BOOL32 ChangeClosedCurveSeam( 
00210             double t 
00211             );
00213   int SpanCount() const; // number of smooth spans in curve
00215   ON_BOOL32 GetSpanVector( // span "knots" 
00216          double* // array of length SpanCount() + 1 
00217          ) const; // 
00219   int Degree( // returns maximum algebraic degree of any span 
00220                   // ( or a good estimate if curve spans are not algebraic )
00221     ) const; 
00223   ON_BOOL32 IsLinear( // true if curve locus is a line segment between
00224                  // between specified points
00225         double = ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE // tolerance to use when checking linearity
00226         ) const;
00228   /*
00229   Description:
00230     Several types of ON_Curve can have the form of a polyline including
00231     a degree 1 ON_NurbsCurve, an ON_PolylineCurve, and an ON_PolyCurve
00232     all of whose segments are some form of polyline.  IsPolyline tests
00233     a curve to see if it can be represented as a polyline.
00234   Parameters:
00235     pline_points - [out] if not NULL and true is returned, then the
00236         points of the polyline form are returned here.
00237     t - [out] if not NULL and true is returned, then the parameters of
00238         the polyline points are returned here.
00239   Returns:
00240     @untitled table
00241     0        curve is not some form of a polyline
00242     >=2      number of points in polyline form
00243   */
00244   int IsPolyline(
00245         ON_SimpleArray<ON_3dPoint>* pline_points = NULL,
00246         ON_SimpleArray<double>* pline_t = NULL
00247         ) const;
00249   ON_BOOL32 IsArc( // ON_Arc.m_angle > 0 if curve locus is an arc between
00250               // specified points
00251         const ON_Plane* = NULL, // if not NULL, test is performed in this plane
00252         ON_Arc* = NULL, // if not NULL and true is returned, then arc parameters
00253                          // are filled in
00254         double = ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE    // tolerance to use when checking
00255         ) const;
00257   ON_BOOL32 IsPlanar(
00258         ON_Plane* = NULL, // if not NULL and true is returned, then plane parameters
00259                            // are filled in
00260         double = ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE    // tolerance to use when checking
00261         ) const;
00263   ON_BOOL32 IsInPlane(
00264         const ON_Plane&, // plane to test
00265         double = ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE    // tolerance to use when checking
00266         ) const;
00268   ON_BOOL32 IsClosed(  // true if curve is closed (either curve has
00269         void      // clamped end knots and euclidean location of start
00270         ) const;  // CV = euclidean location of end CV, or curve is
00271                   // periodic.)
00273   ON_BOOL32 IsPeriodic(  // true if curve is a single periodic segment
00274         void 
00275         ) const;
00277   /*
00278   Description:
00279     Search for a derivatitive, tangent, or curvature discontinuity.
00280   Parameters:
00281     c - [in] type of continity to test for.  If ON::C1_continuous
00282     t0 - [in] search begins at t0
00283     t1 - [in] (t0 < t1) search ends at t1
00284     t - [out] if a discontinuity is found, the *t reports the
00285           parameter at the discontinuity.
00286     hint - [in/out] if GetNextDiscontinuity will be called repeatedly,
00287        passing a "hint" with initial value *hint=0 will increase the speed
00288        of the search.       
00289     dtype - [out] if not NULL, *dtype reports the kind of discontinuity
00290         found at *t.  A value of 1 means the first derivative or unit tangent
00291         was discontinuous.  A value of 2 means the second derivative or
00292         curvature was discontinuous.
00293     cos_angle_tolerance - [in] default = cos(1 degree) Used only when
00294         c is ON::G1_continuous or ON::G2_continuous.  If the cosine
00295         of the angle between two tangent vectors 
00296         is <= cos_angle_tolerance, then a G1 discontinuity is reported.
00297     curvature_tolerance - [in] (default = ON_SQRT_EPSILON) Used only when
00298         c is ON::G2_continuous or ON::Gsmooth_continuous.  
00299         ON::G2_continuous:
00300           If K0 and K1 are curvatures evaluated
00301           from above and below and |K0 - K1| > curvature_tolerance,
00302           then a curvature discontinuity is reported.
00303         ON::Gsmooth_continuous:
00304           If K0 and K1 are curvatures evaluated from above and below
00305           and the angle between K0 and K1 is at least twice angle tolerance
00306           or ||K0| - |K1|| > (max(|K0|,|K1|) > curvature_tolerance,
00307           then a curvature discontinuity is reported.
00308   Returns:
00309     true if a discontinuity was found on the interior of the interval (t0,t1).
00310   Remarks:
00311     Overrides ON_Curve::GetNextDiscontinuity.
00312   */
00313   bool GetNextDiscontinuity( 
00314                   ON::continuity c,
00315                   double t0,
00316                   double t1,
00317                   double* t,
00318                   int* hint=NULL,
00319                   int* dtype=NULL,
00320                   double cos_angle_tolerance=ON_DEFAULT_ANGLE_TOLERANCE_COSINE,
00321                   double curvature_tolerance=ON_SQRT_EPSILON
00322                   ) const;
00324   /*
00325   Description:
00326     Test continuity at a curve parameter value.
00327   Parameters:
00328     c - [in] continuity to test for
00329     t - [in] parameter to test
00330     hint - [in] evaluation hint
00331     point_tolerance - [in] if the distance between two points is
00332         greater than point_tolerance, then the curve is not C0.
00333     d1_tolerance - [in] if the difference between two first derivatives is
00334         greater than d1_tolerance, then the curve is not C1.
00335     d2_tolerance - [in] if the difference between two second derivatives is
00336         greater than d2_tolerance, then the curve is not C2.
00337     cos_angle_tolerance - [in] default = cos(1 degree) Used only when
00338         c is ON::G1_continuous or ON::G2_continuous.  If the cosine
00339         of the angle between two tangent vectors 
00340         is <= cos_angle_tolerance, then a G1 discontinuity is reported.
00341     curvature_tolerance - [in] (default = ON_SQRT_EPSILON) Used only when
00342         c is ON::G2_continuous or ON::Gsmooth_continuous.  
00343         ON::G2_continuous:
00344           If K0 and K1 are curvatures evaluated
00345           from above and below and |K0 - K1| > curvature_tolerance,
00346           then a curvature discontinuity is reported.
00347         ON::Gsmooth_continuous:
00348           If K0 and K1 are curvatures evaluated from above and below
00349           and the angle between K0 and K1 is at least twice angle tolerance
00350           or ||K0| - |K1|| > (max(|K0|,|K1|) > curvature_tolerance,
00351           then a curvature discontinuity is reported.
00352   Returns:
00353     true if the curve has at least the c type continuity at the parameter t.
00354   Remarks:
00355     Overrides ON_Curve::IsContinuous.
00356   */
00357   bool IsContinuous(
00358     ON::continuity c,
00359     double t, 
00360     int* hint = NULL,
00361     double point_tolerance=ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE,
00362     double d1_tolerance=ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE,
00363     double d2_tolerance=ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE,
00364     double cos_angle_tolerance=ON_DEFAULT_ANGLE_TOLERANCE_COSINE,
00365     double curvature_tolerance=ON_SQRT_EPSILON
00366     ) const;
00368   ON_BOOL32 Reverse();       // reverse parameterizatrion
00369                         // Domain changes from [a,b] to [-b,-a]
00371   /*
00372   Description:
00373     Force the curve to start at a specified point.
00374   Parameters:
00375     start_point - [in]
00376   Returns:
00377     true if successful.
00378   Remarks:
00379     Some start points cannot be moved.  Be sure to check return
00380     code.
00381   See Also:
00382     ON_Curve::SetEndPoint
00383     ON_Curve::PointAtStart
00384     ON_Curve::PointAtEnd
00385   */
00386   // virtual
00387   ON_BOOL32 SetStartPoint(
00388           ON_3dPoint start_point
00389           );
00391   /*
00392   Description:
00393     Force the curve to end at a specified point.
00394   Parameters:
00395     end_point - [in]
00396   Returns:
00397     true if successful.
00398   Remarks:
00399     Some end points cannot be moved.  Be sure to check return
00400     code.
00401   See Also:
00402     ON_Curve::SetStartPoint
00403     ON_Curve::PointAtStart
00404     ON_Curve::PointAtEnd
00405   */
00406   //virtual
00407   ON_BOOL32 SetEndPoint(
00408           ON_3dPoint end_point
00409           );
00411   ON_BOOL32 Evaluate( // returns false if unable to evaluate
00412          double,         // evaluation parameter
00413          int,            // number of derivatives (>=0)
00414          int,            // array stride (>=Dimension())
00415          double*,        // array of length stride*(ndir+1)
00416          int = 0,        // optional - determines which side to evaluate from
00417                          //         0 = default
00418                          //      <  0 to evaluate from below, 
00419                          //      >  0 to evaluate from above
00420          int* = 0        // optional - evaluation hint (int) used to speed
00421                          //            repeated evaluations
00422          ) const;
00424   // Description:
00425   //   virtual ON_Curve::Trim override.
00426   //   Removes portions of the curve outside the specified interval.
00427   // Parameters:
00428   //   domain - [in] interval of the curve to keep.  Portions of the
00429   //      curve before curve(domain[0]) and after curve(domain[1]) are
00430   //      removed.
00431   // Returns:
00432   //   true if successful.
00433   ON_BOOL32 Trim(
00434     const ON_Interval& domain
00435     );
00437   // Description:
00438   //   Where possible, analytically extends curve to include domain.
00439   // Parameters:
00440   //   domain - [in] if domain is not included in curve domain, 
00441   //   curve will be extended so that its domain includes domain.  
00442   //   Will not work if curve is closed. Original curve is identical
00443   //   to the restriction of the resulting curve to the original curve domain, 
00444   // Returns:
00445   //   true if successful.
00446   bool Extend(
00447     const ON_Interval& domain
00448     );
00450   // Description:
00451   //   virtual ON_Curve::Split override.
00452   //   Divide the curve at the specified parameter.  The parameter
00453   //   must be in the interior of the curve's domain.  The pointers
00454   //   passed to Split must either be NULL or point to an ON_Curve
00455   //   object of the same of the same type.  If the pointer is NULL,
00456   //   then a curve will be created in Split().  You may pass "this"
00457   //   as one of the pointers to Split().
00458   // Parameters:
00459   //   t - [in] parameter in interval Domain().
00460   //   left_side - [out] left portion of curve
00461   //   right_side - [out] right portion of curve
00462   // Example:
00463   //   For example, if crv were an ON_NurbsCurve, then
00464   //
00465   //     ON_NurbsCurve right_side;
00466   //     crv.Split( crv.Domain().Mid() &crv, &right_side );
00467   //
00468   //   would split crv at the parametric midpoint, put the left side
00469   //   in crv, and return the right side in right_side.
00470   ON_BOOL32 Split(
00471       double t,    // t = curve parameter to split curve at
00472       ON_Curve*& left_side, // left portion returned here
00473       ON_Curve*& right_side // right portion returned here
00474     ) const;
00476   int GetNurbForm( // returns 0: unable to create NURBS representation
00477                    //            with desired accuracy.
00478                    //         1: success - returned NURBS parameterization
00479                    //            matches the curve's to wthe desired accuracy
00480                    //         2: success - returned NURBS point locus matches
00481                    //            the curve's to the desired accuracy but, on
00482                    //            the interior of the curve's domain, the 
00483                    //            curve's parameterization and the NURBS
00484                    //            parameterization may not match to the 
00485                    //            desired accuracy.
00486         ON_NurbsCurve&,
00487         double = 0.0,
00488         const ON_Interval* = NULL     // OPTIONAL subdomain of polycurve
00489         ) const;
00491   int HasNurbForm( // returns 0: unable to create NURBS representation
00492                    //            with desired accuracy.
00493                    //         1: success - returned NURBS parameterization
00494                    //            matches the curve's to wthe desired accuracy
00495                    //         2: success - returned NURBS point locus matches
00496                    //            the curve's to the desired accuracy but, on
00497                    //            the interior of the curve's domain, the 
00498                    //            curve's parameterization and the NURBS
00499                    //            parameterization may not match to the 
00500                    //            desired accuracy.
00501         ) const;
00503   // virtual ON_Curve::GetCurveParameterFromNurbFormParameter override
00504   ON_BOOL32 GetCurveParameterFromNurbFormParameter(
00505         double, // nurbs_t
00506         double* // curve_t
00507         ) const;
00509   // virtual ON_Curve::GetNurbFormParameterFromCurveParameter override
00510   ON_BOOL32 GetNurbFormParameterFromCurveParameter(
00511         double, // curve_t
00512         double* // nurbs_t
00513         ) const;
00516   // Interface
00518   int Count() const; // number of segment curves
00520   // These operator[] functions return NULL if index is out of range
00521   ON_Curve* operator[](int) const;
00523   /*
00524   Description:
00525     Returns a pointer to a segment curve.
00526   Parameters:
00527     segment_index - [in] 0 based index  (0 <= segment_index < Count() )
00528   Returns:
00529     A pointer to the segment curve.  Returns NULL if segment_index < 0
00530     or segment_index >= Count().
00531   */
00532   ON_Curve* SegmentCurve(
00533     int segment_index
00534     ) const;
00536   /*
00537   Description:
00538     Converts a polycurve parameter to a segment curve parameter.
00539   Parameters:
00540     polycurve_parameter - [in] 
00541   Returns:
00542     Segment curve evaluation parameter or ON_UNSET_VALUE if the
00543     segment curve parameter cannot be computed.
00544   See Also:
00545     ON_PolyCurve::PolyCurveParameter
00546   */
00547   double SegmentCurveParameter(
00548     double polycurve_parameter
00549     ) const;
00551   /*
00552   Description:
00553     Converts a segment curve parameter to a polycurve parameter.
00554   Parameters:
00555     segment_index - [in]
00556     segmentcurve_parameter - [in] 
00557   Returns:
00558     Polycurve evaluation parameter or ON_UNSET_VALUE if the
00559     polycurve curve parameter cannot be computed.
00560   See Also:
00561     ON_PolyCurve::SegmentCurveParameter
00562   */
00563   double PolyCurveParameter(
00564     int segment_index,
00565     double segmentcurve_parameter
00566     ) const;
00568   /*
00569   Description:
00570     Returns the polycurve subdomain assigned to a segment curve.
00571   Parameters:
00572     segment_index - [in] 0 based index  (0 <= segment_index < Count() )
00573   Returns:
00574     The polycurve subdomain assigned to a segment curve.
00575     Returns ([ON_UNSET_VALUE,ON_UNSET_VALUE) if segment_index < 0  
00576     or segment_index >= Count().
00577   */
00578   ON_Interval SegmentDomain( 
00579     int segment_index
00580     ) const;
00582   /*
00583   Description:
00584     Find the segment used for evaluation at polycurve_parameter.
00585   Parameters:
00586     polycurve_parameter - [in]
00587   Returns:
00588     index of the segment used for evaluation at polycurve_parameter.
00589     If polycurve_parameter < Domain.Min(), then 0 is returned.
00590     If polycurve_parameter > Domain.Max(), then Count()-1 is returned.
00591   */
00592   int SegmentIndex(
00593     double polycurve_parameter
00594     ) const;
00596   /*
00597   Description:
00598     Find the segments with support on sub_domain.
00599   Parameters:
00600     sub_domain - [in] increasing interval
00601     segment_index0 - [out] 
00602     segment_index1 - [out] segments with index i where
00603       *segment_index0 <= i < *segment_index1 are the segments
00604       with support on the sub_domain
00605   Returns:
00606     number of segments with support on sub_domain.
00607   */
00608   int SegmentIndex(
00609     ON_Interval sub_domain,
00610     int* segment_index0,
00611     int* segment_index1
00612     ) const;
00614   ON_Curve* FirstSegmentCurve() const; // returns NULL if count = 0
00616   ON_Curve* LastSegmentCurve() const;  // returns NULL if count = 0
00618   /*
00619   Description:
00620     Search the curve for gaps between the sub curve segments. 
00621   Parameters:
00622     segment_index0 - [in]
00623       The search for gaps starts at with the comparing
00624       the end of segment[segment_index0] and the start of
00625       segment[segment_index0+1].
00626   Returns:
00627     0:     
00628       No gaps were found.
00629     i > segment_index0:
00630       The end of polycuve segment[i-1] is not coincident
00631       with the start of polycurve segment[i].
00632   */
00633   int FindNextGap( int segment_index0 ) const;
00635   /*
00636   Description:
00637     Determine if there is a gap between the end of 
00638     segment[segment_index] and the start of segment[segment_index+1].
00639   Parameters:
00640     segment_index - [in]
00641       >= 0
00642   Returns:
00643     true: 
00644       segment_index was valid and there is a gap between
00645       the end of segment[segment_index] and the start of
00646       segment[segment_index+1].
00647   */
00648   bool HasGapAt( int segment_index ) const;
00650   // Replace calls to HasGap() with FindNextGap(0)
00651   ON_DEPRECATED int HasGap() const;
00653   /*
00654   Description:
00655     Modify the one or both locations at the end of 
00656     segment[gap_index-1] and the start of segment[gap_index]
00657     so they are coindicent.  
00658   Parameters:
00659     gap_index - [in] 1 <= gap_index < Count()
00660       If the locations at the end of segment[gap_index-1] and 
00661       the start of segment[gap_index] are not identical, then
00662       an attempt is made to modify the segments so these
00663       locations are closer.
00664     ends_to_modify - [in]
00665       0: (suggested)
00666         The code will decide what segments to modify.
00667       1: 
00668         modify the end location of segment[gap_index-1]
00669       2:
00670         modify the start location of segment[gap_index]
00671   Returns:
00672     True if a modification was performed and HasGap(gap_index-1)
00673     returns 0 after the modification.
00674     False if no modification was preformed because there
00675     was no gap or because one could not be performed.
00676   Remarks:
00677     Note that passing the return value from FindNextGap() will 
00678     close the gap found by FindNextGap().
00679   */
00680   bool CloseGap( int gap_index, int segments_to_modify );
00682   /*
00683   Description:
00684     Searches for and closes all gaps that can be found.
00685   Returns:
00686     Number of gaps that were closed.
00687   */
00688   int CloseGaps();
00690   void Reserve( int ); // make sure capacity is at least the specified count
00692   // ON_Curve pointers added with Prepend(), Append(), PrependAndMatch(), AppendANdMatch(),and Insert() are deleted
00693   // by ~ON_PolyCurve(). Use ON_CurveProxy( ON_Curve*) if you want
00694   // the original curve segment to survive ~ON_PolyCurve().
00695   ON_BOOL32 Prepend( ON_Curve* ); // Prepend curve.
00696   ON_BOOL32 Append( ON_Curve* );  // Append curve.
00697   ON_BOOL32 Insert( 
00698            int, // segment_index,
00699            ON_Curve*
00700            );
00702   //PrependAndMatch() and AppendAndMatch() return false if this->IsCLosed() or 
00703   //this->Count() > 0 and curve is closed
00704   ON_BOOL32 PrependAndMatch(ON_Curve*); //Prepend and match end of curve to start of polycurve
00705   ON_BOOL32 AppendAndMatch(ON_Curve*);  //Append and match start of curve to end of polycurve
00707   ON_BOOL32 Remove(); // delete last segment and reduce count by 1
00708   ON_BOOL32 Remove( int ); // delete specified segment and reduce count by 1
00711   // Use the HarvestSegment() function when you want to prevent a
00712   // segment from being destroyed by ~ON_PolyCurve().  HarvestSegment()
00713   // replaces the polycurve segment with a NULL.  Count() and parameter
00714   // information remains unchanged.
00715   ON_Curve* HarvestSegment( int );
00717         /*
00718   Returns:
00719     True if a curve in the m_segment[] array is an ON_PolyCurve.
00720   */
00721   bool IsNested() const;
00723         /*
00724   Description:
00725     Same as RemoveNestingEx().
00726   Remarks:
00727     RemoveNestingEx was added to avoid breaking the SDK.
00728   */
00729         void RemoveNesting();
00731   /* 
00732   Description:
00733     Removes the nested of polycurves. The result will have not
00734     have an  ON_PolyCurve  as a segment but will have identical
00735     locus and parameterization.
00736   Returns:
00737     True if a nested polycurve was removed.  False
00738     if no nested polycurves were found.
00739   */
00740         bool RemoveNestingEx();
00742   /* 
00743   Returns:
00744     True if the domains of the curves in the m_segment[] array exactly
00745     match the domains of the segments specified in the m_t[] array.
00746     Put another way, returns true if SegmentDomain(i) = SegmentCurve(i).Domain()
00747     for every segment index.
00748   */
00749         bool HasSynchronizedSegmentDomains() const;
00751   /* 
00752   Description:
00753     Sets the domain of the curve int the m_segment[] array to exactly
00754     match the domain defined in the m_t[] array.  This is not required,
00755     but can simplify some coding situations.
00756   Returns:
00757     True if at least one segment was reparameterized. False if no
00758     changes were made.
00759   */
00760         bool SynchronizeSegmentDomains();
00766         // Expert user function  
00767         //   Sets the m_segment[index] to crv. 
00768         void SetSegment(int index, ON_Curve* crv);
00771   /*
00772   Description:
00773           Expert user function to set the m_t[] array.
00774   Parameters:
00775     t - [in] increasing array of SegmentCount()+1 parameters.
00776   Returns
00777     True if successful.
00778   */
00779   bool SetParameterization( const double* t );
00781 /*
00782         Description:
00783                 Lookup a parameter in the m_t array, optionally using a built in snap tolerance to 
00784                 snap a parameter value to an element of m_t.
00785         Parameters:
00786                 t    - [in]             parameter
00787                 index -[out]    index into m_t such that if the function returns true then t is equal 
00788                                                                         to, or is within tolerance of m_t[index]. 
00789                                                                 if function returns false then the value of index is
00791                                                                          @table  
00792                                                                                                 condition                                                                       value of index
00793                                                                         t<m_t[0] or m_t is empty                                -1
00794                                                                                 m_t[i] < t < m_t[i+1]                           i for 0<=i<=m_t.Count()-2
00795                                                                                 t>m_t[ m_t.Count()-1]                           m_t.Count()-1
00797                 bEnableSnap -[in]  if true use tolerance when comparing to m_t values 
00798         Returns         
00799                 true if the t is exactly equal to, or within tolerance of
00800                 (only if bEnableSnap==true) m_t[index]. 
00801 */ 
00802         bool ParameterSearch(double t, int& index, bool bEnableSnap) const;
00804   /*
00805   Returns:
00806     Reference to m_segment.
00807   */
00808   const ON_CurveArray& SegmentCurves() const;
00810   /*
00811   Returns:
00812     Reference to m_t.
00813   */
00814   const ON_SimpleArray<double>& SegmentParameters() const;
00817   // Implementation
00818 private:
00819   // The curves in this array are deleted by ~ON_PolyCurve().
00820   // Use ON_CurveProxy classes if you don't want ON_PolyCurve()
00821   // to destroy the curve.
00823   ON_CurveArray m_segment;  // array of pointers to curves
00824                              // all have the same dimension
00825                              // and are contiguous to tolerance
00827   ON_SimpleArray<double> m_t; // ON_PolyCurve segment parameterizations
00828 };
00831 #endif

Author(s): Open Perception
autogenerated on Wed Aug 26 2015 15:27:03