Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* $NoKeywords: $ */
00002 /*
00003 //
00004 // Copyright (c) 1993-2012 Robert McNeel & Associates. All rights reserved.
00005 // OpenNURBS, Rhinoceros, and Rhino3D are registered trademarks of Robert
00006 // McNeel & Associates.
00007 //
00011 //                              
00012 // For complete openNURBS copyright information see <>.
00013 //
00015 */
00018 //
00019 //   virtual base class for all openNURBS objects
00020 //
00023 #if !defined(OPENNURBS_OBJECT_INC_)
00027 class ON_ClassId; // used for runtime class identification
00030 //
00031 // Runtime class id
00032 //
00034 // Description:
00035 //   Every class derived from ON_Object has a class id that records
00036 //   its class name, baseclass name, and class uuid.  The 
00037 //   ON_OBJECT_DECLARE and ON_OBJECT_IMPLEMENT macros generate
00038 //   the code that creates and initializes class ids.
00039 //
00040 //   The ON_Object::IsKindOf() and ON_Object::Cast() functions
00041 //   use these class ids.
00042 class ON_CLASS ON_ClassId
00043 {
00044 public:
00046   // Description:
00047   //   This constructor is called to initialize each class id.
00048   //   The call is generated by the ON_OBJECT_IMPLEMENT macro.
00049   //
00050   // Parameters:
00051   //   sClassName - [in] name of the class (like ON_Geometry)
00052   //   sBaseClassName - [in] name of baseclass (like ON_Object)
00053   //   create - [in] function to create a new object(like CreateNewON_Geometry())
00054   //   copy - [in] function to copy
00055   //   sUUID - [in] UUID in registry format from Windows guidgen.exe
00056   ON_ClassId( 
00057           const char* sClassName,
00058           const char* sBaseClassName,
00059           ON_Object* (*create)(),
00060           const char* sUUID
00061            );
00063   ON_ClassId( 
00064           const char* sClassName,
00065           const char* sBaseClassName,
00066           ON_Object* (*create)(),
00067           bool (*copy)(const ON_Object*,ON_Object* ),
00068           const char* sUUID
00069            );
00071   ~ON_ClassId();
00073   // Description: 
00074   //   Gets a class's ON_ClassId from the class's name.
00075   // Parameters:
00076   //   sClassName - [in] name of class
00077   // Returns: 
00078   //   Pointer to the class's ON_ClassId.
00079   // Example:
00080   //   const ON_ClassId* brep_id = ON_CLassId::ClassId("ON_Brep");
00081   static const ON_ClassId* ClassId( 
00082           const char* sClassName
00083           );
00085   // Description: 
00086   //   Gets a class's ON_ClassId from the class's uuid.
00087   // Parameters:
00088   //   class_uuid - [in] uuid for the class
00089   // Returns: 
00090   //   Pointer to the class's ON_ClassId.
00091   // Example:
00092   //   ON_UUID brep_uuid = ON_UuidFromString("60B5DBC5-E660-11d3-BFE4-0010830122F0");
00093   //   const ON_ClassId* brep_id = ON_CLassId::ClassId(brep_uuid);
00094   static const ON_ClassId* ClassId( 
00095           ON_UUID class_uuid
00096           );
00098   // Description:
00099   //   Each class derived from ON_Object has a corresponding ON_ClassId
00100   //   stored in a linked list and the class is marked with an integer
00101   //   value.  ON_ClassId::IncrementMark() increments the value used to
00102   //   mark new classes and returns the new marking value.
00103   // Returns:
00104   //   Value that will be used to mark all future ON_ClassIds.
00105   static int IncrementMark();
00106   static int CurrentMark();
00107   static const ON_ClassId* LastClassId();
00109   // Description:
00110   //   Each class derived from ON_Object has a corresponding
00111   //   ON_ClassId stored in a linked list.  If a class definition
00112   //   is going to disappear (which happens when the derived object
00113   //   definition is in a DLL that uses openNURBS as a DLL and the 
00114   //   DLL containing the derived object's definition is unloaded),
00115   //   then the class's ON_ClassId needs to be removed from the class 
00116   //   list.  ON_ClassId::Purge( mark ) removes all ON_ClassIds with a
00117   //   a prescribed mark and returns the number of classes that
00118   //   were purged.  
00119   // Parameters:
00120   //   mark - [in] All ON_ClassIds with this mark will be purged.
00121   // Returns:
00122   //   Number of classes that were purged.
00123   // Example:
00124   //   // Call ON_ClassId::IncrementMark() BEFORE loading MY.DLL.
00125   //   int my_dll_classid_mark = ON_ClassId::IncrementMark();
00126   //   load MY.DLL with classes derived from ON_Object
00127   //   ...
00128   //   // Call ON_ClassId::Purge() BEFORE unloading MY.DLL.
00129   //   ON_ClassId::Purge( my_dll_classid_mark );
00130   //   unload MY.DLL
00131   static int Purge(int mark);
00132   static bool PurgeAfter(const ON_ClassId* pClassId);
00134   // Description:
00135   //   Dumps the ON_ClassId list
00136   // Parameters:
00137   //   dump - [in] destination for the text dump.
00138   static void Dump( 
00139     ON_TextLog& dump
00140     );
00142   // Returns:
00143   //   class name
00144   const char* ClassName() const;
00146   // Returns:
00147   //   base class name
00148   const char* BaseClassName() const;
00150   // Returns:
00151   //   base class id
00152   const ON_ClassId* BaseClass() const;
00154   // Description:
00155   //   Determine if the class associated with this ON_ClassId
00156   //   is derived from another class.
00157   // Parameters:
00158   //   potential_parent - [in] Class to test as parent.
00159   // Returns:
00160   //   true if this is derived from potential_parent.
00161         ON_BOOL32 IsDerivedFrom( 
00162     const ON_ClassId* potential_parent
00163     ) const;
00165   // Descrption:
00166   //   Create an instance of the class associated with
00167   //   class id.
00168   // Returns:
00169   //   Instance of the class id's class.
00170   ON_Object* Create() const;
00172   // Returns:
00173   //   class uuid
00174   ON_UUID Uuid() const;
00176   /*
00177   Description:
00178     Opennurbs classes have a mark value of 0.  Core Rhino
00179     classes have a mark value of 1.  Rhino plug-in classes
00180     have a mark value of > 1.
00181   Returns:
00182     Class mark value
00183   */
00184   int Mark() const;
00186   unsigned int ClassIdVersion() const;
00188 private:
00189   static ON_ClassId* m_p0;     // first id in the linked list of class ids
00190   static ON_ClassId* m_p1;     // last id in the linked list of class ids
00191   static int m_mark0;  // current mark value
00192   ON_ClassId* m_pNext;         // next in the linked list of class ids
00193   const ON_ClassId* m_pBaseClassId;  // base class id
00194   char m_sClassName[80];              
00195   char m_sBaseClassName[80];
00196   ON_Object* (*m_create)();
00197   ON_UUID m_uuid;
00198   int m_mark; // bit 0x80000000 is used to indicate new extensions
00200 private:
00201   // no implementaion to prohibit use
00202   ON_ClassId();
00203   ON_ClassId( const ON_ClassId&);
00204   ON_ClassId& operator=( const ON_ClassId&);
00206   void ConstructorHelper( 
00207           const char* sClassName, 
00208           const char* sBaseClassName, 
00209           const char* sUUID
00210           );
00212   // This is a temporary way to add simple virtual functions
00213   // to ON_Object without breaking the SDK.  At V6 these will
00214   // be redone to be ordinary virtual functions.
00215   friend class ON_Object;
00216   unsigned int m_class_id_version; 
00217   bool (*m_copy)(const ON_Object*,ON_Object*); // on version 1 class ids
00218   void* m_f2;
00219   void* m_f3;
00220   void* m_f4;
00221   void* m_f5;
00222   void* m_f6;
00223   void* m_f7;
00224   void* m_f8;
00225 };
00227 // Description:
00228 //   Macro to easily get a pointer to the ON_ClassId for a
00229 //   given class;
00230 //
00231 // Example:
00232 //
00233 //          const ON_ClassId* brep_class_id = ON_CLASS_ID("ON_Brep");
00234 //
00235 #define ON_CLASS_ID( cls ) ON_ClassId::ClassId( #cls )
00237 /*
00238 Description:
00239   Expert user function to get the value of ON_ClassId::m_uuid
00240   of the last instance of ON_ClassId to call ON_ClassId::Create().
00241   This function was created to support Rhino's .NET SDK.
00242   This function returns the value of a static id in
00243   opennurbs_object.cpp and is NOT thread safe.
00244 Returns:
00245   Value of ON_ClassId::m_uuid of the instance of ON_ClassId that
00246   most recently called ON_ClassId::Create().
00247 */
00248 ON_DECL
00249 ON_UUID ON_GetMostRecentClassIdCreateUuid();
00251 /*
00252 All classes derived from ON_Object must have 
00254   ON_OBJECT_DECLARE( <classname> );
00256 as the first line in their class definition an a corresponding
00258   ON_VIRTUAL_OBJECT_IMPLEMENT( <classname>, <basclassname>, <classuuid> );
00260 or 
00262   ON_OBJECT_IMPLEMENT( <classname>, <basclassname>, <classuuid> );
00264 in a .CPP file.
00265 */
00266 #define ON_OBJECT_DECLARE( cls )                                \
00267   protected:                                                    \
00268     static void* m_s_##cls##_ptr;                               \
00269   public:                                                       \
00270     static const ON_ClassId m_##cls##_class_id;                 \
00271     /*record used for ON_Object runtime type information*/      \
00272                                                                 \
00273     static cls * Cast( ON_Object* );                            \
00274     /*Description: Similar to C++ dynamic_cast*/                \
00275     /*Returns: object on success. NULL on failure*/             \
00276                                                                 \
00277     static const cls * Cast( const ON_Object* );                \
00278     /*Description: Similar to C++ dynamic_cast*/                \
00279     /*Returns: object on success. NULL on failure*/             \
00280                                                                 \
00281     virtual const ON_ClassId* ClassId() const;                  \
00282     /*Description:*/                                            \
00283                                                                 \
00284   private:                                                      \
00285     virtual ON_Object* DuplicateObject() const;                 \
00286     /*used by Duplicate to create copy of an object.*/          \
00287                                                                 \
00288     static bool Copy##cls( const ON_Object*, ON_Object* );      \
00289     /* used by ON_Object::CopyFrom copy object into this. */    \
00290     /* In V6 Copy##cls will vanish and be replaced with   */    \
00291     /* virtual bool CopyFrom( const ON_Object* src )      */    \
00292                                                                 \
00293   public:                                                       \
00294     cls * Duplicate() const;                                    \
00295     /*Description: Expert level tool - no support available.*/  \
00296     /*If this class is derived from CRhinoObject, use CRhinoObject::DuplicateRhinoObject instead*/
00298 // Objects derived from ON_Object that do not have a valid new, operator=, 
00299 // or copy constructor must use ON_VIRTUAL_OBJECT_IMPLEMENT instead of
00301 // cannot be serialized using ON_BinaryArchive::ReadObject()/WriteObject()
00302 // or duplicated using ON_Object::Duplicate().
00303 //
00304 // The Cast() and ClassId() members work on objects defined with either
00306 #define ON_VIRTUAL_OBJECT_IMPLEMENT( cls, basecls, uuid ) \
00307   void* cls::m_s_##cls##_ptr = 0;\
00308   const ON_ClassId cls::m_##cls##_class_id(#cls,#basecls,0,0,uuid);\
00309   cls * cls::Cast( ON_Object* p) {return(cls *)Cast((const ON_Object*)p);} \
00310   const cls * cls::Cast( const ON_Object* p) {return(p&&p->IsKindOf(&cls::m_##cls##_class_id))?(const cls *)p:0;} \
00311   const ON_ClassId* cls::ClassId() const {return &cls::m_##cls##_class_id;} \
00312   ON_Object* cls::DuplicateObject() const {return 0;} \
00313   bool cls::Copy##cls( const ON_Object*, ON_Object* ) {return false;} \
00314   cls * cls::Duplicate() const {return static_cast<cls *>(DuplicateObject());}
00316 // Objects derived from ON_Object that use ON_OBJECT_IMPLEMENT must
00317 // have a valid operator= and copy constructor.  Objects defined with
00318 // ON_OBJECT_IMPLEMENT may be serialized using 
00319 // ON_BinaryArchive::ReadObject()/WriteObject()
00320 // and duplicated by calling ON_Object::Duplicate().
00321 #define ON_OBJECT_IMPLEMENT( cls, basecls, uuid ) \
00322   void* cls::m_s_##cls##_ptr = 0;\
00323   static ON_Object* CreateNew##cls() {return new cls();} \
00324   const ON_ClassId cls::m_##cls##_class_id(#cls,#basecls,CreateNew##cls,cls::Copy##cls,uuid);\
00325   cls * cls::Cast( ON_Object* p) {return(cls *)Cast((const ON_Object*)p);} \
00326   const cls * cls::Cast( const ON_Object* p) {return(p&&p->IsKindOf(&cls::m_##cls##_class_id))?(const cls *)p:0;} \
00327   const ON_ClassId* cls::ClassId() const {return &cls::m_##cls##_class_id;} \
00328   ON_Object* cls::DuplicateObject() const {cls* p = new cls(); if (p) *p=*this; return p;} \
00329   bool cls::Copy##cls( const ON_Object* src, ON_Object* dst ){cls* d;const cls* s;if (0!=(s=cls::Cast(src))&&0!=(d=cls::Cast(dst))) {d->cls::operator=(*s);return true;}return false;} \
00330   cls * cls::Duplicate() const {return static_cast<cls *>(DuplicateObject());}
00332 #define ON__SET__THIS__PTR(ptr) if (ptr) *((void**)this) = ptr
00334 class ON_UserData;
00336 class ON_CLASS ON_UserString
00337 {
00338 public:
00339   ON_UserString();
00340   ~ON_UserString();
00341   ON_wString m_key;
00342   ON_wString m_string_value;
00344   void Dump(ON_TextLog& text_log) const;
00345   bool Write(ON_BinaryArchive&) const;
00346   bool Read(ON_BinaryArchive&);
00347 };
00349 #if defined(ON_DLL_TEMPLATE)
00350 // This stuff is here because of a limitation in the way Microsoft
00351 // handles templates and DLLs.  See Microsoft's knowledge base 
00352 // article ID Q168958 for details.
00353 #pragma warning( push )
00354 #pragma warning( disable : 4231 )
00355 ON_DLL_TEMPLATE template class ON_CLASS ON_ClassArray<ON_UserString>;
00356 #pragma warning( pop )
00357 #endif
00359 /*
00360 Description:
00361   When ON_Object::IsValid() fails and returns false, ON_IsNotValid()
00362   is called.  This way, a developer can put a breakpoint in
00363   ON_IsNotValid() and stop execution at the exact place IsValid()
00364   fails.
00365 Returns:
00366   false;
00367 */
00368 ON_DECL
00369 bool ON_IsNotValid();
00373 // Description:
00374 //   Pure virtual base class for all classes that must provide
00375 //   runtime class id or support object level 3DM serialization
00376 class ON_CLASS ON_Object
00377 {
00379   //
00380   // Any object derived from ON_Object should have a
00381   //   ON_OBJECT_DECLARE(ON_...);
00382   // as the last line of its class definition and a
00383   //   ON_OBJECT_IMPLEMENT( ON_..., ON_baseclass );
00384   // in a .cpp file.
00385   //
00386   // These macros declare and implement public members
00387   //
00388   // static ON_ClassId m_ON_Object;
00389   // static cls * Cast( ON_Object* );
00390   // static const cls * Cast( const ON_Object* );
00391   // virtual const ON_ClassId* ClassId() const;
00392   ON_OBJECT_DECLARE(ON_Object);
00393 public:
00395   /*
00396   Description:
00397     Copies src into this, if possible.
00398   Parameters:
00399     src - [in]
00400   Returns:
00401     True if this->operator= could be called to copy src.
00402   Remarks:
00403     This should be virtual function declared in the
00404     ON_OBJECT_DECLARE macro along the lines of DuplicateObject()
00405     but is was added after the SDK was frozen (adding virtual
00406     functions breaks the SDK).  In V6, the function will work
00407     the same but be implemented like DuplicateObject();
00408   */
00409   bool CopyFrom( const ON_Object* src );
00411 public:
00413   ON_Object();
00414   ON_Object( const ON_Object& );
00415   ON_Object& operator=( const ON_Object& );
00416   virtual ~ON_Object();
00418   /*
00419   Description:
00420     Sets m_user_data_list = 0.
00421   */
00422   void EmergencyDestroy();
00424   /*
00425   Description:
00426     The MemoryRelocate() function is called when an 
00427     object's location in memory is changed.  For 
00428     example, if an object resides in a chunk of 
00429     memory that is grown by calling a realloc
00430     that has to allocate a new chunk and
00431     copy the contents of the old chunk to the
00432     new chunk, then the location of the object's
00433     memory changes.  In practice this happens when
00434     classes derived from ON_Object are stored
00435     in dynamic arrays, like the default implementation
00436     of ON_ObjectArray<>'s that use realloc to grow
00437     the dynamic array.
00438   */
00439   virtual 
00440   void MemoryRelocate();
00442   /*
00443   Description:
00444     Low level tool to test if an object is derived
00445     from a specified class.
00446   Parameters:
00447     pClassId - [in] use classname::ClassId()
00448   Returns:
00449     true if the instantiated object is derived from the
00450     class whose id is passed as the argument.
00451   Example:
00453           ON_Object* p = ....;
00454           if ( p->IsKindOf( ON_NurbsCurve::ClassId() ) )
00455           {
00456             it's a NURBS curve
00457           }
00459   Remarks:
00460     The primary reason for IsKindOf() is to support the
00461     static Cast() members declared in the ON_OBJECT_DECLARE
00462     macro.  If we determine that dynamic_cast is properly 
00463     supported and implemented by all supported compilers, 
00464     then IsKindOf() may dissappear.  If an application needs
00465     to determine if a pointer points to a class derived from
00466     ON_SomeClassName, then call 
00467     ON_SomeClassName::Cast(mystery pointer) and check for 
00468     a non-null return.
00469   */
00470   ON_BOOL32 IsKindOf( 
00471         const ON_ClassId* pClassId
00472         ) const;
00474   /*
00475   Description:
00476     Tests an object to see if its data members are correctly
00477     initialized.
00478   Parameters:
00479     text_log - [in] if the object is not valid and text_log
00480         is not NULL, then a brief englis description of the
00481         reason the object is not valid is appened to the log.
00482         The information appended to text_log is suitable for 
00483         low-level debugging purposes by programmers and is 
00484         not intended to be useful as a high level user 
00485         interface tool.
00486   Returns:
00487     @untitled table
00488     true     object is valid
00489     false    object is invalid, uninitialized, etc.
00490   */
00491   virtual
00492   ON_BOOL32 IsValid( ON_TextLog* text_log = NULL ) const = 0;
00494   /*
00495   Description:
00496     Creates a text dump of the object.
00497   Remarks:
00498     Dump() is intended for debugging and is not suitable
00499     for creating high quality text descriptions of an
00500     object.
00502     The default implementations of this virtual function 
00503     prints the class's name.
00504   */
00505   virtual
00506   void Dump( ON_TextLog& ) const;
00508   /*
00509   Returns:
00510     An estimate of the amount of memory the class uses in bytes.
00511   */
00512   virtual
00513   unsigned int SizeOf() const;
00515   /*
00516   Description:
00517     Returns a CRC calculated from the information that defines
00518     the object.  This CRC can be used as a quick way to see
00519     if two objects are not identical.
00520   Parameters:
00521     current_remainder - [in];
00522   Returns:
00523     CRC of the information the defines the object.
00524   */
00525   virtual
00526   ON__UINT32 DataCRC(ON__UINT32 current_remainder) const;
00528   /*
00529   Description:
00530     Low level archive writing tool used by ON_BinaryArchive::WriteObject().
00531   Parameters:
00532     binary_archive - archive to write to
00533   Returns:
00534     Returns true if the write is successful.
00535   Remarks:
00536     Use ON_BinaryArchive::WriteObject() to write objects.
00537     This Write() function should just write the specific definition of
00538     this object.  It should not write and any chunk typecode or length
00539     information.  
00541     The default implementation of this virtual function returns 
00542     false and does nothing.
00543   */
00544   virtual
00545   ON_BOOL32 Write(
00546          ON_BinaryArchive& binary_archive
00547        ) const;
00549   /*
00550   Description:
00551     Low level archive writing tool used by ON_BinaryArchive::ReadObject().
00552   Parameters:
00553     binary_archive - archive to read from
00554   Returns:
00555     Returns true if the read is successful.
00556   Remarks:
00557     Use ON_BinaryArchive::ReadObject() to read objects.
00558     This Read() function should read the objects definition back into
00559     its data members.
00561     The default implementation of this virtual function returns 
00562     false and does nothing.
00563   */
00564   virtual
00565   ON_BOOL32 Read(
00566          ON_BinaryArchive& binary_archive
00567        );
00569   /*
00570   Description:
00571     Useful for switch statements that need to differentiate
00572     between basic object types like points, curves, surfaces,
00573     and so on.
00575   Returns: 
00576     ON::object_type enum value.
00578     @untitled table
00579     ON::unknown_object_type      unknown object
00580     ON::point_object             derived from ON_Point
00581     ON::pointset_object          some type of ON_PointCloud, ON_PointGrid, ...
00582     ON::curve_object             derived from ON_Curve
00583     ON::surface_object           derived from ON_Surface
00584     ON::brep_object              derived from ON_Brep
00585     ON::extrusion_object         derived from ON_Extrusion
00586     ON::mesh_object              derived from ON_Mesh
00587     ON::layer_object             derived from ON_Layer
00588     ON::material_object          derived from ON_Material
00589     ON::light_object             derived from ON_Light
00590     ON::annotation_object        derived from ON_Annotation,
00591     ON::userdata_object          derived from ON_UserData
00592     ON::text_dot                 derived from ON_TextDot
00594   Remarks:
00595     The default implementation of this virtual function returns
00596     ON::unknown_object_type
00597   */
00598   virtual
00599   ON::object_type ObjectType() const;
00603   /*
00604   Description:
00605     All objects in an opennurbs model have an id
00606     ( ON_Layer.m_layer_id, ON_Font.m_font_id, 
00607       ON_Material.m_material_id, ON_3dmObjectAttributes.m_uuid
00608       ).
00609   Returns:
00610     The id used to identify the object in the openurbs model.
00611   */
00612   virtual
00613   ON_UUID ModelObjectId() const;
00616   //
00617   // BEGIN: User string support
00618   //
00620   /*
00621   Description:
00622     Attach a user string to the object.  This information will
00623     perisist through copy construction, operator=, and file IO.
00624   Parameters:
00625     key - [in] id used to retrieve this string.
00626     string_value - [in] 
00627       If NULL, the string with this id will be removed.
00628   Returns:
00629     True if successful.
00630   */
00631   bool SetUserString( 
00632     const wchar_t* key, 
00633     const wchar_t* string_value 
00634     );
00636   /*
00637   Description:
00638     Append entries to the user string list
00639   Parameters:
00640     count - [in]
00641       number of element in us[] array
00642     user_strings - [in]
00643       entries to append.
00644     bReplace - [in]
00645       If bReplace is true, then existing entries with the same key are
00646       updated with the new entry's value.  If bReplace is false, then
00647       existing entries are not updated.
00648   Returns:
00649     Number of entries added, deleted, or modified.
00650   */
00651   int SetUserStrings( int count, const ON_UserString* user_strings, bool bReplace );
00653   /*
00654   Description:
00655     Get user string from the object.
00656   Parameters:
00657     key - [in] id used to retrieve the string.
00658     string_value - [out]
00659   Returns:
00660     True if a string with id was found.
00661   */
00662   bool GetUserString( 
00663     const wchar_t* key, 
00664     ON_wString& string_value 
00665     ) const;
00667   /*
00668   Description:
00669     Get a list of all user strings on the object.
00670   Parameters:
00671     user_strings - [out]
00672       user strings are appended to this list.
00673   Returns:
00674     Number of elements appended to the user_strings list.
00675   */
00676   int GetUserStrings( 
00677     ON_ClassArray<ON_UserString>& user_strings 
00678     ) const;
00680   /*
00681   Description:
00682     Get a list of all user string keys on the object.
00683   Parameters:
00684     user_string_keys - [out]
00685       user string keys are appended to this list.
00686   Returns:
00687     Number of elements appended to the user_strings list.
00688   */
00689   int GetUserStringKeys( 
00690     ON_ClassArray<ON_wString>& user_string_keys 
00691     ) const;
00693   /*
00694   Returns:
00695     Number of user strings on the object.
00696   */
00697   int UserStringCount() const;
00699   //
00700   // END: User string support
00701   //
00705   //
00706   // User data provides a standard way for extra information to
00707   // be attached to any class derived from ON_Object.  The attached
00708   // information can persist and be transformed.  If you use user
00709   // data, please carefully read all the comments from here to the
00710   // end of the file.
00711   //
00713   /*
00714   Description:
00715     Attach user data to an object.
00716   Parameters:
00717     pUserData - [in] user data to attach to object.
00718         The ON_UserData pointer passed to AttachUserData()
00719         must be created with new.  
00720   Returns:
00721     If true is returned, then ON_Object will delete the user
00722     data when appropriate.  If false is returned, then data 
00723     could not be attached and caller must delete.  
00724   Remarks:
00725     AttachUserData() will fail if the user data's m_userdata_uuid
00726     field is nil or not unique.
00727   */
00728   ON_BOOL32 AttachUserData( 
00729           ON_UserData* pUserData 
00730           );
00732   /*
00733   Description:
00734     Remove user data from an object.
00735   Parameters:
00736     pUserData - [in] user data to attach to object.
00737         The ON_UserData pointer passed to DetachUserData()
00738         must have been previously attached using 
00739         AttachUserData().  
00740   Returns:
00741     If true is returned, then the user data was
00742     attached to this object and it was detached.  If false
00743     is returned, then the user data was not attached to this
00744     object to begin with.  In all cases, you can be assured
00745     that the user data is no longer attached to "this".
00746   Remarks:
00747     Call delete pUserData if you want to destroy the user data.
00748   */
00749   ON_BOOL32 DetachUserData(
00750           ON_UserData* pUserData 
00751           );
00754   /*
00755   Description:
00756     Get a pointer to user data.
00757   Parameters:
00758     userdata_uuid - [in] value of the user data's 
00759        m_userdata_uuid field.
00760   Remarks:
00761     The returned user data is still attached to the object.
00762     Deleting the returned user data will automatically remove
00763     the user data from the object.
00764   */
00765   ON_UserData* GetUserData( 
00766           const ON_UUID& userdata_uuid
00767           ) const;
00769   /*
00770   Description:
00771     PurgeUserData() removes all user data from object.  
00772   Remarks:
00773     Use delete GetUserData(...) to destroy a single piece
00774     of user data.
00775   */
00776   void PurgeUserData();
00778   /*
00779   Description:
00780     User data is stored as a linked list of ON_UserData
00781     classes.  FirstUserData gets the first item in the
00782     linked list.  This is the most recent item attached
00783     using AttachUserData().
00784   Remark:
00785     To iterate through all the user data on an object, 
00786     call FirstUserData() and then use ON_UserData::Next()
00787     to traverse the list.
00788   */
00789   ON_UserData* FirstUserData() const;
00791   /*
00792   Description:
00793     Objects derived from ON_Geometry must call
00794     TransformUserData() in their Transform() member function.
00795   Parameters:
00796     xform - [in] transformation to apply to user data
00797   */
00798   void TransformUserData( 
00799     const ON_Xform& xform
00800     );
00802   /*
00803   Description:
00804     Expert user tool that copies user data that has a positive 
00805     m_userdata_copycount from the source_object to this.
00806   Parameters:
00807     source_object - [in] source of user data to copy
00808   Remarks:
00809     Generally speaking you don't need to use CopyUserData().
00810     Simply rely on ON_Object::operator=() or the copy constructor
00811     to do the right thing.
00812   */
00813   void CopyUserData( 
00814     const ON_Object& source_object 
00815     );
00817   /*
00818   Description:
00819     Expert user tool Moves user data from source_object 
00820     to this, including user data with a nil m_userdata_copycount.
00821     Deletes any source user data with a duplicate m_userdata_uuid
00822     on this.
00823   */
00824   void MoveUserData( 
00825     ON_Object& source_object 
00826     );
00830   //
00831   // Expert interface
00832   //
00834   /*
00835   Description:
00836     Expert user function.  If you are using openNURBS in its
00837     default configuration to read and write 3dm archives,
00838     you never need to call this function.
00839     Many objects employ lazy creation of (runtime) caches
00840     that save information to help speed geometric calculations.
00841     This function will destroy all runtime information.
00842   Parameters:
00843     bDelete - [in] if true, any cached information is properly
00844                    deleted.  If false, any cached information
00845                    is simply discarded.  This is useful when
00846                    the cached information may be in alternate
00847                    memory pools that are managed in nonstandard
00848                    ways.
00849   */
00850   virtual
00851   void DestroyRuntimeCache( bool bDelete = true );
00853 private:
00854   friend int ON_BinaryArchive::ReadObject( ON_Object** );
00855   friend bool ON_BinaryArchive::WriteObject( const ON_Object& );
00856   friend bool ON_BinaryArchive::ReadObjectUserData( ON_Object& );
00857   friend bool ON_BinaryArchive::WriteObjectUserData( const ON_Object& );
00858   friend class ON_UserData;
00859   ON_UserData* m_userdata_list;
00860 };
00862 #endif

Author(s): Open Perception
autogenerated on Wed Aug 26 2015 15:27:02