Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* $NoKeywords: $ */
00002 /*
00003 //
00004 // Copyright (c) 1993-2012 Robert McNeel & Associates. All rights reserved.
00005 // OpenNURBS, Rhinoceros, and Rhino3D are registered trademarks of Robert
00006 // McNeel & Associates.
00007 //
00011 //                              
00012 // For complete openNURBS copyright information see <>.
00013 //
00015 */
00018 //
00019 //   Definition of virtual parametric curve
00020 //
00023 #if !defined(OPENNURBS_CURVE_INC_)
00024 #define OPENNURBS_CURVE_INC_
00026 class ON_Curve;
00027 class ON_Plane;
00028 class ON_Arc;
00029 class ON_NurbsCurve;
00030 class ON_CurveTree;
00037 class ON_CLASS ON_MeshCurveParameters
00038 {
00039 public:
00040   ON_MeshCurveParameters();
00042   // If main_seg_count <= 0, then both these parameters are ignored.
00043   // If main_seg_count > 0, then sub_seg_count must be >= 1.  In this
00044   // case the curve will be broken into main_seg_count equally spaced
00045   // chords. If needed, each of these chords can be split into as many
00046   // sub_seg_count sub-parts if the subdivision is necessary for the
00047   // mesh to meet the other meshing constraints.  In particular, if
00048   // sub_seg_count = 0, then the curve is broken into main_seg_count
00049   // pieces and no further testing is performed.
00050   int m_main_seg_count; 
00051   int m_sub_seg_count;
00053   int m_reserved1;
00054   int m_reserved2;
00056   // Maximum angle (in radians) between unit tangents at adjacent
00057   // vertices.
00058   double m_max_ang_radians;
00060   // Maximum permitted value of 
00061   // distance chord midpoint to curve) / (length of chord)
00062   double m_max_chr;
00064   // If max_aspect < 1.0, the parameter is ignored. 
00065   // If 1 <= max_aspect < sqrt(2), it is treated as if 
00066   // max_aspect = sqrt(2).
00067   // This parameter controls the maximum permitted value of
00068   // (length of longest chord) / (length of shortest chord)
00069   double m_max_aspect;
00071   // If tolerance = 0, the parameter is ignored.
00072   // This parameter controls the maximum permitted value of the
00073   // distance from the curve to the mesh.  
00074   double m_tolerance;
00076   // If m_min_edge_length = 0, the parameter is ignored.
00077   // This parameter controls the minimum permitted edge length.
00078   double m_min_edge_length;
00080   // If max_edge_length = 0, the parameter is ignored.
00081   // This parameter controls the maximum permitted edge length.
00082   double m_max_edge_length;
00084   double m_reserved3;
00085   double m_reserved4;
00086 };
00088 class ON_CLASS ON_Curve : public ON_Geometry
00089 {
00090   // pure virtual class for curve objects
00092   // Any object derived from ON_Curve should have a
00093   //   ON_OBJECT_DECLARE(ON_...);
00094   // as the last line of its class definition and a
00095   //   ON_OBJECT_IMPLEMENT( ON_..., ON_baseclass );
00096   // in a .cpp file.
00097   //
00098   // See the definition of ON_Object for details.
00099   ON_OBJECT_DECLARE(ON_Curve);
00101 public:
00102   // virtual ON_Object::DestroyRuntimeCache override
00103   void DestroyRuntimeCache( bool bDelete = true );
00105 public:
00106   ON_Curve();
00107   ON_Curve(const ON_Curve&);
00108   ON_Curve& operator=(const ON_Curve&);
00109   virtual ~ON_Curve();
00111   // virtual ON_Object::SizeOf override
00112   unsigned int SizeOf() const;
00114   // virtual ON_Geometry override
00115   bool EvaluatePoint( const class ON_ObjRef& objref, ON_3dPoint& P ) const;
00117   /*
00118   Description:
00119     Get a duplicate of the curve.
00120   Returns:
00121     A duplicate of the curve.  
00122   Remarks:
00123     The caller must delete the returned curve.
00124     For non-ON_CurveProxy objects, this simply duplicates the curve using
00125     ON_Object::Duplicate.
00126     For ON_CurveProxy objects, this duplicates the actual proxy curve 
00127     geometry and, if necessary, trims and reverse the result to that
00128     the returned curve's parameterization and locus match the proxy curve's.
00129   */
00130   virtual
00131   ON_Curve* DuplicateCurve() const;
00133   // Description:
00134   //   overrides virtual ON_Object::ObjectType.
00135   // Returns:
00136   //   ON::curve_object
00137   ON::object_type ObjectType() const;
00139   /*
00140         Description:
00141     Get tight bounding box of the curve.
00142         Parameters:
00143                 tight_bbox - [in/out] tight bounding box
00144                 bGrowBox -[in]  (default=false)                 
00145       If true and the input tight_bbox is valid, then returned
00146       tight_bbox is the union of the input tight_bbox and the 
00147       curve's tight bounding box.
00148                 xform -[in] (default=NULL)
00149       If not NULL, the tight bounding box of the transformed
00150       curve is calculated.  The curve is not modified.
00151         Returns:
00152     True if the returned tight_bbox is set to a valid 
00153     bounding box.
00154   */
00155         bool GetTightBoundingBox( 
00156                         ON_BoundingBox& tight_bbox, 
00157       int bGrowBox = false,
00158                         const ON_Xform* xform = 0
00159       ) const;
00162   // curve interface
00164   // Description:
00165   //   Gets domain of the curve
00166   // Parameters:
00167   //   t0 - [out]
00168   //   t1 - [out] domain is [*t0, *t1]
00169   // Returns:
00170   //   true if successful.
00171   ON_BOOL32 GetDomain( double* t0, double* t1 ) const;
00173   // Returns:
00174   //   domain of the curve.
00175   virtual 
00176   ON_Interval Domain() const = 0;
00178   /*
00179   Description:
00180     Set the domain of the curve.
00181   Parameters:
00182     domain - [in] increasing interval
00183   Returns:
00184     true if successful.
00185   */
00186   bool SetDomain( ON_Interval domain );
00188   // Description:
00189   //   Set the domain of the curve
00190   // Parameters:
00191   //   t0 - [in]
00192   //   t1 - [in] new domain will be [t0,t1]
00193   // Returns:
00194   //   true if successful.
00195   virtual
00196   ON_BOOL32 SetDomain( 
00197         double t0, 
00198         double t1 
00199         );
00202   /*
00203   Description:
00204     If this curve is closed, then modify it so that
00205     the start/end point is at curve parameter t.
00206   Parameters:
00207     t - [in] curve parameter of new start/end point.  The
00208              returned curves domain will start at t.
00209   Returns:
00210     true if successful.
00211   */
00212   virtual 
00213   ON_BOOL32 ChangeClosedCurveSeam( 
00214             double t 
00215             );
00217   /*
00218   Description:
00219     Change the dimension of a curve.
00220   Parameters:
00221     desired_dimension - [in]
00222   Returns:
00223     true if the curve's dimension was already desired_dimension
00224     or if the curve's dimension was successfully changed to
00225     desired_dimension.
00226   */
00227   virtual
00228   bool ChangeDimension(
00229           int desired_dimension
00230           );
00233   // Description:
00234   //   Get number of nonempty smooth (c-infinity) spans in curve
00235   // Returns:
00236   //   Number of nonempty smooth (c-infinity) spans.
00237   virtual 
00238   int SpanCount() const = 0;
00240   // Description:
00241   //   Get number of parameters of "knots".
00242   // Parameters:
00243   //   knots - [out] an array of length SpanCount()+1 is filled in
00244   //       with the parameters where the curve is not smooth (C-infinity).
00245   // Returns:
00246   //   true if successful
00247   virtual
00248   ON_BOOL32 GetSpanVector(
00249         double* knots
00250         ) const = 0; // 
00253   // If t is in the domain of the curve, GetSpanVectorIndex() returns the 
00254   // span vector index "i" such that span_vector[i] <= t <= span_vector[i+1].
00255   // The "side" parameter determines which span is selected when t is at the
00256   // end of a span.
00257   virtual
00258   ON_BOOL32 GetSpanVectorIndex(
00259         double t ,               // [IN] t = evaluation parameter
00260         int side,                // [IN] side 0 = default, -1 = from below, +1 = from above
00261         int* span_vector_index,  // [OUT] span vector index
00262         ON_Interval* span_domain // [OUT] domain of the span containing "t"
00263         ) const;
00265   // Description:
00266   //   Returns maximum algebraic degree of any span
00267   //   or a good estimate if curve spans are not algebraic.
00268   // Returns:
00269   //   degree
00270   virtual 
00271   int Degree() const = 0; 
00273   // Description:
00274   //   Returns maximum algebraic degree of any span
00275   //   or a good estimate if curve spans are not algebraic.
00276   // Returns:
00277   //   degree
00278   virtual 
00279   ON_BOOL32 GetParameterTolerance( // returns tminus < tplus: parameters tminus <= s <= tplus
00280          double t,       // [IN] t = parameter in domain
00281          double* tminus, // [OUT] tminus
00282          double* tplus   // [OUT] tplus
00283          ) const;
00285   // Description:
00286   //   Test a curve to see if the locus if its points is a line segment.
00287   // Parameters:
00288   //   tolerance - [in] // tolerance to use when checking linearity
00289   // Returns:
00290   //   true if the ends of the curve are farther than tolerance apart
00291   //   and the maximum distance from any point on the curve to
00292   //   the line segment connecting the curve's ends is <= tolerance.
00293   virtual
00294   ON_BOOL32 IsLinear(
00295         double tolerance = ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE 
00296         ) const;
00298   /*
00299   Description:
00300     Several types of ON_Curve can have the form of a polyline including
00301     a degree 1 ON_NurbsCurve, an ON_PolylineCurve, and an ON_PolyCurve
00302     all of whose segments are some form of polyline.  IsPolyline tests
00303     a curve to see if it can be represented as a polyline.
00304   Parameters:
00305     pline_points - [out] if not NULL and true is returned, then the
00306         points of the polyline form are returned here.
00307     t - [out] if not NULL and true is returned, then the parameters of
00308         the polyline points are returned here.
00309   Returns:
00310     @untitled table
00311     0        curve is not some form of a polyline
00312     >=2      number of points in polyline form
00313   */
00314   virtual
00315   int IsPolyline(
00316         ON_SimpleArray<ON_3dPoint>* pline_points = NULL,
00317         ON_SimpleArray<double>* pline_t = NULL
00318         ) const;
00320   // Description:
00321   //   Test a curve to see if the locus if its points is an arc or circle.
00322   // Parameters:
00323   //   plane - [in] if not NULL, test is performed in this plane
00324   //   arc - [out] if not NULL and true is returned, then arc parameters
00325   //               are filled in
00326   //   tolerance - [in] tolerance to use when checking
00327   // Returns:
00328   //   ON_Arc.m_angle > 0 if curve locus is an arc between
00329   //   specified points.  If ON_Arc.m_angle is 2.0*ON_PI, then the curve
00330   //   is a circle.
00331   virtual
00332   ON_BOOL32 IsArc(
00333         const ON_Plane* plane = NULL,
00334         ON_Arc* arc = NULL,
00335         double tolerance = ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE
00336         ) const;
00338   /*
00339   Description:
00340   Parameters:
00341     t - [in] curve parameter
00342     plane - [in]
00343       if not NULL, test is performed in this plane
00344     arc - [out]
00345       if not NULL and true is returned, then arc parameters
00346        are filled in
00347     tolerance - [in]
00348       tolerance to use when checking
00349     t0 - [out]
00350       if not NULL, and then *t0 is set to the parameter
00351       at the start of the G2 curve segment that was
00352       tested.
00353     t1 - [out]
00354       if not NULL, and then *t0 is set to the parameter
00355       at the start of the G2 curve segment that was
00356       tested.
00357   Returns:
00358     True if the paramter t is on a arc segment of the curve.
00359   */
00360   bool IsArcAt( 
00361     double t, 
00362     const ON_Plane* plane = 0,
00363     ON_Arc* arc = 0,
00364     double tolerance = ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE,
00365     double* t0 = 0, 
00366     double* t1 = 0
00367     ) const;
00369   virtual
00370   bool IsEllipse(
00371       const ON_Plane* plane = NULL,
00372       ON_Ellipse* ellipse = NULL,
00373       double tolerance = ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE
00374       ) const;
00376   // Description:
00377   //   Test a curve to see if it is planar.
00378   // Parameters:
00379   //   plane - [out] if not NULL and true is returned,
00380   //                 the plane parameters are filled in.
00381   //   tolerance - [in] tolerance to use when checking
00382   // Returns:
00383   //   true if there is a plane such that the maximum distance from
00384   //   the curve to the plane is <= tolerance.
00385   virtual
00386   ON_BOOL32 IsPlanar(
00387         ON_Plane* plane = NULL,
00388         double tolerance = ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE
00389         ) const;
00391   // Description:
00392   //   Test a curve to see if it lies in a specific plane.
00393   // Parameters:
00394   //   test_plane - [in]
00395   //   tolerance - [in] tolerance to use when checking
00396   // Returns:
00397   //   true if the maximum distance from the curve to the
00398   //   test_plane is <= tolerance.
00399   virtual
00400   ON_BOOL32 IsInPlane(
00401         const ON_Plane& test_plane,
00402         double tolerance = ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE
00403         ) const = 0;
00405   /*
00406   Description:
00407     Decide if it makes sense to close off this curve by moving 
00408     the endpoint to the start based on start-end gap size and length
00409     of curve as approximated by chord defined by 6 points.
00410   Parameters:
00411     tolerance - [in] maximum allowable distance between start and end.
00412                      if start - end gap is greater than tolerance, returns false
00413     min_abs_size - [in] if greater than 0.0 and none of the interior sampled
00414                      points are at least min_abs_size from start, returns false.
00415     min_rel_size - [in] if greater than 1.0 and chord length is less than 
00416                      min_rel_size*gap, returns false.
00417   Returns:
00418     true if start and end points are close enough based on above conditions.
00419   */
00421   bool IsClosable(
00422         double tolerance,
00423         double min_abs_size = 0.0,
00424         double min_rel_size = 10.0
00425         ) const;
00427   // Description:
00428   //   Test a curve to see if it is closed.
00429   // Returns:
00430   //   true if the curve is closed.
00431   virtual 
00432   ON_BOOL32 IsClosed() const;
00434   // Description:
00435   //   Test a curve to see if it is periodic.
00436   // Returns:
00437   //   true if the curve is closed and at least C2 at the start/end.
00438   virtual 
00439   ON_BOOL32 IsPeriodic() const;
00441   /*
00442   Description:
00443     Search for a derivatitive, tangent, or curvature 
00444     discontinuity.
00445   Parameters:
00446     c - [in] type of continity to test for.
00447     t0 - [in] Search begins at t0. If there is a discontinuity
00448               at t0, it will be ignored.  This makes it 
00449               possible to repeatedly call GetNextDiscontinuity
00450               and step through the discontinuities.
00451     t1 - [in] (t0 != t1)  If there is a discontinuity at t1 is 
00452               will be ingored unless c is a locus discontinuity
00453               type and t1 is at the start or end of the curve.
00454     t - [out] if a discontinuity is found, then *t reports the
00455           parameter at the discontinuity.
00456     hint - [in/out] if GetNextDiscontinuity will be called 
00457        repeatedly, passing a "hint" with initial value *hint=0
00458        will increase the speed of the search.       
00459     dtype - [out] if not NULL, *dtype reports the kind of 
00460         discontinuity found at *t.  A value of 1 means the first 
00461         derivative or unit tangent was discontinuous.  A value 
00462         of 2 means the second derivative or curvature was 
00463         discontinuous.  A value of 0 means teh curve is not
00464         closed, a locus discontinuity test was applied, and
00465         t1 is at the start of end of the curve.
00466         If 'c', the type of continuity to test for 
00467         is ON::Gsmooth_continuous and the curvature changes 
00468         from curved to 0 or 0 to curved and there is no 
00469         tangency kink dtype is returns 3
00470     cos_angle_tolerance - [in] default = cos(1 degree) Used only
00471         when c is ON::G1_continuous or ON::G2_continuous.  If the
00472         cosine of the angle between two tangent vectors is 
00473         <= cos_angle_tolerance, then a G1 discontinuity is reported.
00474     curvature_tolerance - [in] (default = ON_SQRT_EPSILON) Used 
00475         only when c is ON::G2_continuous.  If K0 and K1 are 
00476         curvatures evaluated from above and below and 
00477         |K0 - K1| > curvature_tolerance, then a curvature 
00478         discontinuity is reported.
00479   Returns:
00480     Parametric continuity tests c = (C0_continuous, ..., G2_continuous):
00482       true if a parametric discontinuity was found strictly 
00483       between t0 and t1. Note well that all curves are 
00484       parametrically continuous at the ends of their domains.
00486     Locus continuity tests c = (C0_locus_continuous, ...,G2_locus_continuous):
00488       true if a locus discontinuity was found strictly between
00489       t0 and t1 or at t1 is the at the end of a curve.
00490       Note well that all open curves (IsClosed()=false) are locus
00491       discontinuous at the ends of their domains.  All closed 
00492       curves (IsClosed()=true) are at least C0_locus_continuous at 
00493       the ends of their domains.
00494   */
00495   virtual
00496   bool GetNextDiscontinuity( 
00497                   ON::continuity c,
00498                   double t0,
00499                   double t1,
00500                   double* t,
00501                   int* hint=NULL,
00502                   int* dtype=NULL,
00503                   double cos_angle_tolerance=ON_DEFAULT_ANGLE_TOLERANCE_COSINE,
00504                   double curvature_tolerance=ON_SQRT_EPSILON
00505                   ) const;
00507   /*
00508   Description:
00509     Test continuity at a curve parameter value.
00510   Parameters:
00511     c - [in] type of continuity to test for. Read ON::continuity
00512              comments for details.
00513     t - [in] parameter to test
00514     hint - [in] evaluation hint
00515     point_tolerance - [in] if the distance between two points is
00516         greater than point_tolerance, then the curve is not C0.
00517     d1_tolerance - [in] if the difference between two first derivatives is
00518         greater than d1_tolerance, then the curve is not C1.
00519     d2_tolerance - [in] if the difference between two second derivatives is
00520         greater than d2_tolerance, then the curve is not C2.
00521     cos_angle_tolerance - [in] default = cos(1 degree) Used only when
00522         c is ON::G1_continuous or ON::G2_continuous.  If the cosine
00523         of the angle between two tangent vectors 
00524         is <= cos_angle_tolerance, then a G1 discontinuity is reported.
00525     curvature_tolerance - [in] (default = ON_SQRT_EPSILON) Used only when
00526         c is ON::G2_continuous or ON::Gsmooth_continuous.  
00527         ON::G2_continuous:
00528           If K0 and K1 are curvatures evaluated
00529           from above and below and |K0 - K1| > curvature_tolerance,
00530           then a curvature discontinuity is reported.
00531         ON::Gsmooth_continuous:
00532           If K0 and K1 are curvatures evaluated from above and below
00533           and the angle between K0 and K1 is at least twice angle tolerance
00534           or ||K0| - |K1|| > (max(|K0|,|K1|) > curvature_tolerance,
00535           then a curvature discontinuity is reported.
00536   Returns:
00537     true if the curve has at least the c type continuity at 
00538     the parameter t.
00539   */
00540   virtual
00541   bool IsContinuous(
00542     ON::continuity c,
00543     double t, 
00544     int* hint = NULL,
00545     double point_tolerance=ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE,
00546     double d1_tolerance=ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE,
00547     double d2_tolerance=ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE,
00548     double cos_angle_tolerance=ON_DEFAULT_ANGLE_TOLERANCE_COSINE,
00549     double curvature_tolerance=ON_SQRT_EPSILON
00550     ) const;
00553   // Description:
00554   //   Reverse the direction of the curve.
00555   // Returns:
00556   //   true if curve was reversed.
00557   // Remarks:
00558   //   If reveresed, the domain changes from [a,b] to [-b,-a]
00559   virtual 
00560   ON_BOOL32 Reverse()=0;
00563   /*
00564   Description:
00565     Force the curve to start at a specified point.
00566   Parameters:
00567     start_point - [in]
00568   Returns:
00569     true if successful.
00570   Remarks:
00571     Some end points cannot be moved.  Be sure to check return
00572     code.
00573   See Also:
00574     ON_Curve::SetEndPoint
00575     ON_Curve::PointAtStart
00576     ON_Curve::PointAtEnd
00577   */
00578   virtual
00579   ON_BOOL32 SetStartPoint(
00580           ON_3dPoint start_point
00581           );
00583   /*
00584   Description:
00585     Force the curve to end at a specified point.
00586   Parameters:
00587     end_point - [in]
00588   Returns:
00589     true if successful.
00590   Remarks:
00591     Some end points cannot be moved.  Be sure to check return
00592     code.
00593   See Also:
00594     ON_Curve::SetStartPoint
00595     ON_Curve::PointAtStart
00596     ON_Curve::PointAtEnd
00597   */
00598   virtual
00599   ON_BOOL32 SetEndPoint(
00600           ON_3dPoint end_point
00601           );
00603   // Description:
00604   //   Evaluate point at a parameter.
00605   // Parameters:
00606   //   t - [in] evaluation parameter
00607   // Returns:
00608   //   Point (location of curve at the parameter t).
00609   // Remarks:
00610   //   No error handling.
00611   // See Also:
00612   //   ON_Curve::EvPoint
00613   //   ON_Curve::PointAtStart
00614   //   ON_Curve::PointAtEnd
00615   ON_3dPoint  PointAt( 
00616                 double t 
00617                 ) const;
00619   // Description:
00620   //   Evaluate point at the start of the curve.
00621   // Parameters:
00622   //   t - [in] evaluation parameter
00623   // Returns:
00624   //   Point (location of the start of the curve.)
00625   // Remarks:
00626   //   No error handling.
00627   // See Also:
00628   //   ON_Curve::PointAt
00629   ON_3dPoint  PointAtStart() const;
00631   // Description:
00632   //   Evaluate point at the end of the curve.
00633   // Parameters:
00634   //   t - [in] evaluation parameter
00635   // Returns:
00636   //   Point (location of the end of the curve.)
00637   // Remarks:
00638   //   No error handling.
00639   // See Also:
00640   //   ON_Curve::PointAt
00641   ON_3dPoint  PointAtEnd() const;
00643   // Description:
00644   //   Evaluate first derivative at a parameter.
00645   // Parameters:
00646   //   t - [in] evaluation parameter
00647   // Returns:
00648   //   First derivative of the curve at the parameter t.
00649   // Remarks:
00650   //   No error handling.
00651   // See Also:
00652   //   ON_Curve::Ev1Der
00653   ON_3dVector DerivativeAt(
00654                 double t 
00655                 ) const;
00657   // Description:
00658   //   Evaluate unit tangent vector at a parameter.
00659   // Parameters:
00660   //   t - [in] evaluation parameter
00661   // Returns:
00662   //   Unit tangent vector of the curve at the parameter t.
00663   // Remarks:
00664   //   No error handling.
00665   // See Also:
00666   //   ON_Curve::EvTangent
00667   ON_3dVector TangentAt(
00668                 double t 
00669                 ) const;
00671   // Description:
00672   //   Evaluate the curvature vector at a parameter.
00673   // Parameters:
00674   //   t - [in] evaluation parameter
00675   // Returns:
00676   //   curvature vector of the curve at the parameter t.
00677   // Remarks:
00678   //   No error handling.
00679   // See Also:
00680   //   ON_Curve::EvCurvature
00681   ON_3dVector CurvatureAt(
00682                 double t
00683                 ) const;
00685   // Description:
00686   //   Return a 3d frame at a parameter.
00687   // Parameters:
00688   //   t - [in] evaluation parameter
00689   //   plane - [out] the frame is returned here
00690   // Returns:
00691   //   true if successful
00692   // See Also:
00693   //   ON_Curve::PointAt, ON_Curve::TangentAt,
00694   //   ON_Curve::Ev1Der, Ev2Der
00695   ON_BOOL32 FrameAt( double t, ON_Plane& plane) const;
00697   // Description:
00698   //   Evaluate point at a parameter with error checking.
00699   // Parameters:
00700   //   t - [in] evaluation parameter
00701   //   point - [out] value of curve at t
00702   //   side - [in] optional - determines which side to evaluate from
00703   //               =0   default
00704   //               <0   to evaluate from below, 
00705   //               >0   to evaluate from above
00706   //   hint - [in/out] optional evaluation hint used to speed repeated evaluations
00707   // Returns:
00708   //   false if unable to evaluate.
00709   // See Also:
00710   //   ON_Curve::PointAt
00711   //   ON_Curve::EvTangent
00712   //   ON_Curve::Evaluate
00713   ON_BOOL32 EvPoint(
00714          double t,
00715          ON_3dPoint& point, 
00716          int side = 0,
00717          int* hint = 0
00718          ) const;
00720   // Description:
00721   //   Evaluate first derivative at a parameter with error checking.
00722   // Parameters:
00723   //   t - [in] evaluation parameter
00724   //   point - [out] value of curve at t
00725   //   first_derivative - [out] value of first derivative at t
00726   //   side - [in] optional - determines which side to evaluate from
00727   //               =0   default
00728   //               <0   to evaluate from below, 
00729   //               >0   to evaluate from above
00730   //   hint - [in/out] optional evaluation hint used to speed repeated evaluations
00731   // Returns:
00732   //   false if unable to evaluate.
00733   // See Also:
00734   //   ON_Curve::EvPoint
00735   //   ON_Curve::Ev2Der
00736   //   ON_Curve::EvTangent
00737   //   ON_Curve::Evaluate
00738   ON_BOOL32 Ev1Der(
00739          double t,
00740          ON_3dPoint& point,
00741          ON_3dVector& first_derivative,
00742          int side = 0,
00743          int* hint = 0
00744          ) const;
00746   // Description:
00747   //   Evaluate second derivative at a parameter with error checking.
00748   // Parameters:
00749   //   t - [in] evaluation parameter
00750   //   point - [out] value of curve at t
00751   //   first_derivative - [out] value of first derivative at t
00752   //   second_derivative - [out] value of second derivative at t
00753   //   side - [in] optional - determines which side to evaluate from
00754   //               =0   default
00755   //               <0   to evaluate from below, 
00756   //               >0   to evaluate from above
00757   //   hint - [in/out] optional evaluation hint used to speed repeated evaluations
00758   // Returns:
00759   //   false if unable to evaluate.
00760   // See Also:
00761   //   ON_Curve::Ev1Der
00762   //   ON_Curve::EvCurvature
00763   //   ON_Curve::Evaluate
00764   ON_BOOL32 Ev2Der(
00765          double t,
00766          ON_3dPoint& point,
00767          ON_3dVector& first_derivative,
00768          ON_3dVector& second_derivative,
00769          int side = 0,
00770          int* hint = 0
00771          ) const;
00773   /*
00774   Description:
00775     Evaluate unit tangent at a parameter with error checking.
00776   Parameters:
00777     t - [in] evaluation parameter
00778     point - [out] value of curve at t
00779     tangent - [out] value of unit tangent
00780     side - [in] optional - determines which side to evaluate from
00781                 =0   default
00782                 <0   to evaluate from below, 
00783                 >0   to evaluate from above
00784     hint - [in/out] optional evaluation hint used to speed repeated evaluations
00785   Returns:
00786     false if unable to evaluate.
00787   See Also:
00788     ON_Curve::TangentAt
00789     ON_Curve::Ev1Der
00790   */
00791   ON_BOOL32 EvTangent(
00792          double t,
00793          ON_3dPoint& point,
00794          ON_3dVector& tangent,
00795          int side = 0,
00796          int* hint = 0
00797          ) const;
00799   /*
00800   Description:
00801     Evaluate unit tangent and curvature at a parameter with error checking.
00802   Parameters:
00803     t - [in] evaluation parameter
00804     point - [out] value of curve at t
00805     tangent - [out] value of unit tangent
00806     kappa - [out] value of curvature vector
00807     side - [in] optional - determines which side to evaluate from
00808                 =0   default
00809                 <0   to evaluate from below, 
00810                 >0   to evaluate from above
00811     hint - [in/out] optional evaluation hint used to speed repeated evaluations
00812   Returns:
00813     false if unable to evaluate.
00814   See Also:
00815     ON_Curve::CurvatureAt
00816     ON_Curve::Ev2Der
00817     ON_EvCurvature
00818   */
00819   ON_BOOL32 EvCurvature(
00820          double t,
00821          ON_3dPoint& point,
00822          ON_3dVector& tangent,
00823          ON_3dVector& kappa,
00824          int side = 0,
00825          int* hint = 0
00826          ) const;
00828   /*
00829   Description:
00830     This evaluator actually does all the work.  The other ON_Curve
00831     evaluation tools call this virtual function.
00832   Parameters:
00833     t - [in] evaluation parameter ( usually in Domain() ).
00834     der_count - [in] (>=0) number of derivatives to evaluate
00835     v_stride - [in] (>=Dimension()) stride to use for the v[] array
00836     v - [out] array of length (der_count+1)*v_stride
00837         curve(t) is returned in (v[0],...,v[m_dim-1]),
00838         curve'(t) is retuned in (v[v_stride],...,v[v_stride+m_dim-1]),
00839         curve"(t) is retuned in (v[2*v_stride],...,v[2*v_stride+m_dim-1]),
00840         etc.
00841     side - [in] optional - determines which side to evaluate from
00842                 =0   default
00843                 <0   to evaluate from below, 
00844                 >0   to evaluate from above
00845     hint - [in/out] optional evaluation hint used to speed repeated evaluations
00846   Returns:
00847     false if unable to evaluate.
00848   See Also:
00849     ON_Curve::EvPoint
00850     ON_Curve::Ev1Der
00851     ON_Curve::Ev2Der
00852   */
00853   virtual 
00854   ON_BOOL32 Evaluate(
00855          double t,
00856          int der_count,
00857          int v_stride,
00858          double* v,
00859          int side = 0,
00860          int* hint = 0
00861          ) const = 0;
00864   /*
00865   Parameters:
00866     min_length -[in]
00867       minimum length of a linear span
00868     tolerance -[in]
00869       distance tolerance to use when checking linearity.
00870   Returns 
00871     true if the span is a non-degenrate line.  This means:
00872     - dimension = 2 or 3
00873     - The length of the the line segment from the span's initial 
00874       point to the span's control point is >= min_length.
00875     - The maximum distance from the line segment to the span
00876     is <= tolerance and the span increases monotonically
00877     in the direction of the line segment.
00878   */
00879   bool FirstSpanIsLinear( 
00880     double min_length,
00881     double tolerance
00882     ) const;
00884   bool LastSpanIsLinear( 
00885     double min_length,
00886     double tolerance
00887     ) const;
00889   bool FirstSpanIsLinear( 
00890     double min_length,
00891     double tolerance,
00892     ON_Line* span_line
00893     ) const;
00895   bool LastSpanIsLinear( 
00896     double min_length,
00897     double tolerance,
00898     ON_Line* span_line
00899     ) const;
00901   // Description:
00902   //   Removes portions of the curve outside the specified interval.
00903   // Parameters:
00904   //   domain - [in] interval of the curve to keep.  Portions of the
00905   //      curve before curve(domain[0]) and after curve(domain[1]) are
00906   //      removed.
00907   // Returns:
00908   //   true if successful.
00909   virtual
00910   ON_BOOL32 Trim(
00911     const ON_Interval& domain
00912     );
00914   // Description:
00915   //   Pure virtual function. Default returns false.
00916   //   Where possible, analytically extends curve to include domain.
00917   // Parameters:
00918   //   domain - [in] if domain is not included in curve domain, 
00919   //   curve will be extended so that its domain includes domain.  
00920   //   Will not work if curve is closed. Original curve is identical
00921   //   to the restriction of the resulting curve to the original curve domain, 
00922   // Returns:
00923   //   true if successful.
00924   virtual
00925   bool Extend(
00926     const ON_Interval& domain
00927     );
00929   /*
00930   Description:
00931     Splits (divides) the curve at the specified parameter.  
00932     The parameter must be in the interior of the curve's domain.
00933     The pointers passed to Split must either be NULL or point to
00934     an ON_Curve object of the same type.  If the pointer is NULL,
00935     then a curve will be created in Split().  You may pass "this"
00936     as left_side or right_side.
00937   Parameters:
00938     t - [in] parameter to split the curve at in the
00939              interval returned by Domain().
00940     left_side - [out] left portion of curve returned here
00941     right_side - [out] right portion of curve returned here
00942         Returns:
00943                 true    - The curve was split into two pieces.  
00944                 false - The curve could not be split.  For example if the parameter is
00945                                                 too close to an endpoint.
00947   Example:
00948     For example, if crv were an ON_NurbsCurve, then
00950           ON_NurbsCurve right_side;
00951           crv.Split( crv.Domain().Mid() &crv, &right_side );
00953     would split crv at the parametric midpoint, put the left side
00954     in crv, and return the right side in right_side.
00955   */
00956   virtual
00957   ON_BOOL32 Split(
00958       double t,
00959       ON_Curve*& left_side,
00960       ON_Curve*& right_side
00961     ) const;
00963   /*
00964   Description:
00965     Get a NURBS curve representation of this curve.
00966   Parameters:
00967     nurbs_curve - [out] NURBS representation returned here
00968     tolerance - [in] tolerance to use when creating NURBS
00969         representation.
00970     subdomain - [in] if not NULL, then the NURBS representation
00971         for this portion of the curve is returned.
00972   Returns:
00973     0   unable to create NURBS representation
00974         with desired accuracy.
00975     1   success - returned NURBS parameterization
00976         matches the curve's to wthe desired accuracy
00977     2   success - returned NURBS point locus matches
00978         the curve's to the desired accuracy and the
00979         domain of the NURBS curve is correct.  On
00980         However, This curve's parameterization and
00981         the NURBS curve parameterization may not 
00982         match to the desired accuracy.  This situation
00983         happens when getting NURBS representations of
00984         curves that have a transendental parameterization
00985         like circles
00986   Remarks:
00987     This is a low-level virtual function.  If you do not need
00988     the parameterization information provided by the return code,
00989     then ON_Curve::NurbsCurve may be easier to use.
00990   See Also:
00991     ON_Curve::NurbsCurve
00992   */
00993   virtual
00994   int GetNurbForm(
00995         ON_NurbsCurve& nurbs_curve,
00996         double tolerance = 0.0,
00997         const ON_Interval* subdomain = NULL
00998         ) const;
00999   /*
01000   Description:
01001     Does a NURBS curve representation of this curve.
01002   Parameters:
01003   Returns:
01004     0   unable to create NURBS representation
01005         with desired accuracy.
01006     1   success - NURBS parameterization
01007         matches the curve's to wthe desired accuracy
01008     2   success - NURBS point locus matches
01009         the curve's and the
01010         domain of the NURBS curve is correct.  
01011         However, This curve's parameterization and
01012         the NURBS curve parameterization may not 
01013         match.  This situation
01014         happens when getting NURBS representations of
01015         curves that have a transendental parameterization
01016         like circles
01017   Remarks:
01018     This is a low-level virtual function.  
01019   See Also:
01020     ON_Curve::GetNurbForm
01021     ON_Curve::NurbsCurve
01022   */
01023   virtual
01024   int HasNurbForm() const;
01026   /*
01027   Description:
01028     Get a NURBS curve representation of this curve.
01029   Parameters:
01030     pNurbsCurve - [in/out] if not NULL, this ON_NurbsCurve
01031     will be used to store the NURBS representation
01032     of the curve will be returned.
01033     tolerance - [in] tolerance to use when creating NURBS
01034         representation.
01035     subdomain - [in] if not NULL, then the NURBS representation
01036         for this portion of the curve is returned.
01037   Returns:
01038     NULL or a NURBS representation of the curve.
01039   Remarks:
01040     See ON_Surface::GetNurbForm for important details about
01041     the NURBS surface parameterization.
01042   See Also:
01043     ON_Curve::GetNurbForm
01044   */
01045   ON_NurbsCurve* NurbsCurve(
01046         ON_NurbsCurve* pNurbsCurve = NULL,
01047         double tolerance = 0.0,
01048         const ON_Interval* subdomain = NULL
01049         ) const;
01051   // Description:
01052   //   Convert a NURBS curve parameter to a curve parameter
01053   //
01054   // Parameters:
01055   //   nurbs_t - [in] nurbs form parameter
01056   //   curve_t - [out] curve parameter
01057   //
01058   // Remarks:
01059   //   If GetNurbForm returns 2, this function converts the curve
01060   //   parameter to the NURBS curve parameter.
01061   //
01062   // See Also:
01063   //   ON_Curve::GetNurbForm, ON_Curve::GetNurbFormParameterFromCurveParameter
01064   virtual
01065   ON_BOOL32 GetCurveParameterFromNurbFormParameter(
01066         double nurbs_t,
01067         double* curve_t
01068         ) const;
01070   // Description:
01071   //   Convert a curve parameter to a NURBS curve parameter.
01072   //
01073   // Parameters:
01074   //   curve_t - [in] curve parameter
01075   //   nurbs_t - [out] nurbs form parameter
01076   //
01077   // Remarks:
01078   //   If GetNurbForm returns 2, this function converts the curve
01079   //   parameter to the NURBS curve parameter.
01080   //
01081   // See Also:
01082   //   ON_Curve::GetNurbForm, ON_Curve::GetCurveParameterFromNurbFormParameter
01083   virtual
01084   ON_BOOL32 GetNurbFormParameterFromCurveParameter(
01085         double curve_t,
01086         double* nurbs_t
01087         ) const;
01090   // Description:
01091   //   Destroys the runtime curve tree used to speed closest
01092   //   point and intersection calcuations.
01093   // Remarks:
01094   //   If the geometry of the curve is modified in any way,
01095   //   then call DestroyCurveTree();  The curve tree is 
01096   //   created as needed.
01097   void DestroyCurveTree();
01099   /*
01100         Description:
01101                 Lookup a parameter in the m_t array, optionally using a built in snap tolerance to 
01102                 snap a parameter value to an element of m_t.
01103                 This function is used by some types derived from ON_Curve to snap parameter values
01104         Parameters:
01105                 t                       - [in]  parameter
01106                 index -[out]    index into m_t such that
01107                                                                 if function returns false then
01109                                                                          @table  
01110                                                                          value                  condition
01111                                                                         -1                                                                       t<m_t[0] or m_t is empty                               
01112                                                                                 0<=i<=m_t.Count()-2             m_t[i] < t < m_t[i+1]                   
01113                                                                                 m_t.Count()-1                                   t>m_t[ m_t.Count()-1]                    
01115                                                                         if the function returns true then t is equal to, or is closest to and 
01116                                                                         within  tolerance of m_t[index]. 
01118                 bEnableSnap-[in] enable snapping 
01119                 m_t                             -[in]   Array of parameter values to snap to
01120                 RelTol          -[in] tolerance used in snapping
01122         Returns:                
01123                 true if the t is exactly equal to (bEnableSnap==false), or within tolerance of
01124                 (bEnableSnap==true) m_t[index]. 
01125   */
01126 protected:
01127   bool ParameterSearch( double t, int& index, bool bEnableSnap, const ON_SimpleArray<double>& m_t, 
01128                                                                                                                         double RelTol=ON_SQRT_EPSILON) const;
01130 private:
01131 };
01133 #if defined(ON_DLL_TEMPLATE)
01134 // This stuff is here because of a limitation in the way Microsoft
01135 // handles templates and DLLs.  See Microsoft's knowledge base 
01136 // article ID Q168958 for details.
01137 #pragma warning( push )
01138 #pragma warning( disable : 4231 )
01139 ON_DLL_TEMPLATE template class ON_CLASS ON_SimpleArray<ON_Curve*>;
01140 #pragma warning( pop )
01141 #endif
01143 class ON_CLASS ON_CurveArray : public ON_SimpleArray<ON_Curve*>
01144 {
01145 public:
01146   ON_CurveArray( int = 0 );
01147   ~ON_CurveArray(); // deletes any non-NULL curves
01149   bool Write( ON_BinaryArchive& ) const;
01150   bool Read( ON_BinaryArchive& );
01152   void Destroy(); // deletes curves, sets pointers to NULL, sets count to zero
01154   bool Duplicate( ON_CurveArray& ) const; // operator= copies the pointer values
01155                                           // duplicate copies the curves themselves
01157   /*
01158         Description:
01159     Get tight bounding box of the bezier.
01160         Parameters:
01161                 tight_bbox - [in/out] tight bounding box
01162                 bGrowBox -[in]  (default=false)                 
01163       If true and the input tight_bbox is valid, then returned
01164       tight_bbox is the union of the input tight_bbox and the 
01165       tight bounding box of the bezier curve.
01166                 xform -[in] (default=NULL)
01167       If not NULL, the tight bounding box of the transformed
01168       bezier is calculated.  The bezier curve is not modified.
01169         Returns:
01170     True if the returned tight_bbox is set to a valid 
01171     bounding box.
01172   */
01173         bool GetTightBoundingBox( 
01174                         ON_BoundingBox& tight_bbox, 
01175       int bGrowBox = false,
01176                         const ON_Xform* xform = 0
01177       ) const;
01178 };
01180 /*
01181 Description:
01182   Trim a curve.
01183 Parameters:
01184   curve - [in] curve to trim (not modified)
01185   trim_parameters - [in] trimming parameters
01186     If curve is open, then  trim_parameters must be an increasing 
01187     interval.If curve is closed, and trim_parameters ins a 
01188     decreasing interval, then the portion of the curve across the
01189     start/end is returned.
01190 Returns:
01191   trimmed curve or NULL if input is invalid.
01192 */
01193 ON_DECL
01194 ON_Curve* ON_TrimCurve( 
01195             const ON_Curve& curve,
01196             ON_Interval trim_parameters
01197             );
01199 /*
01200 Description:
01201   Move ends of curves to a common point. Neither curve can be closed or an ON_CurveProxy.
01202   If one is an arc or polycurve with arc at end to change, and the other is not, 
01203   then the arc is left unchanged and the other curve is moved to the arc endpoint. 
01204   Otherwise, both are moved to the midpoint of the segment between the ends.
01205 Parameters:
01206   Crv0 - [in] first curve to modify.
01207          [out] with one endpoint possibly changed.
01208   end0 - [in] if 0, change start of Crv0.  Otherwise change end.
01209   Crv1 - [in] second curve to modify.
01210          [out] with one endpoint possibly changed.
01211   end1 - [in] if 0, change start of Crv1.  Otherwise change end.
01212 Returns:
01213   true if the endpoints match. Falsse otherwise,
01214 */
01215 ON_DECL
01216 bool ON_ForceMatchCurveEnds(
01217                             ON_Curve& Crv0, 
01218                             int end0, 
01219                             ON_Curve& Crv1, 
01220                             int end1
01221                             );
01223 /*
01224 Description:
01225   Join all contiguous curves of an array of ON_Curves.
01226 Parameters:
01227   InCurves - [in] Array of curves to be joined (not modified)
01228   OutCurves - [out] Resulting joined curves and copies of curves that were not joined to anything
01229                     are appended.
01230   join_tol - [in] Distance tolerance used to decide if endpoints are close enough
01231   bPreserveDirection - [in] If true, curve endpoints will be compared to curve startpoints.
01232                             If false, all start and endpoints will be compared, and copies of input 
01233                             curves may be reversed in output.
01234   key     -  [out] if key is not null, InCurves[i] was joined into OutCurves[key[i]].
01235 Returns:
01236   Number of curves added to Outcurves
01237 Remarks:
01238   Closed curves are copied to OutCurves. 
01239   Curves that cannot be joined to others are copied to OutCurves.  When curves are joined, the results
01240   are ON_PolyCurves. All members of InCurves must have same dimension, at most 3.
01241   */
01242 ON_DECL
01243 int ON_JoinCurves(const ON_SimpleArray<const ON_Curve*>& InCurves,
01244                   ON_SimpleArray<ON_Curve*>& OutCurves,
01245                   double join_tol,
01246                   bool bPreserveDirection = false,
01247                   ON_SimpleArray<int>* key = 0
01248                  );
01251 /*
01252 Description:
01253   Sort a list of lines so they are geometrically continuous.
01254 Parameters:
01255   line_count - [in] number of lines
01256   line_list  - [in] array of lines
01257   index       - [out] The input index[] is an array of line_count unused integers.
01258                       The returned index[] is a permutation of {0,1,...,line_count-1}
01259                       so that the list of lines is in end-to-end order.
01260   bReverse    - [out] The input bReverse[] is an array of line_count unused bools.
01261                       If the returned value of bReverse[j] is true, then
01262                       line_list[index[j]] needs to be reversed.
01263 Returns:
01264   True if successful, false if not.
01265 */
01266 ON_DECL
01267 bool ON_SortLines( 
01268         int line_count, 
01269         const ON_Line* line_list, 
01270         int* index, 
01271         bool* bReverse 
01272         );
01274 /*
01275 Description:
01276   Sort a list of lines so they are geometrically continuous.
01277 Parameters:
01278   line_list  - [in] array of lines
01279   index       - [out] The input index[] is an array of line_count unused integers.
01280                       The returned index[] is a permutation of {0,1,...,line_count-1}
01281                       so that the list of lines is in end-to-end order.
01282   bReverse    - [out] The input bReverse[] is an array of line_count unused bools.
01283                       If the returned value of bReverse[j] is true, then
01284                       line_list[index[j]] needs to be reversed.
01285 Returns:
01286   True if successful, false if not.
01287 */
01288 ON_DECL
01289 bool ON_SortLines( 
01290         const ON_SimpleArray<ON_Line>& line_list,
01291         int* index, 
01292         bool* bReverse 
01293         );
01295 /*
01296 Description:
01297   Sort a list of open curves so end of a curve matches the start of the next curve.
01298 Parameters:
01299   curve_count - [in] number of curves
01300   curve_list  - [in] array of curve pointers
01301   index       - [out] The input index[] is an array of curve_count unused integers.
01302                       The returned index[] is a permutation of {0,1,...,curve_count-1}
01303                       so that the list of curves is in end-to-end order.
01304   bReverse    - [out] The input bReverse[] is an array of curve_count unused bools.
01305                       If the returned value of bReverse[j] is true, then
01306                       curve_list[index[j]] needs to be reversed.
01307 Returns:
01308   True if successful, false if not.
01309 */
01310 ON_DECL
01311 bool ON_SortCurves(
01312           int curve_count,
01313           const ON_Curve* const* curve_list, 
01314           int* index,
01315           bool* bReverse
01316           );
01318 /*
01319 Description:
01320   Sort a list of curves so end of a curve matches the start of the next curve.
01321 Parameters:
01322   curve       - [in] array of curves to sort.  The curves themselves are not modified.
01323   index       - [out] The input index[] is an array of curve_count unused integers.
01324                       The returned index[] is a permutation of {0,1,...,curve_count-1}
01325                       so that the list of curves is in end-to-end order.
01326   bReverse    - [out] The input bReverse[] is an array of curve_count unused bools.
01327                       If the returned value of bReverse[j] is true, then
01328                       curve[index[j]] needs to be reversed.
01329 Returns:
01330   True if successful, false if not.
01331 */
01332 ON_DECL
01333 bool ON_SortCurves( 
01334                    const ON_SimpleArray<const ON_Curve*>& curves, 
01335                    ON_SimpleArray<int>& index, 
01336                    ON_SimpleArray<bool>& bReverse 
01337                    );
01339 /*
01340 Description:
01341   Sort a list of curves so end of a curve matches the start of the next curve.
01342 Parameters:
01343   curve_count - [in] number of curves
01344   curve       - [in] array of curve pointers
01345   index       - [out] The input index[] is an array of curve_count unused integers.
01346                       The returned index[] is a permutation of {0,1,...,curve_count-1}
01347                       so that the list of curves is in end-to-end order.
01348   bReverse    - [out] The input bReverse[] is an array of curve_count unused bools.
01349                       If the returned value of bReverse[j] is true, then
01350                       curve[index[j]] needs to be reversed.
01351 Returns:
01352   True if successful, false if not.
01353 */
01354 ON_DECL
01355 bool ON_SortCurves( 
01356           const ON_SimpleArray<ON_Curve*>& curves, 
01357           ON_SimpleArray<int>& index, 
01358           ON_SimpleArray<bool>& bReverse 
01359           );
01361 /*
01362 Description:
01363   Determine the orientaion (counterclockwise or clockwise) of a closed
01364   planar curve.
01365 Paramters:
01366   curve - [in] simple (no self intersections) closed planar curve
01367   xform - [in] Transformation to map the curve to the xy plane. If the
01368                curve is parallel to the xy plane, you may pass NULL.
01369 Returns:
01370   +1: The curve's orientation is counter clockwise in the xy plane.
01371   -1: The curve's orientation is clockwise in the xy plane.
01372    0: Unable to compute the curve's orientation.
01373 */
01374 ON_DECL
01375 int ON_ClosedCurveOrientation( const ON_Curve& curve, const ON_Xform* xform );
01377 #endif

Author(s): Open Perception
autogenerated on Wed Aug 26 2015 15:27:00