Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* $NoKeywords: $ */
00002 /*
00003 //
00004 // Copyright (c) 1993-2012 Robert McNeel & Associates. All rights reserved.
00005 // OpenNURBS, Rhinoceros, and Rhino3D are registered trademarks of Robert
00006 // McNeel & Associates.
00007 //
00011 //                              
00012 // For complete openNURBS copyright information see <>.
00013 //
00015 */
00017 #if !defined(ON_BOUNDING_BOX_INC_)
00018 #define ON_BOUNDING_BOX_INC_
00021 //
00022 //   ON_BoundingBox  - axis aligned bounding box
00023 //
00025 class ON_CLASS ON_BoundingBox
00026 {
00027 public:
00028   static const ON_BoundingBox EmptyBoundingBox; // ((1.0,0,0,0,0),(-1.0,0.0,0.0))
00030   ON_BoundingBox(); // creates EmptyBox
00032         ON_BoundingBox(
00033     const ON_3dPoint&, // min corner of axis aligned bounding box
00034     const ON_3dPoint&  // max corner of axis aligned bounding box
00035     );
00036   ~ON_BoundingBox();
00039   // temporary - use ON_ClippingRegion - this function will be removed soon.
00040   int IsVisible( 
00041     const ON_Xform& bbox2c
00042     ) const;
00044   void Destroy(); // invalidates bounding box
00046   // operator[] returns min if index <= 0 and max if indes >= 1
00047   ON_3dPoint& operator[](int);
00048   const ON_3dPoint& operator[](int) const;
00050   ON_3dPoint Min() const;
00051   ON_3dPoint Max() const;
00052   ON_3dVector Diagonal() const; // max corner - min corner
00053   ON_3dPoint Center() const;
00054   ON_3dPoint Corner( // 8 corners of box
00055     int, // x_index   0 = Min().x, 1 = Max().x
00056     int, // y_index   0 = Min().y, 1 = Max().y
00057     int  // z_index   0 = Min().z, 1 = Max().z
00058     ) const;
00059   bool GetCorners( 
00060     ON_3dPointArray& box_corners // returns list of 8 corner points
00061     ) const;
00062   bool GetCorners( 
00063     ON_3dPoint box_corners[8] // returns list of 8 corner points
00064     ) const;
00066   bool IsValid() const; // empty boxes are not valid
00068   void Dump(class ON_TextLog&) const;
00070   /*
00071   Description:
00072     Test a bounding box to see if it is degenerate (flat)
00073     in one or more directions.
00074   Parameters:
00075     tolerance - [in] Distances <= tolerance will be considered
00076         to be zero.  If tolerance is negative (default), then
00077         a scale invarient tolerance is used.
00078   Returns:
00079     @untitled table
00080     0     box is not degenerate
00081     1     box is a rectangle (degenerate in one direction)
00082     2     box is a line (degenerate in two directions)
00083     3     box is a point (degenerate in three directions)
00084     4     box is not valid
00085   */
00086   int IsDegenerate( 
00087     double tolerance = ON_UNSET_VALUE
00088     ) const;
00092   // ON_BoundingBox::Transform() updates the bounding box
00093   // to be the smallest axis aligned bounding box that contains
00094   // the transform of the eight corner points of the input
00095   // bounding box.
00096   bool Transform( const ON_Xform& );
00098   double Tolerance() const; // rough guess at a tolerance to use for comparing
00099                             // objects in this bounding box
00102   // All of these Set() functions set or expand a box to enclose the points in the arguments
00103   // If bGrowBox is true, the existing box is expanded, otherwise it is only set to the current point list
00104   bool Set(     
00105     int dim,
00106     int is_rat,
00107     int count,
00108     int stride,
00109     const double* point_array,
00110     int bGrowBox = false
00111     );
00113   bool Set(
00114     const ON_3dPoint& point,
00115     int bGrowBox = false
00116     );
00118   bool Set(     
00119     const ON_SimpleArray<ON_4dPoint>& point_array,
00120     int bGrowBox = false
00121     );
00123   bool Set(     
00124     const ON_SimpleArray<ON_3dPoint>& point_array,
00125     int bGrowBox = false
00126     );
00128   bool Set(     
00129     const ON_SimpleArray<ON_2dPoint>& point_array,
00130     int bGrowBox = false
00131     );
00133         bool IsPointIn(
00134          const ON_3dPoint& test_point, // point to test
00135          int bStrictlyIn = false 
00136                    // true to test for strict ( min < point < max )
00137                    // false to test for (min <= point <= max)
00138                    //       
00139          ) const;
00142   // Point on or in the box that is closest to test_point.
00143   // If test_point is in or on the box, the test_point is returned.
00144   ON_3dPoint ClosestPoint( 
00145     const ON_3dPoint& test_point
00146     ) const;
00149   /*
00150   Description:
00151     Quickly find a lower bound on the distance 
00152     between the point and this bounding box.
00153   Parameters:
00154     P - [in]
00155   Returns:
00156     A distance that is less than or equal to the shortest
00157     distance from the line to this bounding box.
00158     Put another way, if Q is any point in this bounding box,
00159     then P.DistanceTo(Q) >= MinimumDistanceTo(bbox).
00160   */
00161   double MinimumDistanceTo( const ON_3dPoint& P ) const;
00163   /*
00164   Description:
00165     Quickly find an upper bound on the distance 
00166     between the point and this bounding box.
00167   Parameters:
00168     P - [in]
00169   Returns:
00170     A distance that is greater than or equal to the 
00171     longest distance from the point P to this bounding box.
00172     Put another way, if Q is any point in this bounding box,
00173     then P.DistanceTo(Q) <= MaximumDistanceTo(bbox).
00174   */
00175   double MaximumDistanceTo( const ON_3dPoint& P ) const;
00178   /*
00179   Description:
00180     Quickly find a lower bound on the distance 
00181     between this and the other bounding box.
00182   Parameters:
00183     other - [in]
00184   Returns:
00185     A distance that is less than or equal to the shortest
00186     distance between the bounding boxes.
00187     Put another way, if Q is any point in this bounding box
00188     and P is any point in the other bounding box,
00189     then P.DistanceTo(Q) >= MinimumDistanceTo(bbox).
00190   */
00191   double MinimumDistanceTo( const ON_BoundingBox& other ) const;
00193   /*
00194   Description:
00195     Quickly find an upper bound on the distance 
00196     between this and the other bounding box.
00197   Parameters:
00198     other - [in]
00199   Returns:
00200     A distance that is greater than or equal to the longest
00201     distance between the bounding boxes.
00202     Put another way, if Q is any point in this bounding box
00203     and P is any point in the other bounding box,
00204     then P.DistanceTo(Q) <= MaximumDistanceTo(bbox).
00205   */
00206   double MaximumDistanceTo( const ON_BoundingBox& other ) const;
00208   /*
00209   Description:
00210     Quickly find a lower bound on the distance 
00211     between the line segment and this bounding box.
00212   Parameters:
00213     line - [in]
00214   Returns:
00215     A distance that is less than or equal to the shortest
00216     distance from the line to this bounding box.
00217     Put another way, if Q is any point on line
00218     and P is any point in this bounding box, then
00219     P.DistanceTo(Q) >= MinimumDistanceTo(bbox).
00220   */
00221   double MinimumDistanceTo( const ON_Line& line ) const;
00223   /*
00224   Description:
00225     Quickly find a tight lower bound on the distance 
00226     between the plane and this bounding box.
00227   Parameters:
00228     plane - [in]
00229   Returns:
00230     The minimum distance between a point on the plane
00231     and a point on the bounding box.
00232   See Also:
00233     ON_PlaneEquation::MimimumValueAt
00234     ON_PlaneEquation::MaximumValueAt
00235   */
00236   double MinimumDistanceTo( const ON_Plane& plane ) const;
00237   double MinimumDistanceTo( const ON_PlaneEquation& plane_equation ) const;
00239   /*
00240   Description:
00241     Quickly find an upper bound on the distance 
00242     between the line segment and this bounding box.
00243   Parameters:
00244     line - [in]
00245   Returns:
00246     A distance that is greater than or equal to the 
00247     longest distance from the line to this bounding box.
00248     Put another way, if Q is any point on the line
00249     and P is any point in this bounding box, then
00250     P.DistanceTo(Q) <= MaximumDistanceTo(bbox).
00251   */
00252   double MaximumDistanceTo( const ON_Line& line ) const;
00254   /*
00255   Description:
00256     Quickly find a tight upper bound on the distance 
00257     between the plane and this bounding box.
00258   Parameters:
00259     plane - [in]
00260   Returns:
00261     A distance that is equal to the longest distance from
00262     the plane to this bounding box.  Put another way, 
00263     if Q is any point on the plane and P is any point 
00264     in this bounding box, then 
00265     P.DistanceTo(Q) <= MaximumDistanceTo(bbox) and there
00266     is at least one point on the bounding box where the
00267     distance is equal to the returned value.
00268   See Also:
00269     ON_PlaneEquation::MaximumValueAt
00270   */
00271   double MaximumDistanceTo( const ON_Plane& plane ) const;
00272   double MaximumDistanceTo( const ON_PlaneEquation& plane_equation ) const;
00275   /*
00276   Description:
00277     Quickly determine if the shortest distance from
00278     the point P to the bounding box is greater than d.
00279   Parameters:
00280     d - [in] distance (> 0.0)
00281     P - [in] 
00282   Returns:
00283     True if if the shortest distance from the point P
00284     to the bounding box is greater than d. 
00285   */
00286   bool IsFartherThan( double d, const ON_3dPoint& P ) const;
00288   /*
00289   Description:
00290     Quickly determine if the shortest distance from the line
00291     to the bounding box is greater than d.
00292   Parameters:
00293     d - [in] distance (> 0.0)
00294     line - [in] 
00295   Returns:
00296     True if the shortest distance from the line
00297     to the bounding box is greater than d. It is not the
00298     case that false means that the shortest distance
00299     is less than or equal to d.
00300   */
00301   bool IsFartherThan( double d, const ON_Line& line ) const;
00303   /*
00304   Description:
00305     Quickly determine if the shortest distance from the plane
00306     to the bounding box is greater than d.
00307   Parameters:
00308     d - [in] distance (> 0.0)
00309     plane - [in] 
00310   Returns:
00311     True if the shortest distance from the plane
00312     to the bounding box is greater than d, and false
00313     if the shortest distance is less than or equal to d.
00314   */
00315   bool IsFartherThan( double d, const ON_Plane& plane ) const;
00317   /*
00318   Description:
00319     Quickly determine if the shortest distance from the plane
00320     to the bounding box is greater than d.
00321   Parameters:
00322     d - [in] distance (> 0.0)
00323     plane_equation - [in] (the first three coefficients 
00324                            are assumed to be a unit vector.
00325                            If not, adjust your d accordingly.)
00326   Returns:
00327     True if the shortest distance from the plane
00328     to the bounding box is greater than d, and false
00329     if the shortest distance is less than or equal to d.
00330   */
00331   bool IsFartherThan( double d, const ON_PlaneEquation& plane_equation ) const;
00333   /*
00334   Description:
00335     Quickly determine if the shortest distance this bounding
00336     box to another bounding box is greater than d.
00337   Parameters:
00338     d - [in] distance (> 0.0)
00339     other - [in] other bounding box
00340   Returns:
00341     True if if the shortest distance from this bounding
00342     box to the other bounding box is greater than d. 
00343   */
00344   bool IsFartherThan( double d, const ON_BoundingBox& other ) const;
00347   // Description:
00348   //   Get point in a bounding box that is closest to a line
00349   //   segment.
00350   // Parameters:
00351   //   line - [in] line segment
00352   //   box_point - [out] point in box that is closest to line
00353   //       segment point at t0.
00354   //   t0 - [out] parameter of point on line that is closest to
00355   //       the box.
00356   //   t1 - [out] parameter of point on line that is closest to
00357   //       the box.
00358   // Returns:
00359   //   3 success - line segments intersects box in a segment
00360   //               from line(t0) to line(t1) (t0 < t1)
00361   //   2 success - line segments intersects box in a single point
00362   //               at line(t0) (t0==t1)
00363   //   1 success - line segment does not intersect box.  Closest
00364   //               point on the line is at line(t0) (t0==t1)
00365   //   0 failure - box is invalid.
00366   // Remarks:
00367   //   The box is treated as a solid box.  If the intersection
00368   //   of the line segment, then 3 is returned.
00369   int GetClosestPoint( 
00370     const ON_Line&, // line
00371     ON_3dPoint&,    // box_point
00372     double*,        // t0
00373     double*         // t1
00374     ) const;
00377   // Get points on bounding boxes that are closest to each other.
00378   // If the boxes intersect, then the point at the centroid of the
00379   // intersection is returned for both points.
00380   bool GetClosestPoint( 
00381          const ON_BoundingBox&, // "other" bounding box
00382          ON_3dPoint&, // point on "this" box that is closest to "other" box
00383          ON_3dPoint&  // point on "other" box that is closest to "this" box
00384          )  const;
00387   // Point on the box that is farthest from the test_point.
00388   ON_3dPoint FarPoint( 
00389     const ON_3dPoint& // test_point
00390     ) const;
00393   // Get points on bounding boxes that are farthest from each other.
00394   bool GetFarPoint( 
00395          const ON_BoundingBox&, // "other" bounding box
00396          ON_3dPoint&, // point on "this" box that is farthest from "other" box
00397          ON_3dPoint&  // point on "other" box that is farthest from "this" box
00398          )  const;
00400   /* 
00401   Description:
00402     Intersect this with other_bbox and save intersection in this.
00403   Parameters:
00404     other_bbox - [in]
00405   Returns:
00406     True if this-intesect-other_bbox is a non-empty valid bounding box
00407     and this is set.  False if the intersection is empty, in which case
00408     "this" is set to an invalid bounding box.
00409   Remarks:
00410     If "this" or other_bbox is invalid, they are treated as
00411     the empty set, and false is returned.
00412   */
00413   bool Intersection(
00414          const ON_BoundingBox& other_bbox
00415          );
00417   /* 
00418   Description:
00419     Set "this" to the intersection of bbox_A and bbox_B.
00420   Parameters:
00421     bbox_A - [in] 
00422     bbox_B - [in]
00423   Returns:
00424     True if the "this" is a non-empty valid bounding box.
00425     False if the intersection is empty, in which case
00426     "this" is set to an invalid bounding box.
00427   Remarks:
00428     If bbox_A or bbox_B is invalid, they are treated as
00429     the empty set, and false is returned.
00430   */
00431   bool Intersection( // this = intersection of two args
00432          const ON_BoundingBox& bbox_A, 
00433          const ON_BoundingBox& bbox_B
00434          );
00436         bool Intersection(                              //Returns true when intersect is non-empty. 
00437                                  const ON_Line&,                //Infinite Line segment to intersect with 
00438                                  double* =NULL ,                        // t0  parameter of first intersection point
00439                                  double* =NULL       // t1  parameter of last intersection point (t0<=t1)   
00440                                  ) const;                        
00442   /* 
00443   Description:
00444     Test a box to see if it is contained in this box.
00445   Parameters:
00446     other - [in] box to test
00447     bProperSubSet - [in] if true, then the test is for a proper inclusion.
00448   Returns:
00449     If bProperSubSet is false, then the result is true when
00450                         this->m_min[i] <= other.m_min[i] and other.m_max[i] <= this->m_max[i].
00451                         for i=0,1 and 2.
00452     If bProperSubSet is true, then the result is true when
00453                         the above condition is true and at least one of the inequalities is strict.
00454   */
00455   bool Includes( 
00456     const ON_BoundingBox& other,
00457     bool bProperSubSet = false
00458     ) const;
00460         double Volume() const;
00462   double Area() const;
00464   // Union() returns true if union is not empty.
00465   // Invalid boxes are treated as the empty set.
00466   bool Union( // this = this union arg
00467          const ON_BoundingBox&
00468          );
00470   bool Union( // this = union of two args
00471          const ON_BoundingBox&, 
00472          const ON_BoundingBox&
00473          );
00475   /* 
00476   Description:
00477     Test to see if "this" and other_bbox are disjoint (do not intersect).
00478   Parameters:
00479     other_bbox - [in]
00480   Returns:
00481     True if "this" and other_bbox are disjoint.
00482   Remarks:
00483     If "this" or other_bbox is invalid, then true is returned.
00484   */
00485   bool IsDisjoint(
00486     const ON_BoundingBox& other_bbox
00487     ) const;
00489   bool SwapCoordinates( int, int );
00491   ON_3dPoint m_min;
00492   ON_3dPoint m_max;
00493 };
00495 #if defined(ON_DLL_TEMPLATE)
00497 // This stuff is here because of a limitation in the way Microsoft
00498 // handles templates and DLLs.  See Microsoft's knowledge base 
00499 // article ID Q168958 for details.
00500 #pragma warning( push )
00501 #pragma warning( disable : 4231 )
00502 ON_DLL_TEMPLATE template class ON_CLASS ON_SimpleArray<ON_BoundingBox>;
00503 #pragma warning( pop )
00505 #endif
00507 /*
00508 Description:
00509   Get a tight bounding box that contains the points.
00510 Parameters:
00511  dim - [in] (>=1)
00512  is_rat - [in] true if points are rational
00513  count - [in] number of points
00514  stride - [in] stride between points
00515  point_list - [in]
00516  bbox - [in/out]
00517  bGrowBox - [in] (default = false)
00518    If the input bbox is valid and bGrowBox is true,
00519    then the output bbox is the union of the input
00520    bbox and the bounding box of the point list.
00521  xform - [in] (default = NULL)
00522    If not null, the bounding box of the transformed
00523    points is calculated.  The points are not modified.
00524 Returns:
00525   True if the output bbox is valid.
00526 */
00527 ON_DECL
00528 bool ON_GetPointListBoundingBox(
00529     int dim,
00530     int is_rat,
00531     int count,
00532     int stride,
00533     const double* point_list,
00534     ON_BoundingBox& bbox,
00535     int bGrowBox = false,
00536     const ON_Xform* xform = 0
00537     );
00539 ON_DECL
00540 bool ON_GetPointListBoundingBox(
00541     int dim,
00542     int is_rat,
00543     int count,
00544     int stride,
00545     const float* point_list,
00546     ON_BoundingBox& bbox,
00547     int bGrowBox = false,
00548     const ON_Xform* xform = 0
00549     );
00551 ON_DECL
00552 bool ON_GetPointListBoundingBox(
00553     int dim,
00554     int is_rat,
00555     int count,
00556     int stride,
00557     const double* point_list,
00558     double* boxmin,       // min[dim]
00559     double* boxmax,       // max[dim]
00560     int bGrowBox
00561     );
00563 ON_DECL
00564 ON_BoundingBox ON_PointListBoundingBox(
00565     int dim,
00566     int is_rat,
00567     int count,
00568     int stride,
00569     const double* point_list
00570     );
00572 ON_DECL
00573 bool ON_GetPointListBoundingBox(
00574     int dim,
00575     int is_rat,
00576     int count,
00577     int stride,
00578     const float* point_list,
00579     float* boxmin,       // min[dim]
00580     float* boxmax,       // max[dim]
00581     int bGrowBox
00582     );
00584 ON_DECL
00585 ON_BoundingBox ON_PointListBoundingBox( // low level workhorse function
00586     int dim,
00587     int is_rat,
00588     int count,
00589     int stride,
00590     const float* point_list
00591     );
00593 ON_DECL
00594 bool ON_GetPointGridBoundingBox(
00595         int dim,
00596         int is_rat,
00597         int point_count0, int point_count1,
00598         int point_stride0, int point_stride1,
00599         const double* point_grid,
00600         double* boxmin,       // min[dim]
00601         double* boxmax,       // max[dim]
00602         int bGrowBox
00603     );
00605 ON_DECL
00606 ON_BoundingBox ON_PointGridBoundingBox(
00607         int dim,
00608         int is_rat,
00609         int point_count0, int point_count1,
00610         int point_stride0, int point_stride1,
00611         const double* point_grid
00612     );
00614 ON_DECL
00615 double ON_BoundingBoxTolerance(
00616         int dim,
00617         const double* bboxmin,
00618         const double* bboxmax
00619         );
00621 /*
00622 Description:
00623   Determine if an object is too large or too far 
00624   from the origin for single precision coordinates
00625   to be useful.
00626 Parameters:
00627   bbox - [in]
00628     Bounding box of an object with single precision
00629     coordinates.  An ON_Mesh is an example of an
00630     object with single precision coordinates.
00631   xform - [out]
00632     If this function returns false and xform is not
00633     null, then the identity transform is returned.
00634     If this function returns true and xform is not
00635     null, then the transform moves the region
00636     contained in bbox to a location where single 
00637     precision coordinates will have enough
00638     information for the object to be useful.
00639 Returns:
00640   true:
00641     The region contained in bbox is too large
00642     or too far from the origin for single 
00643     precision coordinates to be useful.
00644   false:
00645     A single precision object contained in bbox
00646     will be satisfactory for common calculations.
00647 */
00648 ON_DECL
00649 bool ON_BeyondSinglePrecision( const ON_BoundingBox& bbox, ON_Xform* xform );
00651 ON_DECL
00652 bool ON_WorldBBoxIsInTightBBox( 
00653           const ON_BoundingBox& tight_bbox, 
00654           const ON_BoundingBox& world_bbox,
00655           const ON_Xform* xform
00656           );
00658 #endif

Author(s): Open Perception
autogenerated on Wed Aug 26 2015 15:27:00