Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* $NoKeywords: $ */
00002 /*
00003 //
00004 // Copyright (c) 1993-2012 Robert McNeel & Associates. All rights reserved.
00005 // OpenNURBS, Rhinoceros, and Rhino3D are registered trademarks of Robert
00006 // McNeel & Associates.
00007 //
00011 //                              
00012 // For complete openNURBS copyright information see <>.
00013 //
00015 */
00017 #if !defined(OPENNURBS_BASE64_INC_)
00018 #define OPENNURBS_BASE64_INC_
00022 class ON_CLASS ON_Base64EncodeStream
00023 {
00024 public:
00025   ON_Base64EncodeStream();
00026   virtual ~ON_Base64EncodeStream();
00028   /*
00029   Description:
00030     ON_Base64EncodeStream delivers the base64 encoded stream by
00031     calling a base64 encoded stream output handler function. 
00032     There are two options for specifying the base64 encoded stream
00033     output handler function.
00034       1. Overriding the virtual Out() function.
00035       2. Providing a callback function.
00036     SetCallback() is used to specify a callback function to handle
00037     the base64 encoded stream and to specify a context pointer to be 
00038     passed to either option of the handler.
00039   Parameters:
00040     callback_function - [in]
00041       Function to handle sections of the base64 encoded stream.
00042       If callback_function is null, then the virtual Out() 
00043       function will be called. When callback_function 
00044       is specified, it must return true if the base64 encoding 
00045       calculation should continue and false to cancel the 
00046       base64 encoding calculation.
00047     callback_context - [in]
00048       This value is passed as the first argument when calling 
00049       callback_function or the virutal Out() function.
00050   Returns:
00051     True if successful.
00052   Remarks:
00053     Once base64 encoding has started, it would be unusual to
00054     intentionally change the base64 encoded stream output handler,
00055     but you can do this if you need to.    
00056   */
00057   bool SetCallback( 
00058     ON_StreamCallbackFunction callback_function,
00059     void* callback_context
00060     );
00062   /*
00063   Returns:
00064     Current value of the callback function for handling
00065     the base64 encoded stream.  If the callback function is
00066     null, the the virtual Out() function is used to
00067     handle the output stream.
00068   */
00069   ON_StreamCallbackFunction CallbackFunction() const;
00071   /*
00072   Returns:
00073     Current value of the context pointer passed as the first
00074     argument to the base64 encoded stream output handler function.
00075   */
00076   void* CallbackContext() const;
00078   /*
00079   Description:
00080     Call Begin() one time to initialize the base64 encoding
00081     calculation.  Then call In() one or more times 
00082     to submit the unencoded stream to the base64 encoding
00083     calculation. When you reach the end of the unencoded
00084     stream, call End().
00085   Returns:
00086     true if successful, false if an error occured.
00087   */
00088   bool Begin();
00091   /*
00092   Description:
00093     Call In() one or more times to base64 encode a stream of bytes.
00094     After the last call to In(), call End().  Calling In() will
00095     result in at least in_buffer_size/57 and at most 
00096     (in_buffer_size+56)/57 calls to to the output stream handler.
00097   Parameters:
00098     in_buffer_size - [in]
00099       number of bytes in in_buffer
00100     in_buffer - [in]
00101   Returns:
00102     true if successful, false if an error occured.
00103   */
00104   bool In(
00105     ON__UINT64 in_buffer_size,
00106     const void* in_buffer
00107     );
00109   /*
00110   Description:
00111     If an explicit base 64 encoded stream output handler is not
00112     specified ( CallbackFunction() returns null ), then the 
00113     virtual Out() function is called to handle the base 64 encoded
00114     output stream.  As the input stream is encoded, one or more
00115     calls to Out() will occur.
00117     With a possible exception of the last call to Out(), when Out()
00118     is called, 57 input bytes have been encoded into 76 output 
00119     characters with ASCII codes A-Z, a-z, 0-9, +, /.
00120   Parameters:
00121     callback_context - [in]
00122       context pointer set by calling SetCallback().  Typically
00123       the context pointer is not used by a virtual override
00124       because the context can be added as member variables
00125       of the derived class, but it is available if needed.
00126     out_buffer_size - [in]
00127       number of non-null characters in out_buffer.
00128     out_buffer - [in]
00129       A null terminated ASCII string that is a base 64 encoding.
00130       out_buffer[0...(out_buffer_size-1)] are ASCII characters with
00131       values characters with ASCII codes A-Z, a-z, 0-9, +, /
00132       and out_buffer[out_buffer_size] = 0.    
00133   Returns:
00134     True to continue base 64 encodeing and false to cancel the
00135     encoding calculation.
00136   */
00137   virtual bool Out( 
00138     void* callback_context, 
00139     ON__UINT32 out_buffer_size, 
00140     const char* out_buffer 
00141     );
00143   /*
00144   Description:
00145     After the last call to In(), call End().  Calling End() may
00146     generate one call to the output stream handler with the value
00147     of out_buffer_size = 4 to 76.
00148   Returns:
00149     true if successful, false if an error occured.
00150   */
00151   bool End();
00153   /*
00154   Returns:
00155     Then the returned value is the total number bytes in the input
00156     stream. The size is updated every time In() is called before 
00157     any calls are made to the output stream handler.  If the 
00158     calculation is finished ( End() has been called ), then the
00159     returned value is the total number of bytes in the entire 
00160     input stream.
00161   */
00162   ON__UINT64 InSize() const;
00164   /*
00165   Returns:
00166     Then the returned value is the total number characters in the
00167     output stream. The size is incremented immediately after each
00168     call to the output stream handler.  If the base64 encoding
00169     calculation is finished ( End() has been called ), then the
00170     returned value is the total number of bytes in the entire 
00171     output stream.
00172   */
00173   ON__UINT64 OutSize() const;
00175   /*
00176   Returns:
00177     Then the returned value is the 32-bit crc of the input stream.
00178     The crc is updated every time In() is called before any calls
00179     are made to the output stream handler.  If the base64 encoding 
00180     calculation is finished ( End() has been called ), then the
00181     returned value is the 32-bit crc of the entire input stream.
00182   */
00183   ON__UINT32 InCRC() const;
00185   /*
00186   Returns:
00187     Then the returned value is the 32bit crc of the output stream.
00188     The crc is updated immediately after each call to the output
00189     stream handler.  If the calculation is finished ( End() has 
00190     been called ), then the returned value is the 32-bit crc of
00191     the entire output stream.
00192   */
00193   ON__UINT32 OutCRC() const;
00195 private:
00196   ON_StreamCallbackFunction m_out_callback_function;
00197   void* m_out_callback_context;
00198   ON__UINT64 m_in_size;
00199   ON__UINT64 m_out_size;
00200   ON__UINT32 m_in_crc;
00201   ON__UINT32 m_out_crc;
00202   void* m_implementation;
00203   void* m_reserved;
00205   void ErrorHandler();
00207 private:
00208   // prohibit use - no implementation
00209   ON_Base64EncodeStream(const ON_Base64EncodeStream&);
00210   ON_Base64EncodeStream& operator=(const ON_Base64EncodeStream&);
00211 };
00215 class ON_CLASS ON_DecodeBase64
00216 {
00217 public:
00218   ON_DecodeBase64();
00219   virtual ~ON_DecodeBase64();
00221   void Begin();
00223   // Decode will generate zero or more callbacks to the
00224   // virtual Output() function.  If the base 64 encoded information
00225   // is in pieces, you can call Decode() for each piece.  For example,
00226   // if your encoded information is in a text file, you might call
00227   // Decode() for every line in the file.  Decode() returns 0 if
00228   // there is nothing in base64str to decode or if it detects an
00229   // error that prevents any further decoding.  The function Error()
00230   // can be used to determine if an error occured.  Otherwise,
00231   // Decode() returns a pointer to the location in the string where
00232   // it stopped decoding because it detected a character, like a null
00233   // terminator, an end of line character, or any other character
00234   // that could not be part of the base 64 encoded information.
00235   const char* Decode(const char* base64str);
00236   const char* Decode(const char* base64str, size_t base64str_count);
00237   const wchar_t* Decode(const wchar_t* base64str);
00238   const wchar_t* Decode(const wchar_t* base64str, size_t base64str_count);
00240   // You must call End() when Decode() returns 0 or when you have
00241   // reached the end of your encoded information.  End() may
00242   // callback to Output() zero or one time.  If all the information
00243   // passed to Decode() was successfully decoded, then End()
00244   // returns true.  If something was not decoded, then End()
00245   // returns false.
00246   bool End();
00248   // Override the virtual Output() callback function to process the 
00249   // decoded output.  Each time Output() is called there are m_output_count
00250   // bytes in the m_output[] array.
00251   // Every call to Decode() can result in zero, one, or many callbacks
00252   // to Output().  Calling End() may result in zero or one callbacks
00253   // to Output().
00254   virtual void Output();
00256   // m_decode_count = total number of input base64 characters
00257   // that Decode() has decoded.
00258   unsigned int m_decode_count; 
00260   int  m_output_count; // 0 to 512
00261   unsigned char m_output[512];
00263   // Call if your Output() function detects an error and
00264   // wants to stop further decoding.
00265   void SetError();
00267   // Returns true if an error occured during decoding because
00268   // invalid input was passed to Decode().
00269   const bool Error() const;
00271 private:
00272   int m_status; // 1: error - decoding stopped
00273                 // 2: '=' encountered as 3rd char in Decode()
00274                 // 3: successfully parsed "**=="
00275                 // 4: successfully parsed "***="
00276                 // 5: End() successfully called.
00278   // cached encoded input from previous call to Decode() 
00279   int m_cache_count;
00280   int m_cache[4];
00282   void DecodeHelper1(); // decodes "**==" quartet into 1 byte
00283   void DecodeHelper2(); // decodes "***=" quartet into 2 bytes
00284 };
00290 /*
00291 class ON_CLASS ON_EncodeBase64
00292 {
00293 public:
00294   ON_EncodeBase64();
00295   virtual ~ON_EncodeBase64();
00297   void Begin();
00299   // Calling Encode will generate at least
00300   // sizeof_buffer/57 and at most (sizeof_buffer+56)/57
00301   // calls to Output().  Every callback to Output() will
00302   // have m_output_count = 76.
00303   void Encode(const void* buffer, size_t sizeof_buffer);
00305   // Calling End may generate a single call to Output()
00306   // If it does generate a single call to Output(),
00307   // then m_output_count will be between 1 and 76.
00308   void End(); // may generate a single call to Output().
00310   // With a single exception, when Output() is called,
00311   // 57 input bytes have been encoded into 76 output
00312   // characters with ASCII codes A-Z, a-z, 0-9, +, /.
00313   // m_output_count will be 76
00314   // m_output[0...(m_output_count-1)] will be the base 64
00315   // encoding.
00316   // m_output[m_output_count] = 0.
00317   // The Output() function can modify the values of m_output[]
00318   // and m_output_count anyway it wants.
00319   virtual void Output();
00321   // Total number of bytes passed to Encode().
00322   int m_encode_count;
00324   // When the virtual Output() is called, there are m_output_count (1 to 76)
00325   // characters of base64 encoded output in m_output[].  The remainder of 
00326   // the m_output[] array is zero.  The Output function may modify the
00327   // contents of m_output[] any way it sees fit.
00328   int  m_output_count;
00329   char m_output[80];
00331 private:
00332   // input waiting to be encoded
00333   // At most 56 bytes can be waiting to be processed in m_input[].
00334   unsigned int  m_unused2; // Here for alignment purposes. Never used by opennurbs.
00335   unsigned int  m_input_count;
00336   unsigned char m_input[64];
00338   void EncodeHelper1(const unsigned char*, char*);
00339   void EncodeHelper2(const unsigned char*, char*);
00340   void EncodeHelper3(const unsigned char*, char*);
00341   void EncodeHelper57(const unsigned char*);
00342 };
00343 */
00345 #endif

Author(s): Open Perception
autogenerated on Wed Aug 26 2015 15:26:59