Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * OctoMap - An Efficient Probabilistic 3D Mapping Framework Based on Octrees
00003  *
00004  *
00005  * Copyright (c) 2009-2013, K.M. Wurm and A. Hornung, University of Freiburg
00006  * All rights reserved.
00007  * License (octovis): GNU GPL v2
00008  *
00009  *
00010  *
00011  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00012  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00013  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
00014  * (at your option) any later version.
00015  *
00016  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
00017  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
00018  * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
00019  * for more details.
00020  *
00021  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
00022  * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
00023  * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
00024  */
00026 #include <octovis/CameraFollowMode.h>
00027 #include <iostream>
00029 #define CAMERA_PATH_ID 13
00030 #define ROBOT_TRAJECTORY_ID 14
00032 CameraFollowMode::CameraFollowMode(octomap::ScanGraph *graph)
00033 : QObject(), m_scan_graph(graph), m_current_scan(1), m_current_cam_frame(1), m_number_cam_frames(0),
00034   m_followRobotTrajectory(false) {
00035 }
00037 CameraFollowMode::~CameraFollowMode() {
00038 }
00041 void CameraFollowMode::jumpToFrame(unsigned int frame) {
00042   if(m_followRobotTrajectory) {
00043     if(frame <= m_scan_graph->size()) {
00044       m_current_scan = frame;
00045       octomath::Pose6D pose = m_scan_graph->getNodeByID(frame-1)->pose;
00046       emit changeCamPose(pose);
00047     }
00048   } else {
00049     m_current_cam_frame = frame;
00050     emit jumpToCamFrame(CAMERA_PATH_ID, m_current_cam_frame-1);
00051   }
00052 }
00054 void CameraFollowMode::play() {
00055   if(m_followRobotTrajectory) {
00056     emit deleteCameraPath(ROBOT_TRAJECTORY_ID);
00057     //emit appendCurrentToCameraPath(ROBOT_TRAJECTORY_ID);
00058     m_start_frame = m_current_scan;
00059     for(unsigned int i = m_start_frame; i <= m_scan_graph->size(); i++) {
00060       octomap::ScanNode* scanNode = m_scan_graph->getNodeByID(i-1);
00061       if (scanNode)
00062         emit appendToCameraPath(ROBOT_TRAJECTORY_ID, scanNode->pose);
00063       else{
00064         std::cerr << "Error in " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ <<" : invalid node ID "<< i-1 << std::endl;
00065       }
00066     }
00067     emit playCameraPath(ROBOT_TRAJECTORY_ID, 0);
00068   } else {
00069     m_start_frame = m_current_cam_frame;
00070     emit playCameraPath(CAMERA_PATH_ID, m_start_frame-1);
00071   }
00072 }
00074 void CameraFollowMode::pause() {
00075   emit stopCameraPath(CAMERA_PATH_ID);
00076   emit stopCameraPath(ROBOT_TRAJECTORY_ID);
00077 }
00080 void CameraFollowMode::setScanGraph(octomap::ScanGraph *graph) {
00081   m_scan_graph = graph;
00082   emit scanGraphAvailable(true);
00083 }
00085 void CameraFollowMode::cameraPathStopped(int id) {
00086   if(id == CAMERA_PATH_ID || id == ROBOT_TRAJECTORY_ID) {
00087     emit stopped();
00088   }
00089 }
00091 void CameraFollowMode::cameraPathFrameChanged(int id, int current_camera_frame) {
00092   if(m_followRobotTrajectory) {
00093     m_current_scan = m_start_frame + current_camera_frame;
00094     emit frameChanged(m_current_scan);
00095   } else {
00096     m_current_cam_frame = m_start_frame + current_camera_frame;
00097     emit frameChanged(m_current_cam_frame);
00098   }
00099 }
00101 void CameraFollowMode::clearCameraPath() {
00102   emit deleteCameraPath(CAMERA_PATH_ID);
00103   m_current_cam_frame = 1;
00104   m_number_cam_frames = 0;
00105   emit frameChanged(m_current_cam_frame);
00106   emit changeNumberOfFrames(m_number_cam_frames);
00107 }
00109 void CameraFollowMode::saveToCameraPath() {
00110   emit updateCameraPath(CAMERA_PATH_ID, m_current_cam_frame-1);
00111 }
00113 void CameraFollowMode::addToCameraPath() {
00114   emit addCurrentToCameraPath(CAMERA_PATH_ID, m_current_cam_frame-1);
00115   m_number_cam_frames++;
00116   if(m_number_cam_frames == 1) m_current_cam_frame = 1;
00117   else m_current_cam_frame++;
00118   emit frameChanged(m_current_cam_frame);
00119   emit changeNumberOfFrames(m_number_cam_frames);
00120 }
00122 void CameraFollowMode::removeFromCameraPath() {
00123   if(m_number_cam_frames>0) {
00124     emit removeFromCameraPath(CAMERA_PATH_ID, m_current_cam_frame-1);
00125     m_number_cam_frames--;
00126     emit changeNumberOfFrames(m_number_cam_frames);
00127   }
00128 }
00130 void CameraFollowMode::followCameraPath() {
00131   m_followRobotTrajectory = false;
00132   emit frameChanged(m_current_cam_frame);
00133   emit changeNumberOfFrames(m_number_cam_frames);
00134 }
00136 void CameraFollowMode::followRobotPath() {
00137   if(m_scan_graph) {
00138     m_followRobotTrajectory = true;
00139     emit frameChanged(m_current_scan);
00140     emit changeNumberOfFrames(m_scan_graph->size());
00141   }
00142 }

Author(s): Kai M. Wurm , Armin Hornung
autogenerated on Thu Aug 27 2015 14:13:26