^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Changelog for package moveit_setup_assistant ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 0.5.9 (2014-03-22) ------------------ * Fixed bug 82 in a quick way by reducing min size. * Fix for issue `#70 `_: support yaml-cpp 0.5+ (new api). * Generate joint_limits.yaml using ordered joints * Ensures that group name changes are reflected in the end effectors and robot poses screens as well * Prevent dirty transforms warning * Cleaned up stray cout's * Contributors: Benjamin Chretien, Dave Coleman, Dave Hershberger, Sachin Chitta 0.5.8 (2014-02-06) ------------------ * Update move_group.launch Adding get planning scene service to template launch file. * Fix `#42 ` plus cosmetic param name change. * Contributors: Acorn, Dave Hershberger, sachinchitta 0.5.7 (2014-01-03) ------------------ * Added back-link to tutorial and updated moveit website URL. * Ported tutorial from wiki to sphinx in source repo. 0.5.6 (2013-12-31) ------------------ * Fix compilation on OS X 10.9 (clang) * Contributors: Nikolaus Demmel, isucan 0.5.5 (2013-12-03) ------------------ * fix `#64 `_. * Added Travis Continuous Integration 0.5.4 (2013-10-11) ------------------ * Added optional params so user knows they exist - values remain same 0.5.3 (2013-09-23) ------------------ * enable publishing more information for demo.launch * Added 2 deps needed for some of the launch files generated by the setup assistant * add source param for joint_state_publisher * Added default octomap_resolution to prevent warning when move_group starts. Added comments. * generate config files for fake controllers * port to new robot state API 0.5.2 (2013-08-16) ------------------ * fix `#50 `_ * fix `#52 `_ 0.5.1 (2013-08-13) ------------------ * make headers and author definitions aligned the same way; white space fixes * add debug flag to demo.launch template * default scene alpha is now 1.0 * add robot_state_publisher dependency for generated pkgs * disable mongodb creation by default in demo.launch * add dependency on joint_state_publisher for generated config pkgs 0.5.0 (2013-07-15) ------------------ * white space fixes (tabs are now spaces) * fix `#49 `_ 0.4.1 (2013-06-26) ------------------ * fix `#44 `_ * detect when xacro needs to be run and generate planning_context.launch accordingly * fix `#46 `_ * refactor how planners are added to ompl_planning.yaml; include PRM & PRMstar, remove LazyRRT * change defaults per `#47 `_ * SRDFWriter: add initModel() method for initializing from an existing urdf/srdf model in memory. * SRDFWriter: add INCLUDE_DIRS to catkin_package command so srdf_writer.h can be used by other packages. * git add option for minimum fraction of 'sometimes in collision' * fix `#41 `_