Joystick Control of Rviz Interactive Markers @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Run ================== Startup regular MoveIt! planning node with Rviz (for example demo.launch) In the Motion Planning plugin of Rviz, enable "Allow External Comm." checkbox in the ``Planning`` tab. Now launch the joystick control launch file specific to your robot. If you are missing this file, first re-run the MoveIt! Setup Assistant using the latest version of the Setup Assistant: roslaunch YOURROBOT_moveit_config joystick_control.launch The script defaults to using ``/dev/input/js0`` for your game controller port. To customize, you can also use, for example: roslaunch YOURROBOT_moveit_config joystick_control.launch dev:=/dev/input/js1 This script can read three types of joy sticks: 1. XBox360 Controller via USB 2. PS3 Controller via USB 3. PS3 Contrlller via Bluetooth (Please use ps3joy package ) Joystick Command Mappings ================== Command | PS3 Controller | Xbox Controller | --------------------- | ------------------ | ------------------ | +-x/y | left analog stick | left analog stick | +-z | L2/R2 | LT/RT | +-yaw | L1/R1 | LB/RB | +-roll | left/right | left/right | +-pitch | up/down | up/down | change planning group | select/start | Y/A | change end effector | triangle/cross | back/start | plan | square | X | execute | circle | B | Debugging ================== Add "Pose" to rviz Displays and subscribe to ``/joy_pose`` in order to see the output from joystick. Note that only planning groups that have IK solvers for all their End Effector parent groups will work.