Source code for master_discovery_fkie.master_discovery

# Software License Agreement (BSD License)
# Copyright (c) 2012, Fraunhofer FKIE/US, Alexander Tiderko
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
# are met:
#  * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
#  * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
#    copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
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import threading
import xmlrpclib
import sys
import socket
import time
import struct
from urlparse import urlparse

import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('master_discovery_fkie')
import rospy

import std_srvs.srv

try: # to avoid the problems with autodoc on site
  from multimaster_msgs_fkie.msg import LinkState, LinkStatesStamped, MasterState, ROSMaster#, SyncMasterInfo, SyncTopicInfo
  from multimaster_msgs_fkie.srv import DiscoverMasters, DiscoverMastersResponse#, GetSyncInfo
from master_monitor import MasterMonitor, MasterConnectionException
from udp import McastSocket

[docs]class DiscoveredMaster(object): ''' The class stores all information about the remote ROS master and the all received heartbeat messages of the remote node. On first contact a theaded connection to remote discoverer will be established to get additional information about the ROS master. :param monitoruri: The URI of the remote RPC server, which moniter the ROS master :type monitoruri: str :param heartbeat_rate: The remote rate, which is used to send the heartbeat messages. :type heartbeat_rate: float (Default: `1.``) :param timestamp: The timestamp of the state of the remoter ROS master :type timestamp: float (Default: ``0``) :param timestamp_local: The timestamp of the state of the remoter ROS master, without the changes maked while a synchronization. :type timestamp_local: float (Default: ``0``) :param callback_master_state: the callback method to publish the changes of the ROS masters :type callback_master_state: `master_discovery_fkie.msg.MasterState <>`_} (Default: ``None``) ''' MIN_HZ_FOR_QUALILTY = 0.3 ERR_RESOLVE_NAME = 1 ERR_SOCKET = 2 def __init__(self, monitoruri, heartbeat_rate=1., timestamp=0.0, timestamp_local=0.0, callback_master_state=None): ''' Initialize method for the DiscoveredMaster class. :param monitoruri: The URI of the remote RPC server, which moniter the ROS master :type monitoruri: str :param heartbeat_rate: The remote rate, which is used to send the heartbeat messages. :type heartbeat_rate: float (Default: `1.``) :param timestamp: The timestamp of the state of the remoter ROS master :type timestamp: float (Default: ``0``) :param timestamp_local: The timestamp of the state of the remoter ROS master, without the changes maked while a synchronization. :type timestamp_local: float (Default: ``0``) :param callback_master_state: the callback method to publish the changes of the ROS masters :type callback_master_state: `master_discovery_fkie.msg.MasterState <>`_} (Default: ``None``) ''' self.__lock = threading.RLock() self.masteruri = None self.mastername = None self.timestamp = timestamp self.timestamp_local = timestamp_local self.discoverername = None self.monitoruri = monitoruri self.heartbeat_rate = heartbeat_rate self.heartbeats = list() self.requests = list() self.last_heartbeat_ts = time.time() = False self.callback_master_state = callback_master_state # The requests are sent using unicast messages. count_requests holds the # unanswered count of request. self.count_requests = 0 self._errors = dict() #ERR_*, msg self.masteruriaddr = None # create a thread to retrieve additional information about the remote ROS master self._retrieveThread = threading.Thread(target = self.__retrieve_masterinfo) self._retrieveThread.setDaemon(True) self._retrieveThread.start()
[docs] def add_heartbeat(self, timestamp, timestamp_local, rate): ''' Adds a new heartbeat measurement. If it is a new timestamp a ROS message about the change of this ROS master will be published into ROS network. :param timestamp: The new timestamp of the ROS master state :type timestamp: float :param timestamp_local: The timestamp of the state of the remoter ROS master, without the changes maked while a synchronization. :type timestamp_local: float (Default: ``0``) :param rate: The remote rate, which is used to send the heartbeat messages. If the rate is zero the heartbeat is ignored. :type rate: float :return: ``True`` on changes :rtype: bool ''' result = False cur_time = time.time() self.last_heartbeat_ts = cur_time self.count_requests = 0 # publish new master state, if the timestamp is changed if (self.timestamp != timestamp or not or self.timestamp_local != timestamp_local): self.timestamp = timestamp self.timestamp_local = timestamp_local if not (self.masteruri is None): #set the state to 'online' = True if not (self.callback_master_state is None): self.callback_master_state(MasterState(MasterState.STATE_CHANGED, ROSMaster(str(self.mastername), self.masteruri, self.timestamp, self.timestamp_local,, self.discoverername, self.monitoruri))) result = True if rate >= DiscoveredMaster.MIN_HZ_FOR_QUALILTY: # reset the list, if the heartbeat is changed if self.heartbeat_rate != rate: self.heartbeat_rate = rate self.heartbeats = list() self.heartbeats.append(cur_time) return result
[docs] def add_request(self, timestamp): self.count_requests += 1 self.requests.append(timestamp)
[docs] def remove_heartbeats(self, timestamp): ''' Removes all hearbeat measurements, which are older as the given timestamp. :param timestamp: heartbeats older this timestamp will be removed. :type timestamp: float :return: the count of removed heartbeats :rtype: int ''' do_remove = True # remove the requests while do_remove: if len(self.requests) > 0 and self.requests[0] < timestamp: del self.requests[0] else: do_remove = False do_remove = True removed = 0 while do_remove: if len(self.heartbeats) > 0 and self.heartbeats[0] < timestamp: del self.heartbeats[0] removed = removed + 1 else: do_remove = False return removed
[docs] def set_offline(self): ''' Sets this master to offline and publish the new state to the ROS network. ''' if not self.callback_master_state is None and rospy.loginfo('Set host to offline: %s'%self.mastername) self.callback_master_state(MasterState(MasterState.STATE_CHANGED, ROSMaster(str(self.mastername), self.masteruri, self.timestamp, self.timestamp_local, False, self.discoverername, self.monitoruri))) = False
[docs] def get_quality(self, interval=5, offline_after=1.4): ''' Calculates the link quality to this master. ''' quality = -1.0 if not (self.mastername is None) and self.heartbeat_rate >= self.MIN_HZ_FOR_QUALILTY: measurement_duration = interval if self.heartbeat_rate < 1.: measurement_duration = interval / self.heartbeat_rate current_time = time.time() # remove all heartbeats, which are to old ts_oldest = current_time - measurement_duration removed_ts = self.remove_heartbeats(ts_oldest) # sets the master offline if the last received heartbeat is to old if current_time - self.last_heartbeat_ts > (measurement_duration * offline_after): self.set_offline() # calculate the quality for inly online masters if beats_count = len(self.heartbeats) expected_count = self.heartbeat_rate * measurement_duration + len(self.requests) if expected_count > 0: quality = float(beats_count) / float(expected_count) * 100.0 if quality > 100.0: quality = 100.0 return quality
[docs] def errors(self): result = dict() with self.__lock: for k,v in self._errors.items(): result[k] = v return result
def _add_error(self, error_id, msg): with self.__lock: if id not in self._errors: self._errors[error_id] = msg def _del_error(self, error_id): try: with self.__lock: del self._errors[error_id] except: pass def __retrieve_masterinfo(self): ''' Connects to the remote RPC server of the discoverer node and gets the information about the Master URI, name of the service, and other. The ``getMasterInfo()`` method will be used. On problems the connection will be reestablished until the information will be get successful. ''' if not (self.monitoruri is None): while self._retrieveThread.is_alive() and not rospy.is_shutdown() and (self.mastername is None): try: remote_monitor = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(self.monitoruri) timestamp, masteruri, mastername, nodename, monitoruri = remote_monitor.masterContacts() self._del_error(self.ERR_SOCKET) except: import traceback msg = "socket error: %s"%traceback.format_exc() rospy.logwarn(msg) self._add_error(self.ERR_SOCKET, msg) time.sleep(1) else: if float(timestamp) != 0: self.masteruri = masteruri self.mastername = mastername self.discoverername = nodename # self.monitoruri = monitoruri self.timestamp = float(timestamp) = True #resolve the masteruri. Print an error if not reachable try: o = urlparse(self.masteruri) self.masteruriaddr = socket.gethostbyname(o.hostname) self._del_error(self.ERR_RESOLVE_NAME) except socket.gaierror: import traceback print traceback.format_exc() msg = "Master discovered with not known hostname ROS_MASTER_URI:='%s'. Fix your network settings and restart master_dicovery!"%str(self.masteruri) rospy.logwarn(msg) self._add_error(self.ERR_RESOLVE_NAME, msg) time.sleep(10) else: #publish new node if not (self.callback_master_state is None): rospy.loginfo("Added master with ROS_MASTER_URI=%s"%(self.masteruri)) self.callback_master_state(MasterState(MasterState.STATE_NEW, ROSMaster(str(self.mastername), self.masteruri, self.timestamp, self.timestamp,, self.discoverername, self.monitoruri))) else: time.sleep(1)
[docs]class Discoverer(object): ''' The class to publish the current state of the ROS master. Discovering is done by hearbeats: Each master discovery node sends to a multicast group periodically messages with current state. If the frequency is less than 0.3 the detected changes on ROS master are published immediately. The current state is described by timestamp of last change. The frequency of heartbeats can be changed by `~heartbeat_hz` parameter. If hearbeats are disabled (`~heartbeat_hz` is zero) each master discovery node sends on start three notification messages and requests. If for a host no more heartbeat are received while `ACTIVE_REQUEST_AFTER (60 sec)` a request to this host will be sent as an unicast message. After five unanswered requests the host state will be changed to `offline`. After `REMOVE_AFTER (300 sec)` the host will be removed. :param mcast_port: The port used to publish and receive the multicast messages. :type mcast_port: int :param mcast_group: The IPv4 or IPv6 multicast group used for discovering over nodes. :type mcast_group: str :param monitor_port: The port of the RPC Server, used to get more information about the ROS master. :type monitor_port: int ''' VERSION = 2 '''the version of the packet format described by ``HEARTBEAT_FMT`` :Version 1: 'cBBiiH' :: one character 'R' unsigned char: version of the hearbeat message unsigned char: rate of the heartbeat message in HZ*10. Maximal rate: 25.5 Hz -> value 255 int: secs of the ROS Master state int: nsecs of the ROS Master state unsigned short: the port number of the RPC Server of the remote ROS-Core monitor :Version 2: 'cBBiiHii' :: ``Version 1`` int: secs of the ROS Master state (only local changes). Changes while sync will be ignored. int: nsecs of the ROS Master state (only local changes). Changes while sync will be ignored. :Version 3: 'cBBiiHii' :: ``Version 2`` if the timestamp of ROS Master state is zero, the reply as unicast message will be send to the sender. ''' HEARTBEAT_FMT = 'cBBiiHii' ''' packet format description, see: ''' HEARTBEAT_HZ = 0.02 ''' the send rate of the heartbeat packets in hz. Zero disables the heartbeats. (Default: 0.02 Hz) Only values between 0.1 and 25.5 are used to detemine the link quality. ''' MEASUREMENT_INTERVALS = 5 ''' the count of intervals (1 sec) used for a quality calculation. If `HEARTBEAT_HZ` is smaller then 1, `MEASUREMENT_INTERVALS` will be divided by `HEARTBEAT_HZ` value. (Default: 5 sec are used to determine the link qaulity)''' TIMEOUT_FACTOR = 1.4 ''' the timeout is defined by calculated measurement duration multiplied by `TIMEOUT_FAKTOR`. ''' ROSMASTER_HZ = 1 ''' the test rate of ROS master state in Hz (Default: 1 Hz). ''' REMOVE_AFTER = 300 ''' remove an offline host after this time in [sec] (Default: 300 sec). ''' ACTIVE_REQUEST_AFTER = 60 ''' send an update request, if after this time no hearbeats are received [sec] (Default: 60 sec). ''' INIT_NOTIFICATION_COUNT = 3 ''' the count of heartbeats and update request to send at the start (Default: 3 sec). It will be send with 1Hz. Only used if `HEARTBEAT_HZ` is zero. ''' OFFLINE_AFTER_REQUEST_COUNT = 5 ''' After this unanswered count of requests for update the remote master is set to offline state (Default: 5 sec). The requests are send after `ACTIVE_REQUEST_AFTER` with `ROSMASTER_HZ`. ''' CHANGE_NOTIFICATION_COUNT = 3 ''' After the ROS master was changed the new state will be sent for `CHANGE_NOTIFICATION_COUNT` times (Default: 3 sec). The new state will be sent with `ROSMASTER_HZ` and only if `HEARTBEAT_HZ` is zero. ''' NETPACKET_SIZE = 68 def __init__(self, mcast_port, mcast_group, monitor_port): ''' Initialize method for the Discoverer class :param mcast_port: The port used to publish and receive the multicast messages. :type mcast_port: int :param mcast_group: The IPv4 or IPv6 multicast group used for discovering over nodes. :type mcast_group: str :param monitor_port: The port of the RPC Server, used to get more information about the ROS master. :type monitor_port: int ''' # threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.do_finish = False self.__lock = threading.RLock() # the list with all ROS master neighbors self.masters = dict() # (ip, DiscoveredMaster) # this parameter stores the state of the remote nodes. If the state is changed # the cache for contacts of remote nodes will be cleared. self._changed = False self.ROSMASTER_HZ = rospy.get_param('~rosmaster_hz', Discoverer.ROSMASTER_HZ) self.HEARTBEAT_HZ = rospy.get_param('~heartbeat_hz', Discoverer.HEARTBEAT_HZ) self.MEASUREMENT_INTERVALS = rospy.get_param('~measurement_intervals', Discoverer.MEASUREMENT_INTERVALS) self.TIMEOUT_FACTOR = rospy.get_param('~timeout_factor', Discoverer.TIMEOUT_FACTOR) self.REMOVE_AFTER = rospy.get_param('~remove_after', Discoverer.REMOVE_AFTER) self.ACTIVE_REQUEST_AFTER = rospy.get_param('~active_request_after', Discoverer.ACTIVE_REQUEST_AFTER) self.robots = rospy.get_param('~robot_hosts', []) self.CHANGE_NOTIFICATION_COUNT = rospy.get_param('~change_notification_count', Discoverer.CHANGE_NOTIFICATION_COUNT) self._current_change_notification_count = 0 self._send_mcast = rospy.get_param('~send_mcast', True) # for cases with more then one master_discovery on the same host and # heartbeat rate is less then 0.1. In this case we have to send a multicast # request reply, because we are bind to the same port. Unicast replies are # not forward to the same port only once. self._addresses = dict() # {address : (int) ocurres} # some parameter checks and info outputs if not self._send_mcast and not self.robots: rospy.logwarn("This master_discovery is invisible because it send no heart beat messages!") rospy.loginfo("Check the ROS Master[Hz]: " + str(self.ROSMASTER_HZ)) # if (self.HEARTBEAT_HZ > 0. and self.HEARTBEAT_HZ < 0.1) or self.HEARTBEAT_HZ < 0: # rospy.logwarn("Heart beat [Hz]: %s is increased to 0.1"%self.HEARTBEAT_HZ) # self.HEARTBEAT_HZ = 0.1 if self.HEARTBEAT_HZ < 0.: rospy.logwarn("Heart beat [Hz]: %s is increased to 0.02"%self.HEARTBEAT_HZ) self.HEARTBEAT_HZ = 0.02 if self.HEARTBEAT_HZ > 25.5: rospy.logwarn("Heart beat [Hz]: %s is decreased to 25.5"%self.HEARTBEAT_HZ) self.HEARTBEAT_HZ = 25.5 else: rospy.loginfo("Heart beat [Hz]: %s"%(self.HEARTBEAT_HZ)) rospy.loginfo("Active request after [sec]: %s"%self.ACTIVE_REQUEST_AFTER) rospy.loginfo("Remove after [sec]: %s"%self.REMOVE_AFTER) if self.REMOVE_AFTER <= self.ACTIVE_REQUEST_AFTER: rospy.logwarn("'Active request after' should be less than 'remove after' to avoid removing masters from list!") rospy.loginfo("Robot hosts: " + str(self.robots)) if self.HEARTBEAT_HZ > 0.: rospy.loginfo("Approx. mininum network load: %s bytes/s"%str(self.HEARTBEAT_HZ * (self.NETPACKET_SIZE*(len(self.robots) + 1 if self._send_mcast else 0)))) self.current_check_hz = self.ROSMASTER_HZ self.pubstats = rospy.Publisher("~linkstats", LinkStatesStamped, queue_size=1) # test the reachability of the ROS master local_addr = if (local_addr in ['localhost', '']): sys.exit("'%s' is not reachable for other systems. Change the ROS_MASTER_URI!"% local_addr) self.mcast_port = mcast_port self.mcast_group = mcast_group rospy.loginfo("Start broadcasting at ('%s', %d)", mcast_group, mcast_port) self._init_mcast_socket(True) # initialize the ROS publishers self.pubchanges = rospy.Publisher("~changes", MasterState, queue_size=10) # initialize the ROS services rospy.Service('~list_masters', DiscoverMasters, self.rosservice_list_masters) rospy.Service('~refresh', std_srvs.srv.Empty, self.rosservice_refresh) # create a thread to handle the received multicast messages self._recvThread = threading.Thread(target = self.recv_loop) self._recvThread.setDaemon(True) self._recvThread.start() # create a thread to monitor the ROS master state self.master_monitor = MasterMonitor(monitor_port, ipv6=self._is_ipv6_group(mcast_group)) # create timer to check for ros master changes self._timer_ros_changes = threading.Timer(0.1, self.checkROSMaster_loop) # self._masterMonitorThread = threading.Thread(target = self.checkROSMaster_loop) # self._masterMonitorThread.setDaemon(True) # self._masterMonitorThread.start() # create a timer monitor the offline ROS master and calculate the link qualities self._timer_stats = threading.Timer(1, self.timed_stats_calculation) # create timer and paramter for heartbeat notifications self._init_notifications = 0 # disable parameter, if HEARTBEAT_HZ is active (> zero) if self.HEARTBEAT_HZ > DiscoveredMaster.MIN_HZ_FOR_QUALILTY: self._init_notifications = self.INIT_NOTIFICATION_COUNT self._current_change_notification_count = self.CHANGE_NOTIFICATION_COUNT self._timer_heartbeat = threading.Timer(1.0, self.send_heardbeat) # set the callback to finish all running threads rospy.on_shutdown(self.finish)
[docs] def start(self): self._timer_ros_changes.start() self._timer_stats.start() self._timer_heartbeat.start()
def _is_ipv6_group(self, addr): try: socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, addr) return True except: pass return False def _init_mcast_socket(self, doexit_on_error=False): rospy.loginfo("Init multicast socket") # create the multicast socket and join the multicast group self.msocket = msocket = McastSocket(self.mcast_port, self.mcast_group) # msocket.settimeout(3.0) if not msocket.hasEnabledMulticastIface() and doexit_on_error: sys.exit("No enabled multicast interfaces available!\nAdd multicast support e.g. sudo ifconfig eth0 multicast")
[docs] def finish(self, *arg): ''' Callback called on exit of the ros node and publish the empty list of ROSMasters. ''' # publish all master as removed with self.__lock: # tell other loops to finish self.do_finish = True # finish the RPC server and timer self.master_monitor.shutdown() for (_, v) in self.masters.iteritems(): if not v.mastername is None: self.publish_masterstate(MasterState(MasterState.STATE_REMOVED, ROSMaster(str(v.mastername), v.masteruri, v.timestamp, v.timestamp_local,, v.discoverername, v.monitoruri))) try: self._timer_ros_changes.cancel() except: pass try: self._timer_heartbeat.cancel() except: pass try: self._timer_stats.cancel() except: pass # send notification that the master is going off msg = struct.pack(Discoverer.HEARTBEAT_FMT,'R', Discoverer.VERSION, int(self.HEARTBEAT_HZ*10), -1, -1, self.master_monitor.rpcport, -1, -1) self.msocket.send2group(msg) # send as unicast for a in self.robots: self.msocket.send2addr(msg, a) time.sleep(0.2) self.msocket.close()
[docs] def send_heardbeat(self): ''' Sends current state as heartbeat messages to defined multicast group. If the Discoverer.HEARTBEAT_HZ is greather then zero a timer will be started to send heartbeat messages periodically. This message will also send on start of the discoverer. ''' with self.__lock: # stop the current running timer, if this method was invoked outside of the timer try: self._timer_heartbeat.cancel() except: pass # publish the current state if not (self.master_monitor.getMasteruri() is None or rospy.is_shutdown() or self.do_finish): self._send_current_state2group() try: # send update requests to group if self._init_notifications < self.INIT_NOTIFICATION_COUNT: self._init_notifications +=1 self._send_request2group() # send update requests to predefined robot hosts for a in self.robots: self._send_request2addr(a) except Exception as e: rospy.logwarn(e) self._init_mcast_socket() if not self.do_finish and (self.HEARTBEAT_HZ > 0. or self._init_notifications < self.INIT_NOTIFICATION_COUNT): sleeptime = 1.0/self.HEARTBEAT_HZ if self.HEARTBEAT_HZ > 0. else 1.0 self._timer_heartbeat = threading.Timer(sleeptime, self.send_heardbeat) self._timer_heartbeat.start()
def _send_current_state2group(self): try: msg = self._create_current_state_msg() if not msg is None: if self._send_mcast: rospy.logdebug('Send current state to mcast group %s:%s'%(self.mcast_group, self.mcast_port)) self.msocket.send2group(msg) else: # to receive own messages, send to localhost rospy.logdebug('Send current state only to localhost:%s'%(self.mcast_port)) self.msocket.send2addr(msg, 'localhost') except Exception as e: rospy.logwarn('Send current state to mcast group %s:%s failed: %s\n'%(self.mcast_group, self.mcast_port, e)) self._init_mcast_socket() def _send_current_state2addr(self, address): try: msg = self._create_current_state_msg() if not msg is None: if self._send_mcast: rospy.logdebug('Send current state to addr %s'%(address)) self.msocket.send2addr(msg, address) if self._is_multi_address(address): self._send_current_state2group() except Exception as e: rospy.logwarn("Send current state to '%s' failed: %s"%(address, e)) self._init_mcast_socket() def _send_request2group(self): try: rospy.logdebug('Send request to mcast group %s:%s'%(self.mcast_group, self.mcast_port)) current_time = time.time() for (_, v) in self.masters.iteritems(): v.add_request(current_time) self.msocket.send2group(self._create_request_update_msg()) except Exception as e: rospy.logwarn("Send request to mcast group %s:%s' failed: %s"%(self.mcast_group, self.mcast_port, e)) def _send_request2addr(self, address, master=None): try: rospy.logdebug('Send a request for update: %s'%address) self.msocket.send2addr(self._create_request_update_msg(), address) if self._is_multi_address(address): self._send_request2group() if not master is None: master.add_request(time.time()) except Exception as e: rospy.logwarn("Send to robot host '%s' failed: %s"%(address, e)) def _create_current_state_msg(self): t = 0 local_t = 0 if not self.master_monitor.getCurrentState() is None: t = self.master_monitor.getCurrentState().timestamp local_t = self.master_monitor.getCurrentState().timestamp_local return struct.pack(Discoverer.HEARTBEAT_FMT,'R', Discoverer.VERSION, int(self.HEARTBEAT_HZ*10), int(t), int((t-(int(t))) * 1000000000), self.master_monitor.rpcport, int(local_t), int((local_t-(int(local_t))) * 1000000000)) return None def _create_request_update_msg(self): version = Discoverer.VERSION if Discoverer.VERSION > 2 else 3 msg = struct.pack(Discoverer.HEARTBEAT_FMT,'R', version, int(self.HEARTBEAT_HZ*10), 0, 0, self.master_monitor.rpcport, 0, 0) return msg
[docs] def checkROSMaster_loop(self): ''' The method test periodically the state of the ROS master. The new state will be published as heartbeat messages. :mod:`master_discovery_fkie.master_monitor.MasterMonitor.checkState()` ''' import os try_count = 0 if (not rospy.is_shutdown()) and not self.do_finish: try: cputimes = os.times() cputime_init = cputimes[0] + cputimes[1] self.update_master_errors() if self.master_monitor.checkState(self._changed): # publish the new state if frequetly publishing is disabled if not self.do_finish and self.HEARTBEAT_HZ < DiscoveredMaster.MIN_HZ_FOR_QUALILTY: self.send_heardbeat() self._current_change_notification_count = 0 with self.__lock: self._changed = False # repeat the last change for `CHANGE_NOTIFICATION_COUNT` times if 0 < self._current_change_notification_count < self.CHANGE_NOTIFICATION_COUNT: self._current_change_notification_count += 1 self.send_heardbeat() # adapt the check rate to the CPU usage time cputimes = os.times() cputime = cputimes[0] + cputimes[1] - cputime_init if self.current_check_hz*cputime > 0.20: self.current_check_hz = float(self.current_check_hz)/2.0 elif self.current_check_hz*cputime < 0.10 and float(self.current_check_hz)*2.0 < self.ROSMASTER_HZ: self.current_check_hz = float(self.current_check_hz)*2.0 try_count = 0 except MasterConnectionException, e: try_count = try_count + 1 if try_count == 5: rospy.logerr("Communication with ROS Master failed: %s", e) # remove offline hosts or request updates self._remove_offline_hosts() # setup timer for next ROS master state check self._timer_ros_changes = threading.Timer(1.0/self.current_check_hz, self.checkROSMaster_loop) self._timer_ros_changes.start()
def _remove_offline_hosts(self): with self.__lock: current_time = time.time() to_remove = [] for (k, v) in self.masters.iteritems(): ts_since_last_hb = current_time - v.last_heartbeat_ts ts_since_last_request = current_time - (v.requests[-1] if v.requests else v.last_heartbeat_ts) if self.REMOVE_AFTER > 0 and ts_since_last_hb > self.REMOVE_AFTER: to_remove.append(k) if not v.mastername is None: self.publish_masterstate(MasterState(MasterState.STATE_REMOVED, ROSMaster(str(v.mastername), v.masteruri, v.timestamp, v.timestamp_local,, v.discoverername, v.monitoruri))) # request updates elif ts_since_last_request > self.ACTIVE_REQUEST_AFTER or (v.count_requests > 0 and if v.count_requests >= self.OFFLINE_AFTER_REQUEST_COUNT: v.set_offline() self._send_request2addr(k[0][0], v) for r in to_remove: rospy.logdebug("Remove master discovery: http://%s:%s"%(r[0][0], r[1])) self._rem_address(r[0][0]) del self.masters[r]
[docs] def recv_loop(self): ''' This method handles the received multicast messages. ''' while self.msocket and (not rospy.is_shutdown()) and not self.do_finish: try: (msg, address) = self.msocket.recvfrom(1024) except socket.timeout: # rospy.logwarn("TIMOUT ignored") pass except socket.error: import traceback rospy.logwarn("socket error: %s", traceback.format_exc()) else: if not self.do_finish: try: (version, msg_tuple) = self.msg2masterState(msg, address) if (version in [2, 3]): add_to_list = False (r, version, rate, secs, nsecs, monitor_port, secs_l, nsecs_l) = msg_tuple master_key = (address, monitor_port) # is it a request to update the state if version >= 3 and secs == 0 and nsecs == 0: # send the current master state to the sender address # if send_mcast is disabled responce only to local requests if (self._send_mcast or address[0].startswith('127')): with self.__lock: self._send_current_state2addr(address[0]) add_to_list = not master_key in self.masters # remove master if sec and nsec are -1 elif secs == -1 or secs_l == -1: with self.__lock: if self.masters.has_key(master_key): master = self.masters[master_key] if not master.mastername is None: self.publish_masterstate(MasterState(MasterState.STATE_REMOVED, ROSMaster(str(master.mastername), master.masteruri, master.timestamp, master.timestamp_local, False, master.discoverername, master.monitoruri))) rospy.loginfo("Remove master discovery: http://%s:%s, with ROS_MASTER_URI=%s"%(address[0], monitor_port, master.masteruri)) self._rem_address(address[0]) del self.masters[master_key] # update the timestamp of existing master elif self.masters.has_key(master_key): with self.__lock: changed = self.masters[master_key].add_heartbeat(float(secs)+float(nsecs)/1000000000.0, float(secs_l)+float(nsecs_l)/1000000000.0, float(rate)/10.0,) if not self._changed: self._changed = changed # or create <a new master else: add_to_list = True if add_to_list: with self.__lock: rospy.loginfo("Detected master discovery: http://%s:%s"%(address[0], monitor_port)) self._add_address(address[0]) self.masters[master_key] = DiscoveredMaster(monitoruri=''.join(['http://', address[0],':',str(monitor_port)]), heartbeat_rate=float(rate)/10.0, timestamp=float(secs)+float(nsecs)/1000000000.0, timestamp_local=float(secs_l)+float(nsecs_l)/1000000000.0, callback_master_state=self.publish_masterstate) except Exception, e: # import traceback # print traceback.format_exc() rospy.logwarn("Error while decode message: %s", str(e))
def _is_multi_address(self, address): return address in self._addresses and self._addresses[address] > 1 def _add_address(self, address): if address in self._addresses: self._addresses[address] += 1 else: self._addresses[address] = 1 def _rem_address(self, address): if address in self._addresses: self._addresses[address] -= 1 if self._addresses[address] == 0: del self._addresses[address] @classmethod
[docs] def msg2masterState(cls, msg, address): ''' :return: parses the hearbeat message and return a tuple of version and values corresponding with current version of message. :mod:`master_discovery_fkie.master_discovery.Discoverer.HEARTBEAT_FMT` :raise: Exception on invalid message :rtype: (``unsigned char``, tuple corresponding to :mod:`master_discovery_fkie.master_discovery.Discoverer.HEARTBEAT_FMT`) ''' if len(msg) > 2: (r,) = struct.unpack('c', msg[0]) (version,) = struct.unpack('B', msg[1]) if (version in [Discoverer.VERSION, 2, 3]): if (r == 'R'): if len(msg) == struct.calcsize(Discoverer.HEARTBEAT_FMT): return (version, struct.unpack(Discoverer.HEARTBEAT_FMT, msg)) else: raise Exception("wrong initial discovery message char %s received from %s"%(r, address)) elif (version > Discoverer.VERSION): raise Exception("newer heartbeat version %s (own: %s) from %s detected, please update your master_discovery"%(version, Discoverer.VERSION, address)) elif (version < Discoverer.VERSION): raise Exception("old heartbeat version %s detected (current: %s), please update master_discovery on %s"%(version, Discoverer.VERSION, address)) else: raise Exception("heartbeat version %s expected, received: %s"%(Discoverer.VERSION, version)) raise Exception("massage is to small")
[docs] def timed_stats_calculation(self): ''' This method will be called by a timer and has two jobs: 1. set the masters offline, if no heartbeat messages are received a long time 2. calculate the quality of known links ''' result = LinkStatesStamped() current_time = time.time() result.header.stamp.secs = int(current_time) result.header.stamp.nsecs = int((current_time - result.header.stamp.secs) * 1000000000) with self.__lock: for (_, v) in self.masters.iteritems(): quality = v.get_quality(self.MEASUREMENT_INTERVALS, self.TIMEOUT_FACTOR) if not (v.mastername is None) and result.links.append(LinkState(v.mastername, quality)) #publish the results self.publish_stats(result) try: if not rospy.is_shutdown(): self._timer_stats = threading.Timer(1, self.timed_stats_calculation) self._timer_stats.start() except: pass
[docs] def publish_masterstate(self, master_state): ''' Publishes the given state to the ROS network. This method is thread safe. :param master_state: the master state to publish :type master_state: `master_discovery_fkie.msg.MasterState <>`_ ''' with self.__lock: try: self.pubchanges.publish(master_state) except: import traceback traceback.print_exc()
[docs] def publish_stats(self, stats): ''' Publishes the link quality states to the ROS network.This method is thread safe. :param stats: the link quality states to publish :type stats: `master_discovery_fkie.msg.LinkStatesStamped <>`_ ''' with self.__lock: try: self.pubstats.publish(stats) except: import traceback traceback.print_exc()
[docs] def update_master_errors(self): result = [] with self.__lock: try: for (_, v) in self.masters.iteritems(): # add all errors to the responce for _, msg in v.errors.items(): result.append(msg) # test for resolved addr if v.mastername is not None and not v.errors and v.masteruri != self.master_monitor.getMasteruri(): try: o = urlparse(v.masteruri) mo = urlparse(v.monitoruri) if v.masteruriaddr != mo.hostname: msg = "Resolved host of ROS_MASTER_URI %s=%s and origin discovered IP=%s are different. Fix your network settings and restart master_dicovery!"%(o.hostname, v.masteruriaddr, mo.hostname) rospy.logwarn(msg) result.append(msg) except Exception as e: result.append("%s"%e) rospy.logwarn("%s"%e) except Exception as e: result.append("%s"%e) rospy.logwarn("%s"%e) self.master_monitor.update_master_errors(result)
[docs] def rosservice_list_masters(self, req): ''' Callback for the ROS service to get the current list of the known ROS masters. ''' masters = list() with self.__lock: try: for (_, v) in self.masters.iteritems(): if not v.mastername is None: masters.append(ROSMaster(str(v.mastername), v.masteruri, v.timestamp, v.timestamp_local,, v.discoverername, v.monitoruri)) except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() return DiscoverMastersResponse(masters)
[docs] def rosservice_refresh(self, req): ''' Callback for the ROS service to send an active unicast and multicast request to each known master discovery. ''' with self.__lock: try: for (k, v) in self.masters.iteritems(): if not v.mastername is None: # send an active unicast request self._send_request2addr(k[0][0], v) self._send_request2group() # self._send_current_state2group() except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() return []