Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00002 # You need to run the following commands
00003 # roscore
00004 # rosrun joy joy_node
00005 # rosrun joy_cam
00008 import roslib; 
00009 import rospy
00010 from sensor_msgs.msg import Joy 
00011 from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist
00012 from lizi.msg import lizi_pan_tilt
00014 def joy_callback(data):
00015     global msg
00016     global msg_pt
00017     global max_vel
00018     global max_rot
00019     global msg_pt
00020     global max_pan
00021     global max_tilt
00022     global pan_vel
00023     global tilt_vel
00024     global pan_dir
00025     global tilt_dir
00026     global scroll_btn
00027     global current_robot
00028     global num_robots
00029     global joy_for
00030     global joy_rot
00031     global joy_pan
00032     global joy_tilt
00033     global joy_scroll_btn
00034     global joy_slow_btn
00035     global slow
00036     global slow_btn
00037     global joy_center_btn
00038     global center_btn
00039     global center
00040     msg.linear.x=data.axes[joy_for]*max_vel*slow
00041     msg.angular.z=data.axes[joy_rot]*max_rot*slow
00042     if (data.axes[joy_pan]>0.5 and msg_pt.pan_angle<max_pan):
00043       pan_dir=1
00044     elif (data.axes[joy_pan]<-0.5 and msg_pt.pan_angle>-max_pan):
00045       pan_dir=-1
00046     else:
00047       pan_dir=0
00048     if (data.axes[joy_tilt]>0.5 and msg_pt.tilt_angle<max_tilt):
00049       tilt_dir=1
00050     elif (data.axes[joy_tilt]<-0.5 and msg_pt.tilt_angle>-max_tilt):
00051       tilt_dir=-1
00052     else:
00053       tilt_dir=0
00054     if (data.buttons[joy_scroll_btn]==1):
00055        if (scroll_btn==0):
00056           current_robot=current_robot+1
00057           scroll_btn=1
00058           if (current_robot>num_robots):
00059              current_robot=1
00060           rospy.loginfo("Controlling Lizi %d",current_robot)
00061     if (data.buttons[joy_scroll_btn]==0):
00062        scroll_btn=0
00063     if (data.buttons[joy_slow_btn]==1):
00064        if (slow_btn==0):
00065           if (slow==0.5):
00066              slow=1.0
00067           else:
00068              slow=0.5
00069           slow_btn=1
00070           rospy.loginfo("Max velocity is %f m/s",max_vel*slow)
00071     if (data.buttons[joy_slow_btn]==0):
00072        slow_btn=0
00073     if (data.buttons[joy_center_btn]==1):
00074        if (center_btn==0):
00075           msg_pt.pan_angle=0
00076           msg_pt.tilt_angle=0
00077           center=0
00078           center_btn=1
00079           rospy.loginfo("Centering pan tilt system")
00080     if (data.buttons[joy_center_btn]==0):
00081        center_btn=0
00083 def joy_cam():
00084     global pub 
00085     global pub_pt 
00086     global msg
00087     global msg_pt
00088     global max_pan
00089     global max_tilt
00090     global pan_vel
00091     global tilt_vel
00092     global pan_dir
00093     global tilt_dir
00094     global max_vel
00095     global max_rot
00096     global num_robots
00097     global scroll_btn
00098     global current_robot
00099     global joy_for
00100     global joy_rot
00101     global joy_pan
00102     global joy_tilt
00103     global joy_scroll_btn
00104     global joy_slow_btn
00105     global slow
00106     global slow_btn
00107     global joy_center_btn
00108     global center_btn
00109     global center
00110     joy_for = rospy.get_param("joy_for")
00111     joy_rot = rospy.get_param("joy_rot")
00112     joy_pan = rospy.get_param("joy_pan")
00113     joy_tilt = rospy.get_param("joy_tilt")
00114     joy_scroll_btn = rospy.get_param("joy_scroll_btn")
00115     joy_slow_btn = rospy.get_param("joy_slow_btn")
00116     joy_center_btn = rospy.get_param("joy_center_btn")
00117     max_vel = rospy.get_param("max_vel")
00118     max_rot = rospy.get_param("max_rot")
00119     max_pan = rospy.get_param("max_pan")
00120     max_tilt = rospy.get_param("max_tilt")
00121     num_robots = rospy.get_param("lizi_n")
00122     center=10
00123     slow=1
00124     slow_btn=0
00125     center_btn=0
00126     pan_dir=0
00127     tilt_dir=0
00128     pan_vel=0.02
00129     tilt_vel=0.02
00130     pub=range(num_robots)
00131     pub_pt=range(num_robots)
00132     scroll_btn=0
00133     current_robot=1
00134     msg = Twist()
00135     msg.linear.x=0
00136     msg.linear.y=0
00137     msg.linear.z=0
00138     msg.angular.x=0
00139     msg.angular.y=0
00140     msg.angular.z=0
00141     msg_pt = lizi_pan_tilt()
00142     msg_pt.pan_angle=0
00143     msg_pt.tilt_angle=0
00144     rospy.init_node('joy_cam', anonymous=True)
00145     rospy.Subscriber('joy', Joy, joy_callback)
00146     robot_name_global="lizi_"
00147     rospy.loginfo("Waiting for robots to load")
00148     for i in range(1, num_robots+1):
00149       robot_name=robot_name_global+str(i)+"/cmd_vel"
00150       #rospy.loginfo(robot_name) 
00151       pub[i-1] = rospy.Publisher(robot_name, Twist)
00152       pub[i-1].publish(msg)
00153       rospy.sleep(0.1)
00154       robot_name_pt=robot_name_global+str(i)+"/pan_tilt"
00155       pub_pt[i-1] = rospy.Publisher(robot_name_pt, lizi_pan_tilt)
00156       pub_pt[i-1].publish(msg_pt)
00157       rospy.sleep(0.1)
00158     rospy.sleep(15)
00159     rospy.loginfo("Ready to control, Controlling Lizi %d",current_robot)
00160     rospy.loginfo("Max velocity is %f m/s",max_vel*slow)
00161     while not rospy.is_shutdown():
00162       pub[current_robot-1].publish(msg)
00163       msg_pt.pan_angle=msg_pt.pan_angle+pan_dir*pan_vel
00164       msg_pt.tilt_angle=msg_pt.tilt_angle+tilt_dir*tilt_vel
00165       if (msg_pt.pan_angle>max_pan):
00166         msg_pt.pan_angle=max_pan
00167       if (msg_pt.pan_angle<-max_pan):
00168         msg_pt.pan_angle=-max_pan
00169       if (msg_pt.tilt_angle>max_tilt):
00170         msg_pt.tilt_angle=max_tilt
00171       if (msg_pt.tilt_angle<-max_tilt):
00172         msg_pt.tilt_angle=-max_tilt
00173       if (pan_dir<>0 or tilt_dir<>0 or center<10):
00174         pub_pt[current_robot-1].publish(msg_pt)
00175         center=center+1
00176       #rospy.loginfo(current_robot)
00177       rospy.sleep(0.15)
00179 if __name__ == '__main__':
00180     rospy.loginfo("Starting node")
00181     joy_cam()

Author(s): RoboTiCan
autogenerated on Wed Aug 26 2015 12:24:58