Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/python
00003 PKG = 'launch_tools' # this package name
00005 import roslib; roslib.load_manifest(PKG)
00006 import rospy
00007 import subprocess
00008 import signal
00009 import shlex
00010 import time
00012 class Executer():
00013     """
00014     Simple class for executing a command in a subprocess.
00015     """
00016     def __init__(self, command, stdout, stderr):
00017         self.command = shlex.split(command)
00018         self.stdout = stdout
00019         self.stderr = stderr
00020     def execute(self):
00021         rospy.loginfo("Launching process: \"%s\"...", " ".join(self.command))
00022         rospy.loginfo("stdout/stderr: %s/%s", str(self.stdout), str(self.stderr))
00023         self.process = subprocess.Popen(self.command, stdout=self.stdout, stderr=self.stderr)
00024         rospy.loginfo("Process launched.")
00025     def interrupt(self):
00026         if self.process.poll() is None: # check if process is still running
00027             rospy.loginfo("Terminating process...")
00028             self.process.terminate()
00029             waiting_seconds = 0
00030             while self.process.poll() is None and waiting_seconds < 5:
00031                 rospy.loginfo("Waiting for process to finish...")
00032                 time.sleep(1)
00033                 waiting_seconds = waiting_seconds + 1
00034             if self.process.poll() is None:
00035                 rospy.loginfo("Killing process...")
00036                 self.process.kill()
00037                 self.process.wait()
00038         rospy.loginfo("Process has stopped with return code %i", self.process.returncode)
00040 if __name__ == "__main__":
00041     rospy.init_node('executer', anonymous=True)
00042     command = rospy.get_param("~command")
00043     stdout_file = rospy.get_param("~stdout_file", "")
00044     stderr_file = rospy.get_param("~stderr_file", "")
00045     stdout = None if len(stdout_file) == 0 else open(stdout_file, 'w')
00046     stderr = None if len(stderr_file) == 0 else open(stderr_file, 'w')
00047     executer = Executer(command, stdout, stderr)
00048     executer.execute()
00049     rospy.on_shutdown(executer.interrupt)
00050     while executer.process.poll() is None and not rospy.is_shutdown():
00051         time.sleep(0.1)

Author(s): Stephan Wirth , Miquel Massot
autogenerated on Fri Aug 28 2015 13:15:08