This package contains a ROS wrapper for OpenSlam's Gmapping.
The gmapping package provides laser-based SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping),
as a ROS node called slam_gmapping. Using slam_gmapping, you can create a 2-D occupancy
grid map (like a building floorplan) from laser and pose data collected by a mobile robot.
slam_gmapping is a wrapper around the GMapping SLAM library. It reads laser scans and odometry and computes a map. This map can be written to a file using e.g.
"rosrun map_server map_saver static_map:=dynamic_map"
ROS topics
Subscribes to (name/type):
Publishes to (name/type):
- "/tf"/tf/tfMessage: position relative to the map
- "~dynamic_map" : returns the map
ROS parameters
Reads the following parameters from the parameter server
Parameters used by our GMapping wrapper:
- "~throttle_scans": [int] throw away every nth laser scan
- "~base_frame": [string] the tf frame_id to use for the robot base pose
- "~map_frame": [string] the tf frame_id where the robot pose on the map is published
- "~odom_frame": [string] the tf frame_id from which odometry is read
- "~map_update_interval": [double] time in seconds between two recalculations of the map
Parameters used by GMapping itself:
Laser Parameters:
- "~/maxRange" [double] maximum range of the laser scans. Rays beyond this range get discarded completely. (default: maximum laser range minus 1 cm, as received in the the first LaserScan message)
- "~/maxUrange" [double] maximum range of the laser scanner that is used for map building (default: same as maxRange)
- "~/sigma" [double] standard deviation for the scan matching process (cell)
- "~/kernelSize" [double] search window for the scan matching process
- "~/lstep" [double] initial search step for scan matching (linear)
- "~/astep" [double] initial search step for scan matching (angular)
- "~/iterations" [double] number of refinement steps in the scan matching. The final "precision" for the match is lstep*2^(-iterations) or astep*2^(-iterations), respectively.
- "~/lsigma" [double] standard deviation for the scan matching process (single laser beam)
- "~/ogain" [double] gain for smoothing the likelihood
- "~/lskip" [int] take only every (n+1)th laser ray for computing a match (0 = take all rays)
- "~/minimumScore" [double] minimum score for considering the outcome of the scanmatching good. Can avoid 'jumping' pose estimates in large open spaces when using laser scanners with limited range (e.g. 5m). (0 = default. Scores go up to 600+, try 50 for example when experiencing 'jumping' estimate issues)
Motion Model Parameters (all standard deviations of a gaussian noise model)
- "~/srr" [double] linear noise component (x and y)
- "~/stt" [double] angular noise component (theta)
- "~/srt" [double] linear -> angular noise component
- "~/str" [double] angular -> linear noise component
- "~/linearUpdate" [double] the robot only processes new measurements if the robot has moved at least this many meters
- "~/angularUpdate" [double] the robot only processes new measurements if the robot has turned at least this many rads
- "~/resampleThreshold" [double] threshold at which the particles get resampled. Higher means more frequent resampling.
- "~/particles" [int] (fixed) number of particles. Each particle represents a possible trajectory that the robot has traveled
Likelihood sampling (used in scan matching)
- "~/llsamplerange" [double] linear range
- "~/lasamplerange" [double] linear step size
- "~/llsamplestep" [double] linear range
- "~/lasamplestep" [double] angular step size
Initial map dimensions and resolution:
- "~/xmin" [double] minimum x position in the map [m]
- "~/ymin" [double] minimum y position in the map [m]
- "~/xmax" [double] maximum x position in the map [m]
- "~/ymax" [double] maximum y position in the map [m]
- "~/delta" [double] size of one pixel [m]