File: epos_driver/EPOSState.msg
Raw Message Definition
# This is a file in which the message publishing epos state is
# defined. It should return thesame types of inrmation as the Player
# driver.
Header header #standard header information
int64 raw_position # position directly from readActualPosition
float64 position # position in radians (I hope)
int64 raw_speed # speed directly from readActualSpeed
float64 speed # speed in radians (I hope)
float64 acceleration # computed acceleration
int16 current # current directly from readActualCurrent
bool sync # change to true if servo is not moving
Compact Message Definition
std_msgs/Header header
int64 raw_position
float64 position
int64 raw_speed
float64 speed
float64 acceleration
int16 current
bool sync