Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // 
00002 // Copyright (c) 2006-2012, Benjamin Kaufmann
00003 // 
00004 // This file is part of Clasp. See 
00005 // 
00006 // Clasp is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00007 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00008 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
00009 // (at your option) any later version.
00010 // 
00011 // Clasp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00012 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00014 // GNU General Public License for more details.
00015 // 
00016 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00017 // along with Clasp; if not, write to the Free Software
00018 // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
00019 //
00022 #ifdef _MSC_VER
00023 #pragma once
00024 #endif
00026 #include <clasp/constraint.h>
00027 #include <clasp/util/misc_types.h>
00033 namespace Clasp {
00054 struct ScheduleStrategy {
00055 public:
00056         enum Type { geometric_schedule = 0, arithmetic_schedule = 1, luby_schedule = 2, user_schedule = 3 }; 
00058         ScheduleStrategy(Type t = geometric_schedule, uint32 b = 100, double g = 1.5, uint32 o = 0);
00060         static ScheduleStrategy luby(uint32 unit, uint32 limit = 0)              { return ScheduleStrategy(luby_schedule, unit, 0, limit);  }
00062         static ScheduleStrategy geom(uint32 base, double grow, uint32 limit = 0) { return ScheduleStrategy(geometric_schedule, base, grow, limit);  }
00064         static ScheduleStrategy arith(uint32 base, double add, uint32 limit = 0) { return ScheduleStrategy(arithmetic_schedule, base, add, limit);  }
00066         static ScheduleStrategy fixed(uint32 base)                               { return ScheduleStrategy(arithmetic_schedule, base, 0, 0);  }
00067         static ScheduleStrategy none()                                           { return ScheduleStrategy(geometric_schedule, 0); }
00068         static ScheduleStrategy def()                                            { return ScheduleStrategy(user_schedule, 0, 0.0); }
00069         uint64 current()  const;
00070         bool   disabled() const { return base == 0; }
00071         bool   defaulted()const { return base == 0 && type == user_schedule; }
00072         void   reset()          { idx  = 0;         }
00073         uint64 next();
00074         void   advanceTo(uint32 idx);
00075         uint32 base : 30; // base of sequence (n1)
00076         uint32 type :  2; // type of basic sequence
00077         uint32 idx;       // current index into sequence
00078         uint32 len;       // length of sequence (0 if infinite) (once reached, sequence is repeated and len increased)
00079         float  grow;      // update parameter n2
00080 };
00082 uint32 lubyR(uint32 idx);
00083 double growR(uint32 idx, double g);
00084 double addR(uint32 idx, double a);
00085 inline uint32 log2(uint32 x) {
00086         uint32 ln = 0;
00087         if (x & 0xFFFF0000u) { x >>= 16; ln |= 16; }
00088         if (x & 0xFF00u    ) { x >>=  8; ln |=  8; }
00089         if (x & 0xF0u      ) { x >>=  4; ln |=  4; }
00090         if (x & 0xCu       ) { x >>=  2; ln |=  2; }
00091         if (x & 0x2u       ) {/*x>>=1*/; ln |=  1; }
00092         return ln;
00093 }
00095 class DecisionHeuristic;
00097 struct SolverStrategies {
00099         enum SearchStrategy {
00100                 use_learning = 0, 
00101                 no_learning  = 1  
00102         };
00104         enum SignHeu {
00105                 sign_atom = 0, 
00106                 sign_no   = 1, 
00107                 sign_yes  = 2, 
00108                 sign_rnd  = 3, 
00109                 sign_disj = 4, 
00110         };
00112         enum CCMinAntes {
00113                 no_antes     = 0,  
00114                 all_antes    = 1,  
00115                 short_antes  = 2,  
00116                 binary_antes = 3,  
00117         };
00119         enum CCRepMode {
00120                 cc_no_replace  = 0,
00121                 cc_rep_decision= 1,
00122                 cc_rep_uip     = 2,
00123                 cc_rep_dynamic = 3,
00124         };
00125         enum OptHeu {
00126                 opt_sign     = 1,  
00127                 opt_model    = 2,  
00128         };
00130         enum OptStrategy {
00131                 opt_def      = 0,  
00132                 opt_hier     = 1,  
00133                 opt_inc      = 2,  
00134                 opt_dec      = 3,  
00135                 opt_unsat    = 4,  
00136                 opt_unsat_pre= 5,  
00137         };
00138         enum WatchInit  { watch_first = 0, watch_rand = 1, watch_least = 2 };
00139         enum UpdateMode { update_on_propagate = 0, update_on_conflict  = 1 };
00141         SolverStrategies();
00142         void prepare();
00143         //----- 32 bit ------------     
00144         uint32    compress      : 16; 
00145         uint32    saveProgress  : 16; 
00146         //----- 32 bit ------------
00147         uint32    reverseArcs   : 2;  
00148         uint32    otfs          : 2;  
00149         uint32    updateLbd     : 2;  
00150         uint32    ccMinAntes    : 2;  
00151         uint32    ccRepMode     : 2;  
00152         uint32    initWatches   : 2;  
00153         uint32    optHeu        : 2;  
00154         uint32    upMode        : 1;  
00155         uint32    bumpVarAct    : 1;  
00156         uint32    search        : 1;  
00157         uint32    restartOnModel: 1;  
00158         uint32    signDef       : 3;  
00159         uint32    signFix       : 1;  
00160         uint32    loadCfg       : 1;  // (Re-)load config 
00161         uint32    id            : 6;  // Solver id - SHALL ONLY BE SET BY Shared Context!
00162         uint32    heuReserved   : 3;  // id of active heuristic - SHALL ONLY BE SET BY Solver!
00163 };
00166 struct SolverParams : SolverStrategies  {
00167         SolverParams();
00168         uint32 prepare();
00169         uint32 seed;          
00170         // 32-bit
00171         uint32 heuParam  : 16; 
00172         uint32 lookOps   : 16; 
00173         // 32-bit
00174         uint32 optStrat  : 3;  
00175         uint32 heuId     : 3;  
00176         uint32 heuOther  : 2;  
00177         uint32 heuReinit : 1;  
00178         uint32 heuMoms   : 1;  
00179         uint32 berkHuang : 1;  
00180         uint32 berkOnce  : 1;  
00181         uint32 unitNant  : 1;  
00182         uint32 lookType  : 2;  
00183         uint32 loopRep   : 2;  
00184         uint32 ccMinRec  : 1;  
00185         uint32 dropLearnt: 2;  
00186         uint32 domPref   : 6;  
00187         uint32 domMod    : 3;  
00188         uint32 reserved  : 3;
00189 };
00191 typedef Range<uint32> Range32;
00197 struct RestartParams {
00198         RestartParams() : sched(), counterRestart(0), counterBump(9973), shuffle(0), shuffleNext(0), upRestart(0), cntLocal(0), dynRestart(0) {}
00199         enum SeqUpdate { seq_continue = 0, seq_repeat = 1, seq_disable = 2 };
00200         uint32    prepare(bool withLookback);
00201         void      disable();
00202         bool      dynamic() const { return dynRestart != 0; }
00203         bool      local()   const { return cntLocal   != 0; }
00204         SeqUpdate update()  const { return static_cast<SeqUpdate>(upRestart); }
00205         ScheduleStrategy sched;  
00206         uint32 counterRestart:16;
00207         uint32 counterBump:16;   
00208         uint32 shuffle    :14;   
00209         uint32 shuffleNext:14;   
00210         uint32 upRestart  : 2;   
00211         uint32 cntLocal   : 1;   
00212         uint32 dynRestart : 1;   
00213 };
00220 struct ReduceStrategy {
00222         enum Algorithm {
00223                 reduce_linear   = 0, 
00224                 reduce_stable   = 1, 
00225                 reduce_sort     = 2, 
00226                 reduce_heap     = 3  
00227         };
00229         enum Score {
00230                 score_act  = 0, 
00231                 score_lbd  = 1, 
00232                 score_both = 2  
00233         };
00234         enum EstimateSize {
00235                 est_dynamic         = 0,
00236                 est_con_complexity  = 1,
00237                 est_num_constraints = 2,
00238                 est_num_vars        = 3
00239         };
00240         static uint32 scoreAct(const Activity& act)  { return act.activity(); }
00241         static uint32 scoreLbd(const Activity& act)  { return uint32(128)-act.lbd(); }
00242         static uint32 scoreBoth(const Activity& act) { return (act.activity()+1) * scoreLbd(act); }
00243         ReduceStrategy() : glue(0), fReduce(75), fRestart(0), score(0), algo(0), estimate(0), noGlue(0) {}
00244         static int    compare(Score sc, const Clasp::Activity& lhs, const Clasp::Activity& rhs) {
00245                 int fs = 0;
00246                 if      (sc == score_act) { fs = ((int)scoreAct(lhs)) - ((int)scoreAct(rhs)); }
00247                 else if (sc == score_lbd) { fs = ((int)scoreLbd(lhs)) - ((int)scoreLbd(rhs)); }
00248                 return fs != 0 ? fs : ((int)scoreBoth(lhs)) - ((int)scoreBoth(rhs)); 
00249         }
00250         static uint32 asScore(Score sc, const Clasp::Activity& act) {
00251                 if (sc == score_act)  { return scoreAct(act); }
00252                 if (sc == score_lbd)  { return scoreLbd(act); }
00253                 /*  sc == score_both*/{ return scoreBoth(act);}
00254         }
00255         uint32 glue    : 8; 
00256         uint32 fReduce : 7; 
00257         uint32 fRestart: 7; 
00258         uint32 score   : 2; 
00259         uint32 algo    : 2; 
00260         uint32 estimate: 2; 
00261         uint32 noGlue  : 1; 
00262 };
00273 struct ReduceParams {
00274         ReduceParams() : cflSched(ScheduleStrategy::none()), growSched(ScheduleStrategy::def())
00275                 , fInit(1.0f/3.0f)
00276                 , fMax(3.0f)
00277                 , fGrow(1.1f)
00278                 , initRange(10, UINT32_MAX)
00279                 , maxRange(UINT32_MAX)
00280           , memMax(0) {}
00281         void    disable();
00282         uint32  prepare(bool withLookback);
00283         Range32 sizeInit(const SharedContext& ctx) const;
00284         uint32  cflInit(const SharedContext& ctx)  const;
00285         uint32  getBase(const SharedContext& ctx)  const;
00286         float   fReduce()  const { return strategy.fReduce / 100.0f; }
00287         float   fRestart() const { return strategy.fRestart/ 100.0f; }
00288         static uint32 getLimit(uint32 base, double f, const Range<uint32>& r);
00289         ScheduleStrategy cflSched;   
00290         ScheduleStrategy growSched;  
00291         ReduceStrategy   strategy;   
00292         float            fInit;      
00293         float            fMax;       
00294         float            fGrow;      
00295         Range32          initRange;  
00296         uint32           maxRange;   
00297         uint32           memMax;     
00298 };
00304 struct SolveParams {
00313         SolveParams();
00314         uint32  prepare(bool withLookback);
00315         bool    randomize(Solver& s) const;
00316         RestartParams restart;
00317         ReduceParams  reduce;
00318         uint32        randRuns:16; 
00319         uint32        randConf:16; 
00320         float         randProb;    
00321         struct FwdCheck {          
00322                 uint32 initHigh : 24;    
00323                 uint32 highPct  :  7;    
00324                 uint32 incHigh  :  1;    
00325                 FwdCheck() { *reinterpret_cast<uint32*>(this) = 0; }
00326         }             fwdCheck;
00327 };
00329 class SharedContext;
00330 class SatPreprocessor;
00333 struct SatPreParams {
00334         enum Mode {
00335                 prepro_preserve_sat    = 0, 
00336                 prepro_preserve_models = 1, 
00337         };
00338         enum Type {
00339                 sat_pre_no     = 0, 
00340                 sat_pre_ve     = 1, 
00341                 sat_pre_ve_bce = 2, 
00342                 sat_pre_full   = 3, 
00343         };
00344         SatPreParams() : type(0u), mode(0u), limIters(0u), limTime(0u), limFrozen(0u), limClause(4000u), limOcc(0u) {}
00345         uint32 type     :  2; 
00346         uint32 mode     :  1; 
00347         uint32 limIters : 10; 
00348         uint32 limTime  : 12; 
00349         uint32 limFrozen:  7; 
00350         uint32 limClause: 16; 
00351         uint32 limOcc   : 16; 
00352         bool clauseLimit(uint32 nc)           const { return limClause && nc > (limClause*1000u); }
00353         bool occLimit(uint32 pos, uint32 neg) const { return limOcc && pos > (limOcc-1u) && neg > (limOcc-1u); }
00354         uint32 bce()                          const { return type != sat_pre_no ? type - 1 : 0; }
00355         void   disableBce()                         { type = std::min(type, uint32(sat_pre_ve));}
00356         static SatPreprocessor* create(const SatPreParams&);
00357 };
00360 struct ContextParams {
00362         enum ShortMode  { 
00363                 short_implicit = 0, 
00364                 short_explicit = 1, 
00365         };
00367         enum ShareMode  { 
00368                 share_no      = 0, 
00369                 share_problem = 1, 
00370                 share_learnt  = 2, 
00371                 share_all     = 3, 
00372                 share_auto    = 4, 
00373         };
00374         ContextParams() : shareMode(share_auto), stats(0), shortMode(short_implicit), seed(0), reserved(0), cliConfig(0), cliId(0), cliMode(0) {}
00375         SatPreParams satPre;        
00376         uint8        shareMode : 3; 
00377         uint8        stats     : 2; 
00378         uint8        shortMode : 1; 
00379         uint8        seed      : 1; 
00380         uint8        reserved  : 1; 
00381         uint8        cliConfig;     
00382         uint8        cliId;         
00383         uint8        cliMode;       
00384 };
00387 class Configuration {
00388 public:
00389         typedef SolverParams  SolverOpts;
00390         typedef SolveParams   SearchOpts;
00391         typedef ContextParams CtxOpts;
00392         virtual ~Configuration();
00394         virtual void               prepare(SharedContext&)    = 0;
00396         virtual const CtxOpts&     context()            const = 0;
00398         virtual uint32             numSolver()          const = 0;
00400         virtual uint32             numSearch()          const = 0;
00402         virtual const SolverOpts&  solver(uint32 i)     const = 0;
00404         virtual const SearchOpts&  search(uint32 i)     const = 0;
00410         virtual DecisionHeuristic* heuristic(uint32 i)  const = 0;
00417         virtual bool               addPost(Solver& s)   const;
00418 };
00421 class UserConfiguration : public Configuration {
00422 public:
00429         virtual bool            addPost(Solver& s)   const;
00431         virtual SolverOpts&     addSolver(uint32 i) = 0;
00433         virtual SearchOpts&     addSearch(uint32 i) = 0;
00434 };
00436 class BasicSatConfig : public UserConfiguration, public ContextParams {
00437 public:
00438         BasicSatConfig();
00439         void               prepare(SharedContext&);
00440         const CtxOpts&     context()            const { return *this; }
00441         uint32             numSolver()          const { return solver_.size(); }
00442         uint32             numSearch()          const { return search_.size(); }
00443         const SolverOpts&  solver(uint32 i)     const { return solver_[i % solver_.size() ]; }
00444         const SearchOpts&  search(uint32 i)     const { return search_[i % search_.size() ]; }
00445         DecisionHeuristic* heuristic(uint32 i)  const;
00446         SolverOpts&        addSolver(uint32 i);
00447         SearchOpts&        addSearch(uint32 i);
00449         virtual void       reset();
00450         virtual void       resize(uint32 numSolver, uint32 numSearch);
00451 private:
00452         typedef PodVector<SolverOpts>::type SolverVec;
00453         typedef PodVector<SearchOpts>::type SearchVec;
00454         SolverVec solver_;
00455         SearchVec search_;
00456 };
00459 struct Heuristic_t {
00460         enum Type { heu_default = 0, heu_berkmin = 1, heu_vsids = 2, heu_vmtf = 3, heu_domain = 4, heu_unit = 5, heu_none = 6  };
00461         static inline bool        isLookback(uint32 type) { return type >= (uint32)heu_berkmin && type <= (uint32)heu_vmtf; }
00462         static DecisionHeuristic* create(const SolverParams&);
00463 };
00465 }
00466 #endif

Author(s): Benjamin Kaufmann
autogenerated on Thu Aug 27 2015 12:41:39