File: auv_msgs/NavStsReq.msg
Raw Message Definition
# Local frame (absolute) waypoint request.
Header header
DecimalLatLon global_position
DecimalLatLon origin
# Common waypoint details
GoalDescriptor goal
# NED position and altitude in metres.
NED position
float32 altitude
# Body velocities in metres/sec, for feed forward loops.
geometry_msgs/Point body_velocity
# Body velocities relative to ground in metres/sec.
geometry_msgs/Point gbody_velocity
# Orientation and orientation rate are in radians and radians/sec
RPY orientation
RPY orientation_rate
# Tolerances are in local frame, zero indicates pilot default should be used.
geometry_msgs/Vector3 position_tolerance
RPY orientation_tolerance
# Axes of control to disable, in body frame.
Bool6Axis disable_axis
Compact Message Definition